FORMS OF MANIFESTATION OF INNOVATIVE THINKING IN THE WORLDVIEW OF YOUTH Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Abdurahmonov H.I.

The growth of the importance of information in all types and manifestations in all spheres of modern social life is based on the relevance of research on the problem of novation and innovation activity. These concepts are exactly similar to kzpincha, but in our opinion it is wrong.

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UDK 37.02

Abdurahmonov H.I.


Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute Independent Researcher "Uzbekistan temiryullari" JSC Tashkent Institute of railway engineers



Annotation: The growth of the importance of information in all types and manifestations in all spheres of modern social life is based on the relevance of research on the problem of novation and innovation activity. These concepts are exactly similar to kzpincha, but in our opinion it is wrong.

Key words: youth, innovative thinking, worldview of youth.

As a result of the research, within the framework of this problem, categorical hardware was not formed. Many innovations are spoken in the literature, but it is considered as a negation, only an economic category, as well as what is an innovative thought, which is considered the basis of the issue, has been carefully ignored. In the modern era, where science and technology are increasingly developing, it is important to study this issue in detail and in depth, that is, philosophically. In our view, self-determination of concepts is not enough in this, but rather it is urgent to conduct systematic research by conducting a comparative analysis between novation and innovation, based on the existing methodology as a phenomenon.

Innovations become a criterion of human activity and form the basis of modern material and spiritual values. Therefore, creative personalities with modern innovative thinking can play an important role in our country. Creative individuals who meet the demands of the society, who have the ability to lead, will serve the formation of an innovative society through the pursuit of highpotential individuals and the organization of their activities. Along with being an object of innovation, the process is based on the intelligent labor activity of the subjects and is improved by them. The owners of innovative thinking are innovators, innovators, initial users and other persons involved in the process. As a result of the development of innovations, the innovative environment, consciousness, culture, the emergence of goals and competitions, the implementation of activities on their basis and the support of the activities of innovation groups are becoming increasingly important.

Innovation is an active subject of society - youth, and at the present stage it is important to educate an innovative person on his example. The American philosopher Everett Hagen introduced the concept of "innovation person" into

scientific circulation. Now, due to the development of society today, there is a special need to educate an innovative personality among young people who are progressive layer of society. Because only such young people have a special place in the socio-economic life of society in the formation of radical changes and the creation of innovations in the field of science. At the same time, the innovative approach and potential in the formation of innovative thinking in such young people, the direction of activity in the creation of innovations and the processes associated with the formation of innovative thinking are of paramount importance.

At the present stage, the development of society remains associated with the problem of the formation of young people with the ability to think innovatively. The process of modernization of the educational system plays an important role in the upbringing of an innovative person. Timely solution of the problems associated with human capital in this process is an important condition of the development of society. As noted by the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev: "In developed countries, great attention is paid to investing in the full cycle of education, that is, to invest in the education of the child from the age of 3 to 22 years. Because this same investment will bring 1517 times the profit to society. At us this figure is only 4 times. Consequently, we must focus on human capital and mobilize all the opportunities for this. "Such innovative approaches are the basis of socio-cultural development of society and the promotion of innovative thinking in young people is manifested in many ways depending on the human capital. The spread of innovation requires the realization of by young people, the implementation of the choice of innovations and the introduction into social life.

The definitions given to it, such as views and approaches to innovative thinking, are also diverse. A.Begmatov characterizes innovative activity, which is the product of innovative thinking, as follows: the term "innovative activity" refers to the performance of services for the creation of a new improved product in production, a new improved technological process. The peculiarities of innovative activity are: - activity on the creation of a new product; - the introduction of new original ideas into the market as a finished product; -improvement of new original ideas, etc. This means the research and the creation of a youth leadership system. Young people with modern innovative thinking will build a smart economy, smart cities, a smart country in the future...we need to lead such young people on the right path, as they showed the first results from school, university and post-university. It is necessary to give innovative society new professionals who have developed innovative thinking. Indeed, when developing nanotechnologies, information technology, fundamental science, we must remember that we must start the work from below, it is necessary to formulate the correct thinking as in the kindergarten children for the use of high technologies: from the kindergarten, from the school party.

Empirical, theoretical, visual, logical, spatial and other types of thinking play an important role in the development of innovative thinking. For example, theoretical thinking is considered to be part of innovative thinking, which is associated with working with a high degree of abstract concepts. Empirical thinking is defined as the process of innovative thinking through visual images obtained as a result of emotional perception. In fact innovation mentality is a unique, integral component of innovation activity. Because exactly innovative thinking is characterized by its own characteristics, manifested in innovative activity. In our opinion, innovative thinking should reflect creative, scientific and theoretical, social, constructive, pragmatic, transformative properties in itself. For example, innovative thinking can also go beyond the scope of creative, that is, existing algorithms, samples, models. Because exactly creative thinking helps a person to achieve new results, mainly subjectively. In addition, innovative thinking differs from creative thinking, which is carried out in art. Works created by the artist through an inner emotional world are always evaluated as an object of innovation. For the inventor, however, the innovation goal is of paramount importance in achieving a tremendous result by spending less labor. The concept in the process of creative thinking is the time of birth of something new that can not be born within the framework of existing algorithms.

Innovative thinking is manifested in a specific way in human activity, both scientifically and theoretically. Such scientific thinking is carried out in accordance with the methodological principles that direct scientists in the approach to research and their results. Because without it, it is impossible to create an innovative product that is required in the modern development of science and technology, without generalizing, without creating several tested theoretical models for the studied phenomena and processes. For example, the creation of a new source of energy can be carried out only on the basis of modern knowledge and technology.

Innovative thinking is constructive. When we say constructivism, we understand the ability to accurately diagnose the goal and choose the methods and tools that suit it, plan the sequence of actions, determine the degree of achievement of the goal and, if necessary, change it to dialectically, make timely changes to the plan, understand the consequences of the introduction of innovations. Innovation is closely related to the same process of thought pragmatism. The inventor is not only limited to the invention, but also participates in the achievement of practical results from the discovery, the introduction of the invention. The owner of innovative thinking should be aware of the existing conditions, use them effectively. In particular, as Nick Bostrom, director of Oxford University, correctly pointed out: "Due to the acceleration of technological progress, it is likely that humanity is now approaching the critical turning point of its development with great speed. The nuclear threat, which has become well-known to mankind, is now accompanied by unprecedented opportunities and risks of technologies that have begun to develop rapidly in such

areas as nanotechnology and machine intelligence. Our future, if it happens, depends on our attitude to these processes. Since we depend on rapidly developing technologies, we must have a good understanding of the dynamics of the transition from human to post-human (non-human) society. Especially we need to notice where the traps are located: the path that can lead to an inevitable death."

The development of innovative thinking also requires the act of innovation, the implementation of innovative ideas. That is, people will have to be given the opportunity to integrate their ideas and dreams into their lives. After all, the need for every innovation idea must be covered by the consumer. For this reason, one of the components of innovative thinking is the commercialization of ideas. Innovative thinking it means the end result-income, it is a weapon of any business, business development. "The fact that innovation processes have a systematic character is also associated with its purposefulness, therefore, all components of innovation processes determine the balance of interests and the overall dynamics of development."

In conclusion, innovative thinking is always directed towards innovation. Innovation thinking is based on the ideas of humanism, as well as innovation increases labor productivity, facilitates working conditions, serves to ensure vital well-being.


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