Научная статья на тему 'From the experience of introducing new educational program at example of committee “Cell metabolism” for the 1-year students in Medical university Semey'

From the experience of introducing new educational program at example of committee “Cell metabolism” for the 1-year students in Medical university Semey Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Uzbekova S.E., Orazalina A.S., Mussainova A.K., Mynzhanov M.R., Uzbekov D.E.

Introduction. In non profit Joint stock Company “Medical University Semey” new integrated educational program is being introduced. It is model of education based on learning outcomes. For creation of the new educational program development of “Competency Catalogue” of graduates for all specialties was necessary to make. On base of this Catalogue all the teachers started to teach according to new standard. At current moment students of the 1st stream have finished the committee “Cell metabolism”. The results of study of this committee are given in this article. Steps of creation of educational program. The steps involved in creating of the educational program were the development of the “Competency Catalogue” of Undergraduate Medical Education Program, the training of the university faculty how to prepare the blueprints of their disciplines, how to work with electron platform KEYPS. Content of new integrated educational program. The first 3 years the program consists of “subject committees”composing of modules of different subjects being in integration and includes different number of theoretical and practical classes. The 1st year of study consists of the four consequently following each other committees:1. Chemical, Molecular, and Physical Fundamentals of Life; 2. Cell Metabolism; 3. Heredity and Tissues; 4. Skeletal-Muscular System. Assessment of students. Assessment of students is realized in KEYPS and includes the following types of testing: formative (30% of year mark) and summative (70% of year mark). Results of study of committee “Cell Metabolism”. This discipline is taught for 1st year students of Faculties “General Medicine”, “Pharmacy”, “Nursing”, “Dentistry”. The Committee consists of 3 modules: 1 module Functioning of cell components (Molecular Biology, Histology, Microbiology topics); 2 module Basis of molecular genetics (Molecular Biology topics); 3 module Metabolism of the cell (Biochemistry, Microbiology, Physiology topics). Conclusion. New educational program demands changes not only in our syllabuses, but also in relation of faculty to teaching process and change of students’ relation to study process in the direction of their self study without daily assessment.

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Введение. В НАО «Медицинский университет Семей» внедряется новая интегрированная образовательная программа, являющаяся моделью образования, основанного на конечных результатах. Для создания новой образовательной программы потребовалась разработка каталога компетенций выпускника по всем специальностям, на основе которого профессорско преподавательский состав начал преподавание по новому стандарту. На текущий момент студенты 1 потока закончили коммитти «Клеточный метаболизм», результаты изучения которого представлены в статье. Этапы создания новой образовательной программы. Этапы включают разработку каталога компетенций, обучение профессорско преподавательского состава университета составлению блупринтов, работе с электронной платформой KEYPS. Содержание новой интегрированной образовательной программы. В первые три года программа включает предметные курсы “subjectcommittees”, состоящие из соответствующих темам модулей (разделов) различных дисциплин, находящихся в интеграции, и включает разное число лекционных и практических часов в зависимости от раздела и дисциплины. 1 год обучения состоит из четырех последовательно следующих друг за другом коммитти: 1. Химические, молекулярные и физические основы жизни; 2. Клеточный метаболизм; 3. Наследственность и ткани; 4. Мышечно скелетная система. Оценивание знаний студентов. Оценивание студентов осуществляется в KEYPS и включает следующие виды: формативное тестирование (составляющее 30% от годовой оценки) и суммативное тестирование (составляющее 70% от годовой оценки). Результаты изучения коммитти «Клеточный метаболизм». Эта дисциплина преподается студентам 1 года обучения факультетов общей медицины, фармации, сестринского дела и стоматологии. Коммитти состоит из 3 модулей: 1 модуль Функционирование клеточных компонентов; 2 модуль Основы молекулярной генетики; 3 модуль Метаболизм клеток (темы биохимии, микробиологии, физиологии). Вывод. Новая образовательная программа требует изменений не только в рабочих программах, но и в отношении преподавательского состава к образовательному процессу вообще, а также изменения в отношении студентов к обучению, мотивирующем их к самообразованию без ежедневного оценивания.

Текст научной работы на тему «From the experience of introducing new educational program at example of committee “Cell metabolism” for the 1-year students in Medical university Semey»

Received: 16 October 2019 / Accepted: 30 October 2019 / Published online: 30 December 2019 UDC 61+378(574.41)


Saltanat E. Uzbekova 1, http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9006-120X Ainash S. Orazalina 2, http://orcid.org/0000-0003-4594-0138 Asem K. Mussainova 1, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0243-0456 Massygut R. Mynzhanov 2, http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6378-2981 Darkhan E. Uzbekov 3, http://orcid.org/0000-0003-4399-460X

1 Department of Histology, 2 Department of Molecular Biology and Medical Genetics named after academician of NAS RK T.K. Raissov, Department of Pathological Anatomy and Forensic Medicine, NJSC "Medical University Semey", Semey, the Republic of Kazakhstan.


Introduction. In non-profit Joint-stock Company "Medical University Semey" new integrated educational program is being introduced. It is model of education based on learning outcomes. For creation of the new educational program development of "Competency Catalogue" of graduates for all specialties was necessary to make. On base of this Catalogue all the teachers started to teach according to new standard. At current moment students of the 1st stream have finished the committee "Cell metabolism". The results of study of this committee are given in this article.

Steps of creation of educational program. The steps involved in creating of the educational program were the development of the "Competency Catalogue" of Undergraduate Medical Education Program, the training of the university faculty how to prepare the blueprints of their disciplines, how to work with electron platform KEYPS.

Content of new integrated educational program. The first 3 years the program consists of "subject committees"composing of modules of different subjects being in integration and includes different number of theoretical and practical classes. The 1st year of study consists of the four consequently following each other committees:! Chemical, Molecular, and Physical Fundamentals of Life; 2. Cell Metabolism; 3. Heredity and Tissues; 4. Skeletal-Muscular System.

Assessment of students. Assessment of students is realized in KEYPS and includes the following types of testing: formative (30% of year mark) and summative (70% of year mark).

Results of study of committee "Cell Metabolism". This discipline is taught for 1st year students of Faculties "General Medicine", "Pharmacy, "Nursing", "Dentistry". The Committee consists of 3 modules: 1 module - Functioning of cell components (Molecular Biology, Histology, Microbiology topics); 2 module - Basis of molecular genetics (Molecular Biology topics); 3 module - Metabolism of the cell (Biochemistry, Microbiology, Physiology topics).

Conclusion. New educational program demands changes not only in our syllabuses, but also in relation of faculty to teaching process and change of students' relation to study process in the direction of their self-study without daily assessment.

Keywords: Outcome based education, competency catalogue, integrated program.



Салтанат Е. Узбекова 1, http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9006-120X Айнаш С. Оразалина 2, http://orcid.org/0000-0003-4594-0138 Асем К. Мусайнова 1, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0243-0456 Масыгут Р. Мынжанов 2, http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6378-2981 Дархан E. Узбеков 3, http://orcid.org/0000-0003-4399-460X

1 Кафедра гистологии, 2 Кафедра молекулярной биологии и медицинской генетики имени академика НАН РК Раисова Т.К., Кафедра naтoлoгичecкoй анатомии и cyдeбнoй мeдицины, НАО «Медицинский университет Семей», Семей, Республика Казахстан

Введение. В НАО «Медицинский университет Семей» внедряется новая интегрированная образовательная программа, являющаяся моделью образования, основанного на конечных результатах. Для создания новой

образовательной программы потребовалась разработка каталога компетенций выпускника по всем специальностям, на основе которого профессорско-преподавательский состав начал преподавание по новому стандарту. На текущий момент студенты 1 потока закончили коммитти «Клеточный метаболизм», результаты изучения которого представлены в статье.

Этапы создания новой образовательной программы. Этапы включают разработку каталога компетенций, обучение профессорско-преподавательского состава университета составлению блупринтов, работе с электронной платформой KEYPS.

Содержание новой интегрированной образовательной программы. В первые три года программа включает предметные курсы "subjectaommittees", состоящие из соответствующих темам модулей (разделов) различных дисциплин, находящихся в интеграции, и включает разное число лекционных и практических часов в зависимости от раздела и дисциплины. 1 год обучения состоит из четырех последовательно следующих друг за другом коммитти: 1. Химические, молекулярные и физические основы жизни; 2. Клеточный метаболизм; 3. Наследственность и ткани; 4. Мышечно-скелетная система.

Оценивание знаний студентов. Оценивание студентов осуществляется в KEYPS и включает следующие виды: формативное тестирование (составляющее 30% от годовой оценки) и суммативное тестирование (составляющее 70% от годовой оценки).

Результаты изучения коммитти «Клеточный метаболизм». Эта дисциплина преподается студентам 1 года обучения факультетов общей медицины, фармации, сестринского дела и стоматологии. Коммитти состоит из 3 модулей: 1 модуль - Функционирование клеточных компонентов; 2 модуль - Основы молекулярной генетики; 3 модуль - Метаболизм клеток (темы биохимии, микробиологии, физиологии).

Вывод. Новая образовательная программа требует изменений не только в рабочих программах, но и в отношении преподавательского состава к образовательному процессу вообще, а также изменения в отношении студентов к обучению, мотивирующем их к самообразованию без ежедневного оценивания.

Ключевые слова: Образование, основанное на конечных результатах обучения, каталог компетенций, интегрированная программа.



Салтанат Е. Узбекова 1, http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9006-120X Айнаш С. Оразалина 2, http://orcid.org/0000-0003-4594-0138 Асем К. Мусайнова 1, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0243-0456 Масыгут Р. Мынжанов 2, http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6378-2981 Дархан Е. Узбеков 3, http://orcid.org/0000-0003-4399-460X

1 Гистология кафедрасы, 2 КР ¥ГА-ньщ Академии Т.К.Раисов атындагы молекулалык биология жэне медициналык генетика кафедрасы, 3 Патологиялык анатомия жэне сот медицина кафедрасы «Семей медицина университет» КеАК, Семей, Казакстан Республикасы

Юрюпе. "Семей медицина университет" КеА^ со^ы нэтижелерге непзделген б^м берудiн Yлгiсi болып табылатын жана интеграциялык бiлiм беру бавдарламасы енпзтуде.Жана б^м беру бавдарламасын куру Yшiн барлык мамандыктар бойынша бiтiрушiнiн кузыретттк каталогын ендеу талап етiлдi, сонын непанде профессорлык-окытушылык курам жана стандарт бойынша окытуды бастады. ^рп уакытта 1-лек студенттерi "Жасушалык метаболизм" коммиттиiн аяктады, олардын н8тижелерi макалада берiлген.

Жана бш1м беру багдарламасын куру кезендерк Жана бiлiм беру бавдарламасын куру кезендерiне кузыретттк каталогын жасау, университет^н профессорлык-окытушылык курамына блупринттердi курастыруды, KEYPS электрондык платформасымен жумыс iстеуге Yйрету кiредi.

Жана интеграцияланган б1л1м беру багдарламасыныц мазмуны. Алгашкы уш жылда бавдарлама "subjectaommittees" п8ндiк курстарын камтиды, олар интеграциялаудагы эр тYрлi пэндердщ модульдерiнiн (белiмдерiнiн) такырыптарына сэйкес келетЫ д8рiстер мен практикалык сагаттардын эр тYрлi санын камтиды. 1 оку жылы терт келесi коммиттиден турады: 1. Тiршiлiктiн химиялык, молекулалык жэне физикалык негiздерi; 2. Жасушалык метаболизм; 3. Тукым куалаушылык жэне тЫдер; 4. Булшык ет-канка жYЙесi.

Студенттердщ б1л1м1н багалау. Студенттердiн бiлiмiн багалау KEYPS-та жYзеге асырылады жэне багалаудын келесi тYрлерiн камтиды: формативтi тесттеу (жылдык баганын 30% курайды) жэне суммативт тестiлеу (жылдык баганын 70% курайды).

"Жасушалык метаболизм" коммиттиш зерттеу нэтижелер1. Бул пэн жалпы медицина, фармация, мешрбике iсi жэне стоматология факультеттерУн 1 курс студенттерiне окытылады. Коммити 3 модульдан турады: 1 модуль-

Жасушалык компоненттердщ кызмед 2 модуль - Молекулалык генетика непздер^ 3 модуль - Жасушалардыщ метаболизмi (биохимия, микробиология, физиология такырыптары).

Корытынды.Жача бiлiм беру бавдарламасытек жумыс багдарламаларында гана емес, сондай-ак жалпы оку процесiндегi окытушылар курамына катысты взгерiстердi, сондай-ак кYнделiктi багалаусыз вздИнен бiлiм алуга ынталандыратын студенттердi окытуга катысты взгерiстердi талап етедi.

ТYйiндi свздер: Оцытудыц соцгы нэтижелерне негiзделген бiлiм, цузыреттлш каталогы, интеграцияланган багдарлама.

Библиографическая ссылка:

Узбекова С.Е., Оразалина А.С., Мусайнова А.К., Мынжанов М.Р., Узбеков Д.Е. Из опыта внедрения новой образовательной программы на примере коммитти «Клеточный метаболизм» для студентов 1 курса Медицинского университета Семей // Наука и Здравоохранение. 2019. 6 (Т.21). С. 56-62.

Uzbekova S.E., Orazalina A.S., Mussainova A.K., Mynzhanov M.R., Uzbekov D.E. From the experience of introducing new educational program at example of committee "Cell metabolism" for the 1-year students in Medical University Semey. Nauka i Zdravookhranenie [Science & Healthcare]. 2019, (Vol.21) 6, pp. 56-62.

Узбекова С.Е., Оразалина А.С., Мусайнова А.К., Мынжанов М.Р., Узбеков Д.Е. Семей медицина университету^ 1 курс студенттерЫе арналган "Жасушальщ метаболизм" коммитти Yлгiсiнде жа^а б^м беру бавдарламасын енпзу т8жiрибесiнен // Гылым ж8не Денсаулыщ са^тау. 2019. 6 (Т.21). Б. 56-62.


In September of 2019-2020 academic year, the introduction of a new educational standard for the training of future doctors began at Non-profit Joint-stock Company "Medical University Semey. The developed integrated educational program was a joint work of the faculty of Semey Medical University and colleagues from the medial faculty of the university "Ba§kent" (Ankara, Turkey), the strategic partner of our university.

Steps of creation of educational program.

The first step in creating of the educational program was the development of the "Competency Catalogue" of Undergraduate Medical Education Program. The created catalogue of the learning outcomes is based on the competency model CanMed (2015), the Swiss catalogue of learning outcomes of medical schools (2008), as well as Turkish national Medical Education Program.

Thus, the new educational program is a model of education based on learning outcomes, i.e. each part of the educational process is aimed to achieve the final result [1]. Focusing on the results is necessary so that the student has a clear idea what should be achieved at the end of his learning of any discipline.

The improvement of the teaching model determined the need of the training of the university faculty. Therefore, during the whole spring-summer period, each department got training seminars under the guidance of a doctor of medicine, director of the Department of Innovative Education of the Semey Medical University Fazil Serdar Gurel, who trained teachers the skills of blueprint creation (Fig. 1). This is the work program of a discipline or subject, including three mandatory components: learning outcome, content, and assessment.

ю ■ * ß^J ■ - r—-1

■ - вилемяе ■ nomma Гисююома / ГHCtononwa dpfcn* Гжтони—л t ыю&хаоп to ИМоЮфу 1 ММ(ЛГ1ф4 (Kar»««cme •**~>.а »1 гкип«йн«ий 0) <Чяс*а«м<м 0) ■ - OOwower процесс прютоалеют ПСООООМвОвЮ ПрСОДр!КЫШ WTMt rpeojpaiTjftOH YW*JH ту*«***' Eiçttni procoM of рярпу of ьмао^сй мое mnnimimpmm г» lKawx<»— Иге» О) •S<orw вии W» ff) r*u»cuMi Ol I - Огмсьмгт rifw притгоапе»«« ncvcnpenapai»1 Гисгалретрг'^пм Смитам oeulbe« Hiyi of pccpwiQ Of мое ((•»мспвмт««* 'ду« >к. ф—v« ff) (Sc«ntniiit«n Ol (■«uacom 0) 2- Haiwem еои n<Tonon»<eoeoi rpen*p»w Гистологи«»« npenaprtapn** т>рпер«и aimvuiHmm 1урм c# hUioâogkâl рпрпвсга (КММИГММЛрМ«* 1) IKMMtrMfriM* ff} ПКстоииица Ol ff)

■ • Пгрмклагг rarw лрикяоапемм пстопрвпарлт^т^стоорогирлттараыи а>йь*иалу ■ех»юер»1 гя*Л0 1вь x*jtn of meong of Гпаоюдкж tMw«< <ПЩ«Я 1) ¡(ммсчо««» 0) 1Vc»m «иг»« »n»» Ol (Чивсилн 0)

■ - Опкмш цвгъ fr—ra»%« материки»' Мгермщам IMWMWMVM« 1) ff) (Sccwnem« wm Ol р«м«мв»)

Fig.1 Blueprint.

To the beginning of the academic year, the faculty of each department had developed blueprints [2] in three languages of each theme of the lesson with the definition of

learning outcomes (low, medium, high). Each competency has questions that students must answer during formative and summative theoretical assessments. The electronic

platform for this educational program is the Turkish KEYPS program, accessible for every teacher and student. Teachers form blueprints of the themes they are responsible for; they prepare multiple choice questions (MCQ) of various difficulty levels. Students entering KEYPS can see the class schedule for the entire academic year, the theme of the lesson, the department, the name of the teacher and even the number of the classroom in which the lesson will take place.

The blueprint [3] reflects all the learning outcomes, files are attached to the topics in the form of a list of literature, Power Point Presentations, audio, video lectures, links to videos, by opening which student from his smartphone or computer receives all the information necessary for training, up to indicating the pages of the textbook. That is, everything is aimed at facilitating the mastery of discipline by the student, and ultimately, achieving the learning outcomes by him.

Content of new integrated educational program.

Let's consider the content of the new integrated educational program lasting 6 years, for 5 years of which students study at the undergraduate program, the last 1

Any educational program of high schools of Kazakhstan involves teaching of the disciplines obligatory for the all types of high school including medical. Such disciplines are already mentioned above Modern History of Kazakhstan, Information Communication Technologies, and also Kazakh/ Russian, English, Physical Education, Political Science, Sociology, Culture Science, Psychology, usually these subjects are taught for the 1 -2-year students.

Except four subject committees, education program involves independent and not connected with committee disciplines, such as Management of Science Research,

year - at the internship. During the first 3 years the program consists of "subject committees". Each committee is composed of modules of different subjects being in integration and includes different number of theoretical and practical classes. For example, the 1st year of study consists of the four consequently following each other committees:

1. Chemical, Molecular, and Physical Fundamentals of


2. Cell Metabolism.

3. Heredity and Tissues.

4. Skeletal-Muscular System.

Thus, the levels of structural organization of life in this sequence are kept. Preliminarily, the Curriculum Map was designed (Fig.2).

Due to the large number of the 1-st year students, the department faculty cannot teach practical classes at the same time. So, all the 1-st year students were divided into 3 streams. This became possible thanks to formation of 2 so called "pseudocommitties" including the disciplines Modern History of Kazakhstan and Information Communication Technologies.

Biostatics, Valeology, History of Medicine, and Public Health. They are called "corridor" disciplines. As obligatory disciplines also do not form a part of committees, they were called "corridor^' too.

Academic year starts from committee #1 in September, 2019 and finishes by committee #4 in May, 2020, but the first week of the study is adaptation week, during which the students have lectures about outcome-based education, assessment methods, blueprints and KEYPS.

As was mentioned above, each committee consists of modules uniting themes of integrated disciplines.

Fig.2. Curriculum Map.

Committee #1 "Chemical, Molecular and Physical Fundamental of Life" is divided into three modules: Buffer Systems, Bioorganics, Basics of Biochemistry and Electrogenesis. Committee #2 "Cell Metabolism" represents modules: Functioning of Cellular Components, Basics of Molecular Genetics, Metabolism of Cells. Committee #3 "Heredity and Tissues" includes such units like Basics of Genetics, Genetics and Embryology, and also Epithelial, Connective Tissues. Committee #4 "Skeletal-Muscular System" unites Muscle and Nervous tissues, and regions: Back, Thorax and Abdomen; Shoulder Girdle and Upper Limb; Lower Limb. This sequence of committees reflects levels of structural organization of living material: from

After passing of 3 formative examinations KEYPS calculate the average result of formative test (FT). Lower you can see results of formative and summative examinations of one of the groups of the 1-year of study (Fig.3). As you see, the results of formative examinations of the committee #1 were not high. The reason was that the teaching according to new program does not include everyday assessment, so our students became lazy, did not prepare for each class. All of them graduated schools where everyday assessment was a rule. Consequently, almost all of them got bad marks in exam. But after finishing the committee #1, the students started to prepare for each class.

Results of study of committee "Cell Metabolism".

Let's get to the consideration of the results of study committee "Cell Metabolism" in details. 5 credits (150 hours) allocated for integrated discipline "Cell Metabolism". This discipline is taught for 1st year students of Faculties "General Medicine", "Pharmacy, "Nursing", "Dentistry". Committee "Cell Metabolism" includes the integration of

atoms and molecules to cell, from cell to tissue, from tissue to organs and to system of organs.

Assessment of students.

Assessment of students is realized in KEYPS and includes the following types of testing: formative and summative. Formative tests conducted after finishing of study of some module or section (30% of year mark). Depending on quantity of formative tests KEYPS calculates their average mark. Summative assessment is integrated exam of the all subjects of committee (70% of year mark). Thus, KEYPS calculates final year mark of all types of assessment taking place during the academic period. Assessment of corridor disciplines is in the end of academic year, in summer.

disciplines: Biochemistry (40 hours), Molecular Biology and Genetics (65 hours), Histology (10 hours), Microbiology (30 hours), Physiology (5 hours). The duration of each class is 3 academic hours: theoretical class/lecture (2 hours), independent work of students under the guidance of a teacher (1 hour). The Committee consists of 3 modules: 1 module - Functioning of cell components (Molecular Biology, Histology, Microbiology topics); 2 module- Basis of molecular genetics (Molecular Biology topics); 3 module-Metabolism of the cell (Biochemistry, Microbiology, Physiology topics). Discipline "Cell metabolism" studies the structure, functions of cells and organelles, molecular mechanisms and regulation of metabolic processes; explains the causes of changes in tissues and organs, as well as the importance of using biochemical indicators to detect these disorders.

Purpose of the integrated discipline "Cell Metabolism" is formation of a holistic understanding of Molecular Genetics and cellular mechanisms of regulation of basic metabolic

Ifeaiir students ""Caimirrmiittee Group Student FT1 1Т2 ТЗ Average { Т) Sum ■>:■

09.09.19- Азаиат 15.10.19 1105kz Маратулы 60,00 68,97 65,00 64,66 67,35

Жан1бек 1105kz Жэодечов 80,00 58,62 55,56 64,73 48,98

1105kz Ануар Инанлосов 67.00 51.72 70.00 62,91 36,73

Назерю 1105kz Елубегава 53,00 58,62 75,00 62,21 55,56

1105kz Алина Алыанова 40.00 82.76 75.00 65,92 65,31

1105kz вмина Бацай 40,00 48,28 75,00 54,43 42,86

1105kz Камила Калыпбекпва 73.00 62.07 70.00 68,36 57,14

Шынгыс 1105kz Кайпюжаев 0,00 58,62 65,00 41,21 59,18

1105kz Мепдр Чэкеоханова 27.00 51.72 85.00 54,57 53,06

Щугыла 1105kz Рамаэанова 53,00 58,62 75,00 62,21 51,02

1105kz Мерей Алиппаев 47.00 31.03 70.00 49,34 44,90

1105kz Тапгаткызы 60,00 68,97 55,00 61,32 63,27

1105kz Алншер Сатбалпин 73.00 82.76 40.00 65,25 61,22

1105kz Болотова 40,00 48,28 65,00 51,09 51,02

Fig.3. Results of formative and summative examinations.

processes, the features of their flow in human organs and tissues.

Final learning outcomes are as follows:

- Characterizes the cell structure with an explanation of the functions of all structural components;

- Summarizes events occurring in a cell at different stages of its life cycle;

- Understands the implementation of hereditary material, is able to tell the molecular mechanisms of gene expression, matrix syntheses;

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- Explains the molecular mechanisms of flow and regulation of metabolic processes;

- Describes the main stages of energy metabolism and energy transformation mechanisms.

At the end of the Committee "Cell metabolism", summative examination is conducted, including 50 tests in the KEYPS program. The number of questions on

Summative evaluation Committee 2 "Cell metabolism".

From 16/10/2019 to 19/11/2019 students of 1st stream of "General Medicine" faculty (groups 1101, 1102, 1103, 1104, 1105, 1106, 1107, 1120, 1121,1126), "Pharmacy (1134 group), "Nursing" (1135 group) in the amount 145 passed the Committee "Cell Metabolism". The results of formative and summative evaluation of students of the above mentioned groups are in the Table 3. All 145 students of the 1ststream passed summative testing 23/11/2019. For preparation to exam they have 3 days. From the table we see that the average score of the summative testing of 145 students of the 1ststream in the discipline "Cell Metabolism" amounted 72.85; relative performance was 91%; quality indicator amounted to

In the last lesson of each module, students discussed a case made up by the faculty of the Department of Molecular Biology and Medical Genetics named after academician of NAS RK Raissov T.K. together with the teachers of the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases and students use the acquired theoretical knowledge to analyze the clinical case and summarize the topics of the passed section/module. The analysis of the clinical case is perceived by students with great interest, develops skills in clinical thinking and team work. After each module, students passed a formative examination, including 30 tests in the KEYPS program. The number of tests in the disciplines depends on the hours allocated (seeTable 1).

integration disciplines and their percentage are shown in the Table 2.

Table 2.

64.8%. 13students of 1ststream scored below 50, it is 8.9%. If we talk about the final grade in the discipline "Cell metabolism", based on the fact that the summative exam grade is 70% of the final grade, the average score was 72.24. We believe that the reason for the low academic performance of some students is the adaptation to new educational program.

The final results for the 1st course we will get in the end of the 2019-2020 academic year, when we can analyze the implementation of the new educational program at the Semey Medical University for all courses and specialties and we can make conclusions, give suggestions for improving the educational process.


Formative evaluation Committee 2 "Cell Metabolism".

Module 1 - Functioninc of cell components.

Discipline Number of hours Ratio, % Quantity of MCQ

Molecular Biology 30 60 30

Histology 10 20 10

Microbiology 10 20 10

Total 50 100 50

Module 2 - Basis of molecular genetics

Molecular Biology 35 100 35

Total 35 100 35

Module 3 - Metabolism of the cell

Biochemistry 40 61 40

Physiology 5 8 5

Microbiology 20 31 20

Total 65 100 65

Discipline Hours Ratio, % Number of tests

Molecular Biology 65 43 64

Histology 10 7 11

Microbiology 30 20 30

Physiology 5 3 5

Biochemistry 40 27 40

Total 150 100 150

Table 3.

Results of formative and summative testing Committee 2 "Cell metabolism"._

Group Formative Formative Formative Average of Summative

assessment #1 assessment #2 assessment #3 Formative assessment


1101 75.71 78.57 68.10 74.13 70.85

1102 95.14 88.01 73.3 85.50 79.30

1103 76.57 87.25 60.48 74.76 75.80

1104 79.14 58.62 60.0 65.92 69.53

1105 75.66 55.42 61.91 64.33 77.41

1106 51.85 66.67 66.45 61.65 71.16

1107 56.09 68.37 64.76 63.07 68.95

1120 73.67 83.04 52.50 69.74 70.58

1121 74.41 87.66 63.03 75.04 85.16

1126 62.33 92.24 70.28 74.95 82.65

1134 72.51 73.41 65.93 70.62 63.78

1135 73.68 73.21 65.00 70.63 59.00

Total 72.23 76.04 64.31 70.86 72.85


All things considered, that this academic year is heavy both for teachers and students of Medical University, because new educational program demands changes not only in our syllabuses, but also in relation of faculty to teaching process and change of students relation to study process in the direction of their self-study without daily assessment.

Interest conflict: The authors report no conflict of interests.

Authors contributions:

Uzbekova S. - creation of curriculum map for the 1 - year students, implementation of two themes in module "Functioning of cellular components";

Orazalina A. - administrative support, implementation of new program in committee "Cell Metabolism";

Mussainova A. - technical support;

Mynzhanov M. - interpretation of data;

Uzbekov D. - collection of literature review.

Funding: none.


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Контактная информация:

Узбекова Салтанат Есенгалиевна - к.м.н., и.о.доцента, заведующая кафедрой гистологии НАО «Медицинский университет Семей», г.Семей, Республика Казахстан.

Почтовый адрес: Республика Казахстан, 071400г.Семей, ул. Шакарима 54, 158. E-mail: uzbekova.saltanat@mail. ru Телефон: 8 776 425 75 85

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