Научная статья на тему 'Gamification as a method of productivity increase'

Gamification as a method of productivity increase Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Human Progress
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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Aditya Rayate Parshuram, Dhavan Ranjit Ramesh

Статья посвящена теме применения игр в системе управления персоналом, что является особенно актуальным для молодых работников, которым надоедает выполнять ежедневную рутину. Целью статьи является анализ методов применения геймификации в системе управления человеческими ресурсами и опыта прогрессивных компаний, которые такой метод управления уже применяют. Интерес к данной теме вызван тем, что внедрение элементов игры в рабочий процесс повышает уровень удовлетворенности и вовлеченности работников и ведет к росту производительности труда. В статье описан опыт двух компаний (Google и Marriott) по использованию геймификации для поиска и привлечения талантливых работников. Авторы выделили факторы, которые необходимо учитывать в процессе внедрения геймификации. Далее способы осуществления эффективной геймификации были представлены, среди которых авторы выделяют: реалистичные ожидания, чистоту соревнования, прозрачность, правильные награды и организационный дизайн. Статья может быть интересна для специалистов, которые внедряют или хотят внедрить геймификацию в своих компаниях для повышения производительности.The article is devoted to the topic of games applying into the Human Resource management system, which is especially relevant for young workers who are bored of performing a daily routine. The purpose of the article is to analyze the applying methods and the experience of progressive companies that have already used this method of gamification in the HR management system. Interest in this topic is caused by the fact that incorporating game elements into workflow increases satisfaction the satisfaction level and employees’ involvement and leads to an increase in labor productivity. The article describes the experience of two companies (Google and Marriott) in using gamification to find and attract talented employees. The authors identified factors to be considered in the gamification implementation process. Further, ways to implement effective gamification were presented, among which the authors single out: realistic expectations, the purity of the competition, transparency, the right rewards and organizational design. This article may be of interest to specialists who are introducing or want to implement gamification in their companies for productivity increase.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Gamification as a method of productivity increase»

Ссылка для цитирования этой статьи:

Rayate A., Dhavan R. Gamification as a method of productivity increase // Human Progress. 2020. Том 6, Вып. 1. URL: http://progress-human.com/images/2020/Tom6_1/Rayate.pdf, свободный. DOI 10.34709/IM.161.1

УДК 331.108


Aditya Parshuram Rayate

Undergraduate of Institute Vidya Pratishthan's Kamal Nayan Bajaj Institute of Engineering and Technology, Baramati, India

adityarayate11@gmail.com A/P Sansar, Indapur, Dist-Pune 413014, Baramati, India +91(9922)855-500

Ranjit Ramesh Dhavan

Undergraduate of Institute Vidya Pratishthan's Kamal Nayan Bajaj Institute of Engineering and Technology, Baramati, India

ranjitydhavan@gmail.com A/P Pimpali Limtek, Tal-Baramati, Dist-Pune 413102, Baramati, India +91(9545) 639-696

Abstract. The article is devoted to the topic of games applying into the Human Resource management system, which is especially relevant for young workers who are bored of performing a daily routine. The purpose of the article is to analyze the applying methods and the experience of progressive companies that have already used this method of gamification in the HR management system. Interest in this topic is caused by the fact that incorporating game elements into workflow increases satisfaction the satisfaction level and employees' involvement and leads to an increase in labor productivity. The article describes the experience of two companies (Google and Marriott) in using gamification to find and attract talented employees. The authors identified factors to be considered in the gamification implementation process. Further, ways to implement effective gamification were presented, among which the authors single out: realistic expectations, the purity of the competition, transparency, the right rewards and organizational design. This article may be of interest to specialists who are introducing or want to implement gamification in their companies for productivity increase.

Keywords: productivity; potential; competition; execution; planning; motivation; rewards; organizational design; engagement.

Журнал «Human Progress» Том 6 Выпуск 1 (январь-март 2020)

JEL codes: М 59; М 21. Introduction

The old methods of company or organization planning and execution is not more effective as the employee sometimes gets bored of daily routine and same task over a long period and the result is less productivity of employee which is indirectly of company .The productivity and potential of the human increases when he/she gets involve in the task as a gamer and not employee .Most of the games favor the development of logic to solve problems through puzzles and riddles.

Jane McGonigal, game designer at the Institute for the Future says: "When you take the problems as if they were a game, you solve them with more determination and creativity" [1].

Purpose of the article: Gamification is the new way of engaging company employee into the creative and fun-loving activities like designing, problem solving, teamwork, business strategies, etc. Gamification uses the game mechanics to evaluate problems related to company management. Every organization wants their employee to give its fullest performance in the task with full involvement and interest. Gamification helps the employee to work with fullest potential and talent which in turn helps company to achieve its goal.

The objective of gamification in learning and HR is to encourage both enjoyment and engagement through the learning experience by capturing the attention of learners and motivating them to continue learning. Apart from that, the new technologies and games on the rise in the learning and development space, give the multi-generational workforce and instant feedback.

1. Theoretical base

Happy employees are more productive. Staff who enjoy their work perform better, work harder and stay with a company longer. Nevertheless, using gamification psychology can and does have a positive impact on everyday workplace challenges when designed and implemented successfully [2]. In recent years, gamification has been the catalyst of change for recruitment. Several companies have given up on traditional recruitment techniques in favor of a new, innovative and highly engaging platform that transcends the process to a new level [3; 4; 5]. Using gamification companies have empowered themselves with the ability to adopt their values and goals into a gamified environment which really works and has proven results.

2. Practical part

Gamification techniques are implemented for learning process, competition, status, self-learning, education, etc. There are many companies who uses gamification a method to boost their

employee potentials. The very common example of the gamification is sales and commission. The more salesman sales the more money he gets. The survey found that many companies who uses gam-ification have drastic changes in the result of their employee attitude towards work. There are many hundreds of successful examples of gamification. One of the best examples is as follows [6];

1. Google:

No list is complete without mentioning Google - one of the most innovative companies of our time and early adopters of gamification. For over a decade now, Google has been conducting Google Code Jam competitions to attract fresh and new talent. Sure, winners win prize of up to $50,000, but that's not the important thing. What's key factor is that Google is using gamification to attract potential who really are in line with the company's skill requirements.

Gamification if done right for recruitment can elevate your candidate experience to a whole new level, help you attract the right people with the right skills and increase your chances of retaining them.

2. Marriott for recruitment:

My Marriott Hotel is a game that has been developed by Marriott International to recruit new-bies. It allows the candidates to run their own virtual hotel in which they design their own restaurant, purchase inventory, train employees and serve guests. It virtually simulates the whole experience to run a hotel business. Points are being awarded according to the customer service the players provide. They can also win points for every satisfied customer and they lose points for poor customer service.

In the process of gamification implementing [7] there are factors that should be considered:

As gamification is one of the effective methods in every aspect of life [8] but before implementing of it one should about the following factors as failure of gamification can cause huge loss of company in terms of money and time.

- Clear idea of goal to achieve: The organization should have clear idea of the goal to be achieved in the specific period of time. Company should also be clear about the behavior of its employee during the task so as to avoid the failure of the gamification.

- Positive rewards: Before offering rewards such as leaderboard, incentive increment, points, badges, etc. company must clear the employees about the rewards and its respective level for achieving it. This helps the candidate to evaluate his/her project in right direction.

- Interest of workers: Company must have clear view about the areas in which their workers are interested or expert and would like to explore their particular field.

- Thinking in all direction of problems: Company should design more than one gamification strategies to get best results as every human have different tendency to work and explore.

- Suggestions: Suggestions are the best way to solve any problem. Taking suggestion from employees helps to form bond between each other which results in successful solution.

Ways of implementing effective gamification [9]

1. Realistic expectations: You can set the best gamification platform that's out there but your all efforts of gamification may go in vain if there is unrealistic goal set to achieve. If there are unrealistic expectations from the candidate, candidate losses its engrossment in the task. So, it's essential to have realistic goal.

2. Make competition clean: When it comes to gaming, we, humans have a natural tendency of competing with opponent. However, focusing too much on competition can lead to failure in achieving the goal of gamification. The competition is good for people as it enables people to push themselves out of their comfort zone and achieve higher. However, too much competition can be counterproductive.

3. Transparency: Gamification can be a complex one if there is no transparency in the task. The candidate should know about his progress and where he is standing so that he can understand about his improvement. By keeping transparency candidate can track his real time task and points earned which in turns may motivate candidate to work.

4. Right rewards: Rewards are the driving forces to the best solution. Actually, focus should be more on the results instead of on rewards. However, having the wrong reward is equally injustice. Whatever the reward you choose in your gamification platform, make sure that points are used to the right direction and offers them the motivational boost which candidates need to keep progressing.

5. Right organizational design: design elements should comply with the principles of gamification (Tabl. 1).

Tabl.1: Correlation Design Elements with Principles of Gamification 1

Principles of Gamification (CIG-SCARF) Design Elements

Challenge (C)-opportunities for growth, learning, and development Points, Levels, Badges, Leaderboards, Quest, Feedback/Progress Bars, Performance Graphs, Prizes/Rewards/Bonuses, Rules, Marketplace

Interactivity (I)-protentional for immediate feedback Points, Quest, Feedback/Progress Bars, Performance Graphs, Avatars, Roleplay

Goal Orientation (G)-setting clear and systematic goals Points, Levels, Badges, Leaderboards, Onboarding, Prizes/Rewards/Bonuses, Customization/Personalization

Social Connectivity (S)-opportunities to interact with others Leaderboards, Social Engagement Loops, [use of] Teams [for Collaboration], Avatars, Roleplay

Competition (C)-opportunities for social comparisons or winners to emerge Points, Levels, Badges, Leaderboards, Quest, Feedback/Progress Bars, Prizes/Rewards/Bonuses, Rules, Marketplace

Achievement (A)-recognition of effort and/or accomplishment Points, Levels, Badges, Leaderboards, Feedback/Progress Bars, Performance Graphs, Prizes/Rewards/Bonuses

Reinforcement (R)-structure of rewards based on performance Levels, Badges, Leaderboards, Onboarding, Feedback/Progress Bars, Prizes/Rewards/Bonuses, Rules, Marketplace

Fun Orientation (F)-creating interest, curiosity, and enjoyment Quest, Prizes/Rewards/Bonuses, Rules, Marketplace, 3D Space, Avatars, Storyline (Narrative Content), Roleplay, Customization/Personalization

1 Compiled by [10, p. 3] © Rayate A., Dhavan R.


In order to be a gamification solution to be successful, it has to be well designed, supervised periodically and maintained. The methods have to be varied. The information or result obtained from gamification should be used to improve not only your business, but also for the applicant itself. Gamification has proven the most effective modern tool for improving the engagement levels of employees and customers. Gamification not only helps the big companies but also small companies to recruit proper talent and potential easily and effectively [11]. There are many positive results of gamification. It can be said that Gamification is the future of recruitment.


We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our guide Prof. Inna Kulkova for her guidance and valuable support throughout this study. We highly indebted for their constant super-vision as well as for providing necessary information regarding the study and also for their sup-port in completing the report. We wish to express our sincere thanks to all staff members of university. Last but not least, we would like to thanks for colleagues for their support and co-operation.


1. Gupta, V. Benefits of video games. URL: https://www.quora.com/Are-video-games-beneficial-for-our-children-What-are-the-bad-effects-of-video-games.

2. Ferreira, A.T.; Araujo, A.M.; Fernandes, S.; et al. Gamification in the Workplace: A Systematic Literature Review / In: World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (WorldCIST): Madeira, Portugal, Apr. 11-13, 2017. Recent Advances in Information Systems and Technologies, Vol. 3. Book Series: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. 2017, Vol. 571. P.: 283-292.

3. Shree, S.; Singh, A.Sh. Exploring Gamification for Recruitment through Actor Network Theory // South Asian Journal of Human Resource Management. 2019, Vol. 6, Issue 2. P.: 242-257.

4. Katzlinger, E. Gamification Elements and Online Games in the Recruiting Process / In: 11th European Conference on Game-Based Learning (ECGBL): Graz, Austria, Oct. 05-06, 2017. Book Series: Proceedings of the European Conference on Games-Based Learning. 2017. P.: 311-319.

5. Depura, K.; Garg, M. Application of Online Gamification to New Hire Onboarding // In: 3rd International Conference on Services in Emerging Markets (ICSEM): Mysore, India, Dec. 12-15, 2012. P.: 153-156.

6. Keijzer, P. 5 Companies That Are Using Gamification To Get Recruitment Right. URL: https://www.business2community.com/human-resources/5-companies-that-are-using-gamification-to-get-recruitment-right-02063128.

7. Nielson, B. Strategies for Implementing Gamification in Your Training. URL: https://www.your-trainingedge.com/strategies-for-implementing-gamification-in-your-training/

8. Uskov, A.; Sekar, B. Serious Games, Gamification and Game Engines to Support Framework Activities in Engineering: Case Studies, Analysis, Classifications and Outcomes / In: IEEE International Conference on Electro/Information Technology (EIT): Milwaukee, WI, Jun. 05-07, 2014. Book Series: International Conference on Electro Information Technology. 2014. P.: 618-623.

9. Keijzer, P. 7 Correct Ways To Effectively Implement Gamification. URL: https://www.busi-ness2community.com/tech-gadgets/7-correct-ways-to-effectively-implement-gamification-02087890.

10. Nah, F.F.-H.; Eschenbrenner, B.; Claybaugh, C.C.; Koob, P.B. Gamification of Enterprise Systems // Systems. 2019, Vol. 7, Issue 13. P.: 1-21.

11. Lowman, G.H. Moving Beyond Identification: Using Gamification To Attract and Retain Talent // Industrial and Organizational Psychology-Perspectives on Science and Practice. 2016, Vol. 9, Issue 3. P.: 677-682.


Риэйт Адитья

Инженерно-технологический институт Видья Пратиштхана Камалнаян Баджадж, Индия

Дхаван Ранджит

Инженерно-технологический институт Видья Пратиштхана Камалнаян Баджадж, Индия

Аннотация. Статья посвящена теме применения игр в системе управления персоналом, что является особенно актуальным для молодых работников, которым надоедает выполнять ежедневную рутину. Целью статьи является анализ методов применения геймификации в системе управления человеческими ресурсами и опыта прогрессивных компаний, которые такой метод управления уже применяют. Интерес к данной теме вызван тем, что внедрение элементов игры в рабочий процесс повышает уровень удовлетворенности и вовлеченности работников и ведет к росту производительности труда. В статье описан опыт двух компаний (Google и Marriott)

по использованию геймификации для поиска и привлечения талантливых работников. Авторы выделили факторы, которые необходимо учитывать в процессе внедрения геймификации. Далее способы осуществления эффективной геймификации были представлены, среди которых авторы выделяют: реалистичные ожидания, чистоту соревнования, прозрачность, правильные награды и организационный дизайн. Статья может быть интересна для специалистов, которые внедряют или хотят внедрить геймификацию в своих компаниях для повышения производительности.

Ключевые слова: производительность, потенциал, конкуренция, исполнение, планирование, мотивация, вознаграждение, дизайн, вовлечение. JEL коды: М 59; М 21.


1. Gupta, V. Benefits of video games. [Электронный ресурс] Режим доступа: https://www.quora.com/Are-video-games-beneficial-for-our-children-What-are-the-bad-effects-of-video-games

2. Ferreira, A.T.; Araujo, A.M.; Fernandes, S.; с соавторами. Gamification in the Workplace: A Systematic Literature Review / Конференция: World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (WorldCIST): Madeira, Portugal, Apr. 11-13, 2017. Recent Advances in Information Systems and Technologies, Vol. 3. Серия книг: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. 2017, Том 571. С.: 283-292.

3. Shree, S.; Singh, A.Sh. Exploring Gamification for Recruitment through Actor Network Theory // South Asian Journal of Human Resource Management. 2019, Том 6, Вып. 2. С.: 242-257.

4. Katzlinger, E. Gamification Elements and Online Games in the Recruiting Process / Конференция: 11th European Conference on Game-Based Learning (ECGBL): Graz, Austria, Oct. 05-06, 2017. Серия книг: Proceedings of the European Conference on Games-Based Learning. 2017. С.: 311-319.

5. Depura, K.; Garg, M. Application of Online Gamification to New Hire Onboarding // Конференция: 3rd International Conference on Services in Emerging Markets (ICSEM): Mysore, India, Dec. 12-15, 2012. С.: 153-156.

6. Keijzer, P. 5 Companies That Are Using Gamification To Get Recruitment Right. [Электронный ресурс] Режим доступа: https://www.business2community.com/human-resources/5-companies-that-are-using-gamification-to-get-recruitment-right-02063128.

7. Nielson, B. Strategies for Implementing Gamification in Your Training. [Электронный ресурс] Режим доступа: https://www.yourtrainingedge.com/strategies-for-implementing-gamification-in-your-training/

8. Uskov, A.; Sekar, B. Serious Games, Gamification and Game Engines to Support Framework Activities in Engineering: Case Studies, Analysis, Classifications and Outcomes / Конференция: IEEE International Conference on Electro/Information Technology (EIT): Milwaukee, WI, Jun. 05-07, 2014. Серия книг: International Conference on Electro Information Technology. 2014. С.: 618-623.

9. Keijzer, P. 7 Correct Ways To Effectively Implement Gamification. [Электронный ресурс] Режим доступа: https://www.business2community.com/tech-gadgets/7-correct-ways-to-effectively-implement-gamification-02087890.

10. Nah, F.F.-H.; Eschenbrenner, B.; Claybaugh, C.C.; Koob, P.B. Gamification of Enterprise Systems // Systems. 2019, Vol. 7, Issue 13. P.: 1-21.

11. Lowman, G.H. Moving Beyond Identification: Using Gamification To Attract and Retain Talent // Industrial and Organizational Psychology-Perspectives on Science and Practice. 2016, Том 9, Вып. 3. С.: 677-682.


Рейет Адитья

Инженерно-технологический институт Видья Пратиштхана Камалнаян Баджадж Сансар, Индапур, район Пуна 413014, Индия adityarayate 11@gmail. com

Дхаван Ранджит

Инженерно-технологический институт Видья Пратиштхана Камалнаян Баджадж

Пимпали, Барамати, район Пуна 413102, Индия


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