FUNCTIONS OF MODALITY IN ENGLISH AND AZERBAIJAN LANGUAGES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
modality / category / linguistic / function

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Farzaliyeva S.V.

Modality, which is closely related to human consciousness, thinking, speech, and psychology, is a broad category that does not fit within the boundaries of a single science. It is according to him that modality is investigated and studied as a philosophical, logical, psychological and linguistic category. In our opinion, modality is primarily a linguistic category that reflects the speaker's attitude to the content and reality of the utterance. The leading feature in all the indicated relationships and relationships is the linguistic essence of modality. The main purpose of the article is to distinguish the methods of expression of the category of modality, to determine the prosodic, lexical, morphological and syntactic methods of those languages, using the materials belonging to the modern levels of the Azerbaijani and English languages in this field, and to study them in a mutual-comparative way. It is clear that the problem of studying modality has gone a long way of development. Modality is not a new phenomenon for both Azerbaijani and English languages. Azerbaijani and English languages belong to different language families. Therefore, it should be said that modality can be considered a common characteristic for these languages. Even the category of modality is considered one of the most important linguistic events that ensure communication in languages with different systems.

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УДК 811.111

Farzaliyeva S.V.

master student Nakhchivan State University (Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan)


Аннотация: modality, which is closely related to human consciousness, thinking, speech, and psychology, is a broad category that does not fit within the boundaries of a single science. It is according to him that modality is investigated and studied as a philosophical, logical, psychological and linguistic category. In our opinion, modality is primarily a linguistic category that reflects the speaker's attitude to the content and reality of the utterance. The leading feature in all the indicated relationships and relationships is the linguistic essence of modality. The main purpose of the article is to distinguish the methods of expression of the category of modality, to determine the prosodic, lexical, morphological and syntactic methods of those languages, using the materials belonging to the modern levels of the Azerbaijani and English languages in this field, and to study them in a mutual-comparative way. It is clear that the problem of studying modality has gone a long way of development. Modality is not a new phenomenon for both Azerbaijani and English languages. Azerbaijani and English languages belong to different language families. Therefore, it should be said that modality can be considered a common characteristic for these languages. Even the category of modality is considered one of the most important linguistic events that ensure communication in languages with different systems.

Ключевые слова: modality, category, linguistic, function.

Modality as a linguistic category has been studied at different levels across individual language materials. Some researchers have paid attention to the verb-logical-logical aspects of modality, some to psycholinguistic aspects, and many to purely linguistic aspects. Although such investigations are one-sided, they have made it possible to study many features of modality. It is of great importance to investigate

modality as a category in a complete and systematic manner, to determine its forms and means of manifestation, and to conduct a comparative-typological analysis. Aspects that reinforce the relevance of structural-semantic analysis of modality in languages with different systems are not limited to this.It should be noted that the category of modality in English has been sufficiently studied scientifically and theoretically. There are a large number of works written on this topic from both a philosophical-logical and a linguistic point of view. Such a situation can be explained by the function of international communication and the leading position of the English language in the modern globalization process.

Unfortunately, it should be said that the Azerbaijani language has not been in the center of attention in this regard. The question of modality is rarely encountered in research works written solely on the basis of Azerbaijani language materials, except for the types of sentences according to the purpose and intonation, modal words, and individual fragmentary works related to concrete manifestations of modality. The teaching of English and Azerbaijani languages in their respective bilingual classrooms, and the daily communication cannot be considered satisfactory without studying this category in a reciprocal-comparative manner. From this point of view, the study of modality in the Azerbaijani language is particularly relevant. In order to conduct research in this field, model expressions in English serve as a starting point. It should be noted that although the English and Azerbaijani languages have different structures, there are commonalities between these languages in the field of modal meanings.

Let's take a look at the definitions given to modality in linguistics literature. The definition of modality in the indexed dictionary of linguistic terms is as follows: "Modality is a grammatical-semantic category that reflects the relationship of the speaker to the expressed idea and the relationship of the expressed idea to the objective entity. The expressed idea is real or unreal in content, possible or impossible, desirable or undesirable, necessary or probable, etc. Can be understood and used. The modal meaning is combined with time and person meanings to form the category of predicativeness. The concept of modality is expressed with the help of grammatical and lexical means (verb forms, modal words, intonation, habits)" [1]. In the

"Encyclopedia of Linguistics" published in 2006, the explanations we gave above about modality are repeated in the same way. According to A. B. Sapiro, modality is one of the main signs of a sentence, and no sentence can be used without modality. The author believes that predicativeness and modality form the basis of the sentence, and the sentence should have a sign of modality in addition to the signs that show the relationship between the message and the messenger. But in addition, there are special sentences that do not have a reporting form, but have modality features [3].

In order to investigate the category of modality in the Azerbaijani and English languages, attention was paid to solving the following issues.

- to determine the status and level of studying the category of modality in German studies, Turkology, and especially in Azerbaijani linguistics,

- to make generalizations by analyzing the scientific-theoretical sources related to the philosophical-logical and linguistic-grammatical nature of the category of modality,

- based on philosophical and linguistic modality, to generalize scientific-theoretical propositions put forward in German studies, Turkology and general linguistics in terms of objective reality, thinking and language relations,

- to involve modality as a functional-semantic category in the research based on the materials of English and Azerbaijani languages with different systems,

- to give a semantic analysis of modality category in English and Azerbaijani languages.

- to determine the prosodic, lexical, morphological and syntactic methods in the expression of the category of modality in those languages by extracting from the materials belonging to the modern levels of the English and Azerbaijani languages,

On the study of modality in German studies and Turkology" has a theoretical feature. Modality is a philosophical, logical and linguistic category and reflects the attitude of the speaker to the content and reality of the speech. This attitude can be objective and subjective. Depending on these two types of relationship, modality is divided into 2 groups - objective and subjective modality.

In the philosophical modality, objective reality, thinking and language are interrelated and interrelated. Linguistic modality includes a set of signs and special features-grammatical, syntactic, semantic relations specific to all levels of the language.

Logical modality is considered the most important feature of judgment. Objective relationships are reflected in the content of the logical sentence in various forms and degrees. Linguistic reality, or unreality, overlaps with logical authenticity and falsity. The relationship to the unspoken idea (its reality / unreality, truthfulness, falsity, importance, necessity, importance, probability) is reported by the speaker and this relationship can be objective and subjective.

The two aspects of modality - objective and subjective modality complement each other, and the general modality category of the sentence in the wholeness has gradually expanded and moved from the word level to the sentence and from the sentence to the context.

A.V. Kononov refers particles and modal words to the group of auxiliary words and proposes to combine them under the term "particle". Modal words functionally refer to the idea or to the happening events. According to the author, particles and modal words are closely related to different parts of speech. Examples of such parts of speech are conjunctions, adverbs and pronouns. A.V. Kononov mentions the use of particles in the modal sense in the modern Turkish literary language and sometimes equates them. The border of modal words and modal means with the particle remains undefined. It is the result of this that in many Turkic languages the category of modality is not mentioned separately and modal words are related to conjunctions, connectives and particles.

One of the works dedicated to the study of the category of modality in Turkish languages is A.V. Baskakar's monograph "Sentence in modern Turkish" (Moscow 1984). A.V. Baskakov puts modality in the context of a sentence and compares it according to its syntactic function. Modality is divided into objective and subjective modality as a grammatical category. These two modalities, in turn, connect the content of the sentence with the objective reality and the subjective relationship of the speaker.


1. Adilov M., Verdiyeva Z., Aghayeva F. Terms of descriptive linguistics. Baku: Maarif, 1989, 364 p;

2. Encyclopedia of linguistics. Volume I. Baku: Mutercim, 2006, 524 p;

3. Шапиро А.Б. Модальность и предикативность как признаки предложения в современном русском языке. "Научные доклады выс. школы. Филологические науки", 1958, No4, s. 20-26;

4. The problem of modality in Germanic Turvic Languages. Baki, "Elm", 2006, 100s. (monoqrafiya);

5. On the issue of modality in Germanic languages. Questions of Philological Sciences, No. 4(8), Moscow, 2004, p. 63-74

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