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Ключевые слова
Azerbaijani stylist Tofig Hajiyev / functional styles / literary language norms and styles / interaction of styles.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Osman Ahmadzade

Problems related to the functional styles of the Azerbaijani literary language in the 19th and early 20th centuries are a major branch of academician Tofig Hajiyev's philological work. The research of a prominent Turkologist and stylist in this direction dates back to the mid-80s of the last century. For the first time in the textbook "History of the Azerbaijani literary language (part II)" the functional and stylistic relations of the period were discussed, the specifics of their interaction, the manifestations of all styles in the artistic style. The cases are identified and analyzed, and at the same time, the criteria that determine the types of styles are determined by this background. The work focuses on the leading artistic style based on linguistic examples of periods and stages, and on this basis four functional styles for the XIX century and five functional styles for the early XX century are widely discussed and an analytical attitude to his services is expressed.

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Doctoral student of Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University


Problems related to the functional styles of the Azerbaijani literary language in the 19th and early 20th centuries are a major branch of academician Tofig Hajiyev's philological work. The research of a prominent Turkologist and stylist in this direction dates back to the mid-80s of the last century. For the first time in the textbook "History of the Azerbaijani literary language (part II) " the functional and stylistic relations of the period were discussed, the specifics of their interaction, the manifestations of all styles in the artistic style. The cases are identified and analyzed, and at the same time, the criteria that determine the types of styles are determined by this background. The work focuses on the leading artistic style based on linguistic examples of periods and stages, and on this basis four functional styles for the XIX century and five functional styles for the early XX century are widely discussed and an analytical attitude to his services is expressed.

Keywords: Azerbaijani stylist Tofig Hajiyev, functional styles, literary language norms and styles, interaction of styles.


Докторант Азербайджанского Государственного Педагогического Университета


Проблемы, связанные с функциональными стилями азербайджанского литературного языка в 19 и начале 20 веков, являются крупным направлением филологической деятельности академика Тофига Гаджиева. Исследования видного тюрколога и стилиста в этом направлении относятся к середине 80-х годов прошлого века. Впервые в учебнике «История азербайджанского литературного языка (часть II)» рассмотрены функциональные и стилистические отношения периода, специфика их взаимодействия, проявления всех стилей в художественном стиле. Выявляются и анализируются падежи, и в то же время этим фоном определяются критерии, определяющие типы стилей. В работе акцентируется внимание на ведущем художественном стиле на языковых примерах периодов и этапов, и на этой основе широко обсуждаются 4 функциональных стиля для XIXвека и 5 функциональных стилей для начала XX века и выражается аналитическое отношение к его заслугам.

Ключевые слова: азербайджанский стилист Тофик Гаджиев, функциональные стили, нормы и стили литературного языка, взаимодействие стилей.


The emergence and development of artistic styles have always been closely linked with linguistic facts as well as extalinguistic facts. Determining, tracking and researching the most important aspects of the processes within a language without taking into account extraneous factors poses certain and fundamental difficulties. The emergence and evolution of artistic styles are closely connected with a certain period, and reflect the important aspects of the creative rock of the word artists who lived and created in that period. Artistic styles do not end with these facts alone, and the study of their definition is, of course, based on a certain linguistic methodology, based on objective realities. The study and definition of artistic styles provides a kind of mirror and light on the formation of language norms. The linguistic interpretation of the literary language is based on the fact that the

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researcher cannot obtain sound generalizations in phonetic, morphological and syntactic research, not only at the level of phonetics, lexicon, morphology and syntax. This is because, when studying the style of any artist, it requires the researcher to analyze the special features of the mechanism of application of these language layers to works of art as legitimate stylistic cases. From this point of view, the analysis of language units manifested in the system of style gives the researcher ample opportunities to penetrate deeper into the analysis and synthesis of style, to study the roots of speech units that serve the style line, on a linguistic basis. Between the development of society and the growth of historical figures and the level of literary language, it began to manifest itself with a certain regularity. It is clear that "since the beginning of the twentieth century, the people of Azerbaijan have been under the colonization of two neighboring states, and the people are forced to live in two political and administrative conditions. The cultural evolution of South Azerbaijan within the Iranian state is based on the Eastern feudal rails. Although Northern Azerbaijan, which belongs to the Russian Empire, is gradually adapted to the rhythm of development of a new, scientifically and technologically advanced Europe, on the one hand, the country remains traditional feudal arbitrariness, on the other hand, traditional feudal arbitrariness remains, on the other hand, tsarist slavery (1, 52; 2, 3). Iranian despotism and Russian imperialism could not have had a negative impact on the language, culture and socio-political life of the Azerbaijani people under the colonization of both hegemons. T. Hajiyev in his textbook "History of the Azerbaijani literary language (part II)" published in 1987 does not directly explain the processes taking place in the Azerbaijani literary language in the XIX century, external and internal factors influencing the creative style of writers and poets, complex language and style problems of the time, analyzes the problems encountered on the way to them, gradually approaches the goal step by step. It is in the introductory part of the work entitled "Historical and cultural conditions" that the influence of extrinsic factors on intralingual factors is refined with reference to various historical sources, focusing more on the analysis of extralinguistic factors. According to the scholar, who interpreted the internal and external factors of the 19th century in unison, "One of the strongest factors influencing the normative development of literary language was the linguistic environment" (2, 10). In this environment, most of the provisions submitted by the author to the reader, judging by the form and content of textbooks and dictionaries on linguistics written by T.Makarov, L.Budagov, L.Lazarev, M.Kazimbay, N.Narimanov and etc. are more innovative. The work analyzes the quality indicators of textbooks created in the XIX century along with the quantitative indicators, as well as the scientific level, and clarifies the need for their writing. Many issues related to the norm of literary language were raised by linguists of this period: M.F.Akhundov and H.Zardabi, who raised the problems of spelling, orthoepy, alphabet, punctuation. M.F.Akhundov was against the Arabic alphabet, he was the first Azerbaijani thinker to compile a new alphabet, to work for its implementation, and no matter how hard he tried, he could not implement it. Punctuation marks in Azerbaijani writing were first used in the Akinchi newspaper. A detailed list of punctuation marks was presented by N.Narimanov. N.Narimanov also tried to show at what point each sign was used (3, 31-33). T.Hajiyev expresses his attitude to each of the sources on linguistics of the time in his textbooks, the author clarifies their characteristics, essence, methods of writing in accordance with his time. The prominent stylist-researcher considers the normative system of the normative system of the Azerbaijani literary language on the basis of phonetic-ophographic-morphological norms, reveals the issues distinguishing the phonetic norm from the morphological norm on the basis of examples from the works of G.Zakir, M.Fatali. The author speaks about the great role of the works of A.Bakikhanov, I.Gutgashinli, M.F.Akhundzade, H.Zardabi, N.Vazirov, N.Narimanov in the formation of lexical-terminological norm in the XIX century, "Farmer" language and style "(4, 175). "A number of features that stand out as a new trend in the syntactic norm of the period"(5, 113;6, 71). It is noticeable that T. Hajiyev, despite the wide prism of features, approaches the works only from the point of view of M.F. Akhundov's works. In our opinion, such a concise approach to such a large issue as the syntactic norm could be due to the fact that the textbook is not exaggerated. There are facts that function in writing in the Azerbaijani literary language of the XIX

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century, but do not participate in the communicative process, that T. Hajiyev "sees them as remnants of classical styles" (2, 41). He characterizes the communications that go beyond the leading tendencies as a traditional case from M.Fuzuli and A.Navai (2, 42-46). All of this considers T. Hajiyev's research, that is, it plays the role of an "introduction, foundation, foundation" to create a stylistic picture of the XIX century. Indeed, as R. Maharramova noted, "The level of literary language, the tendency of development of the norm should be determined by the operating methods" (7, 108; 8, 103). The researcher conducts the functional styles of the XIX century based on this scientific thesis. On the one hand, the classical-book and folklore-spoken language of the earlier stages of the Azerbaijani literary language continues, on the other hand, the styles are being reorganized, and functional styles are beginning to function in the modern context "(2, 47). The main purpose of the textbook is to give a complete description of the process of emergence and formation of functional styles, to explain the stages of their organization. Determining by the researcher that folklore is the basis of the first stage not only reveals the essence of the style, but also opens the way for its understanding, some new aspects of its study, and the possible coverage of the communicative aspects of the problem. According to the researcher, who traces the artistic branch of folklore on the basis of the works of G. Zakir and M.P. Vagif, such scientific verses are characterized in the literary language of the nineteenth century only by the nature of primitive speech "(9, 40-45). In both of the first and second half of the nineteenth century, the poetry and prose branches of the classical book language were active, and the poetry branch was at a more advanced level than the prose, because there were more poets who wrote poetry than prose. In the works of Khurshidbanu Natavan, Seyid Azim Shirvani, Bahar Shirvani, Abdulla bey Asi and dozens of talented poets in the genres of classical poetry, there is a great closeness in the intensity of work of word images, metaphors, lexical units, semantic-structural patterns. On the basis of these linguistic similarities, T. Hajiyev analyzes the lexical, semantic, syntactic tiers of the classical-book language on the basis of the works of A. Bakikhanov, S.A. Shirvani, Kh. Natavan and makes the transition to the process of organizing styles. "Linguistic style is determined by the choice, processing and syntactic norm of words in a work of art. In other words, stylistic norms such as clarity, accuracy, precision, naturalness, purity, conciseness, and fluency are necessary in speech "(10, 188-189). It is possible to define the stylistic indicators of a certain period, more specific types of styles in an artistic style. "Stylistics in the field of literature is a discussion of the theory of literature that studies the linguistic features of a work of art" (11, 259). In the textbook, T. Hajiyev interprets the norm of literary language of the XIX century, against the background of linguistic features of the works of A. Bakikhanov, S.A. Shirvani, M.F.Akhundov, reveals the types of styles by clarifying how they use national language tools, styles, dialect materials in their works. . In all periods of history, as well as in the nineteenth century, for all functional styles, as the beginning and the root, "artistic style is the strongest of all and is considered the leading style" (15, 7). T.Hajiyev defines the mechanism of organization of literary language according to styles in the XIX century according to the lexicon of M.F.Akhundov, H.Zardabi, S.A.Shirvani: a) artistic style; b) scientific style; c) formal style; d) publicist style. While defining the scientific style of the XIX century, T.Hajiyev based on the works of M.F.Akhundov, M.Afshar, S.Valibeyov, S.Unsuzade, Ch.Unsuzade, A.Cherniyayevsky and others gives a clear and comprehensive impression to the reader about the scientific style of the period (12, 159 -176). "Historically, along with writers and poets, along with writers and poets, intellectuals, clergymen, and teachers who wrote textbooks had special services" (13, 101) that T. Hajiyev based on certain theses of articles published in newspapers.

In the textbook, T. Hajiyev briefly summarizes the real activity of the official style in the Azerbaijani literary language system. This style, which operated in the language of official documents, was really emerging, so the speech-linguistic means that realized this style were mostly lexical units of terminology specific to Arabic and Persian. In the textbook, T. Hajiyev briefly summarizes the real activity of the official style in the Azerbaijani literary language system. This style, which operated in the language of official documents, was really emerging, so the speech-

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linguistic means that realized this style were mostly lexical units of terminology specific to Arabic and Persian. In the history of the Azerbaijani literary language, the publicist style began to gain popularity in the 19th century. T. Hajiyev speaks about the important role of "Akinchi" newspaper in characterizing the publicist style in this period, "interprets the main features of this style on the basis of literary and artistic examples brought by that press" (14, 380.)


T.Hajiyev's researches on functional styles of the XIX century can be concluded that the styles of the period interacted with each other, complemented each other and entered the XX century. The researcher classifies the styles of the period by speaking in detail about the norms existing in the system of functional styles in the XX century: 1) Artistic style; 2) Journalistic style; 3) Scientific style; 4) Condition style; 5) Formal-epistolary style. All of these styles were completely on the field in the early twentieth century, and T. Hajiyev's analysis covers only the period of the early twentieth century. Most Azerbaijani stylists were of the opinion that the early twentieth century was characterized by a period of complex socio-political events, so it is very difficult to determine the system of styles of this period (16, 71; 17, 108; 18, 201). Successfully overcoming this difficult problem, T. Hajiyev creates a picture of the phonetic, lexical, morphological, semantic, syntactic layers of the artistic style, based on the works of word artists who wrote and created in the early twentieth century. The works of J.Mammadguluzadeh, A.Hagverdiyev, U.Hajibeyli, M.Hadi play an important role in the expansion of artistic style, in the creation of words and allegories related to artistic speech. Mollanasraddinists complete speech units and syntactic indicators of artistic style. T. Hajiyev analyzes dozens and hundreds of language indicators that serve the artistic style and clarifies the similarities and differences of the artistic style with other styles in terms of its volume, function, level of development and understanding. The scientist identifies 3 shades within the publicist style typical of the early twentieth century: political-publicist language; artistic publicist language, scientific-publicist language. Seeing the most typical and perfect manifestation of the political-publicist language in the democratic press of the time, T. Hajiyev refines this tone on the basis of the materials provided by those press and this division classified by the stylist is still used in a number of research works (19, 103). At the beginning of the 20th century, T. Hajiyev thoroughly studied the features of the publicist style that distinguished it from those styles, the manifestations of the official-epistolary style in different directions, summarized the peculiarities of each functional style and expressed scientific opinions. "Typical for the XIX and early XX centuries" (20, 30; 21, 78)


T.Hajiyev's researches on functional styles of the Azerbaijani literary language are comprehensive and systematic and it is very valuable which includes the principle As a result, the scholar's textbook "History of the Azerbaijani literary language" has for many years been a research work that has played an important role in the research of researchers on various problems of style, cited as a necessary scientific source.


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6. Demirchizade A. History of Azerbaijan literary language. Baku, 1967,176 p.

7. Maharramova R. Mirza Alakbar Sabir's word world. Baku, "Nurlan", 2006, 324 p.

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16. Bagirov A. About literary language styles. Baku, AUL, 1967, 29 p.

17. Bagirov A. Stylistics of the Azerbaijani language. Baku, 1985, 78 p.

18. Aliyev H. Style and system of styles. Baku, AUL, 1985, 81 p.

19. Rzayeva V. Publicist style of the Azerbaijani literary language. Baku, "Nurlan", 2008, 150 p.

20. Efendiyeva T. Stylistic problems of the Azerbaijani literary language. Baku, "Science", 2001, 181 p.

21. Mammadov M. The power of publicist speech. Baku, "Wrter" 1992, 143 p.

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