Научная статья на тему 'Functioning of student scientific societies in the Russian Empire universities in the late XIX-early XX century'

Functioning of student scientific societies in the Russian Empire universities in the late XIX-early XX century Текст научной статьи по специальности «История и археология»

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Аннотация научной статьи по истории и археологии, автор научной работы — Кузёма Т.Б., Вишнякова А.В.

В статье описано функционирование студенческих научных обществ в университетах Российской Империи в конце ХIХ начале ХХ века. Рассмотрена специфика их открытия и организации. Обозначены цели, задачи, основные направления в деятельности научных обществ. Проанализирована их роль в актуализации научно-исследовательской деятельности студенческой молодежи.The article deals with the functioning of student scientific societies in the universities of the Russian Empire in the late XIX-early XX century. The specificity of their discovery and organization is considered. The purposes, tasks, the main directions in activity of scientific societies are designated. Their role in actualization of students research activity is analyzed.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Functioning of student scientific societies in the Russian Empire universities in the late XIX-early XX century»

УДК 37.013.46

Педагогические науки

Кузёма Т. Б., доцент кафедры «Лингводидактика и зарубежная филология» Севастопольский государственный университет, Россия, г.Севастополь Вишнякова А. В., доцент кафедры «Лингводидактика и зарубежная филология», Севастопольский государственный университет,

Россия, г.Севастополь


Аннотация: в статье описано функционирование студенческих научных обществ в университетах Российской Империи в конце XIX - начале ХХ века. Рассмотрена специфика их открытия и организации. Обозначены цели, задачи, основные направления в деятельности научных обществ. Проанализирована их роль в актуализации научно-исследовательской деятельности студенческой молодежи.

Ключевые слова: научное студенческое общество, пути реализации принципа научности, научно-исследовательская деятельность, студенческая молодежь, университет.

Abstract: the article deals with the functioning of student scientific societies in the universities of the Russian Empire in the late XIX-early XX century. The specificity of their discovery and organization is considered. The purposes, tasks, the main directions in activity of scientific societies are designated. Their role in actualization of students research activity is analyzed.

Key words: scientific student society, ways to implement the principle of scientific, research activities, students, University.

Currently, the training of highly professional, competent specialists with strong scientific knowledge in their specialty, a wide scientific perspective, who are able to confidently use in their practical activities the latest modern achievements of science and technology is an urgent issue in the strategy of the educational process in the Russian Federation. This issue is also relevant because of the numerous modern transformations in various fields of science, medicine, economy, industry. Thus, in the search for effective ways to reform higher education in the country, special attention should be paid to the study and creative rethinking of previously accumulated theoretical and practical experience, which in the new historical conditions needs scientific analysis, new scientific interpretation, explanation, systematization, generalization.

The creative heritage research of outstanding teachers, scientists, public persons of the past is of particular relevance. These issues are reflected in the studies of S. Zolotukhina, E. Zolyannogo, I. Kin, V. Mironenko, E. Puzakova and others. One of the unstudied aspects is the specifics of the scientific student societies functioning in the universities of the Russian Empire in the late nineteenth - early twentieth century. This question was not the subject of a separate study, which caused the relevance and choice of this article topic.

The importance of scientific student societies should be noted as a form of scientific creativity of students in higher educational institutions of the Russian Empire. The study showed that the ubiquity of student scientific societies occurred at the very beginning of the XIX century. Their discovery was due to the desire of the advanced public, University professors and students to raise University science to a higher scientific level. Students had the opportunity to significantly deepen and expand their knowledge, directly relying on scientific sources, improve their scientific perspective, have access to information of the modern scientific research. So, in 1812 in Kharkov University opened "Society of Sciences" in the form of two departments: verbal and natural, and in 1819 "Society of students of fans of native literature". The result of their activity was a volume of scientific works with moral and edifying articles and scientific translations from foreign languages. In 1821 was

opened "Student Bible fellowship" in Kharkov University, the head of which was the Vice-rector of the University V. Dzhunkovsky. The society had a religious and moral character. "Association of science lovers" functioned at Kharkiv University since 1825. "Law society" on the initiative of Professor I. Miklashevsky was organized in Kharkov University in 1898. At the meetings of this society students made scientific reports. Another and equally well-known "Society for the promotion of literacy among the people" was organized at the University of St. Petersburg in 1894. The society supplied students with books from the library of N. Anosov, various scientific textbooks [1].

It is necessary to note that in 1861 as a part of the national education Ministry were 26 societies, and in 1894 their number increased to 59 (the Kharkov mathematical society, Free economic society, the Kiev physical and mathematical society, the Kiev, Kharkov, Odessa society of naturalists, the Lviv scientific society. T. Shevchenko, society of economists, Kiev society of lovers of social knowledge, etc.), which indicates the undoubted growth of scientific student societies in the Russian Empire. By the end of the nineteenth century only in Slobozhanshchina there were 8 (Society of naturalists, Mathematical society, society of physical and chemical Sciences, Medical society, Kharkov Department of the Imperial Russian Technical Society, Society of scientific medicine and hygiene, Society of agriculture). Societies opened at higher educational institutions of the Russian Empire enjoyed special popularity among students. For example, the Technological student society at the opening time consisted of 189 people, and the next year there were already 232 [1].

Let us list the main activities of scientific societies: 1. Establishment of relations with domestic and foreign scientific societies; 2. Publication of scientific research; 3. Consideration of communications, reports, abstracts; 4. Conducting scientific excursions, expeditions; 5. Organization and participation in scientific congresses, exhibitions; 6. Discussion of topical pedagogical topics; 7. Development of principles, methods of training and education; 8. Reforming and creating training programs; 9. The management of scientific and educational committees, commissions, teaching courses.

So, Technology student's Association with a scientific purpose organized excursions to the enterprises of Pavlograd, Moscow, Grozny, Baku, Poltava; published a scientific collection; organized for students of presentations by leading professors (F. ber, M. Pilchikov, etc.); opened science Museum; for the development of students' interest in airbrushing and Aerotechnica organised meetings, exhibitions and gave students the opportunity to learn to fly gliders, balloons, airplanes; organized work in the section of refrigeration, whose task was to prepare, read and publish abstracts and scientific papers, study scientific and technical materials, conduct scientific excursions to enterprises with refrigeration units.

The main tasks of scientific societies can be formulated as follows: to acquaint students with scientific literature, thereby to deepen knowledge on a number of subjects; to attract students to participate in research work at universities; to emphasize the obligatory connection of theoretical knowledge with practical activities; to organize favorable conditions for the comprehensive development of the scientific potential of students and for their creative implementation; to provide students with the help of experienced progressive teachers in solving scientific issues and scientific and methodological assistance in various fields of knowledge; to maximize the creative and scientific potential of students; to promote the development of scientific perspective, discipline, responsibility, independence, commitment.

It should be noted that many talented students took part in the activities of scientific societies. Thus, a 2nd year student B. Ostashchenko-Kudryavtsev in the summer of 1896 was sent as a researcher and Secretary of the Russian geographical society to a scientific expedition to study the Kursk magnetic anomaly, where he made 150 observations, visited the magnetic Observatory in Pavlovsk, expressed his own assumptions, further confirming them in practice. And in the autumn of the same year he himself conducted practical classes in astronomy for students of Higher women's courses. Repeatedly scientific articles talented student published in "Izvestiya Russian Astronomical society" [2].

Effective activity of scientific societies at the Kharkov Institute of technology allowed students of this Institute (Pozharinsky, Guberman, Bokitko, etc.) at a high level to make scientific reports at the IX Congress of doctors in St. Petersburg [3].

Another no less striking example is the participation in the naturalists society activities and doctors student of the medical faculty of Tomsk University A. Timofeevsky. His speech in 1912 with the report "The experience of cultivation of animal tissues outside the body" aroused wide interest among listeners and was highly appreciated by members of the society (professors M. Kurlov, E. Salishchev, V. Florinsky) as a full-fledged scientific study. Another work for science was the report "On the results obtained in the course of experiments on the cultivation of leukemic blood", written jointly with Professor P. Avrorov. Studying in the fourth year of the University, A. Timofeevsky after participating in the competition of student works with the essay "Bone marrow Morphology in anemia" received the gold medal of the University. In the fifth year, again with Professor P. Avrorov he developed a complex technique and methodology of setting experiments on Guinea pigs, rabbits, dogs, aimed at obtaining results on the cultivation of cells outside the body. The report "Experience of cultivation of animal tissues outside the body" was prepared and presented at the meeting of the "Society of naturalists and doctors". Another student I. Vakulenko was engaged in chemical experiments, as a result of which he received a gold medal for his scientific work "Exchange of phosphorus and sulfur in humans", published in "Tomsk University Izvestiya". Participation in scientific societies of the mentioned students was not an episodic step in scientific creativity. All of them made a significant contribution to the development of science and later became famous scientists and professors of higher educational institutions. The foundations of scientific activity laid by societies operating at higher educational institutions, scientific interest instilled in students to a particular scientific field, further contributed to the achievement of significant success. Thus, the graduates of the Kiev society of Aeronautics achieved great results in the field of aviation: brothers Kasyanenko, D. Grigorovich, A. Kudashev, P. Nesterov, F. Sveshnikov. In

1913, a student of the Kiev Polytechnic Institute I. Sikorsky built a heavy four-engine aircraft "Ilya Muromets" [3].

Based on the study of the activities of several scientific societies at universities of the Russian Empire to conclude that an important element of the educational structure, academic society actively promoted the formation of scientific potential of students, increase their interest in scientific research, expanding knowledge of their science interest areas.

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3. Смирнов В.З. Очерки по истории прогрессивной русской педагогики Х1Хв. / В. З. Смирнов. - М. :Учпедгиз, 1983. - 312.

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