FUNCTIONS OF ANGLICISMS IN ITALIAN MEDIA TEXTS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Sokolova Alla Germanovna

The aim of the present paper is to examine the features of the use of English and American borrowings in Italian media texts in the framework of cognitive-pragmatic approach to their description. The purpose of the research is to study the use of Anglicisms as a factor of realization of the author’s social-pragmatic position, and forming the world views. During the last decades, contemporary Italian language experiences the unprecedented diffusion of Anglicisms affecting the lexis and creating an alarming issue. Having travelled beyond the restricted area of the individuals proficient in English grammar and pronunciation, Anglicisms require structural assimilation in order to function in compliance with phonological and morphological systems of the recipient language, i.e. Italian. Looking at the situation from a linguistic point of view, it is evident that English as a de facto lingua franca or the language of globalization successfully commenced its penetration into Italian due to internationalization and globalization processes. Having applied the principles of pragmatic analysis, the author attempted identify the main functions of Anglicism in contemporary Italian media texts. The examples were taken from web-based corpora enTenTen and itTenTen and archives of three main national Italian broadsheet newspapers La Reppublica , Corriere della Sera and La Stampa .

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© Автор(ы) 2021 SPIN: 1931-5614 AuthorlD: 901322 Researcher ID: F-3314-2017 ORCID: 0000-0001-8425-1883 ScopusID: 57202822282

СОКОЛОВА Алла Германовна, кандидат технических наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков и

профессиональной коммуникации Национальный исследовательский Московский государственный строительный университет (НИУ МГСУ)

(129337, Россия, Москва, Ярославское шоссе, д.26, e-mail: SokolovaAG@mgsu.ru) Аннотация. Цель данной работы - это рассмотрение особенностей использования англо-американских заимствований в итальянских медиатекстах в рамках когнитивно-прагматического подхода к их описанию. Целью настоящего исследования является изучение функционирования заимствований как фактора реализации социально-прагматической позиции автора и формирования картины мира. На протяжении последних десятилетий итальянский язык испытывает беспрецедентный приток англицизмов, влияющий на общеупотребительную лексику и вызывающий тревогу у специалистов. В современном итальянском языке англицизмы широко употребляются не только итальянцами, в совершенстве владеющими английской грамматикой и произношением, поэтому для успешного функционирования в фонологической и морфологической системах принимающего языка, т.е. итальянского, англицизмы должны претерпеть структурную ассимиляцию. Если оценить ситуацию с точки зрения лингвистов, становится очевидно, что английский язык как средство международного общения или язык глобализации глубоко проникает в итальянский язык вследствие процессов интернационализации и глобализации. Автор статьи попытался выявить основные функции англицизмов в современных итальянских медиа-текстах, опираясь на принципы прагматического анализа. Исследуемые примеры были взяты их электронных корпусов enTenTen и itTenTen, а также архивов трех основных широкоформатных национальных газет Италии La Reppublica, Corriere della Sera и La Stampa.

Ключевые слова: англицизм, калька, заимствование, медиа тексты, прагматический и когнитивный анализ, функции, билингвизм, персонификация, словослияние, прагматическая выделенность.


© The Author(s) 2021

SOKOLOVA Alla Germanovna, PhD. in Engineering, associate professor of the department of "Foreign languages and professional communication" Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (National Research University) (129337, Russia, Moscow, Yaroslavskoye Shosse, 26, e-mail: SokolovaAG@mgsu.ru) Abstract. The aim of the present paper is to examine the features of the use of English and American borrowings in Italian media texts in the framework of cognitive-pragmatic approach to their description. The purpose of the research is to study the use of Anglicisms as a factor of realization of the author's social-pragmatic position, and forming the world views. During the last decades, contemporary Italian language experiences the unprecedented diffusion of Anglicisms affecting the lexis and creating an alarming issue. Having travelled beyond the restricted area of the individuals proficient in English grammar and pronunciation, Anglicisms require structural assimilation in order to function in compliance with phonological and morphological systems of the recipient language, i.e. Italian. Looking at the situation from a linguistic point of view, it is evident that English as a de facto lingua franca or the language of globalization successfully commenced its penetration into Italian due to internationalization and globalization processes. Having applied the principles of pragmatic analysis, the author attempted identify the main functions of Anglicism in contemporary Italian media texts. The examples were taken from web-based corpora enTenTen and itTenTen and archives of three main national Italian broadsheet newspapers La Reppublica, Corriere della Sera and La Stampa.

Keywords: Anglicism, calque, borrowing, media texts, pragmatic and cognitive analysis, functions, bilingualism, personification, word blending, pragmatic salience.

INTRODUCTION THEORETICAL BACKGROUND The choice to use a borrowing has the advantage of not only introducing new denotative signified but also evoking certain emotions and feelings of the audience or readership. Journalists attempt to transmit a personal message, which is distinguished from the proper connotation and denotation of a term used in a source language [1,2].

Reasonable introduction and diffusion of Anglicisms allows for creating and delivering new messages that correspond to the needs of contemporary Italian society exercising more freedom. The English lexis in semantic and textual context provides more marked effect if compared to the equivalent words of Italian origin, partly due to denotative and associative meanings they carry, and partly because of syntactic flexibility of their adaptation. Rather than plug lexical or semantic holes ("tappare un buco"), Anglicisms facilitate creating a new type of texts, meaningful at communicative level.

Here emerges the new essence of the language of Italian media texts - accessible light reading but informative and compulsive [3].

Rapid and efficient diffusion of English texts and discourse by meas of media led to exposure of native Italian speakers to the structure of English sentences, which in turn influenced their discourse patterns. Thus, syntax of Italian media texts was also affected thanks to the importance of English in international affairs and its political and cultural prestige. Musacchio states that syntactic loan constructs in the Italian language "...often turn out to be pre-existing Italian constrctus which become more widely used as a consequence of contact with a foreign language" [4]. Here it should be mentioned that the internal impact on the Italian syntax is more pronounced than external one. This means stimultaing the usage of exsiting patterns underused due to various reasons rather than introducing and adopting new ones. Cleft sentences or so-called le frase scisse in Italian could be seen as one of the examples: ...e con grande piachere che... En. ...it is with great pleasure that... Non sei tu che hai fatto errori. En. It is not you who've made mistakes. It is assumed that this type of construction came to Italian from the French language but it gained popularity because of

Балтийский гуманитарный журнал. 2021. Т. 10. № 4(37)

ISSN print: 2311-0066; ISSN online: 2712-9780

reliance on pre-existing Italian constructs.

In English, relatively shorter sentences are preferable especially in academic writing. On the contrary, the Italian language is considered by some linguists as a language of longer sentences and a more complex hypotactic structure of sentences if compared with English [5]. The ever increasing exposire to more compact English constructs has had an impact on the length of Italian sentences, in particularly in the spheres of economy and business. Such an influence of the American and English press has resulted in quite common abandoning explicit sentence linking, typical or Italian language, giving a priority to the use of juxtaposition, where implicit subordinate clauses are preferable [6].

Having researched the Italian translations of English articles on topics ob business and economy, Maria Teresa Mussachio, the professor of the University of Padova, found out that the frequency of coordinating conjunctions differs between original texts in the source language (Italian) and the pieces of discourse translated into English. Thus, the usage of coordinators ma (but), tuttavia (yet), cosi (so or thus) in translated articles is more frequent, whereas the causal coor-dinatorperche (because) becomes less popular than in original source language texts. It can be assumed that English has an impact on Italian through translations as well [7].

Furthemore, brevity and conciseness are the main principles dominating in the practice of current Italian journalism. Applying these principles in translation sometimes means sacrificing clarity of the text. For example, the pattern of hedging is not translated well into Italian. This is a problematic issue, since hedging enables to transfer uncertainty, speculation or alleviate absolute claims. On the contrary, the Italian press tends to disregard hedging elements and proceeds with translation simply omtting them.

Nevertheless, the opposite phenomenon is also true -omission of unnecessary elements can improve clarity of the text and reduce the overall bulk, making the text more comprehensable and easy reading. English can be sometimes regarded as a lower context culture if compared to Italian. Therefore, when translating media texts into Italian, some elements could be simply omitted as superfluous. This can lead sometimes to omission of entire phrases or sentences, for example, in the article analysing economic situation, the conclusions on the situation may be deemed unnecessary and ignored [8,9].


Nowadays, media texts reflect all the characteristic features of contemporary person, such as emotions, mentality, personification, value system, intertextuality and clip thinking. Linguistic analysis, as a typical and traditional method, would be rather ineffective in studying of contemporary media texts. For the research purposes, the author has applied cognitive and pragmatic analysis that included evaluation and analysis of the data backed by qualitative and quantitative methods of research. Also, there were used the content analysis and discourse analysis combined with historical and cultural comparative methods.

The research is conducted on the material of the archives of three best-selling Italian newspapers, such as Corriere della Sera (CS), La Repubblica (LR) and La Stampa (LS), as well as a web-based Italian corpus itTenTen, a web-based English corpus enTenTen, corpora of English language, English monolingual dictionaries, dictionaries of English and Italian idioms, and Italian-English bilingual dictionaries.


Having implemented cognitive and pragmatic analysis of the borrowings in Italian media texts, the following functions were distinguished [3, p.35, 6]:

1. Nominative function.

Nominative function, being the central function of borrowing, is preconditioned by the the necessity to name new phenomena and culture-specific concepts. The example below refers to the notions of social network and hashtag:

Poi, nell 'estate, altri attriti si erano generati a causa delle condizioni stagnanti dell'acqua delle vasche, fra le pro-

teste dei residenti e una campagna sui social network, domi-nata dall'hashtag #alessandrocambialacqua, in riferimento al nome delproprietario delle Terme, Alessandro Pater. (La Stampa, April 1, 2021).

En. Then, in summer time there were registered other cases of arthritis caused by the stagnate water of the baths; among the protests of local residents, there is a social network campaign under the hashtag #alessandrocambialac-qua, which refers to the name of the owner of the balneotherapeutic health complex, Alessandro Pater.

The use of borrowings for a new notion without a direct equivalent in the recipient language hardly requires elaboration, and the examples are numerous. The emphasis here is given to the cases of langugage variation, when a speaker gives the preference to a borrowed word regardless the existence of a semantically close cognate in the recipient language. The selection of the lexical or grammatical variant is not random and is determitned by a tactic or strategic purpose [10]. In some cases, the choice is conditioned by the usage of Anglicisms in conventional terminological meaning. For example,

Annunciati ufficialmente i primi 20 vincitori della lotteria degli scontrini. Ancora avvolta dalla suspense, invece, la lotteria dei vaccini. (La Repubblica, March 13, 2021)

En. The first twenty winners of the vouchers' lottery are officially announced. Still wrapped up with suspense, instead, this is the lottery of vaccines.

The term suspense creates an artistic effect igniting the state of suspense and anxiety among the readership. The general term actualizing the given meaning is non-existent in the contemporary Italian language.

2. Integrating function.

Borrowed definitions of some international phenomena and notions are preferred to their translation and serve as an integrating function of the linguistic units of global cross-cultural communication. The examples are as follows:

E una mission da mettere al top della short list del Premier, magari dopo il Recovery Plan. Whatever it takes. (La Repubblica, March 13, 2021).

En. This is a mission to be put on the top of the Premier's shortlist, maybe after the Recovery Plan. Whatever it takes.

Pagine di Mozart e Haydn per il concerto in live streaming dei Pomeriggi Musicali foto) oggi alle 20, con replica sabato alle 17. L 'orchestra e diretta da Diego Fasolis, spe-cialista del repertorio barocco e classico. (La Repubblica, March 25, 2021).

En. The pages of Mozart and Haydn of the live streaming concert, being the part of the Musical Afternoons (photo) today at 8 p.m., rerunning on Saturday, 5 p.m. The orchestra is conducted by Diego Fasolis, the specialist in the Baroque and classic repertoire.

Short list is a list of most probable candidates for an award, premium, degree, etc. The line Whatever it takes refers to allusion to the famous song of the American rock band "Imagine Dragons". In the given examples, Anglicims are of international character and self-explanatory.

3. Function of text compression and saving the speech efforts.

The analysis of Italian media texts has shown that the usage of Anglicisms is commonly motivated by the pursuance of saving the speech efforts [11,12]. For instance:

La casa editrice di Alberobello sogna in grande e punta allo Strega. Nata nel 2017, ha iniziato ripubblicando best seller. (Corriere della Sera, March 25, 2021).

En. The publishing house "Alberobello" is dreaming of a clear picture of the Strega Prize. Established in 2017, it commenced with republishing of the best seller.

In this example, the laconical English word bestseller replaces the whole declarative statement performing the function of text compression.

Non a caso impazzano le ironie sui social, l'hashtag #ci-nerenzi e nei trend topic. (Corriere della Sera, February 28, 2021).

En. There is no way fortuitous that ironies deviate in

social networks, the hashtag #cinerenzi is among the trend topics.

Trend topic or TT is a subject with a surge in popularity for a limited period of time on one or more social media platforms. This term sounds more laconical than an authentic Italian equivalent in this context - in cima alle classifiche.

4. Expressive and stylistic function.

The appearance of borrowed lexis in media texts is generally preconditioned by thematic context as the discussion of economic, political and social spheres of social life means the great number of Anglicims's usage. This is dictated by both the journalistic style and the desire of a speaker to make a speech more intellectual. Use of Anglicisms is driven by the willingness of an author to emphasize high academinc background or the knowledge of language etiquette, awareness of new phenomena and technological advances.

...i giovani, dicono gli studi, si aspettano curiosi la fine del mondo e la pensano come una catastrofe planetaria tutta d'un colpo, mentre tre celebri "collassologi", citati dal libro, propendono per un happy collapse , cioe per una serie di cambiamenti progressivi ugualmente sorprendenti e de-stabilizzanti, che io mi immagino come un viaggio acciden-tato di secoli, un fastidio, un disastro, una strage alla volta sino al buio e al silenzio totali. (La Repubblica, November 11, 2020).

En. .according to the studies, young people expect the end of the world with speculation and visualize it as of a sudden global catastrophe, while the well-known "collapsol-ogists", cited in the book, lean towards the idea of a happy collapse, i.e. a series of progressive changes, unexpected and wrecking havoc, that I see as a random journey through the centuries, annoyance, a disaster, a massacre leading to the total darkness and silence.

The English word collapse (derived from the Latin col-lapsus - fallen), used instead of the authentic Italian collas-so, allows the author to demonstrate own linguistic affinities and accentuate an intellectual level of a discourse. Thus, borrowed lexis is applied with the purpose of self-expression and self-fulfilment of a speaker.

Latin and Greek root words and affixes have become the sources of terminology formation for all European languages, therefore it is not always possible to identify whether the word is borrowed or it was created from the morphological units existing in the recipient language [34, p.30].

Thus, ethymology of borrowings and the means of their diffusion into the recipient language (directly or indirectly via a third language) are beyond the scope of this work.

5. Evaluative function.

By means of linguistic signs, there could be given evaluation of subjects, actions, people, utterances, etc. on the upside and on the downside.

No alla class action del Codacons contro la Banca Popolare di Bari. (La Repubblica, February 18, 2021).

En. It was said no to the class action organized by Codacons against the bank La Banca Popolare of Bari.

In the given example, the borrowed word action duplicates the authentic word azione by so doing demonstrating the negative attitude of a speaker to the topic.

'Crudelia' e il nuovo live action Disney che racconta gli esordi ribelli della cattiva della Carica dei 101: Crudelia De Mon. (La Repubblica, February 17, 2021).

En. 'Crudelia' is the new live action of Disney that tells the story of the first nasty rebels of 'Head of 101: Crudelia De Mon'.

Here, the borrowed word action is related to its second meaning: action as a movie genre, a blockbuster film, and expresses the negative attitude towards theatricalism of the events happening in the film.

Il velivolo, la cui consegna e prevista entro il primo trimestre del 2022, verra allestito con una configurazione VIP a porta allargata (in grado cosi di facilitare l'accesso di presidi per la mobilita ridotta) e capace di ospitare sino a sei passeggeri. (La Stampa, Aprile 1, 2021).

En. The aircraft, which is supposed to be launched during

the first trimester of 2022, fits into VIP-category equipped with the wider doors (to facilitate the access of mobility-im-pairedpeople) and can accommodate up to six passengers.

The use of the abbreviation VIP (Very Important Person) also bears an evaluative function meaning the temporary popularity or the pasteboard triumph of some famous people, so-called elite and their rapid substitution by other newcomers. However, the original meaning has shifted towards indicating the type of services, goods, etc.

6. Appeal function.

One of the principal goals of media texts is an emotional impact affecting the readership. Simultaneous use of synonym units of borrowed and Italian lexis creates an pronounced emotional coloring and enforces the appeal function of an utterance.

La caratteristica di Clubhouse é di essere basata esclu-sivamente sull'audio (ecco perché chi mi invitava entusiasta a farne parte lo paragonava alla radio), quindi niente foto, niente filmati, niente scrittura, niente commenti (il che lo rende anche il primo social "hater-free", che elimina sul nascere i detestabili "leoni da tastiera" attaccabrighe), e niente che rimanga agli atti. (La Stampa, February 10, 2021).

En. Clubhouse is based on audio only format (a person, who invited me to join it, compared it to radio) that meaning it does not contain any photos, films, writing, or comments given (that is why it is considered the first social network "hater-free" eliminating the presence of the detectable "press tribes"-hellraisers), with nothing to enter upon the record.

The second variant attacabrighe is authentic Italian, disctintive by its ambiguity, while the first one hater performs a function of terminology widely applied in the sphere of social networks. The author of the article intentionally used both variants in the same sentence to demonstrate his affiliation to professional journalist group and competency.

7. The function of language popularity.

Apart from communicative components, specifics of the analyzed material, semantics of borrowings and the context are of paramount importance. The process of interpretation of the lexical items semantics and their use in variuos functions are regarded as complementary phenomena. It also demonstrates the flexibility of the borders between one or another function of borrowings. The predominant use of Anglicisms for naming lexical units, equivalent to similar notions in the recipient language, is preconditioned by the function of language popularity.

Quest'ultima e il bellissimo giardino con piscina sono un invito al relax. (La Stampla, March 31, 2021).

En. The last one is the beautiful garden with a swimming pool that invites you to relax.

Si tratta di un meeting fisso e di grande interesse rico-nosciuto che, durante questa specifica edizione, andrá ad approfondire la sostenibilitá come tema centrale per le varie tavole rotonde e i diversi key note speech che animeranno le tre mattinate dell'evento. (La Repubblica, March 6, 2021).

En. Here we are talking of the arranged meeting arousing a great interest, which during this specific edition will increase the insight as the central theme of numerous round-tables and various key not speeches that will enliven three mornings of the event.

Piemonte potrebbe portare il proprio volume di presenze turistiche a 400 mila pernottamenti in piu al mese, offrendo soltanto la possibilitá di lavorare in «Smart working» da un luogo di villeggiatura per conciliare lavoro e vacanze. (Corriere della Sera, February 3, 2021).

En. Piemonte can make up to the benchmark of additional 400 thousand of overnight stays per month, just by offering the tourists the possibility to work online (English equivalent - teleworking, working from home) from the holiday destination combining work and holidays.

In the examples given above, Anglicisms are perceived as more prestigious than Italian equivalents and provide some kind of "elevation" to a denoted subject.

8. Emotive function._

Балтийский гуманитарный журнал. 2021. Т. 10. № 4(37)

ISSN print: 2311-0066; ISSN online: 2712-9780

Emotive function is often associated with nominative function.

Andare oltre gli stereotipi e difficile, ma il mainstream sottovaluta l'intelligenza delle persone, mentre dovrebbe osare. (Corriere della Sera, March 1, 2021).

En. It is difficult to let go of the stereotypes, but mainstream underestimated the people's intelligence instead of daring to do so.

The lexical unit mainstream has a negative connotation in the Italian language meaning 'commonplace, banality, mass tendency' and is opposed to 'elite and privileged'. The author of the article has pitched upon an Anglicisms, more emotive and succint.

E stato come fare bungee jumping.... alla fine eravamo al secondo sold-out in Sicilia. (Corriere della Sera, June 16, 2018).

En. This was like doing bungee jumping.... at the end of it, the tickets were sold-out twice in Sicily.

Anglicism bungee jumping is used here for creating a metaphoric expression - the expectations of the concert are compared by the author with bungee jumping in the intensity of emotions and adrenalin.

9. Function of affiliation to a certain group of people anddisctinction between the opposition "own-alien".

The proposed collective image of the readership defines the level of discourse and selection of lexical units for media texts. Using non-adopted Anglicisms without clarifying their meanings, the authors of the text undertake the responsibility for succesful communication giving the highest regard for the intellectual level of readers.

La bicicletta per muoversi nel verde e il mezzo principe. Ogni spazio e "pet friendly". (La Repubblica, March 30, 2021).

En. The main type of transportfor moving in the greenery is a bicycle. Every space is pet-friendly.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

Ulteriori informazioni sull'aggregazione, compresa una copia dell'accordo definitivo e una presentazione per gli in-vestitori, saranno fornite in un Current Report su Form 8-K che sara depositato da Fintech V presso la Securities and Exchange Commission e che sara disponibile su www.sec. gov. (La Repubblica, March 16, 2021).

The latest aggregated data, comprising the copy of the definitive agreement and the presentation for investigators, will be included into the Current Report of Form 8-K that will be deposited by Fintech V and filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. They will be available for viewing on the site www.sec.gov.

The function of opposition "own-alien" is the particular case. In the following example, Anglicism stands for the distinctive lexical unit, beyound the sematic frame and becomes the indicator of a concept, social-cultural notion "british!". In this example, "british" is regarded as a precedent unit, which actualizes the function of a cultural identity marker.

Poi emotivita Italiana non e cosi "british!" (Interview with Marica Ayane, September 20, 2018, Radio Italia).

En. Italian emotional and expressive sphere is not so "british!".

Appealing to precedent foreign names, renowned in the international context, on the one hand, performs the function of illustration of a certain fact and behavioural pattern, and on the other hand, saves the speech efforts and gives emotional and expressive coloring to the utterance.

Borrowed lexical units, initially constrained by youth, IT or professional slang, realise the function of affiliation to a certain social group or orientation towards the language fashion.

Fortissima la risposta sui social: il loro profilo su TikTok sta viaggiando spedito verso i 10 milioni di follower.(La Stampa, April 3, 2021).

En. The response in the social networds was raving: their TikTok profile has acquired 10 millions of followers.

Quite often the complex of these functions is realized explicitly by pointing at the relevance of a lexical unit:

Possono essere singole, di coppia o di gruppo: ognuno

fa la sua entrata, la battle, che poi viene giudicata da una giuria che e composta da diversi giudici. (La Repubblica, February 27, 2021).

En. The participants could be single, in couples or groups: each person makes his/her entrance, the battle, that is judged by the jury composed of various judges.

Gli ospedali: siamo al limite Le scuole: proteste anti-Dad. (La Repubblica, March 2, 2021).

En. Hospitals: the schools are constrained: anti-Dad protests.

The use of Anglicisms in the examples above is due to the willingness to demonstrate affiliation to a certain intellectual group and the intention to keep up with the fashion and modern trends.

10. Function of playfulness.

It was mentioned earlier that appeal to Anglicisms is motivated by high language competence of an author and potential readership capable to perceive the playfulness. Playfulness in media texts functions as a means of linguistic manipulation; pragmatic features of playfulness are reflected in the complex of communicative strategies and tactics embodied in the playful techniques.

Il liceo classico Parini inventa l'open night, l'evento va sold out e dunque « riapriamo le iscrizioni dei prossimi open day e open night — e scritto sul sito della scuola — aumentando il numero dei posti disponibili». (La Repubblica, November 21, 2020).

En. The classical vocational school Parini introduces the open night, the event is sold out and registration has started for the upcoming open day and open night - as written on the school's website - leading to the increase in the number of available vacancies.

Play on words is based on the usual lexical combination with the purpose of creation metaphoric parallel (school's open night - 'concert') producing a comical effect as it is obvious for the readership that open day events in school are not fee-paying. Thus, the use of Anglicisms in this approach is preconditioned by the fusion of appealing and aethetic functions of linguistic units. This combination facilitates formation of public opinion by means of conducting certain media strategies.


Modern media discourse represents an ample space of numerous media texts varying in their media-cultural peculiarities and operating specific perception codes. Instantaneous publishing information on mobile gadgets and PC on the electronic media platforms has become a reality.

Application of cognitive and pragmatic analysis enabled the author to conclude that degree of pragmatic salience of Anglicisms is indisputably higher if compared to their semantic equivalents in the Italian language. Thus, the journalists actively "juggling" Anglicisms in media texts are willing to make the effect on their readership, whereas the intrinsic motivations include the attempt to be creative, to play with language, to sound foreign, exotic and glamorous, and to be closer to contemporary international environment.

The loanword success and stability in the recipient language could be effectively predicted by application of the principles of cognitive linguistics. Applying the concept-based approach enables researchers to give new insight in the influx of loanwords. Moreover, studying the phenomena of contact linguistics facilitates further expansion to cognitive linguistic adopting a variationist approach.

The author attempted to identify the functions of Anglicisms in Italian media texts and analyze the impact of the English language on Italian in terms of linguistic perception and the influence of Anglo-American culture on the Italian society and language. Having analyzed the challenges and language policy related to the use of English and American borrowings, the author concluded that the excessive use of Anglicisms in today's Italian language seems unjustified in the most cases and is more about sounding open-minded, global, or following a certain linguistic fashion rather than filling a lexical gap between two languag-

es in contact. Conforming to the language policy pursued by Accademia della Crusca, the abusive use of Anglicisms keeps an overwhelming majority of Italian-speakers in the cold as only 16% of Italians have a sufficient command of English language. REFERENCES:

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