Научная статья на тему 'Formation of student youth value attitude to professional activity'

Formation of student youth value attitude to professional activity Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Vdovychenko R., Shapochka K.

The article substantiates the essence of value attitude of student youth to professional activity. The purpose of the study was to analyze the influence of the content of value orientations on the level of professional and pedagogical training of each student in the learning process. The peculiarities of future teachers' value orientations transformations according to M. Rokeach method and D.O. Leontiev tests of meaningful life orientations (MLO) in the process of vocational training are studied. This research confirms that the values create the student's attitude towards professional goals and objectives, the possibility of professional self-realization. It has been found that mastering the values of the teaching profession in the educational process is possible in case such values acquire a systemic character, which convincingly proves the importance of reviewing and introducing new forms and methods of work in higher education institutions.

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В статье обоснована сущность ценностного отношения студенческой молодежи к профессиональной деятельности. Целью исследования выступил анализ влияния содержания ценностных ориентаций на уровень профессионально-педагогической направленности каждого студента в процессе обучения. Проанализированы особенности трансформации ценностных ориентаций будущих педагогов в процессе профессиональной подготовки по методике М. Рокича и тестами смысложизненных ориентаций Д.А. Леонтьева (СЖО). Данное исследование подтверждает, что именно ценности формируют отношение студента к профессиональным целей и задачам, возможность профессиональной самореализации. Установлено, что овладение ценностями профессии учителя в образовательном процессе являются возможными при условии, что такие ценности приобретают системный характер, что убедительно доказывает важность пересмотра и внедрения новых форм и методов работы в учреждениях высшего образования.

Текст научной работы на тему «Formation of student youth value attitude to professional activity»

«Назарбаев Интеллектуальные школы»/Под ред. А.С. Шилибековой, Д.Б. Зиеденовой. - 2016. - 47 с.

3. Профессионально-ориентированный иностранный язык /Типовая учебная программа специальности 060500 - Ядерная физика. - Алматы, 2014.

4. Сон И.С. Особенности оценивания знаний по иностранному языку (говорение, письмо) по

балльно-рейтинговой системе // Теория и практика образования в современном мире. - Санкт-Петербург, 2012. - С.185-188.

5. Павлов Ю. Академические рубрики: Матрицы для оценивания знаний /Аналитика и тактика. - 2017.


Вдовиченко Р.

кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры педагогики и инклюзивного образования Николаевский национальный университет имени В.А. Сухомлинского

ORCID: 0000-0002-3100-6697 Шапочка Е.

кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры педагогики и инклюзивного образования Николаевский национальный университет имени В.А. Сухомлинского



Vdovychenko R.,

Associate Professor of Pedagogy and Inclusive Education Department, PhDMykolaiv V.O. Sukhomlynskyi National University ORCID: 0000-0002-3100-6697 Shapochka K. Associate Professor of Pedagogy and Inclusive Education Department, PhD Mykolaiv V.O. Sukhomlynskyi National University orcid. org/0000-0002-4827-599X


В статье обоснована сущность ценностного отношения студенческой молодежи к профессиональной деятельности. Целью исследования выступил анализ влияния содержания ценностных ориентаций на уровень профессионально-педагогической направленности каждого студента в процессе обучения. Проанализированы особенности трансформации ценностных ориентаций будущих педагогов в процессе профессиональной подготовки по методике М. Рокича и тестами смысложизненных ориентаций Д.А. Леонтьева (СЖО). Данное исследование подтверждает, что именно ценности формируют отношение студента к профессиональным целей и задачам, возможность профессиональной самореализации. Установлено, что овладение ценностями профессии учителя в образовательном процессе являются возможными при условии, что такие ценности приобретают системный характер, что убедительно доказывает важность пересмотра и внедрения новых форм и методов работы в учреждениях высшего образования.


The article substantiates the essence of value attitude of student youth to professional activity. The purpose of the study was to analyze the influence of the content of value orientations on the level of professional and pedagogical training of each student in the learning process. The peculiarities of future teachers' value orientations transformations according to M. Rokeach method and D.O. Leontiev tests of meaningful life orientations (MLO) in the process of vocational training are studied. This research confirms that the values create the student's attitude towards professional goals and objectives, the possibility of professional self-realization. It has been found that mastering the values of the teaching profession in the educational process is possible in case such values acquire a systemic character, which convincingly proves the importance of reviewing and introducing new forms and methods of work in higher education institutions.

Ключевые слова: ценности, ценностные ориентации, ценностное отношение, профессиональные ценности, профессионально-педагогическая направленность.

Keywords: values, value orientations, value attitude, professional values, professional and pedagogical orientation.

The problem of studying the values and value orientations of student youth in the conditions of modern society is urgent. The reason is the growing demands for the formation of an active creative personality, able

to find a place in professional life, self-define and realize himself, as well as in the connection with the need to develop the spiritual potential of the young generation, which in its activity reflects the values of society.

The essence of professional self-determination is the affirmation of the personality in terms of the professionalism criteria developed in society, the choice of value orientations in accordance with the system of the values, the connection of life and professional expectations, value orientations and life purpose with their professional plans, the ability to relate influences on the personality of the higher education institution's educational environment and the social environment.

The creative attitude to work is a valuable quality of a modern specialist in any field, so the main task of the educational process is to form students' readiness for productive work as a process of creating spiritual and material values. In the formation of the personality of the future specialist, value orientations determine the direction and level of this activity, significantly affect the professional qualities. First, it should be emphasized that the formation of a future specialist in the process of vocational training takes place in the context of the constant selection of a person of significant professional values, correlating them with the ideal image of a professional in the choosen field. During their studies at the university, they undergo some reassessment, rethinking and becoming, which are conditioned by both personal and professional growth. This allows us to suggest that the content of the value orientations is influenced by the level of professional and pedagogical orientation of each student, and, therefore, an important condition for the formation of the proper value orientations of the future teacher is the formation of a high level of professional and pedagogical orientation of future educator's personality.

Given the relevance and lack of elaboration of the problem, the purpose of the article is to study the influence of the content of value orientations on the level of professional and pedagogical orientation of students of pedagogical specialties in the process of studying at the university.

Considering the purpose of our research, we will study the connection between the concepts of «pedagogical values» and «professional value orientations», to find out the peculiarities of the influence of values on the formation of professional values of future teachers. The following methods were used to solve these tasks: theoretical analysis of the problem based on the study of philosophical, sociological, psychological and pedagogical literature; psychodiagnostic methods: a test of meaningful life orientations Leontiev (MLO), M. Rokeach's method «Value orientations».

The growing interest of scientists in the problem of forming students' professional value orientations in today's context is extremely important. Lately, various aspects of teachers' professional activity have been actively researched, but no systematic study of value orientations within the professional competence of future teachers has been conducted. Therefore, it should be noted that an important condition for successful professional development of a future teacher is the formation of a valuable attitude to pedagogical activity.

The problem of value orientations was effectively and consistently developed by researchers, among which the most complete analysis of these categories is given in the works of V. Andrushchenko, S. Anisimov,

B. Hubman, A. Zdravomyslova, M. Kagan, T. Malkovska, V. Sagatovsky, B. Tugarinov , I. Beh, I. Ziazun, O. Sukhomlinska and others. The theoretical foundations of the problem of the person's spiritual values formation, the value orientations are covered in the works of L. Bozhovich, G. Kostyuk, O. Leontiev,

C. Rubinstein, A. Petrovsky, A. Mudryk, V. Semy-chenko, V. Rybalki and others. [6]. According to A. Ruchka, scientific studies have formulated up to one hundred definitions of the essence of the concept of «value», which characterize the ambiguity of value orientations of an individual, examples of their consideration and analysis from different perspectives, in different attitudes to the world [8].

In this context, it is precisely the values of a person that he or she is consistently realizing in his or her life that serve as an indicator of the maturity as a person. At the same time, I. Beh, O. Bandarevska, S. Goncha-renko, M. Nikandrov, V. Rybalka, O. Savchenko, and others pay particular attention to the basic values and orientation of an individual, characterize them as a program of personal development, which can be expanded and specified in the educational process of higher education institutions. The future teacher should act on the principles and norms of ethics, rules of behavior culture in relations with adults and children on the basis of common and national values, norms of social morality; adhere to the principles of pedagogical ethics to be the bearer of universal and cultural values, strive for self-improvement.

We consider valuable the I. Beh's opinion on spiritual values, and humanity can be discussed when "we ask the question why human activity is performed, or what is the meaning of achieving goals, aspirations and intentions. Therefore, the sphere of spiritual values contains the meaning of life, love, good, evil, etc., that is, the meaning of general moral categories ... the way of realizing spiritual values that requires «... a complex specific work on the cognitive-emotional assessment of one's life. Moreover, the process of such moral and psychological activity is influenced by the essence of the generality of the content that is included in one or another spiritual values [2, p. 9].

Thus, O. Savchenko emphasizes the importance of the system of values to which education should be directed today and in the perspective and values that should be formed in the educational space of the university [9].

All this allow us to suggest that the formed professional-value orientations of the future specialist will ensure his successful professional activity and on this basis motivate professional-personal development (needs, interests, motives, attitudes), determine the directions of professional activity. On this basis, it is advisable to distinguish the following basic value characteristics: creative character of the teacher's work, prestige, social significance of work, responsibility to the state, the possibility of self-affirmation, love and affection for children.

Taking into account that the set of basic humanistic values reflects the specificity of relationships between people, the importance of these values for the purpose and goals of life, coordination of the whole

sphere of sociocultural behavior of the individual, S. Ermakova outlines a system of basic humanistic values: life, kindness, sincerity in relationships, love for one's neighbor, compassion, justice, conscience, awe for human dignity [5, p.112].

According to the material analyzed, the answer to the question - what values the future teacher focuses on - reveals his real status, the power of his influence on the socio-economic processes in society, the potential opportunities for teachers for the future development of Ukraine. In such circumstances, the professional training of pedagogical staff requires a rethinking of the purpose, content, forms of organization of pedagogical education in order to orient it to the formation of the professional values of future teachers.

The urgency of the problem of formation of professional value orientations of future specialists is caused by the fact that the value orientations of the future teacher act for the teacher as strategic goals of his activity, as they serve as a stable definition of behavior and professional activity, affect the content and orientation of needs, motives, interests. In addition, the problems of the role of value orientations and their relationship with the life goals of an individual in the professional development of the teacher, determining the priority values of the teaching profession in accordance with the requirements of the chosen profession remain insufficiently studied. The profession is a wide space in which a person is, undergoes change, perfects, and obeys professional laws, moral standards and values. Each profession requires from the person certain general and special knowledge, skills and personal qualities that are formed in the process of general and special education. The pedagogical profession requires both special knowledge, skills and rich spiritual generosity, boundless love for children. Appreciating the profession of teacher, Jan Amos Komensky regarded it as the most honorable, most wonderful position, above which nothing can «be under the sun» Jan Amos Komensky compared the teacher to a gardener who lovingly grows plants in the garden, to an architect who gently fills the child with knowledge, to a sculptor who carefully grinds people's minds and souls.

In recent decades, the essence of the concept of «pedagogical values» and «professional value orientations» of teachers has been closely interrelated in the educational process and has an impact on the nature of the teacher's professional work and professional activity. Viktor Ogneviuk holds the same position: «in modern education, cultural and social functions should be combined organically, the balance between them should ensure the combination of training a highly skilled, competitive in the labor market specialist and at the same time - upbringing of personality with high culture and ready to further development» [7, p.23].

Pedagogical orientation is considered as a system of leading motives: interests, needs, inclinations that characterize the propensity for professional activity, pedagogical vocation and formation of professional-value orientations of future specialists and determine the attitude of the individual to professional goals, tasks and requirements, possibility of self-professionaliza-tion. However, the attention of scientists is directed not

only to the special professional knowledge and skills of students, but also to the formation of professional culture as an organic component of the culture of human, value orientation, values, positions, beliefs [1, p. 135].

For our study, it is important to understand that orientation of a personality is one of the most important factors in the formation of values, the manifestation of which are ideals, needs, interests, beliefs.

The formation of professional value orientations of future specialists is based on the assumption that in the course of their preparation a particular value of the future profession becomes a necessity of the future teacher's personality if indirect activity of a higher institution as a social institute is carried out. The basic requirements for a teacher's professional value orientations are based on the values (pedagogical values) of modern education, which are embodied in the goal, the humanistic paradigm, conceptual approaches and principles.

The set of professional value orientations of a teacher is determined by the priority of universal values, including such values as: truth, good (humanism) and beauty; justice, equality and honor; life; especially important value is the Motherland, which is the basis of the content of pedagogical education, which emphasizes the priority of humanistic ideas and the possibility of realizing creative potential in the process of professional training of future specialists.

It is important to define the pedagogical conditions for the formation of future teachers/educators' professional-value orientations. First, we offer such as, formation of positive motivation for students to acquire professional value orientations with setting on their further independent development; implementation of an integrative approach to different-subject knowledge for the formation of a system of professional value orientations (knowledge integration serves as the first stage and is the basis for the formation of value beliefs, attitudes, and as a result - the behavior of the individual); formation of a system of students' professional value orientations as an important component of future professional activity.

Professional value orientations should form a coherent system in the student's mind. Based on this system the appropriate educational and methodical system for practical introduction into the educational process is directly constructed. The process of formation of a specific system of university students professional value orientations as an important component of future professional activity, we consider on the example of pedagogical specialties. Pedagogical specialties should be attributed to the profession of the type: «person - person», that needs personal influence, the ability to communicate as an independent value, through which not only the formation of personality, but also self-realization takes place. It follows that professional values are formed on the basis of their integration. It should be noted that such values are formed spontaneously and in isolation in the educational process, which is an important problem for creating a systematic and integrated approach to their formation. It is also important to add that it is at a young age that a person enters the world of values and value self-determination, future

professional self-determination, accumulation of knowledge, awareness of their abilities and capabilities. Undoubtedly, the formation of value orientations is also influenced by the nature of the value orientations of the pre-university experience; quality of teaching in the secondary schools; outlook of teachers; the nature of the content of students' practical activity; state of teaching the subjects and teamwork etc.

In order to study the vocational value orientations of students of pedagogical specialties, we proposed a list of values and a test of meaningful life orientations (according to the method of M. Rokeach and the tests of D. Leontiev (MLO) to future teachers.

The analysis of the research results shows the dynamics of professional values growth, which were not dominant for the first year students, since most of them chose life values - health and having good and faithful friends, while studying at university. The second and third year students mainly choose professional values and values that can help them in the acquisition of the profession: knowledge, education, beauty, kindness, the value of the child, the value of justice.

In this context, it is worth noting the immaturity of the students' life positions, just as future teachers, which may indicate a lack of professional identity. The pedagogical orientation and ability to work with children should be reflected in a specific hierarchy of values. In our opinion, the obtained placement of values does not quite meet the required level of students' value development.

The analyzed material allows confirming that changes in the professional and value orientations of student youth require revision and introduction of new forms and methods of work at the university, the use of reflexive technologies for the formation of professional orientation, the development of professionally important personality features and pedagogical consciousness as a whole.

The analysis of curricula and programs of pedagogical specialties of the university showed that practically all academic disciplines have sufficient reserve for the formation of vocational value orientations. It is in the process of subject preparation that the formation of professional value orientations is taking place. In the subjects taught in the higher educational institutions, the foundations of the formation of value orientations are laid. Value orientations are directly dependent on the availability of scientific systemic knowledge, since the degree of students' value orientations is directly dependent on the level of awareness, on the foundation of pedagogical knowledge and on the level of value attitude towards them. The effectiveness of forming a teacher's value orientations and the whole system of teachers' training depends on the extent to which the external educational influences correspond to the tasks and content of the self-education.

Thus, the formation of knowledge contributes to the formation of a value attitude to the teaching profession. Based on the researches of scientists' opinions and understanding of the system of professional value orientations as stable positive relations of the person to the

outside world, other people, himself, the structural components of the professional value orientations of the future specialist are determined: value relation to the world, society; value attitude towards people; value attitude to yourself. So, the perception of value orientations depends on the degree of awareness of the values of education and value orientations of the specialist, on the formed knowledge and the level of development of value attitudes towards them.

Thus, the above allows us to argue that pedagogical values are common values of education, and professional value orientations are values inherent directly in the personality of the teacher. The process of mastering the values of the teaching profession in the educational process is possible in the identification and creation of specific psychological and pedagogical conditions, under which such values acquire a holistic, meaningful, systemic character, namely: formation of positive motivation for mastering vocational values; the integration of diverse subject knowledge as a preparatory basis for the formation of future teachers' professional value orientations. Therefore, the study showed that the most important components of the professionally important qualities of a teacher are the vocational-value orientations, which should be purposefully formed in students throughout the period of study at the university. Further exploration in this area includes a detailed study of the peculiarities of the formation of professional-value orientations of future teachers.


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