Научная статья на тему 'Genesis of cultural and political mythology: Trediakovsky (1757) Lomonosov (1758), Sumarokov (1759) about the origin of Russian nation and Russian language'

Genesis of cultural and political mythology: Trediakovsky (1757) Lomonosov (1758), Sumarokov (1759) about the origin of Russian nation and Russian language Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Slozhenikina Y.V., Rastyagaev A.V.

The paper studies the controversy of the origin of the Russian Nation and the Russian language in 1757-1759. Trediyakovskiy, Lomonosov and Sumarokov wrote three works: “Three Discources about Three Main Russian Ancestries” (Trediyakovskiy, 1757), “The Ancient Russian Impire” Volume 1 (Lomonosov, 1758), “About the Root Words of the Russian Language” (Sumarokov, 1759).

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Текст научной работы на тему «Genesis of cultural and political mythology: Trediakovsky (1757) Lomonosov (1758), Sumarokov (1759) about the origin of Russian nation and Russian language»

42. Greenberg, J.H. (1963). Memorandum concerning language universals / J.H. Greenberg, Ch. Osgood, J. Jenkins. In: Universals of language, ed. by J.H. Greenberg. Cambridge (Mass.).

43. Korhonen, J. (2007). Probleme der kontrastiven Phraseologie. Phraseologie. Ein internationales Handbuch der zeitgenössischen Forschung. Berlin: De Gruyter, 613 s. ISBN 3-503-09812-7.

44. Naciscione, A. (2010). Stylistic Use of Phraseological Units in Discourse. Amsterdam: John Benjamin Publishing Company.

Russian language (UDC 811.161.1)

DOI: 10.18454/RULB.5.04

Сложеникина Ю.В.1, Растягаев А.В.2

'Самарский государственный технический университет, 2Московский городской педагогический университет (Самарский




В статье анализируются истоки полемики о происхождении русского народа и русского языка, начатой в первой трети XVIII в. В течение трех лет (1757-1759 гг.) к обсуждению предлагаются три работы, посвященные данной проблеме. В предпринятом исследовании устанавливаются идеологические параллели между трудом Тредиаковского «Три рассуждения о трех главнейших древностях российских...» (1757); первым томом «Древней Российской истории» Ломоносова (1758); статьей Сумарокова «О коренных словах русского языка», опубликованной в «Трудолюбивой Пчеле» (1759).

Ключевые слова: XVIII век, происхождение русского языка, Ломоносов, Тредиаковский, Сумароков.

Slozhenikina Y.V.1, Rastyagaev A.V.2 'Samara State Technical University, 2Moscow City Pedagogical University (Branch in Samara) GENESIS OF CULTURAL AND POLITICAL MYTHOLOGY: TREDIAKOVSKY (1757) LOMONOSOV (1758), SUMAROKOV (1759) ABOUT THE ORIGIN OF RUSSIAN NATION AND RUSSIAN LANGUAGE


The paper studies the controversy of the origin of the Russian Nation and the Russian language in 1757-1759. Trediyakovskiy, Lomonosov and Sumarokov wrote three works: "Three Discources about Three Main Russian Ancestries" (Trediyakovskiy, 1757), "The Ancient Russian Impire" Volume 1 (Lomonosov, 1758), "About the Root Words of the Russian Language" (Sumarokov, 1759).

Keywords: : XVIII century, the origins of Russian, Lomonosov, Trediakovskii, Sumarokov.


V. Proskurina writes: "The imperial mythology always takes the literary field for representative service "(Proskurin 2006, p. 8). In XVIII century Peter I declared a break with the old patriarchal traditions. A tradition way of life was replaced by social etiquette. The western direction was selected as the main. However, such a situation - isolation from the preceding historical development - could not last for a long time. Since the 1730s the problem of the origin of the Russian people, the very name of Russia has being studied in the writings of Bayer, Miller and Tatishchev. In the middle of the XVIII century Trediakovskii, Lomonosov, Sumarokov, the best poets of the time, published the papers on that problem. In this article we want to study the ideological parallels between the researches: "Three Arguments about the Three Main Russian Antiquities ..." by Trediakovsky (1757); the first volume of the scientific work of Lomonosov "Ancient Russian History" (1758); "About the Root Words of the Russian language" (1759) by Sumarokov.

The Origin of Language as a Cosmogony: Trediakovskii Trediakovskii considers the origin of the Russian language and Russians was ancient. He states: "... the first language of the Scythians and Celts was the same. It was the Scythian language. Scythian language has to be Slavic. In later times due to various places of settlement Slavic language have grown in many related branches from a single root . And there were so many of these branches, that many languages can be heard today in all western, northern and eastern states"(Trediakovskii 1849, p. 332). Trediakovskii considers Scythian language as one of the oldest, and the very name of the Scythians comes from the Russian word for SKITANIE (free movement from place to place) (Ibid, pp. 341-342).

The problem of the origin of language was a kind of cosmogony for Trediakovsky. In his cosmogony he appeals to some Chaldean and Persian original books. Trediakovskii supposedly read about it in the unknown book "World History". In this book "a deep ancient Slavic language" was denoted. This is the opinion of the Chaldean birth of the world, suggested in the first volume, on page 24 of the introduction. The book assumes that the first world was OMOROKA. This word was Slavic. It means "the darkness, the darkness", which has been around before the creation of the world. The same opinion is expressed in Persian sages on page 73 in Note

"(Ibid, pp. 337-338). For Trediakovsky definition of "branches" of the tree of language is the establishment of a world order.

According to Trediakovsky, Scythian language was the first. The Scythians were mixed with other European nations. So there were dialects of the Scythian language: Slavic, Polish, Danish, Swedish, Saxon and many others. Trediakovskii sees "strong resemblance" between these languages (Ibid, p. 336). Trediakovskii considers it possible to analyze the root words for the proof of related languages.

Trediakovskii considers Latin was spoiled. The Greek language, in his opinion, has a lot of grammatical coincidences with the Russian language (declension of names and the order of words in a sentence) (Ibid, p. 339). He hopes that the Russian language will not deteriorate as well as Latin. He believes in the long life of the Russian language, since, in his opinion, it is the defense - "the immortal language of our Church" (Ibid, p. 372).

It is important for Trediakovsky to identify the continuity of the development of languages. It defines the historical path of "our current Russian language" (Ibid, p. 338). Trediakovskii is sure that the Russian language is derived from the Scythian language. The descendants of Japheth spoke Scythian language. Japheth, the son of Noah, is one of the pioneers of humanity and the progenitor of the Europeans. This ancient language "is very useful to the Russian people" (Ibid, p. 341). Trediakovskii believes that the history of the Russian language begins from the Old Testament times.

About the Patriotic Task of Russian Science and Literature: Lomonosov

Lomonosov considers a patriotic orientation of the study of Russian history and literature as a major task. Scientist claim the idea of ancient Slavs. He does not believe Scythians are the ancestors of the Russians. On the contrary, he indicates that the Slavs were very brave and courageous, they defeated the Scythians. In 1758 Lomonosov finished the first volume of "Ancient Russian History from the Beginning of the Russian People to the Death of the Grand Prince Yaroslav the First or until 1054". He says in this book that Ptolemy wrote about the Slavs for the first time . The famous Slavic rulers were known for their exploits in the days of the ancient Greeks (Lomonosov 1952a, p. 182).

Lomonosov consideres the Slavic people were the descendants of the Vikings who lived in the area between the Dnieper and the Don, and spoke a Slavic language. He sees the Russian roots of

prince's names Oskold, Deere, Oleg, who were the Vikings (Lomonosov 1952b, p. 22).

Lomonosov claims that many tribes (Czechs, Pomorians, Slavs, Serbs, Bulgarians, krivichi, drevlyans and so on) spoke Slavonic even before the birth of Christ. Russian people were among these people. Lomonosov is convinced that Greek and Latin are not the ancestors of the Slavic language. Slavic language existed simultaneously with them. According to the scientist a powerful Slavic people existed in the days of the power of the Roman Empire.

"Son of the Language of the Scythians": Sumarokov

As Trediakovskii, Sumarokov believes Scythian language as the ancestor of the Russian language. "Our language, the author writes, ... is the son of the language of the Scythians" (Sumarokov 1759, p. 95). Scythians are ancient courageous people, who conquered China. There are many examples in his article. The writer thinks that he takes the examples of eleven Scythian language, such as "Rooster, in some languages called Scythian Kuras, Kuraz and Koraz congruent with the word Hen" (Ibid, pp. 94-95). In this Sumarokov's words designating kinship phenomena of nature, plants, birds and animals: a goat, duck, goose, wolf, bear, lamb, mare, sheep, rooster, chicken; household utensils. In some of the

Scythian languages, he writes, the child is called Bala, which is derived from the Russian word Balovat. (Ibid, p. 94).


The order and harmony form the basis of the world. The foundation of the order is language. Ancient language strengthens the nation. The authors of the XVIII century were looking for the roots of the Russian language in antiquity - in ancient times, and the Old Testament. In the XVIII century there was no etymology. Therefore Trediakovskii, Lomonosov, Sumarokov often resort to wrong etymologies. This was not a scientific exercise for Russian authors . They were trying to create their own cosmogony, the creation of a new myth about the Russian people and the Russian language.

The papers of writers of the XVIII century had ideological, patriotic character. Their task was to justify the claims of the Russian nation and the Russian language in antiquity and greatness of equality is not only a modern nations and languages, but also with the ancient, sacred ones. Russian language, according to our authors, points directly to the antiquity of the Russian people. The strength of the nation was associated with the antiquity of the language for the writers and scholars of the XVIII century.


1. Ломоносов М.В. Древняя Российская история от начала российского народа до кончины Великого князя Ярослава Первого или до 1054 года // Ломоносов М.В. Полное собрание сочинений. М.-Л.: АН СССР, 1952. Т. 6. С. 163-286.

2. Ломоносов М.В. Замечания на диссертацию Г.-Ф. Миллера «Происхождение имени и народа российского» // Ломоносов М.В. Полное собрание сочинений. Т. 6. М.-Л.: АН СССР, 1952. С. 17-80.

3. Проскурина В. Мифы империи: Литература и власть в эпоху Екатерины II. М.: Новое литературное обозрение, 2006. 328 с.

4. Сумароков А.П. (1759). О коренных словах русского языка // Трудолюбивая Пчела. СПб., 1759. Февраль. С. 91-101.

5. Тредиаковский В.К. (1849). Три рассуждения о трех главнейших древностях российских // Сочинения. Т. 3. СПб.: Смирдин, тип. воен.-учебн. завед., 1849. С. 319-540.

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