Научная статья на тему 'Forming the grammatical competence of students using Web 2. 0 technologies'

Forming the grammatical competence of students using Web 2. 0 technologies Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Horokhova Tetiana

In the article on the basis of analysis of scientific and methodical literature, functions and educational opportunities of information and communication technologies, Web 2.0 in particular, in teaching grammar to Ukrainian philology students are substantiated. The article outlines the methodological aspects of Web 2.0 technology usage as one of the efficient means of forming Ukrainian language grammatical competence.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Forming the grammatical competence of students using Web 2. 0 technologies»

Section 5. Language and Literacy Learning

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20534/EJLL-17-1-23-25

Horokhova Tetiana, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, post-graduate student, lecturer, The Institute of Philology E-mail: t.horokhova@kubg.edu.ua

Forming the grammatical competence of students using web 2.0 technologies

Abstract: In the article on the basis of analysis of scientific and methodical literature, functions and educational opportunities of information and communication technologies, Web 2.0 in particular, in teaching grammar to Ukrainian philology students are substantiated. The article outlines the methodological aspects of Web 2.0 technology usage as one of the efficient means of forming Ukrainian language grammatical competence.

Keywords: competence, competency, grammatical competence, information and communication technologies, Web 2.0.

Nowadays the role of information and communication technologies (ICT) is rapidly increasing in all areas of human activity, in education particularly, because new conditions of society lead to some changes in the educational process. ICT allow optimizing the process of professional training, and significantly accelerating, diversifying the learning process, improving the learning of students through visual aids, dynamics of learning and interactivity.

The aim of the article is to substantiate capabilities of Web 2.0. while forming the grammatical competence of students of philology.

Methodology of Ukrainian grammar studying were investigated by Holub N., Horoshkina A., Dyka N., Karaman O., Karaman S., Matsko L., Melnychayko V., Omelchuk S., Pentylyuk M., Plysko K., Popova O., She-lekhova H.and others. Various philosophical, ideological, scientific, theoretical, methodological, psychological, pedagogical and practical teaching aspects of ICT in the educational process are highlighted in the works of such scholars as Hershunskyy B., Horkun O., Verlan A., Zhaldak M., Kremen V., Morse N., Robert J. and others. Features of the application of ICT in the language study are viewed by Bratslavska O., Hurina T., Zymovets A., Nikolaeva V., Radchenko I., Rozhdestvenska D., Smo-

lar L., Soroko N. and others. However, the peculiarities of the formation of grammatical competence by means of web 2.0 technologies in scientific and methodological literature are not enough highlighted.

As a result of analysis of scientific and methodical literature, we clearly differentiate the concepts of competence and competency. We think that competency is a pre-defined social need for the educational training of a student. And competence is the mastery of the student of a relevant competency, which includes his personal attitude to it and to the subject of activity. It is the personal characteristics of the student, the ability of the student, that based on acquired knowledge, learning and life experiences, values and abilities that allows to operate or perform certain functions effectively. Therefore, the formation of competencies can be considered as the final result of the educational process. And competency can be regarded as a quality of the individual.

Effective language teaching is possible only with deep teacher's knowledge of the rules, systems, and regularities of words connections that makes the grammatical structure of the language. Grammatically correct speech is impossible without understanding grammar system, knowledge of grammatical characteristics of words and grammatical forms that define the specific

Section 5. Language and Literacy Learning

national language. That's why one of the main components of the future professional philologist's professio-gram is the grammatical competence, which reveals itself as an integral part of communicative competence.

We rely on statement by which grammatical competence provides systematic knowledge of lexical, morphological, syntactic, phonetic and orthographic aspects of language to build meaningful and coherent expressions; understanding the grammatical concepts and means of grammatical categories expression; skills and the ability to use grammatical phenomena in speech activity adequately in a variety of communication situations.

At present among technologies, which largely help in the formation of grammatical competence of students, information and communication technologies (ICT) can be selected — a set of interrelated information, computer and telecommunication technologies with corresponding software that are widely used in all spheres of human activity [2].

As information technology is constantly evolving, the Internet acquires new qualities. One of the basic principles of the Internet today is the concept of web 2.0 — methods of design of systems which by means of integrating network interactions becomes the better the more people use them. An important feature of Web 2.0 is the principle of attracting users to the filling, using and reusing of the content [5].

In order to optimize and intensify the learning process these technologies are increasingly used in educational practice because they do not involve special programming skills. Moreover, their simplicity and convenience allow teacher to save training time. The tools of Web 2.0 include blogs, wikis, social networks, etc., that promote collaboration between teachers and students, ensuring the creation and discussion of educational content, information sharing and so on.

The use ofWeb 2.0 technology in Ukrainian language teaching allows teacher to move away from traditional forms of learning and make learning process more individualized for students. Besides, it aids to optimize mastering of language structures and grammatical rules, and overcome monotonic training in the process of communicative competence formation. The didactic potential of ICT during Ukrainian language lessons can be described as follows:

• increasing the motivation of training;

• intensification of educational activity of students, strengthening their role as a subject of study (giving an opportunity to choose a sequence of material learning, determine the extent and type of assistance and etc.).

• implementation of differentiated approach to learning;

• improving language competences using authentic materials from online space;

• practice of monologue and dialogue speech;

• creating a learning environment that provides the «immersion» of student in an imaginary world, in certain social and cultural situations;

• engaging students to work independently;

• diversifying of forms of information presentation and types of educational objectives;

• providing rapid feedback and the possibility of reflection.

It should be noted that responsibility of the teacher in the educational process with Web 2.0 technologies using is to organize various learning activities for students in the information-educational environment. Under these conditions, the teacher becomes a partner, mentor and tutor in educational communication.

We describe more opportunities of ICT, particularly Web 2.0 technologies for forming the grammatical competence of students in the process of taking Ukrainian language course.

The network allows obtaining any necessary information and offers plenty of resources to publish the information, such as blogs. Blog is a website whose content is records (posts) in the form of text, images or multimedia that is regularly added and commented [4]. It is an information resource to which students and teacher could load manuals, textbooks, multimedia presentations and other educational materials on their own, highlight news, scientific interestingness and communicate with each other. Also blog can be a form of educational project. For example, a group of students creates and fill their own blog, which covers actual issues of Ukrainian grammar, historical facts on the development of grammar, theoretical information, difficulties in grammatical categories determination (morphological and syntactic), samples of educational texts (linguistic, historical, educational, ethnographic, etc.) with grammatical tasks to them, adding audiovisual support. Information from these blogs can be used in further work of the teacher at the lessons and by students during their training and production practice, in their future careers.

The use of blogging resources at language lessons increases the motivation of students due to advanced technical resources in the design of their posts, some freedom in searching for the necessary information. Work in these blogs fosters such language and speech competen-

cies as reading, writing, listening, speaking (in case of creating audio and video content), promotes the ability to analyze and comment on the information, in other words, forms the critical thinking [4].

Another effective technology that can be used in the study of Ukrainian grammar is Wiki resources that provide convenient opportunities for collaborative creating of projects such as Wikipedia — open multilingual wiki-encyclopedia, Wikibooks, Wikidictionary, Wikiquote, Wikisource and others. There is successfully operated Wiki Portal in Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University (http://wiki.kubg.edu.ua/), where a large number of wiki proj ects created by students and teachers of the University are represented, such as: Virtual museum of Borys Grinchenko, "Grinchenko's Dictionary and Modernity" (competition for the best interpretation of the vocabulary words of Boris Grinchenko), "Hrinchenko's studies" (research of young scientists), "Our University", "I am a student", "My specialty is unique" and others.

The advantages of using these technologies in the study of grammar include the possibility of editing text repeatedly, attracting different people to create, update and improve articles and discuss them. For example, students create grammatical encyclopedia that highlights examples of morphological analysis of different parts of speech, syntax analysis of different types of sentences. It should be noted that all students who are interested in grammar can participate in this project. It will facilitate the development of their analytical and research skills, ability to create and edit texts, improve grammatical skills to analyze words and sentences.

Consequently, the organization of work on the grammar by means of information technologies has significant advantages over traditional methods, because:

• ensures optimum for each student consistency, speed of perception of the material, the possibility of independent work organization expands the boundaries of information search;

• forms the analytical and research skills through searching, selection and analysis of information on the web;

• develops the creative potential of students, as it provides a certain freedom in choosing the way of presenting their own information, the ability to accompany printed materials with audiovisual content;

• allows students to see the results of each other, analyze and comment on them;

• enables students to work simultaneously on the same document, create joint projects and fill one resource with information;

• provides the ability of self-control and mutual control of acquired knowledge and skills;

• ensures the feedback to the teacher and the communication with all participants of the educational process.

We believe that the formation of grammatical competence in teaching linguistic disciplines using ICT tools would be effective if teacher provided an integrated and coherent development of instructional materials that would organically combine different types of work in classroom: co working and independent, individual and group work of students, modern technology and living word of the teacher, online communication and public performances.


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