Научная статья на тему 'From the History of publication of educational materials on Even language'

From the History of publication of educational materials on Even language Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Krivoshapkina Ekaterina A.

The article deals with the study of the Even language as a native language. The author considers the problems associated with production and use of educational materials for the people who study the Even language. The author notes that nowadays one can get only the primary school education in the Even language and calls for using new educational materials for all years of the secondary school education.

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Текст научной работы на тему «From the History of publication of educational materials on Even language»

Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences 5 (2013 6) 653-659

УДК 811.512

From the History of Publication of Educational Materials on Even Language

Ekaterina A. Krivoshapkina*

M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University in Yakutsk 58 Belinskiy Str., Yakutsk, 677980 Russia

Received 10.01.2013, received in revised form 25.02.2013, accepted 15.04.2013

The article deals with the study of the Even language as a native language. The author considers the problems associated with production and use of educational materials for the people who study the Even language. The author notes that nowadays one can get only the primary school education in the Even language and calls for using new educational materials for all years of the secondary school education.

Keywords: the Even language, primary school, provision with educational materials, indigenous minorities of the North, Siberia and the Far East.

The work was fulfilled within the framework of the research financed by the Krasnoyarsk Regional Foundation of Research and Technology Development Support and in accordance with the course schedule of Siberian Federal University as assigned by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

The main type of teaching material for secondary school is still a textbook. Textbook with workbook, vocabulary, books for reading, atlas, album and other publications are the subject training kit or a training set. In the transition to the new secondary school education content it is essential to accelerate the creation of modern teaching materials for the study of the native language, to publish the necessary programs and manuals.

However, in today's editions of the teaching materials we should use the experience of the past years. It is appropriate to recall the work of enthusiasts - Even language first teachers and researchers, and their role in the preparation and publication

© Siberian Federal University. All rights reserved

* Corresponding author E-mail address: [email protected]

of educational materials in the languages of Indigenous Peoples of the North.

The first steps in the publication of textbooks and instructional materials in the languages of minorities of the North were made in the late 20's - early 30's of the last century. This work was closely connected with the problems of organization of the written language and publishing books in the languages of the peoples of the North. The VII extended plenum of the Committee of the North, in Leningrad in April 1930, addressed the matter of creating literature in the languages of the North amongst other issues. The task of creating manuals, primers and textbooks for schools, native settlements and stations of illiteracy liquidation in Russian and

native languages was given at the plenary session, along with the selection and publication of popular literature for the distribution to the North. As a result of this work a "common northern alphabet" was developed based on the Latin alphabet, which was approved by the science section of the People's Committee of Education of the RSFSR in February 23, 1931.

However, the first handwritten primers made by the teacher enthusiasts appeared even before the publication of primers and textbooks in the areas where people of the North lived. Thus, in 1930, N.P. Tkachik compiled Even language primer based on Russian grammar in the Arka School of the Okhotsk-Evensk National District (Book Culture... 2008, p. 8). Twenty copies of it were handwritten using carbon paper and used on the lessons of Even language. In 1931 V.I. Levin's Latin based Even primer was copied in the same manner [ibid.]. In those circumstances, at the lack of elementary working conditions: premises, classrooms, desks, paper and ink, technical means; problem of textbooks lack was solved on the spot thanks to the first teachers. Those were the heroic efforts and the hard work of enthusiasts for the benefit of society. The current generation of native language teachers should learn from this experience and use it to solve a number of problems in the educational system of the Indigenous peoples of the North.

The best of North studies scientists and teachers worked on the written language and books, including textbooks and teaching aids in the Institute of the North (Leningrad), and most importantly, started training in the languages the North. Worth mentioning that students of this Institute were actively involved in the work on the publication of textbooks, translated and original literature in the native languages (Book Culture. 2008, pp. 9). With their direct participation in the 1932 Leningrad branch of Uchpedgiz (Pedagogical State Publishing)

published the first primer in the languages of the North. Following the publication of the first primers, programs on language and guidelines for teachers were published - "Explanatory Notes" to the ABC books. Publishing of the books for reading in the native languages began in 1933, and the first native language textbooks - in 1934 (Zubov, 2009, p.130).

The first textbook in Even «Annamta topan» ("New Word") has been prepared for publication byV.I .Tsintsius in 1932, with the active participation of the following students: P.V. Adukanov, A.A. Cherkanov, N.S. Tarabukin, N.K. Nerevl, P.V. Tylkanov (Book Culture. 2008, p.13). It was republished in Magadan just a year later. After the textbook, V.I. Tsintsius prepared and published the manual "To help teachers working with the Even (Lamutsky -outdated) first textbook "New Word".

Since 1933 books for reading, arithmetic textbooks for I, II grades, grammar, spelling and native language textbooks were published in several languages of the North, including Even. Even language textbook for I, II grades in 1934 and for III, IV grades in 1935 became a big event for Evens. The author of these books was the V.I. Tsintsius.

On March 7, 1937 the Soviet government decided to transfer the graphic language of the North to the Russian base. Shifting to the Russian alphabet allowed people of the North to join to the Russian language and culture faster, to develop their own culture and language, and to simplify and reduce the cost of publishing. For this reason Leningrad branch of Uchpedgize started republication of textbooks and teaching materials in the languages of the North (Book Culture. 2008, p.15).

A decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU (Communist Party of the Soviet Union), and CPC (Council of People's Commissars) on the teaching of Russian language in the schools of

the national republics and regions was published on March 13, 1938. This decree was a watershed in the work of national schools for teaching native and Russian languages. In accordance with the directives on the indigenization of non-Russian schools the task to create textbooks for primary schools in 9 languages of the North was given (Krongauz, 1950, p.138). Since 1939, the Institute of the North was asked to start preparatory work on the development of the native language textbooks for high school, which could be used in teacher training colleges. However, only the "ABC" for the Even elementary school by A.R. Bespalenko (1940) and the first part of the tutorial on grammar and spelling of Even language by N.P. Tkachik "Эвэды терэм хупкучилдывун: грамматика, дяпкадун дукун: нонап ханин" (1941) were prepared and published until the beginning of World War II. The work on publication of textbooks has been suspended during the war years.

After the war in 1945, the CPC considered the "Measures for improvement of primary and secondary schools of the Far North". The Commissariat was to prepare and OGIZ (ASPB - Association of State book and magazine publishers) to print the required number of books in native languages, along with training plans, programs and visual aids (Book Culture... 2008, p.18). These measures had to address the lack of textbooks and teaching aids at the places of residence of the people of the North. At that time, teaching in primary schools was conducted in Russian because of the lack of teachers who knew the native language and textbooks in that language. But the main reason for this was an increase in the number of schools and boarding schools for children of reindeer herders and hunters and, therefore, an increasing number of students in these schools.

Leningrad branch of Uchpedgiz resumed production of educational, methodical and

fictional literature. The above-mentioned primer by A.R. Bespalenko was republished as early as in 1945; textbooks by V.I. Tsintsius for grades I, III were published in 1946, in 1947 - for the grade II and in 1950 - for grade IV. These textbooks were in demand from 1956 to 1979, and stood up to six editions. In addition, during the period from 1945 to 1958, the publishing house released arithmetic textbooks and collections of arithmetical sums for the grades I and II in Even translated by V.D. Lebedev, I.V. Monakhova, and B.L. Krongauz.

Reissue of the textbooks and teaching materials has intensified after the meeting on the prospects of newly created written language in 1952. The Institute of Linguistics of the Academy of Sciences USSR, together with the office of the non-Russian schools of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR and the Leningrad branch of Uchpedgiz considered questions about the prospects of newly created written language, spelling, and alphabets of some of these languages during their meeting (Book Culture... 2008, p.19). It was concluded to introduce additional characters to the alphabet of some languages, including Even.

After the meeting Uchpedgiz started publishing special brochures and books on sound composition and the basic rules of spelling in some languages of the North. Even language textbooks were revised and republished and the series of teachers' guides called «To help teachers of Northern schools" was released (Book Culture... 2008, p.20).

L.D. Rishes, research scientist, was actively involved in publishing of the Even language textbooks in 50's. So, she prepared and published a textbook for preparatory class in the Even schools. This book was revised and reissued in 1959, and subsequently stood up to two more editions (1964, 1972). In 1956 B.L. Krongauz released Even language textbook for the second grade,

which was also revised and reissued in 1962. In addition, preparation and publication of bilingual dictionaries started during this period, along with a practice to enclose dictionaries to the reading books for elementary school students. In 1949, the Russian-Even and Even-Russian dictionaries by V.I. Tsintsius, and L.D. Rishes were published. Those dictionaries contributed greatly to the practical command of dialects and sub-dialects of the native language, along with Russian, and altogether it contributed to the development of creative writing skills of the students. (Book Culture... 2008, p.20]. Many of the students of that period went on with writing, and became well-known writers. Today every school student is familiar with the works of such Even writers as A.V. Krivoshapkina, V.S. Keymetinova-Bargachana, V.A. Keymetinova-Keetti-Keetmetti.

Thus, production of training and educational materials for national schools was a continuation of cultural construction in the post war period. New textbooks helped students to acquire and develop knowledge of their native language, and to learn Russian. Must be said that during this period the work on the preparation of Even language textbooks for elementary school, begun in 1930, would continue and complete.

In 1963 Uchpedgiz was renamed to the "Prosveshcheniye" publishing house. In 1960-1970 years the publishing house continued republishing Even language textbooks for primary schools. In 1962 supplemented textbooks for grade I and II by V.I. Tsintsius and B.L. Krongauz, respectively, were republished once again. In 1964 - the ABC and the textbook by L.D. Rishes for preparatory class. In the following years, the practice of reeditions of textbooks continued: between 197984 the primer and the abovementioned primer textbook by V.I .Tsintsius have been reprinted several times.

Compared with textbooks published in 1930-1950's, these textbooks had a higher quality printing and design. All of them were printed in large and sharp print on good paper, and had beautifully decorated hard covers. The number of people in whose language the textbooks were published was usually taken into account when determining the number of printed copies.

Subsequently the release of textbooks has intensified in accordance with the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the USSR Council of Ministers "On measures to further economic and social development of the areas inhabited by peoples of the North" in 1980. It, in particular, focuses on the need for curriculum development, preparation and production of textbooks, teaching aids and dictionaries for secondary schools, teacher training colleges and institutes, visual aids and guidelines for preschool.

Fulfilling the resolution Goskomizdat (the State Committee for Publishing) of the RSFSR on June 26, 1980 issued an order N 238, which raised the question of improving the publication of books in the languages of indigenous peoples of the North. "Prosveshcheniye" publishing house was instructed to provide textbooks and manuals on national languages at a high scientific, ideological and methodological level, with good printing and design, as well to continue preparing books for home reading for schools and books for teachers in the native and Russian languages; to publish textbooks and training manuals in local languages for the teacher training colleges and institutes.

According to this resolution the textbook "Even language: a textbook and book for reading for grade III." by A.V. Krivoshapkin was published in 1980, in collaboration with A.A. Keymetinova, the Even language teacher of Sebyan-Kyuelsk school, the honored teacher of the schools of YASSR (Yakut Autonomous Soviet Socialist

Republic). The textbook was supplemented and republished three times: in 1987, 1991, 1997. V.I. Tsintsius in collaboration with T.K. Kopyrina, Topolinsk high school teacher, is releasing "Primer for the elementary school," but it was published after the scientist's death in 1989. That same year, T.K. Kopyrina releases samples of writing for the first class pupils of the four-year primary school «^yKaHMan (xynKyTTH^gy 6э^мдbIвун)». Its republishing was carried out in 1994.

With the Concept of the revival of the national schools in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) starts a new stage in the publication of educational and instructional materials for indigenous peoples of the North. Since the mid 90's of the last century the publication and republication of the books livens up: "Prosveshcheniye" republishes the primer by V.I .Tsintsius and T.K. Kopyrin (1994), textbooks for grades II and III by N.I. Gladkov, V.A. Robbek (1997, 2001, 2003), "Drofa" published and republished the primer for the first grade by A.A. Burykin (1994, 2002).

Since the early 1990's in the local publishing houses began to produce educational and methodological literature. So, in 1990, educational materials on the Even language for grade IV were published, in 1995 - a picture dictionary for learning Even language "Эвэднн тeрэдэн Tarau." The author of this work is A.V. Sivtseva, teacher of the Even language in Olenegorsk school, Excellent Educator of the RSFSR, Excellent Educator of Sakha (Yakutia). In 1997 "The Even-Russian phrasebook" by A.P. Stepanova, Even language teacher of the Sebyan-Kyuelsk school, was published.

As a part of the series "To help primary school teachers" and "School of the Far North," various teaching aids and materials were released. So, in 1990 the manual for teachers "Guidelines for the Even ABC" by O.N. Keymetinova were publish. In the period from 1990 to 1994, the author, the first scientist and instructor from the Evens,

pprepared and published eleven methodological works to help Even language teachers. She has published teaching guidelines, didactic materials, including - subject planning of the Even language lessons, teaching aids for the development of the speech, "Collection of dictations" for I-II and III-IV grades co-authored with A.A. Keymetinova.

O.N. Keymetinova is also the author of "the Program of Even language for V-IX grades" (1991). In 2001 the program was included in the book "A typical general education program on the languages of Tungusic language group for schools of the North» (V-IX grades), published by the Institute of National Problems of Education of the Ministry of Education in the Russian Federation. For twenty years this program remains the only one of its kind, it is in great demand in the national schools of Even.

Since 2000's students in the Even schools have textbooks of the new format. Among them should be mentioned tutorials by U.P. Tarabukina, "Even language in Tables" (2002), "The Even ABC in verse" (2003), integrated textbook for the first grade "Nyot " (2007), a textbook for the Even language II class "Gyavan" (2008). The author was able to publish methodically competent and consistent, useful, interesting, fascinating textbooks for primary school children. In 2007 no less interesting "Funny Even alphabet" by A.A. Burykin was published.

In the last decade, production of dictionaries has intensified. So "Picture Dictionary" by E.E. Balaganchik (2002), "Even-Russian thesaurus" by A.D. Keymetinova (2003), "School Topical Dictionary" by E.N. Bokovaya (2007), "Even-Russian dictionary for nomadic schools" by V.A. Robbek (2006), all this books have been issued for primary school students. In addition, pupils are able to use Even-Russian and Russian-Even dictionaries by V.A. Robbek, A.A. Burykin, vocabulary-phrasebook by H.I. Dutkina, four-part etymological dictionary by V.A. Keymetinova.

It is relevant to note the manuals and programs for nomadic ungraded school: "The program of training and education of children in the spirit of the ancestors for the I-IV grades of the nomadic school for peoples of the North" by R.S. Nikitina, A.V. Krivoshapkin, textbooks for primary school "XonKH^ 6nHm3H" (Lessons ancestors, 2000) by R.S. Nikitin, "Taiga alphabet" (2004), "Learning to live in the land" (2005), guidelines for textbook "Lessons of the ancestors" for the Even primary school (2001) "AnaHHa-MyT akt" (Nature - our house, 2002) by U.P. Tarabukina. The value of these textbooks is that along with the formation of elementary knowledge of the outside world, principles of personal and social safety, the environment and natural resources, they can build language skills and enrich the vocabulary of pupils in primary schools.

At the end of our study, it is necessary to list all of the authors of textbooks and manuals on the Even language, their undeniable contribution to the education system of Evens. Thanks to enthusiast teachers like N.P. Tkachik, V.I. Levin in the early 1930's. first handwritten primers appeared, which played an important role in educating the Evens to write and to read. The first primer and textbooks for primary schools have been published as a result of the hard work of the North Studies scientist, a specialist in Tungus languages - V.I. Tsintsius. In this regard we have to remember the names of the first students of the Institute of the North, who took an active part in the drafting of the first textbook of Even language: P.V. Adukanov, A.A. Cherkanov, N.S. Tarabukin, N.K. Nerevlya, P.V. Tylkanov.

"Prosveshcheniye" continues to publish manuals by V.I. Tsintsius even after her death in 1983. According to our data, in the period from 1932 to 1994, Tsintsius' textbooks and teaching aids have been published and republished twenty-six times.

The following scientists have contributed to the publication of teaching aids: L.D. Rishes, A.R. Bespalenko, K.A. Novikova, N.I. Gladkova, V.I. Levin, B.L. Krongauz, Z.I. Kovaleva, V.A. Robbek, H.I. Dutkin, A.A. Burykin, writers - V.D. Lebedev (as a translator), A.V. Krivoshapkin, methodologists and teachers of Even language - A.A. Keymetinova, O.N. Keymetinova, T.K. Kopyrina, A.V. Sivceva, U.P. Tarabukina, E.N. Bokova, A.D. Keymetinova, E.E .Balaganchik.

Summing up:

- despite the positive learning experience of Even language authors are still limited by primary education (I-IV grades) in addressing the development and publication of teaching materials;

- Even language learning at the main training stage (V-XI grades) is in a very difficult situation because of complete lack of teaching materials. This situation requires an immediate solution to the problem taking into account modern technology training;

- it is necessary to develop appropriate models and varied learning techniques of Even language learning taking into account the language situation: as for the native speakers and for the non-speakers, who don't know their ethnic language as the majority in the republic .


1. Zubov, S.F. The role of the St. Petersburg publishing house «Prosveshcheniye» in the preservation of the language and culture of the Far North, Siberia and the Far East. [Rol' Sankt-Peteburgskogo yizdatel'stva «Prosveshchenije» v sokhraneniji yazyka i kultury narodov Kraijnego Severa, Sibiry i Dal'nego Vostoka // Rodnye yaziki korennyh malochislennyh nardov Rossijskoy Federaciy v systeme rossiyskogo obrazovanija. ] / / Native languages of Indigenous

Peoples of the Russian Federation in the Russian education system: a collection of scientific-method. Art / Ministry of the regional development of Russia. Federation, M-Education of Resp. Sakha (Yakutia), [ch. Ed. F.V. Gabysheva]. Yakutsk, Offset, 2009. p.129-132.

2. Book Culture of Evens: method. Manual [Knizhnaya kul 'tura evenov: metod]/Ministry of science and professional education of the RS (Y) Institute of problems of indigenous peoples of the North, Russian Academy of Sciences; [comp. L.N. Potapova] Yakutsk: Offset, 2008. 116 p.

3. Krongauz F.F. The main problems of the Soviet school of the people of the North / / History and Economy of the Far North of the USSR [Osnovnye problemy sovetskoy shkoly narodov Severa// Istorija I economika Krainego severa]. L., 1950. P. 138.

Из истории издания учебно-методической литературы по эвенскому языку

Е.А. Кривошапкина

Северо-Восточный федеральный университет

им. М.К. Аммосова Россия 677000, Якутск, ул. Белинского, 58

Статья посвящена изучению эвенского языка как родного языка. Автор рассматривает проблемы, связанные с изготовлением и использованием учебно-методической литературы для людей, изучающий эвенский язык. Автор фиксирует тот факт, что в настоящее время на эвенском языке можно получить лишь начальное образование, и призывает разрабатывать новое учебно-методическое обеспечение для всех классов среднего школьного образования.

Ключевые слова: эвенский язык, начальная школа, учебно-методическое обеспечение, коренные малочисленные народы Севера, Сибири и Дальнего Востока.

Работа выполнена в рамках исследований, финансируемых Красноярским краевым фондом поддержки научной и научно-технической деятельности, а также в рамках тематического плана СФУ по заданию Министерства образования и науки Российской Федерации.

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