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creativity / creative abilities / development of creative abilities / great ancestors / spiritual heritage / imagination

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — D. Abdullajonova

The article discusses the problem of the components of creative potential and the effective development of human creative abilities. The question is raised about the optimal timing for the development of children's creative abilities. The conditions necessary for the successful development of creative abilities are considered

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Abdullajonova Dildoraxon Rustamjonovna

Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences (PhD), docent of the Department "Methodology of Preschool Education", Andijan State Pedagogical Institute Republic of Uzbekistan https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10852857

Abstract. The article discusses the problem of the components of creative potential and the effective development of human creative abilities. The question is raised about the optimal timing for the development of children's creative abilities. The conditions necessary for the successful development of creative abilities are considered.

Keywords: creativity, creative abilities, development of creative abilities, great ancestors, spiritual heritage, imagination.


Raising the younger generation in our country as enlightened people, faithful to national traditions and universal human values, is an important task in the social sphere. On Uzbek soil, where "free general education is guaranteed by the state," along with increasing the mental and intellectual potential of the next generation of our country, the legal framework for their spiritual improvement has been adopted. In particular, it is appropriate to recognize that attention to the education and upbringing of children in preschool age is indigenous way has changed.

Because by "radically increasing the level of preparation of preschoolers for school education, introducing modern educational programs into the educational process, providing qualified teaching staff, creating conditions for the comprehensive intellectual, moral, aesthetic and physical development of children, improving the material and technical base of educational institutions"1 directions for the development of the preschool education system are outlined.

Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PP-3261 "On measures to radically improve the preschool education system" dated September 9, 2017 and other regulatory legal acts related to this area.

Research methodology.

The article discusses the development of creative abilities of preschool children, the form and methods of teaching, raising children in accordance with the highest status of humanity, is capable of raising today's younger generation, worthy of their great ancestors, capable of solving the socio-political, economic problems of their time through education.

Analyzes and results.

Large-scale scientific fundamental research is being conducted around the world regarding the development of a modernized system of education through cultural and spiritual heritage, in particular national values, and improving the model for increasing the professional competence of teachers, who are the main subjects of the educational process.

The preschool education system, which from the very beginning set as its goal the education of children in accordance with the highest status of humanity, is capable of raising today's younger generation worthy of its great ancestors, capable of solving the socio-political,

economic problems of its time with the help of education, the desire to Being responsible to the future of the Earth is a vital necessity, and the application of the results achieved and the experience gained in practice is of paramount importance.

In every child, from birth, there is a creative principle, which throughout life goes through a large number of changes in different situations in which the child himself finds himself: either it develops, or, on the contrary, it fades away without ever revealing itself. And as a result, his parents, as well as the adults surrounding the child, are faced with the task of not causing harm, not "destroying" their creativity in children, but, on the contrary, helping them go in the right direction.

To do this, it is necessary to promote the formation of creative abilities in various ways -and this is a long and difficult path. As in any pedagogical activity, in preschool education one of the most important tasks associated with program topics is determining the purpose, objectives and content of activities on this topic. Because these concepts are categories of the educational process in preschool education, in particular, forming the basis of practical application in the consciousness, worldview and behavior of pupils of the centers of activity of factors.

Classes should not only be used to prepare for various events, but should have educational, educational and educational value and include all of this. The subject, form and methods of teaching should be focused on a single goal and include the formation of speech and theatrical performance skills; it includes three main goals such as creating an environment for creativity and social-emotional development of children. Therefore, during training, you can introduce children to characters, learn a fairy tale or work, familiarize them closely with facial expressions, movements, capabilities, and repeat all this during training.

Theatrical activities include watching puppet shows and talking about the performance, theatrical games, staging stories and staged plays, exercises that shape the expressiveness of the performance (verbal and non-verbal), exercises that develop the social and emotional development of children.

During the development of creative abilities, several stages can be distinguished. The first stage is the preparation of the anatomical and physiological foundations; the second stage - the formation of inclinations of a non-biological nature occurs; third stage - these abilities are determined and acquire the appropriate level. The initial period in the formation of creative abilities is based on the maturation of the organic structure required for them or with the creation on its basis of various functional organs. This period is usually reserved for preschool age.

Various types of games can help develop these capabilities, since gaming activity is fundamental at this age. Children's games provide the first impetus for the development of creativity, the basis of which is creative abilities (role-playing, story play, warm-up game, quiz, etc.).

The versatility and variety of activities in which a preschooler is engaged is one of the most important conditions for the general and versatile formation of his abilities. In this regard, new conditions arise for activities that reveal the creative abilities of children.

Preschool age is a period of intensive development of creative abilities. The brightness of the child's feelings and imagination, the immediacy of his perception of the world around him, and his active knowledge of the world create the prerequisites for the formation of creative activity during this period. To create means to create, to create something new, something that did not exist before. The development of the creative abilities of preschool children presupposes a new decision,

a new vision, a new approach, that is, a readiness to abandon habitual patterns and stereotypes of behavior, perception, and thinking. Creativity is bringing something new into the world.

We support the point of view of Artemyeva A.A. on the fact that creatively thinking people are distinguished by the ability to remake, redefine the environment so that it meets their intellectual needs and requirements. By definition, the adaptability of creative people in changing conditions is higher simply because they themselves create the conditions to most successfully and fully realize their potential.

Creativity is a fusion of many qualities. And the question about the components of human creative potential remains open, although at the moment there are several hypotheses regarding this problem. Many (Guilford, K. Hull, R. Thompson, etc.) psychologists associate the ability for creative activity, first of all, with the characteristics of thinking.

The opinion of the domestic researcher of the problem of creativity A.N. is interesting. Luke, who, based on the biographies of outstanding scientists, inventors, artists and musicians, identifies the following creative abilities:

1. The ability to see a problem where others do not see it;

2. The ability to collapse mental operations, replacing several concepts with one and using increasingly information-capacious symbols;

3. The ability to apply the skills acquired in solving one problem to solving another;

4. The ability to perceive reality as a whole, without splitting it into parts;

5. The ability to easily associate distant concepts;

6. The ability of memory to provide the necessary information at the right moment;

7. Flexibility of thinking;

8. The ability to choose one of the alternatives for solving a problem before checking it;

9. The ability to incorporate newly perceived information into existing knowledge systems;

10. The ability to see things as they are, to isolate what is observed from what is introduced by interpretation;

11. Ease of generating ideas;

12. Creative imagination;

13. The ability to work on details to improve the original concept.

Following L. Bochkarev, we believe that the creative potential of a preschool child consists of the following abilities:

1. Ability to take risks;

2. Divergent thinking;

3. Flexibility in thinking and action;

4. Speed of thinking;

5. The ability to express original ideas and invent new ones;

6. Rich imagination;

7. Perception of the ambiguity of things and phenomena;

8. High aesthetic values;

9. Developed intuition.

Analyzing the points of view presented above on the issue of developing creative abilities, we can conclude that, despite the difference in approaches to their definition, researchers unanimously identify creative imagination and the quality of creative thinking as essential components of creative abilities.

Speaking about the development of abilities, it is necessary to dwell on the question of when and at what age children's creative abilities should be developed. Psychologists (B.P. Nikitin, L.S. Vygotsky, B.G. Ananyev, etc.) call different periods from one and a half to five years. There is also a hypothesis that it is necessary to develop creative abilities from an early age. This hypothesis is confirmed in physiology.

Consequently, from a psychological point of view, preschool childhood is a favorable period for the development of creative abilities, as well as a sensitive period for the development of creative imagination.

We agree with scientists (J. Smith, B.N. Nikitin, etc.) that the following conditions contribute to the effective development of the creative abilities of preschool children:

- early physical development of the baby: early swimming, gymnastics, early crawling and walking;

- creating an environment that advances the development of children. It is necessary, as far as possible, to surround the child in advance with such an environment and such a system of relationships that would stimulate his various creative activities;

- the nature of the creative process, which requires maximum effort;

- providing the child with great freedom in choosing activities, in alternating activities, in the duration of doing one activity, in choosing methods, etc.;

- unobtrusive, intelligent, friendly help from adults;

- a warm, friendly atmosphere in the family and children's team.

It is important to constantly stimulate a child to be creative, show sympathy for his failures, and be patient even with strange ideas that are unusual in real life.

In addition, to develop imagination and creativity, there are special games that you can play with children in your free time. Interesting educational games developed by B.N. Nikitin such as: fold the pattern, fold the square, fractions, cubes for everyone.

Pedagogical practice proves that when selecting appropriate teaching methods, preschoolers, without losing the originality of creativity, create works of a higher level than their untrained, self-expressing peers.

Preschool age has the richest opportunities for the development of creative abilities. Unfortunately, these opportunities are irreversibly lost over time, so it is necessary to use them as effectively as possible in preschool childhood.

Thus, the successful development of creative abilities is possible only when certain conditions are created that are conducive to their formation. However, creating favorable conditions is not enough to raise a child with highly developed creative abilities. Purposeful work is needed to develop the creative potential of children.


In particular, it is appropriate to recognize that attention to the education and upbringing of children in preschool age has changed radically. Because by "radically increasing the level of preparation of preschoolers for school education, introducing modern educational programs into the educational process, providing qualified teaching staff, creating conditions for the comprehensive intellectual, moral, aesthetic and physical development of children, improving the material and technical base of educational institutions" it is planned directions of development of the preschool education system.

So, thanks to the created opportunities, this gives rise to the need to supplement the

curriculum with scientific research, practical research, and their problematization.


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