FACTORS FOR FORMING INNOVATIVE MENTALITY AT YOUNG PEOPLE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Философия, этика, религиоведение»

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Ключевые слова
philosophical conclusion / subjective capacity / mentality / innovative mentality / innovative consciousness / innovative idea / innovative thinking. / философский вывод / субъективная способность / менталитет / инновационный менталитет / инновационное сознание / инновационная идея / инновационное мышление.

Аннотация научной статьи по философии, этике, религиоведению, автор научной работы — Rajabboev, Jurabek Jumanazar Oglu

The concept of "mentality style" is used in the scientific, philosophical and epistemological literature. According to experts, "the way of mentality is based on emotional and mental knowledge, the indirect reflection of reality." Emotional and mental processes are combined in the processes of knowing, learning, understanding, form the objective reality in the imagination in the form of certain images, systems. “It is known that in the human mind the reflection of the objects and events in the reality that surrounds it is carried out with the help of concepts that express their logical image

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Понятие «стиль менталитета» используется в научной, философской и гносеологической литературе. По мнению специалистов, «образ мышления основан на эмоциональном и ментальном познании, косвенном отражении действительности». Эмоциональные и психические процессы сочетаются в процессах познания, обучения, понимания, образуют в воображении объективную реальность в виде определенных образов, систем. «Известно, что в сознании человека отражение предметов и событий в окружающей его действительности осуществляется с помощью понятий, выражающих их логический образ.




Rajabboev Jurabek Jumanazar oglu1 1 Student, Department of National Idea, Fundamentals of Spirituality and Legal Education, Urgench State University, Urgench, Uzbekistan.

E-mail: sv997710@gmail.com

Abstract: The concept of "mentality style" is used in the scientific, philosophical and epistemological literature. According to experts, "the way of mentality is based on emotional and mental knowledge, the indirect reflection of reality. "1 Emotional and mental processes are combined in the processes of knowing, learning, understanding, form the objective reality in the imagination in the form of certain images, systems. "It is known that in the human mind the reflection of the objects and events in the reality that surrounds it is carried out with the help of concepts that express their logical image.

Key words: philosophical conclusion, subjective capacity, mentality, innovative mentality, innovative consciousness, innovative idea, innovative thinking.

Аннотация: Понятие «стиль менталитета» используется в научной, философской и гносеологической литературе. По мнению специалистов, «образ мышления основан на эмоциональном и ментальном познании, косвенном отражении действительности». Эмоциональные и психические процессы сочетаются в процессах познания, обучения, понимания, образуют в воображении объективную реальность в виде определенных образов, систем. «Известно, что в сознании человека отражение предметов и событий в окружающей его действительности осуществляется с помощью понятий, выражающих их логический образ.

Ключевые слова: философский вывод, субъективная способность, менталитет, инновационный менталитет, инновационное сознание, инновационная идея, инновационное мышление.


Any change in society and human life is ultimately reflected in the phenomenon of consciousness. The influence of consciousness on human activity, as a factor and product of the thinking changes in it, has been confirmed in social philosophical and psychological research. We are interested in the socio-cognitive impact of innovative thinking, its reflection in the minds of young people. To do this,

1 See Philosophy of Knowledge (gnoseology). Tashkent: University, 2005. 215 p.


we must first reveal that innovative mentality is a reality related to the phenomenon of consciousness.

"Mentality" is a process of active perception of objective reality in the imagination, understanding and discussion, a concept that expresses a person's ability to think, a way of thinking. It is the expression of a person's subjective views, activities, in short, thinking, reasoning, reasoning, evaluating this or that reality.2 In the Uzbek "The Encyclopedia of Philosophy", the highest form of perception of the objective world is considered; the process of reflection of objective reality in the mind. In the process of consciousness, thoughts, ideas, hypotheses, etc. are formed in a person, and they are expressed in the mind of a person in the form of concepts, judgments, and conclusions", is defined as3 .

The concept of "mentality style" is used in the scientific, philosophical and epistemological literature. According to experts, "the way of mentality is based on emotional and mental knowledge, the indirect reflection of reality."4 Emotional and mental processes are combined in the processes of knowing, learning, understanding, form the objective reality in the imagination in the form of certain images, systems. "It is known that in the human mind the reflection of the objects and events in the reality that surrounds it is carried out with the help of concepts that express their logical image. Concepts are characterized by a general nature, due to which it is possible to identify important aspects of things and events ... It is necessary for a person to reflect on new knowledge about the world around him and the laws of its development, to comprehend, to form a corresponding behavioral and practical direction in different life situations.They arise as a result of mental summaries, conclusions, which are the result of reflection with the help of a system of concepts...Based on the above considerations, the style of mentality, in general, can be described as a means of reflecting and understanding the reality and the laws of its development in order to develop the appropriate direction of behavior and practical action".5


Innovative mentality embodies the above general features of the concept of "mentality" or style of mentality. But it is not just a simple, everyday imagination, or even a novelty observed in the movement of objects from one space to another, it is

2 See Annotated Dictionary of the Uzbek Language.4 vols. Toshkent; National Encyclopedia of Uzbekistan, State Scientific Publishing House, 2008. 13 p.

3 See Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Tashkent: National Encyclopedia of Uzbekistan. State National Publishing House, 2000. 275 p.

4 See Philosophy of Knowledge (gnoseology). Tashkent: University, 2005. 215 p.

5 That work. 215-216 p.

an expression of a creative attitude aimed at changing the surrounding environment, the perceptions in them.For example, there is, say, a teapot and two bowls on the table. The teapot is on your right hand side, the bowl is on your left hand side. If you move one of the bowls to your right, the position of the objects in space will change, a new look will appear.This look is new compared to the previous look. It is difficult to call such a change, news, innovation. The movement of objective items, objects in space, changing their place of residence is not yet an innovation. If there is a change in the essence of the objects on the table, it can be an innovation. For example, the introduction of a "tongue" to prevent the lid from falling off the teapot, updating the artistic and aesthetic appearance of the bowl can be an innovation. Thus, innovation is the introduction of innovation aimed at improving, beautifying, modernizing the essence and function of the object. This object can also be the human mind, imagination, views. Subjective realities such as "innovative mentality", "innovative consciousness", "innovative idea" and "innovative thinking" are among them. This paragraph deals with subjective innovative realities. Innovative mentality is a special type of thinking. It can be divided into general, philosophical mentality and private, scientific and technical mentality methods. The method of general philosophical mentality is based on the reflection and understanding of the material world and the laws of its development, based on certain worldviews and methodological principles. Consequently, the private scientific idea underlying scientific thinking, theories, does not have a strictly defined field and boundary. Philosophical principles, laws and categories that reflect the most general laws of development of the material world have general nature.That is why they are a common method of knowing and changing the world".6 In short, general, philosophical mentality is the product of the processes of understanding the world, emotional and mental cognition in the "transformation", metaphysical observation. It stems from a secular necessity, as N.A. Berdyaev puts it, to be scientific. "In order to understand the worldly necessity, it is necessary to create in the human mind a corresponding necessity".7 This necessity connects philosophical observations with the problems that real life poses, the sciences, theories, and technologies that seek solutions to these problems. Private, scientific and technical mentality is the expression of creative research, thoughts and ideas aimed at improving the relations of production, tools and technology of labor. It is aimed at facilitating human activity and labor, making it more efficient, in which

6 That work. 218 p.

7 Berdyaev N. Philosophy is a free creation // Tafakkur, 2018, issue 3. 31-32 b.


the goal is to humanize the material world on the basis of new technical means. This goal allows it to approach general, philosophical mentality .

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION There is no stream, school, or doctrine in philosophy that does not claim to be a "general method." It is difficult to say which of them is important and necessary for our topic. Since innovative mentality is associated with the phenomenon of consciousness, it is natural to mention the immanent features of subjective views, the dialectical relationship of human consciousness with social existence, deterministic factors that affect the formation of new ideas. These deterministic factors include: -human thirst for innovation, creative research, creativity; -dynamic nature and requirements of social existence, development of society; -an understanding of the contradictions between a real social being and an ideal social being; the addiction of mentality for competition;

-increased confidence in the influence of social cognitive factors.Thirst for innovation, research and creativity is a human trait. It is this feature that motivates a person to look at himself as a subject of social being and social relations. Doctor of Philosophy S.Norkulov writes: "Interest in knowing the world is unique for human. Due to the nature of the generalization of epistemological experiments and their use in changing the environment, man was the subject of social historical processes, created by civilization. These processes are related to mentality, consciousness, cognition, the pursuit of knowledge".8 The researcher reveals the laws of individual mentality and the transformation of consciousness into social mentality and consciousness, the former, no matter how important, becomes a product of "necessity" implied by N.A Berdyaev through deterministic factors, especially social demands, the needs of society. To sum up, man's thirst for innovation, creation, and creativity is not just an individual phenomenon, they are related to social necessity. Here the demands of social development have a deterministic effect. It should not be forgotten that there are also internal deterministic factors of creation. When it comes to creative mentality, this inner determinism is often referred. Internal deterministic factors include creative psychological phenomena such as ability, inspiration, the pain of thinking and creating, the desire to change the environment, the desire to further beautify and humanize, the ideal formed in the mind. These phenomena play a leading role in the lives of young people, especially in their imaginations. Eighty-two percent of our respondents consider it is a positive fact that the President and the

8 See Norqulov S. Transformation processes in civil society and social consciousness. Tashkent: Navroz, 2015. 33 p.


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences

Scientific Journal Impact Factor



VOLUME 1 | ISSUE 5 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2021: 5.423

government support the interest of young people in innovation and innovative research, and are ready to take advantage of these opportunities as much as possible. 78% of them emphasize that, schools, educational institutions and family institutions require young people to grow up as creative people, in this regard, first of all, parents help a lot, the spiritual and moral environment in the family, noble qualities, mutual support, altruism, respect to elderly people and traditions of honoring the little , spiritual support, encouragement. 69% of respondents say that family and school play an important role in a person's love for creativity, 51% say that the influence of friends is leading, 32% say that colleagues and classmates, and 21% say that special cultural and spiritual events of books and youth associations. At the same time, almost 94% of respondent youth express interest in this or that type of creative activity.

It is true that among them artistic creation is in the lead (78%), young people interested in scientific and technical creativity are only about 3%. We specifically studied the answers of young people interested in scientific and technical creativity to our other questions. We found that in the family of these young people, either their father or brother was engaged in scientific and technical creativity. Among them are a few young people who are influenced by friends or others . It follows that the desire to engage in scientific and technical creativity is aroused by adults in the family. While the interest of young people in scientific and technical creativity is not formed by itself, the influence of external deterministic factors - family, friends - is in the forefront. The influence of special education and educational institutions is an axiom.

1. Philosophy of Knowledge (gnoseology). Tashkent: University, 2005. 215 p.

2. Annotated Dictionary of the Uzbek Language.4 vols. Toshkent; National Encyclopedia of Uzbekistan, State Scientific Publishing House, 2008. 13 p.

3. Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Tashkent: National Encyclopedia of Uzbekistan. State National Publishing House, 2000. 275 p.

4. Philosophy of Knowledge (gnoseology). Tashkent: University, 2005. 215 p.

5. That work. 215-216 p.

6. That work. 218 p.

7. Berdyaev N. Philosophy is a free creation // Tafakkur, 2018, issue 3. 31-32 b.

8. Norqulov S. Transformation processes in civil society and social consciousness. Tashkent: Navroz, 2015. 33 p.



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