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Ключевые слова
competence / translation competence / B1 level students / Chinese language teaching / intercultural foreign language skills / culture. / компетентность / переводческая компетентность / студенты уровня B1 / преподавание китайского языка / межкультурные навыки владения иностранным языком / культура.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Saydalieva, Nigora Faxritdinovna

In the present study, a new method of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, compiled for B1 level students, was developed and tested. The content of the methodology is focused on the development of students not only translation competence, but also intercultural skills. Separate attention is paid to the peculiarities of the formation of intercultural foreign language skills among teachers and students of universities in the context of studying Chinese culture. The methods of formation of written translation competence of B1 level students at the initial stage of teaching Chinese as a foreign language have been researched and substantiated.

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В настоящем исследовании был разработан и апробирован новый метод преподавания китайского языка как иностранного, предназначенный для студентов уровня B1. Содержание методики ориентировано на развитие у студентов не только переводческой компетентности, но и межкультурных навыков. Отдельное внимание уделено особенностям формирования межкультурных навыков иностранного языка у преподавателей и студентов вузов в контексте изучения китайской культуры. Исследованы и обоснованы методы формирования письменной переводческой компетенции студентов уровня В1 на начальном этапе обучения китайскому языку как иностранному.


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d https://doi.org/10.24412/2181-1784-2023-21-192-201

Saydalieva Nigora Faxritdinovna

Toshkent Gumanitar Fanlar Universiteti o'qituvchisi Genius xususiy maktab o'qituvchisi Toshkent Davlat Jahon tillari mustaqil izlanuvchisi 3-bosqich Mail: sonyang@mail .ru Tel:998909498875 Ilmiy rahbar: Filologiya fanlari doktori: Nazarova Sayora

Annotation: In the present study, a new method of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, compiled for B1 level students, was developed and tested. The content of the methodology is focused on the development of students not only translation competence, but also intercultural skills. Separate attention is paid to the peculiarities of the formation of intercultural foreign language skills among teachers and students of universities in the context of studying Chinese culture. The methods of formation of written translation competence of B1 level students at the initial stage of teaching Chinese as a foreign language have been researched and substantiated.

Key words: competence, translation competence, B1 level students, Chinese language teaching, intercultural foreign language skills, culture.


In modern conditions of integration of Uzbekistan into the world, educational space, as a result of the rapid development of intercultural communication and globalization processes in the world, there is a need to train specialists who use foreign languages as a means of communication with colleagues - representatives of different cultures and peoples.

The Influence of the Chinese Teaching Method

Classroom involvement, or interaction between students and teachers, is emphasized as an important aspect of the learning process in American education, as is monitoring students' overall academic success. However, because of the Chinese Confucian traditional concepts that shape the BCP Business & Management FMESS 2023 Volume 41 (2023) 224Chinese learner participation model, as well as the teacher-centered and authoritative social subject cognition, there is a widely accepted hierarchy in the Chinese classroom: the teacher is the only holder of knowledge and Providers, and students are attentive recipients. In the process of obtaining knowledge, students do not need to explore, process, or draw conclusions about the material, but

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teachers supply a comprehensive information package for students to acquire. As a result, English students in China frequently avoid oral communication in the classroom. Nevertheless, because of the interplay between the test and the teaching subject, the default answers between students and teachers are unique or largely stable, leading many non-Chinese teachers to characterize Chinesestudents as excessively compliant and deficient in critical thinking . Another explanation for classroom quiet is that Chinese students typically lack confidence in their English oral ability and believe that they will be unable to satisfy the high expectations of classroom oral English participation Horwitz established a theoretical framework for Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety (FLCA); they linked language anxiety with "performance assessment" (also known as "performance.

For full-fledged intercultural communication and mutual understanding, future linguist-translators must, simultaneously with the study of the Chinese language, learn the features of Chinese culture, i.e. develop intercultural skills and knowledge. Due to the large differences between the language systems of the Uzbek and Chinese languages, teaching Chinese present's great difficulties for Uzbek students.

Moreover, the practice of teaching Chinese as a foreign language shows that already at the initial stage, teaching should be based on a communicative approach. Thus, for the future professional activity of B1 level students in the study of the Chinese language, it is necessary to form and develop intercultural communicative competence.


The methodology of teaching the Chinese language as a special branch of scientific research has been developing in China only since the beginning of the 80s of the 20th century. Chinese scholars such as Lu Bisong (1989), Ren Yuan (1984, 1988, 1994), Li Peiyuan (1987), Sheng Yan (1989), Liu Xun (1997), Cheng Yuzhen (2005), have written about the development of the method of teaching Chinese as a foreign language. Zhao Jingming (2010, 2014), Wu Yongyi (1987, 2018), etc. Ren

Yuan in his book ^^^^(Retrospective and Perspective of the Study of Methods of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language) writes that "the term 'Methods' in a narrow sense implies specific teaching methods and skills. In a broad sense, as a special object of study and a scientific term, it has a much more branched conceptual apparatus" [1]

In 1984, Lu Bisong noted that "language learning is a science. Its object of study is a holistic process associated with language learning and questions about the theory, principles and methods of teaching at each stage. for each stage of separateness" [2]

In 1989, Sheng Yan wrote that the task of researching the methodology of teaching Chinese as a foreign language is "to create a scientific and theoretical system for teaching Chinese with Chinese characteristics" [3]. According to him, "the

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so-called theoretical system is an integral ideological system, a method of analysis and generalization, a conceptual framework that includes various observations, phenomena and actions" [3].

Conversational education is based on student-centered learning and emphasizes the importance of acknowledging each student's distinct cultural and personal experiences as they occur in the classroom. Traditional classrooms in China are exam-oriented and teacher-centered, and social perception holds that teachers have enormous authority. Most classes have little interaction between teachers and students, as well as between students. Students are unable to develop their abilities toexpress themselves because they lack the opportunity and guts to do so. The trust relationship between professors and students is particularly weak as a result of the absence of interaction, and nonclassroom dialogue between students will instinctively avoid intellectual debates. According to Usher Pajares, support from parents, instructors, and trusted peers can boost kids' confidence in their academic abilities, which is also one of the causes of students' self-efficacy. Through mutual evaluation, group conversations enhance motivation, create intellectual connections among students,and cultivate critical thinking. Because watching students with the same pattern succeed on difficult problems instils confidence in other pupils that they may attain the same success in similar subjects.

Thus, on the one hand, the methodology of teaching Chinese as a foreign language is a holistic system of learning theories, basic principles that establish various relationships between teaching and learning; on the other hand, these are various skills and abilities that put these theories and principles into practice. Identification of the area and subject of research on the methodology of teaching Chinese as a foreign language is important for conducting scientific research in this area.

Scientists and teachers of foreign languages are in constant search for effective teaching methods. The development of methodology is the basis for the development of teaching foreign languages. Determining the area of research in the methodology of teaching Chinese as a foreign language is very important for the scientific conduct of further research in this area.

China is one of the most ancient civilizations; it has more than 5000 years of history. Throughout history, most of the surrounding nations and nationalities have studied and used the Chinese language to learn about the more advanced Chinese culture and develop their own cultures.

Summing up the study of Chinese methodologists, we can highlight the following features of teaching Chinese as a foreign language in the 50s and 60s of the 20th century:

1. The main object of education is the teaching of vocabulary, grammar rules and other aspects of the language. Language materials are mainly related to studies in the specialty and student life.

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2. The main principle of teaching is to reduce the time for explaining the theory, the practical activity of B1 level students is considered the basis of learning.

3. The purpose of training is to develop four types of speech activity in students: listening, speaking, reading and writing.

4. The principle of systematic learning is to gradually and systematically move forward; in strengthening listening and speaking skills, and at the same time developing language and speech skills.

5. Cultural aspects are mainly found in textbook texts. At the initial stage of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, textbook texts already pay attention to presenting several historical, geographical and cultural knowledge about China.

Even though the beginning of teaching Chinese as a foreign language was strongly influenced by linguistic theories at that time, researchers and educators from the very beginning emphasize the differences between the theory and practice of teaching Chinese at home. Based on practice, teachers have accumulated a number of useful teaching methods, which laid the foundation for subsequent scientific development. [5]

The method of teaching Chinese as a foreign language began to develop effectively from the early 60s to the early 70s. In this period of time, excessive attention is paid to theory, teachers-scientists put forward a practice-oriented principle and apply this principle in teaching practice. At this stage, the main content of the training is listening and speaking, and much attention is paid to detailed explanation and numerous exercises.

At this time, the so-called "comparative direct method" is an important teaching method in China. Compared to the "direct method", the "comparative direct method" combines some of the principles and methods of the direct method with previously used teaching methods. The comparative direct method requires strict restrictions on the use of the students' native language and intermediate language. [6] A relative reduction in the time of explaining language knowledge, an increase in content due to the forms of everyday expression and colloquial sentences; focusing attention on developing listening and speaking skills; emphasizing the importance of practical activities for B1 level students.

The modern method of teaching Chinese as a foreign language began to develop in the 50s of the 20th century, when vocabulary and grammar were the main content of teaching. From the beginning of the 60s to the beginning of the 70s, a practice-oriented principle was put forward as the main principle of education, and the centre of the content of education shifted from teaching vocabulary and grammar to teaching listening and speaking.

The use of the comparative direct method at that time made it possible to more effectively teach Chinese as a foreign language. From the introduction of the "functional approach" by the end of the 70s to the development of the "construct-situation-function" methodology from the late 70s to the late 80s, and to the current

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principle of "construction - function - culture", which has a bright Chinese specificity in teaching methods, the study of teaching methods of Chinese as a foreign language is becoming increasingly important.

In the 1980s, work on the compilation of textbooks and teaching aids and the active holding of conferences contributed to the rapid development of research methods in the field of teaching Chinese as a foreign language.

The study of the methodology of teaching Chinese as a foreign language began in the last century and is successfully continuing at the present time. Chinese scientists have achieved notable practical results in the formation and development of learning skills among B1 level students, as well as in the field of application of foreign methods of teaching a foreign language.


The formed competence directly affects the effectiveness of practical activities, it is associated with the individual psychological characteristics of a person, which allow him to effectively solve professional problems. According to I.A. Zimnyaya, "competences are some internal, potential, hidden psychological neoplasms: knowledge, ideas, programs (algorithms) of actions, systems of values and relationships, which are then revealed in human competencies" [7].

Thus, competence is the total ability to act, shown to perform some goal or task. E. F. Zeer writes that "competencies are knowledge in action, skills and abilities in performing activities, integrative activity constructs included in the real situation and aimed at achieving a specific result. Competences are a necessary subjective condition for the successful performance of any activity."[8]

E.F. Zeer proposed an understanding of competence as "the ability to establish a connection between knowledge and a situation, as the ability to establish, on the basis of existing knowledge, a certain algorithm of actions to resolve a problem situation" [8]. In the process of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, we form B1 level students with practice-oriented foreign language competence in action. people, translation competence is also formed.

It is known that within the framework of the discipline "Foreign language" and related disciplines, training in translation activities is not the goal of training. Translation is usually considered as a separate complex type of communicative activity, the implementation of which requires special training. The effectiveness of teaching a foreign language cannot be assessed through the ability to translate a text.

Understanding text, the ability to extract information from oral and written sources is not tested by the ability to translate any text, since for translation is not enough just to understand the text, you must have the necessary skills and abilities to create a text in their native language, target language.

But, as the practice of teaching foreign languages shows, translation remains one of the means of learning, which is used for semantization, checking the

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assimilation of vocabulary and grammar, clarifying the content of what has been read or heard, etc. As a rule, in methodological materials on teaching foreign languages written within the framework of a communicative methodology, if necessary, use the native language of the B1 level students the authors try not to use the word "translation" and instead use expressions such as "briefly state the content of the text", "compose annotation to the text", etc.

According to O. I. Okulovsky, "competence is the ability to carry out specific activities in a certain area based on the application of knowledge and skills and the manifestation of personal qualities that make this activity successful" [9]. It "is the result of a direct and indirect impact on the student of a multitude of educational and educational factors." [9]. In our study, these are knowledge, skills and abilities presented in the linguistic and intercultural areas. They are formed and developed in the process of purposeful linguistic training.

The ultimate goal is the translation competence - this opinion has already been agreed by many scholars in the field of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, for example, Lu Bisong (1987), Li Yang (1991), Liu Xun (1997, 2000). Communicative competence is understood "as the choice and implementation of speech behaviour programs depending on a person's ability to navigate in a particular communication environment. The ability to classify situations depending on the topic, tasks, communicative attitudes that arise in B1 level students before the conversation, as well as during the conversation in the process of mutual adaptation" [10].

It can be said that China has a multicultural idea, where diverse cultures borrow the merits of other cultures to make up for their shortcomings, harmoniously unite and develop together. Thus, in the process of introducing students to Chinese tea and architectural culture, food culture, etc., it is necessary to pay attention to the diversification of Chinese language culture.

The main value of multicultural education is the understanding and tolerance of cultural differences, the acceptance of the principle of coexistence of different cultures and the development of intercultural competence or the competence of multicultural understanding.

Thus, the competence of translation is a conscious ability for cultural identification, which includes all knowledge, skill, attitude, cultural consciousness and other aspects of a complex ability, i.e. it includes not only external language knowledge and skills, but also internal attitudes and feelings; it involves not only the availability of knowledge and skills, but also a formed attitude towards one's native culture and the culture of the target language, as well as understanding, observing and evaluating cultures of a general nature, their characteristics and their relationship.

We agree with E.V. Smirnova that "Translation competence is of a complex nature. It is a combination of its individual competencies: speech, language, or linguistic" [11]. But for the implementation of successful communication, this competence includes not only the understanding of a language and the possession of

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its linguistic forms, but also the understanding and possession of a knowledge system, when, where and how to use rational language forms for communication.

Chinese characters, which combine pronunciation, form and meaning, are very different from the alphabet. They have a great advantage in the use of imaginative thinking. Explaining the shape of the hieroglyphs, the cultural content of these hieroglyphs, and the peculiarities of the thinking of the Chinese people makes simple language lessons more lively and interesting. For example, hieroglyphs, means "tree", its upper part is a branch trunk, and its lower part is a root. Explanation of the figurative features of this hieroglyph helps B1 level students remember the shape of this hieroglyph. means "forest", which has many trees. In form, consists of two In China, there is even a proverb which translates as "one

tree cannot become a forest» and this metaphor means that the strength of one person is not enough to achieve success, a person always needs the help of other people. After the explanation, B1 level students will be able to distinguish between these two characters and feel the wisdom of the Chinese people.

In Chinese, there are words like "^^^^(not good but not bad)" (not tall but not short)" fat but not thin)" (not big, but not

small)", etc., these are basically adjectives that negate the two extremes and keep the middle part or middle state. By value, they express suitability. These words show the psychological state of the Chinese people - "Zhongyong (Teaching in the middle)".

The peculiarity of the Chinese language is manifested mainly in the philosophical basis of this language, in the features of expressing cultural values in Chinese, an independent system of hieroglyphic writing, cultural information, which is carried by the Chinese language and others.

In order to form the translation and intercultural communicative competence of B1 level students when teaching Chinese, it is important not only to explain to students the grammatical rules, conceptual meanings and the inner content of words and gestures, but also to acquaint them with the communicative rules of communication - a way of action acquired in life, to develop their ability to understand the conceptual meanings and inner content of these words and gestures, and their application in specific situations. In other words, students need to understand when, in what context, by whom, what and how should be done, and why.

B1 level students can use dictionaries for translation cultural lexemes. This dictionary includes words related to Chinese culture and holidays, such as the twelve Chinese zodiac signs, Chinese holidays, traditional musical instruments, famous Chinese sights and monuments, etc. Some sections also include words that are associated with specific elements of Chinese culture. For example, the section "Physical education, sports and hobbies" includes the words (see Figure 2):

Figure 1. Translation of words that are associated with specific elements of Chinese culture

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r^u Guängchängw ü dancing in the square

xtrn tàiji quan taijiquan (Chinese martial art, one types of wushu, health gymnastics)

tàiji shàn tai chi using a fan (health gymnastics)

tàiji jiàn Chinese traditional the art of swordsmanship

As A.A. Mirolyubov, "general education in teaching languages is achieved as a result of familiarization with the culture of the country whose language is being studied" [12]. Thus, in order to master the basics of the Chinese language and communicate freely in Chinese, it is necessary to understand and know the cultural content of the Chinese language and the social customs associated with it.

According to Sheng Yan, translation competence includes: linguistic competence (phonetics, vocabulary, grammar, semantics, ability and skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing, etc.); sociolinguistic competence (function, ideology, situation, psychological factors, language style and etc.), the main manifestation of which is the tact of using the language; discussion competence (coherent speech); communication strategies (clarification, avoidance, change of style, etc.) [13].

The formation and development of translation competence is the main task facing foreign language teachers of higher education. According to A.V. Matienko, "translation competence is a demonstrated and practical knowledge of the language that ensures the achievement of communicative goals in oral and written, productive and receptive, monologue or dialogic form" [14]. It "implies a certain level of proficiency in language, speech and sociocultural knowledge, skills and abilities" [15].

According to A.V. Matienko, for successful foreign language communication, participants need not only linguistic knowledge, but the ability to build and understand meaningful texts, accurately perceive communicative content, and achieve the goal of verbal communication with representatives of a different culture [14]. Thus, translation is the ability and skills of free communication in a foreign language in a real communicative environment. It includes such components as linguistic, stylistic, psychological, social, cultural, etc.


By translation competence, we mean not only the ability to understand a language and the knowledge of its linguistic forms, but also the knowledge system, when, where and how to use rational language forms for communication. When communicating with native Chinese speakers, you need to understand the socio-

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cultural and psychological habits of the Chinese people. It is very important that B1 level students in intercultural communication have intercultural awareness.

List of used literature:

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2. Lu Bisun. On the study of language teaching methods = ШЖШ'ШШ^^^Щ ^ / Lü Bisun // Language teaching and research. -1984. -№03.-S.

3. Shen Yan. Theory of Language Teaching = ЩШШ^Ш^Ш/ ShenYan.-Chongqing: Chongqing Publishing House, 1990.

4. Lu Bisun. On the study of language teaching methods =

^ / Lü Bisun // Language teaching and research. -1984. -№03.-S.

5. Han Yueqin. Research on fostering intercultural communicationcompetenceof foreign language learners / Han Yueqin // Cross-Cultural Communication. -2013.-Vol. 9, Iss. 1. - P. 5-12. 113.

6. Sun Li. Culture teaching in foreign language teaching / SunLi // TheoryandPractice in Language Studies. - 2013. - Vol. 3, Iss. 2. - P. 371-375.

7. Зимняя И. А. Ключевые компетенции - новая парадигма результата образования / И. А. Зимняя // Эксперимент и инновации в школе. -2009. -№2.-С. 7-14. - Режим доступа: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n7klyuchevye-kompetentsii-novaya-paradigma-rezultata-obrazovaniya (дата обращения: 28.05.2017).

8. Зеер Э. Ф. Саморегулируемое учение как психолого-дидактическая технология формирования компетенции у обучаемых [Электронный ресурс] /Э. Ф. Зеер // Психологическая наука и образование. - 2004. - №3.

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11. Смирнова Е. В. Роль коммуникативной компетенции в обучении иностранным языкам / Е. В. Смирнова // Сборник трудов аспирантов, магистрантов и соискателей. - 2014. - С. 125-128.

12. Миролюбов А. А. История отечественной методики обучения иностранным языкам / А. А. Миролюбов. - М.: Ступени, Инфра-М, 2002. -448с

13. Shen Yan. Theory of Language Teaching = ЩШШ^Ш^Ш/ ShenYan.-Chongqing: Chongqing Publishing House, 1990.

14. Матиенко А. В. Иноязычная профессиональная коммуникативная компетенция: определение понятия в логике формирования полилингвальнойи

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мультикультурной личности [Электронный ресурс] / А. В. Матиенко//Педагогические науки. - 2016.

15. Смирнова Е. В. Роль коммуникативной компетенции в обучени ииностранным языкам / Е. В. Смирнова // Сборник трудов аспирантов, магистрантов и соискателей. - 2014.

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