Научная статья на тему 'Functional Features of Verbs of Interpersonal Relations in Russian and Chinese Languages'

Functional Features of Verbs of Interpersonal Relations in Russian and Chinese Languages Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
verbs of interpersonal relations / function / functional features / speech style / глаголы межличностных отношений / функция / функциональные особенности / стиль речи

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Li Xiuyu, Vladimir N. Denisenko, Aksinia A. Malenkova

The article studies functional features of verbs involved in the expression of interpersonal relations in the Russian and Chinese languages. Considering this group of verbs as a subfield of the general lexical-semantic field of attitude verbs is primarily conditioned by the fact that it expresses relations arising among people in the form of feelings, judgments and appeals to one another in course of everyday life. The group of verbs with a variety of both direct and figurative meanings, which are used in different spheres of human communication, is analyzed. The analysis of the studied verbs allows us find out the ways of their realization and appropriate the means to describe human relations in the Russian and Chinese languages. In accordance with the aim and objectives of the study, the article considers cases of expressing relations using adverbs in some constructions of fiction texts, which allows us reveal such features of relations as multiple repetition, duration and length. The analysis of this group of verbs of interpersonal relations helps us understand the semantic structure of the verb that plays a leading role in the context and show the characteristics of the author’s individual expression of interpersonal relations. It was revealed that in isolated cases the verb in Chinese can fulfill the function of a subject, which is explained by the syntactic peculiarities of the structure of this language. The results of the study confirm the hypothesis of incomplete correspondence between the functional features of verbs of interpersonal relations in the two languages under comparison.

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Функциональные особенности глаголов межличностных отношений в русском и китайском языках

Рассмотрение группы глагольной лексики как подполя общего лексико-семантического поля глаголов отношений обусловлено тем, что они выражают чувства, суждения и обращение друг к другу в повседневной жизни. В данной статье представлены функциональные особенности глаголов, участвующих в выражении межличностных отношений в русском и китайском языках. Анализу подвергается группа глаголов с прямыми и переносными значениями, которые употребляются в разных сферах человеческого общения. Авторами установлены способы и средства реализации глаголов с прямыми и переносными значениями для описания человеческих отношений в русском и китайском языках: выражения отношений неоднократной повторяемости, продолжительности и длительности с использованием наречий в конструкциях художественных текстов. В ходе исследования определена смысловая структура глагольной лексики, функционирующей в контексте, и особенности индивидуально-авторского выражения межличностных отношений. Выявлено, что в единичных случаях глагол в китайском языке может выполнять функцию подлежащего, что объясняется синтаксическими особенностями китайского языка. Результаты проведенного исследования подтверждают гипотезу о неполном соответствии функциональных особенностей глаголов межличностных отношений в двух языках.

Текст научной работы на тему «Functional Features of Verbs of Interpersonal Relations in Russian and Chinese Languages»


RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics

2313-2299 (print), ISSN 2411-1236 (online)

Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия: ТЕОРИЯ ЯЗЫКА. СЕМИОТИКА. СЕМАНТИКА

2024 Vol. 15 No. 2 443-456



DOI: 10.22363/2313-2299-2024-15-2-443-456 EDN: OLOKET

UDC [811.161.1:811.581]'367.625

Abstract. The article studies functional features of verbs involved in the expression of interpersonal relations in the Russian and Chinese languages. Considering this group of verbs as a subfield of the general lexical-semantic field of attitude verbs is primarily conditioned by the fact that it expresses relations arising among people in the form of feelings, judgments and appeals to one another in course of everyday life. The group of verbs with a variety of both direct and figurative meanings, which are used in different spheres of human communication, is analyzed. The analysis of the studied verbs allows us find out the ways of their realization and appropriate the means to describe human relations in the Russian and Chinese languages. In accordance with the aim and objectives of the study, the article considers cases of expressing relations using adverbs in some constructions of fiction texts, which allows us reveal such features of relations as multiple repetition, duration and length. The analysis of this group of verbs of interpersonal relations helps us understand the semantic structure of the verb that plays a leading role in the context and show the characteristics of the author's individual expression of interpersonal relations. It was revealed that in isolated cases the verb in Chinese can fulfill the function of a subject, which is explained by the syntactic peculiarities of the structure of this language. The results of the study confirm the hypothesis of incomplete correspondence between the functional features of verbs of interpersonal relations in the two languages under comparison.

Keywords: verbs of interpersonal relations, function, functional features, speech style

Article history:

Received: 01.02.2024 Accepted: 15.02.2024

For citation:

Li, Xiuyu, Denisenko, V.N. & Malenkova, A.A. (2024). Functional Features of Verbs of Interpersonal Relations in Russian and Chinese Languages. RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics, 15(2), 443-456. https://doi.org/10.22363/2313-2299-2024-15-2-443-456

© Li Xiuyu, Denisenko V.N., Malenkova A.A., 2024

I | This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License I_I https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/legalcode

Research article / Научная статья

Functional Features of Verbs of Interpersonal Relations in Russian and Chinese Languages

Xiuyu Li , Vladimir N. Denisenko <E, Aksinia A. Malenkova ©

RUDN University, Moscow, Russian Federation S lixiuyu0525@yandex.ru

Функциональные особенности глаголов межличностных отношений в русском и китайском языках

Сююй Ли S> S, В.Н. Денисенко (В, А.А. Маленкова Е>

Российский университет дружбы народов, Москва, Российская Федерация S lixiuyu0525@yandex.ru

Аннотация. Рассмотрение группы глагольной лексики как подполя общего лексико-се-мантического поля глаголов отношений обусловлено тем, что они выражают чувства, суждения и обращение друг к другу в повседневной жизни. В данной статье представлены функциональные особенности глаголов, участвующих в выражении межличностных отношений в русском и китайском языках. Анализу подвергается группа глаголов с прямыми и переносными значениями, которые употребляются в разных сферах человеческого общения. Авторами установлены способы и средства реализации глаголов с прямыми и переносными значениями для описания человеческих отношений в русском и китайском языках: выражения отношений неоднократной повторяемости, продолжительности и длительности с использованием наречий в конструкциях художественных текстов. В ходе исследования определена смысловая структура глагольной лексики, функционирующей в контексте, и особенности индивидуально-авторского выражения межличностных отношений. Выявлено, что в единичных случаях глагол в китайском языке может выполнять функцию подлежащего, что объясняется синтаксическими особенностями китайского языка. Результаты проведенного исследования подтверждают гипотезу о неполном соответствии функциональных особенностей глаголов межличностных отношений в двух языках.

Ключевые слова: глаголы межличностных отношений, функция, функциональные особенности, стиль речи

История статьи:

Дата поступления: 01.02.2024 Дата приема в печать: 15.02.2024

Для цитирования:

Li Xiuyu, Denisenko V.N., Malenkova A.A. Functional Features of Verbs of Interpersonal Relations in Russian and Chinese Languages // Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия: Теория языка. Семиотика. Семантика. 2024. Т. 15. № 2. С. 443-456. https://doi. org/10.22363/2313-2299-2024-15-2-443-456


Language is understood as an instrument and means of communication. It's a sign system of means and rules of speech which is common to all members of a certain society. In the opinion of N.N. Boldyrev, "language-speech representing an ontologically single object possesses structural and functional continuity; a meaning of a word is represented within a language system and in speech promotes a corresponding concept making the base to form various functional senses existing only in the frames of certain contexts" [1. P. 197].

The notion of function is one of the principle linguistic background features. Language is thought to be a certain system of means of expression and possesses

a set of proper functions, i.e., language serves to realize some definite goals, and those ideas are reflected in the work of Travaux du Cercle Linguistique de Prague (1929) [2. P. 486]. The idea of linguistic function is also described in the work by a German linguist K. Buhler The Theory of Language : The Representational Function of Language (Sprachtheorie) (1934). For the further elaboration of the theory of linguistic functions K. Buhler paid attention to the multifunctional character of language while distinguishing the function of expression, the function of addressing and the function of passing a message, or the communicative function [2. P. 486]. Three types of utterances correlate with those three functions — declarative, exclamatory and imperative utterances.

An essential feature of the development of modern linguistics is its transformation from studying the language form to studying its functions and the laws of their use.

The notion of "function" as a separate entity of language and the functional-and-semantic field theory are the basic functional grammar terms [3. P. 343]. The theoretical and methodological background of the present study make the works of Russian and Chinese linguists in the spheres of lexicology and functional grammar studies: A.V. Bondarko, V.N. Denisenko, L.M. Vasiliyev, L.G. Babenko, E.V. Kuznetsova, Lu Shuxiang, Zhang Huisen, et al. [4-8].

Studies on functional semantic fields and functional grammars compose an important sphere, which the Russian linguist A.V. Bondarko had been developing for many years. Proceeding from the theory of functional grammar, he had primarily elaborated the complex analysis of the functional-and-semantic fields. Among the put forward principles of the analysis he specifies the so-called "shuttle descriptive principle", which preset the means direction being "not only from functions and meanings towards their formal expression, but, as well, from the means of expression to their functions and meanings" [4. P. 8].

The main functional-and-semantic approach to study functional-and-semantic fields is grouping grammatical and lexical units according to some certain semantic categories possessing common features. In the opinion of V.N. Denisenko, "it is indeed the functional approach to meanings which allows demonstrate not just a deeper insight of the nature of the category's paradigmatics or show the interior integral interdependence of the general semantics of classes and their units, but also make more vivid and regularly functioning of the use of those units" [5. P. 92].

The description and study of the categories of verbs are playing an important role in forming and developing functional researches.

In Russian and foreign linguistic research the key position belongs to topics on the verbs because in many studies of the Russian parts of speech involving the lexical system, the verb has got the leading role overtaking other word classes both due to the richness and depth of its content, the lexical meaning and the variety of forms and grammatical categories [9. P. 414]. The work "Verbal categories in the system of functional grammar" by A.V. Bondarko contains

the most detailed description of the most essential verbal categories in Russian and components of the verbal lexical and syntactical environment. He promoted the unified functional semantics pertaining both — lexis and grammar. The study and description of functional peculiarities of verbs seems essential for the linguistic theory and as well, for the practice of teaching languages in foreign auditorium.

In general, the multiplicity of lexical-and-semantic classifications of verb classes is determined by the unique verbal semantics. According to A.A. Ufimtseva, semantics of a verb as a word, does reflect real minimal pieces of the reality which approximate elementary events and situations, but more often the phenomena denoted by a verb differently to a noun, make a complex feature. The verb, being the most complex and significant part of speech, reflects not just separate phenomena, but the kind of phenomena-situations, phenomena-relations, actions-relations [10. P. 111].

On the whole the interpersonal relations are understood as a total of interconnections of a man with people around him in various spheres of activity. They are based on social links resulting from a certain interaction. The existence of a society is impossible without interpersonal relations as it's a crucial constituent of our life. The background of interpersonal relations is communication — a human need being a social rational being, a bearer of conscience.

At present, in the academic literature the question on how to classify the verbs of relations and what verbs belong to the lexical and semantic group of interpersonal relations is still relevant and argumentative. The meanings of the majority of Russian verbs under the study combine two types of categorical semes: 'relation' and 'feeling', e.g., the Russian verb восхищаться ('admire'). In Chinese, the hieroglyphs ^^ 'sheng qi' also have a complex semantics, and each of its semes could cause different meanings while forming different lexical-and semantic groups. For example, ^^ 'sheng qi' could denote 'сердить/ рассердить 'make angry' and 'жизненная сила' 'life strength'. Thus the verbs under the study could be distributed into different lexical-and-semantic groups both in Russian and Chinese depending on the seme considered to be the basic one [11. P. 1].

In the system of the Russian language the group of verbs denoting interpersonal relations consists of the three different semantic groups [12. P. 593-606]: the verbs of emotionally-evaluative relation which could denote both — positive: уважать respect', ладить 'get along' and negative relation: конфликтовать 'conflict', попрекать 'reproach'; the verbs of outer, exterior relation which could be expressed by means of mimics as well: улыбаться 'smile', хмуриться 'frown', or speech: оскорблять 'insult', or gestures: приветствовать 'salute', брезговать 'loath', or action: аплодировать 'applaud', обнять 'embrace', or behavior нежить 'caress', свирепствовать 'be in a rage'; the verbs of contact: знакомиться 'make acquaintance', торговаться 'bargain', роднить 'appease' etc.

In the article we're going to discuss the verbs collected by means of continuous sampling method and belonging to the three already mentioned above semantic groups.

The specifics of the realization of expressing interpersonal relations in line with the system of functions in the Russian and Chinese languages

In modern Russian and Chinese the verbs of interpersonal relations are widely used in ever functional speech style. The functional speech style is represented as a conscious variety of speech means characterized by speech systemicity and fulfilling a certain function in communication and activity (e.g., science, politics, art, law, religion, etc.).

The theory of linguistic functions was laid as a base of various linguistic constructions. In understanding stylistic theory Acad. V.V. Vinogradov proceeded from various functions of language. Depending on the target and environment of communication there are classified five main speech styles: "journalistic (publicistic) style, artistic or literary fiction style, conversational style, academic style and official style"1 [13; 14]. The description of stylistic specifics and peculiarities of the verbs of interpersonal relations in Russian and Chinese wouldn't be sufficient or complete "if not to disclose their functional origins, not to show those really existing in language 'mechanisms', which determine the origins and form the background of their real existence in language" [2. P. 372].

1. Journalistic style maintain a vast domain of social relations, e.g., political, economic, cultural, sportive, and so on. It's also called 'the style of mass media', the style of newspapers, journals and magazines, radio and TV broadcast, etc. Its main function is the influential function. And the verbs of interpersonal communication are widely used, e.g.: 1) in Russian:

Фактически нынешняя Польша превращается в государство времен Ю. Пилсудского, когда Варшава конфликтовала со всеми соседями и жаждала территориальной экспансии (Новости первого канала, 23.04.2023). The verb конфликтовала 'conflicted with'. Source: News of Channel 1, 20.05.2023.

Мы решительно осуждаем боевые действия в Судане. Ониугрожают безопасности мирных граждан, подрывают усилия по демократическому переходу в Судане и могут повлиять на стабильность в регионе (РИА Новости, 20.05.2023). The verb осуждаем 'blame', 'denounce'. Source: RIA News, 20.05.2023.

1 Dictionary of literary terms. URL: https://rus-literary-criticism.slovaronline.com/406^yH^ro-нальные%20стили%20речи?ysclid=lhymfaq42x488980138 (accessed: 22.05.2023).

In the above mentioned sentences the verbs denoting emotional-evaluative relations are used in their direct lexical meanings.

In some constructions verbs with prefixes are used, e.g.: сдружиться, задружиться and others. E.g., За время боевого слаживания они сдружились друг с другом и знают, на что способны, и что надеются скоро вернуться домой (РИА Новости, 07.11.2022). The verb сдружились 'made friends'. Source: RIA News, 07.11.2022.

Special attention is drawn to the sentence in which there are simultaneously used the verbs expressing both — negative and positive emotional-evaluative relations. In one context there are often used antonyms, for example: Еще год назад толстосумы таких презирали, а теперь благоговеют (Комсомольская правда, 24.12.2009). The verbs: презирали 'despise' and благоговеют 'adore', 'worship'. Source: Komsomol'skaya Pravda, 24.12.2009. 2) In Chinese:

[wu lun guo ji feng yun ru he bian huan, zhong guo yu zhong ya ge guo shi zhong xiang hu zun zhong, mu lin you hao, tong zhou gong ji, hu li gong ying] lit.: 'Never mind changing international situation, China and Central Asian countries used always pay respect to one another, conserve good neighborhood relations, sail in one boat and abide mutual profits and mutual victory' (Xinhua News, 19.05.2023); The verb: 'pay respect'. Source: Xinhua News, 19.05.2023.

As is known, love and hatred cause different and opposite emotions of every man, and sometimes they could be felt at once. In Chinese, in journalistic style this idea is also confirmed by the context: ЦШ^ПШШШ: ШШШШВ^ Ш ЯШ&АЖШ, ШМЗЙШЙШЙ^М [dan zheng ru ke bi suo shuo: zai ni hen wo de tong shi, ye you hen duo ren ai wo, er ta men de yuan yin ye shi yi yang de] lit.: 'But, as Kobi said, while you hate me, there are many people who love me on the same basis'. The verbs: 'Ы 'hate' and M 'love'.

It's also worth mentioning that a number of words expressing positive values in the journalistic style are often used as the verbs of interpersonal relations.

In Chinese, the verb as a part of speech denotes action or condition of an object, and also the target of action or the way, the manner of it [15. P. 708]. Sometimes a verb indicates a relative feature of an object [16. P. 92]. "Signifying the action or the condition of an object, a verb used to realize the function of a predicate. Signifying the action target or a manner of action, it plays the role of a circumstance. Indicating a relative feature of an object a verb fulfils the attributive function. In a few single cases a verb might function as a subject of a sentence" [16. P. 49].

In modern Chinese one can rather often observe the situation when a verb used in non-typical syntactic position for it, could realize the function either of a subject or a complement. For instance: [zhe deng dai shi xiang dang

tong ku de] 'Это ожидание было довольно мучительным'. The verb: ^^ 'ожидание'/'waiting'.

The given phenomenon could cause difficulties in translation or use in speech. It also takes place in the group of verbs of interpersonal relations, e.g., W^SffiM ^Ф^Ш^^ШШШ [zun lao ai you shi zhong hua min zu de chuan tong mei de] 'Уважение к пожилым и забота о младенцах — традиционная добродетель китайской нации'. The verbs: W 'уважение'/'respect' and S 'забота'/'care'. Here the Chinese verbs W 'уважать' and S 'заботиться' are the subjects. So, Chinese verb could function as a subject or complement, and at this, it doesn't acquire formal features of a noun, and consequently, conserves the former categorial qualification.

To compare with other languages, Chinese verb is characterized as an element of language which could lose its predicative meaning while it's the predicativity to form the verb as the main part of speech.

2. Artistic style represents the style of literary fiction and art, and its main function means to influence appealing to an artistic or fiction image. It's used to convey artistic and fiction images and phenomena, to create a certain spirit of some reader's emotional attitude or feeling. Literary fiction text makes the material for the studies. Indeed, the discussed group of verbs is most often used in the artistic style works; their functions are rather various. An author has to express emotional attitudes among the characters of a text. On the one hand, it gives the opportunity to present the rules and regularities of a linguistic system functioning, and on the other hand, to reveal the peculiarities of author's individual expression of interpersonal relations. For instance: 1) in Russian:

Этот Оливьер, как рассказывал мне отец, презирал русских за невежество и глумился над ними жестоко (А.П. Чехов, Соседи, 1892). The verb: глумился 'mocked'.

Я имел самые странные понятия о красоте... поэтому каждый намек на мою наружность больно оскорблял меня (Л.Н. Толстой, Детство, 1852). The verb: оскорблял 'insulted'.

The use of adverbs in some structures of fiction texts could also point out such peculiarities of relations as multifold repetitions, continuity, duration and longevity [10. P. 112-113]. In thus study we are considering the following use of adverbs:

a) The use of the adverb давно 'long time ago' which could give evidence of the duration of relations, e.g., Он так давно влюблен, и мне его очень жаль (Л.Н. Толстой, Анна Каренина, 1878); — Ах, я давно так не смеялась! — сказала Варенька, собирая зонтик и мешочек (Там же). The adverb and predicate: давно влюблен 'long time in love'; давно... не смеялась 'didn't laugh so long.

b) The use of the adverb никогда 'never', which correlates with the negative verbal form, e.g., Я тебя никогда так не любила, Ваня (Ф.М. Достоевский, Униженные и оскорбленные, 1861); The collocation: никогда ... не любила 'have never loved' — no negative verbal form in English!

c) The use of adverb не раз 'not once' indicating the repetition of relations, e.g.: Хотя и знала, что старик их подозревает в ней и даже не раз попрекал ее косвенным образом (Там же). The collocation: не раз попрекал 'not once reproached'.

d) The degree of the intensity of feelings could be demonstrated by the use of a predicate's amplifiers, e.g., the use of the adverb очень 'very', meaning 'at the great, significant degree'. For example: Лиза очень любила ее, открывала ей все свои тайны (А.С. Пушкин, Барышня-крестьянка, 1830). The collocation: очень любила 'loved very much'.

e) The use of the adverb страшно 'very much horrifying', 'greatly', 'extremely' meaning 'the significantly intensive revelation' E.g., Он был как убитый; Нелли страшно оскорбила его; все поднялось, во мне (Ф.М. Достоевский, Униженные и оскорбленные, 1861). The collocation страшно оскорбила 'greatly insulted'.

f) The adverb так 'so', 'so much' also denotes the degree of a feature. For example: Должно быть, это вышло ужасно глупо, и потому-то, вероятно, Наташа так странно улыбнулась тогда моему восторгу (Там же). The collocation: так ... улыбнулась 'smiled so...'.

2) in Chinese:


[dan ta ke wang zhe jian hun shi cheng gong, te bie shi yao shi zi ji ding xin, jiu geng xiang xin nu er de hua le] 'However, she didn't want so much this marriage, and moreover, the comforting feeling of her worries', so that she believed it'. The verb: ffifs 'believed'.

ШШЯ-Ш-®, #Я1ШШо ШШШШЙ [wo chao xiao shi jie shang de yi qie, te bie shi gan qing. zhe shi ta gan dao hai pa] 'I laugh at everything in the world especially at the feelings: and it starts to frighten her'. The verb: 'laugh'.

Emphasizing the peculiarities of relations by means of adverbs is characteristic in Chinese as well. In following sentence the adverb никогда 'never' in combination with the negative verbal form is expressed like that: как Щ, a^^^ [a, wo bu ren shi ta, cong lai bu ceng

yu jian ta, qi bu geng hao] 'Oh, it'd be much better if I had never met him'/'Ох, лучше б я не знала, не встречала б его никогда'; and the adverb очень 'very', 'very much': [lao liang kou shi fen xiang ai] 'Старики очень

любили друг друга'/'The old ones loved each other very much'.

The examples given above are taken from fiction works and give evidence that the functioning of the verbs under consideration reflects both general linguistic regularities and the author's peculiarities to depict characters and convey the content of the story, and create the large range of relations among the people. 3. For the conversational speech style the informal communication is rather typical, when the author shares his thoughts and feelings with the people around him, exchanges the information on everyday topics in the informal circumstances2. Here the main function becomes the communicative function. In the spoken speech style there are used simple words, verbal expression of emotions, every day or substandard lexis. One of the typical features of the spoken speech style is emotional expressiveness which involves that in course of communication, communicants use gestures and mimics, and intonation which make clear and understandable the mood of the narrator; there are inserted pauses or the accent is put on specific phrases. For example: 1) in Russian:

Эх, ты... тихая моя! [Елена]. При мне — не любезничать 'not to be polite)!

Ведь ты насмешничаешь 'mock' 'make fun', над докторами (Антонов).

И Брюсов весьма любопытничал 'be curious'. «Весь тот период густо окрашен мне Мережковскими; куда ни придешь», — говорят о них; в лаборатории говорим о них.

It's worth mentioning that such verbs, which denote the amiability towards oneself like приворожить 'bewitch' figuratively meaning 'очаровав, привлечь к себе, обворожить' 'having charmed, to attract, to enchant' are characteristic for the spoken speech style/ Here comes an example: 'Она его приворожила'/ 'She has bewitched him'. 1) In Chinese:

Ш, ШМ& [ka jia,

wo he ni fu qin zui jin zhe duan shi jian xiang chu de bu tai rong qia, zhe ye nan mian] 'Катя, мы с твоим отцом в последнее время не ладили, бывает'/ 'Katya, we didn't use to be on good terms with you father' during the latest time.

In Chinese, the figurative meaning of the verb приворожить 'bewitch' is expressed like that: ШЖ^^ШШШШЖ^Ш^? [ta zen me hui ba ta mi dao zhe ge di bu] 'Чем она его так приворожила?' / 'How has she bewitched him?'.

Such verbs as брезговать 'loath', любезничать 'flirt', переглядываться 'exchange glances', торговаться 'bargain', привораживать 'bewitch' do function in the everyday speech style, e.g.

2 Stylistic Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language. URL: https://dic.academic.ru/dic.nsf/ ruwiki/1114967 (accessed: 20.05.2023).

{МЖ^^Ж [wo zhi dao ni men zhe xie wai di ren xi huan jiang jia, dan zhe wo ke bu shan zhang] 'Я знаю, вы, чужаки, любите торговаться, но это не мой конек'/ 'I know, you, men like to bargain, but it's not my hot short'.

Й^в, ШЮШШ, ШВТШУШ [hao ba, wo men ke yi jie shou, dui ba? ta si xia kan le kan] 'Хорошо. Нас ведь это устраивает? Он переглядывается со своими друзьями'/ 'OK. Would it suit us? He is exchanging glances with his friends'.

4. Official speech style presents a functional variety of modern literary language to serve in the spheres of law, power, administration, trade inside the country and on the international arena. For instance:

1) In Russian:

Опекуны и попечители несовершеннолетних должны заботиться 'have to take care' об их обучении и воспитании.

In the conversational style there is often used a construction to express primarily the meaning of the "obligatory must": a word with this meaning (следует, надлежит, обязуется, должны, обязаны) — all those mean 'must', 'have to', 'should' depending on the context, + a verb of interpersonal relations. For example: Опекуны и попечители обязаны заботиться 'should have to take care' о содержании своих подопечных, об обеспечении их уходом и лечением, защищать их права и интересы.

2) In Chinese:

^П^Ж^ЙА: 02 [wan yi she ji nin he nin de qin ren de qi zha hang wei, zhi fa ren yuan qing qiu nin li ji yu zui jin de jing cha bu men lian xi huo zhi dian] 'Правоохранители просят в случае совершения в отношении вас и или ваших близких мошеннических действий незамедлительно обращаться в или по телефону: 02' / 'Law enforcement structures ask you must immediately turn to the nearest police station personally or by phone 02', in case there were made fraud actions against you or your relatives. It's necessary to remark that the Chinese official speech style abandons with linguistic formulas containing lexical means typical for official speech [18. P. 40], e.g.: Х^Й^^ШЙ^/^^Ш^ШШ [dui gui fang re qing de kuan dai biao shi gan xie] 'Thank you for the warm reception' / 'Благодарим за теплый прием'.

5. Academic style functions in the academic sphere of communication and speech activity; it reflects theoretical thinking in the notional-and-logic form. The message-sending function is the main one here. In the academic style, Russian and Chinese verbs of interpersonal relations are functioning as following:

1) In Russian:

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

Отношения личности к другим являются, в сущности, взаимоотношениями, ...люди определенным образом относятся 'relate' друг к другу;

Педагог обязан быть строгим и требовательным, не должен проявлять 'reveal' личных отношений... в присутствии других воспитанников или иных посторонних.

In this style the use of the verbs of interpersonal relations is usually revealed in the frames of a syntactic structure with the following verbs, e.g.: быть 'be', являться 'appear', казаться 'seem', считаться 'take into account', обладать 'possess', отличаться 'differ', иметь 'have'.

2) In Chinese:

Ш^^ШМ'Ъ^ [ni ai zong he zheng shi zhi

jia zhang dui er tong guo yu jiao sheng guan yang he ni ai, yi zhi er tong zai cheng zhang guo cheng zhong chan sheng yi xi lie hang wei, pin hang he xi guan fang mian de wen ti] 'Баловство — это ситуация, при которой родители балуют своих детей, что в процессе взросления приводит к большим проблемам с поведением, характером и привычками' / 'Desipience is the situation when the parents spoil their children, and it causes big problems in course of maturing concerning the character and habits'.

In Chinese, a specific feature of the academic style is a simplification trend expressed be means of specific syntax and text structure. "Simplification is inherited in academic texts because it has to contain maximum of information implied in the minimal volume" [19], as is used in the example given above: . ..M [shi] ..., [yizhi]... 'что является., что приводит к тому, что. ../в результате чего./' 'what appears ... what leads to/what results in.'.

It's worth mentioning that using in the academic style of the verbs of interpersonal relations is characterized in both languages under the study with vivid logic, exactness and proof in comparison to other styles.


Main conclusions of the given study demonstrate that the verbs of interpersonal relations are frequently used in both languages and mainly reveal direct meanings. It is proved that in some singular usages a Chinese verb could fulfil the function of a subject which is due to the specifics of syntactic structures of the Chinese language.

We'd remark that under certain conditions when there takes place a semantic transformation of the verbs used in a certain context there are possible changes in meanings of some verbs that should be taken into consideration while to distribute the verbs among various lexical-and- semantic groups.

The results of the undertaken study confirm the hypothesis of incomplete correlation of functional peculiarities of the verbs of interpersonal relations in both languages — Russian and Chinese. In addition, it's necessary to mention that the singularly functional approach to describe the given group of verbs

allows reveal the main specifics of these units in both languages under the study, and the comparative aspect of analysis makes it possible to put forward prognosis on the possible range of difficulties in translation and studying languages as the foreign ones.


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Information about the authors:

Li Xiuyu, PhD student of the General and Russian Linguistics Department, Philological Faculty, RUDN University (6, Miklukho-Maklaya Str., Moscow, Russian Federation, 117198); Research interests: Interests semantics, lexicology, comparative study; e-mail: lixiuyu0525@yandex.ru ORCID: 0009-0004-8283-534X; SPIN-code: 8715-5942; Author ID: 1238280. Vladimir N. Denisenko, Dr.Sc. in Philology, Professor, Head of the of the General and Russian Linguistics Department, RUDN University (6, Miklukho-Maklaya Str., Moscow, Russian Federation, 117198); Research interests: semantics, phonetics, morphology and lexicology of the modern Russian language, problems of General and Russian linguistics; e-mail: denisenko-vn@rudn.ru

ORCID: 0000-0001-6021-4068; SPIN-code: 4635-8342; Author ID: 310131; Scopus ID: 57193133860, AAG-9635-2020.

Aksinia A. Malenkova, Ph.D. in Philology, Senior Lecturer at the Foreign languages department, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, RUDN University (6, Miklukho-Maklaya str., Moscow, Russian Federation, 117198); Research interests: political discourse; cognitive semantics; connotation; conceptual sphere; e-mail: malenkova-aa@rudn.ru ORCID: 0000-0002-7371-0404; SPIN-code: 3490-4963; Author ID: 375427.

Сведения об авторах:

Ли Сююй, аспирант кафедры общего и русского языкознания филологического факультета, Российский университет дружбы народов (117198, Российская Федерация, г. Москва, ул. Миклухо-Маклая, 6); сфера научных интересов: проблемы семантики, лексикологии, сопоставительное исследование; e-mail: lixiuyu0525@yandex.ru ORCID: 0009-0004-8283-534X; SPIN-code: 8715-5942; Author ID: 1238280.

Денисенко Владимир Никифорович, доктор филологических наук, профессор, заведующий кафедрой общего и русского языкознания, Российский университет дружбы народов (117198, Российская Федерация, г. Москва, ул. Миклухо-Маклая, 6); сфера научных интересов: разработка проблем семантики, фонетики, морфонологии и лексикологии современного русского языка, а также проблем общего и русского языкознания; e-mail: denisenko-vn@rudn.ru

ORCID: 0000-0001-6021-4068; SPIN-код: 4635-8342; Author ID: 310131; Scopus ID: 57193133860, AAG-9635-2020.

Маленкова Аксиния Авенировна, кандидат филологических наук, старший преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков факультета гуманитарных и социальных наук, Российский университет дружбы народов (117198, Российская Федерация, г. Москва, ул. Миклухо-Маклая, 6); сфера научных интересов: политдискурс; когнитивная семантика; коннотация; концептосфера; e-mail: malenkova-aa@rudn.ru ORCID: 0000-0002-7371-0404; SPIN-код: 3490-4963; Author ID: 375427.

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