Научная статья на тему 'Formation of core competencies in the process of learning schoolchildren'

Formation of core competencies in the process of learning schoolchildren Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Turkenov Talgat, Zhapanova Riza

Essences, structure, functions of process of development of competence of schoolchildren are exposed, planning methods and pedagogical terms are presented. Discloses a general training and skills and their combination provides a reliable basis for further training of pupils cognitive activity, they determine the acquisition of deep and tight knowledge.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Formation of core competencies in the process of learning schoolchildren»

научных трудов по материалам Международной научно-практической конференции 30 июня 2014 г.: в 9 частях. Часть 1.Тамбов: ООО «Консалтинговая компания Юком», 2014. 164 с.

10. Ovchinnikov Yuri D., Vytkalov Sergey O. Ergonomic biomechanics in design technologies in higher educational institutions of a sports profile. «East West» Association for Advanced Studies and Higher Education GmbH. // European science reviews.-2014. - № 5-6.

11. Овчинников Ю. Д., Чоп Е. О. Эргономическая биомеханика оборудования рабочего места // Молодой ученый. - 2014. - № 8 (67), июнь, - 1. С. 393-395.

12. Овчинников Ю. Д. Педагогическая биомеханика: неправильно упали. Почему? [Текст] / Ю. Д. Овчинников // Образование и воспитание. — 2015. — № 1. — С. 13-15.

13. Окулова Л. П. Сравнительный анализ эргономики образования в России и за рубежом // Образование и саморазвитие. - 2012. Т. 4. № 32. С. 182-187.

Formation of core competencies in the process of learning


Turkenov T.1, Zhapanova R.2 (Republic of Kazakhstan) Формирование ключевых компетенций в процессе обучения младших школьников

Туркенов Т. К.1, Жапанова Р. Н.2 (Республика Казахстан)

Ауркенов Талгат Куанышевич / Turkenov Talgat - кандидат педагогических наук, доцент;

2Жапанова Риза Набиевна / Zhapanova Riza - старший преподователь, кафедра педагогики и психологии,

Академия «Болашак», г. Караганда, Республика Казахстан

Abstract: essences, structure, functions of process of development of competence of schoolchildren are exposed, planning methods and pedagogical terms are presented. Discloses a general training and skills and their combination provides a reliable basis for further training of pupils cognitive activity, they determine the acquisition of deep and tight knowledge. Аннотация: раскрыты сущность, структура, функции процесса развития

компетентности младших школьников, представлены способы проектирования и педагогические условия. Раскрыты общие учебные умения и навыки, которые в совокупности обеспечивают надежное основание для последующей учебнопознавательной деятельности школьников, способствующие приобретению глубоких и прочных знаний.

Keywords: basic competence, information competence, humanization, democratization, intensification, formation competencies.

Ключевые слова: компетентностный подход, информационная компетенция,

гуманизация, демократизация, интенсификация, информационная компетенция.

One of the most urgent problems of modern society is the formation of personality, to be ready not only to live in changing social and economic conditions, but also actively influence to the existing reality, changing it for the better. At the forefront the certain requirements for the individual are creative, active, socially responsible, having a well-developed intellect, highly educated, professional and competent. It is known, that the largest capacity for development is manifested in childhood lays the groundwork for the individual, intensive basic attitudes are formed, the basics of worldview, habits, develop cognitive abilities, emotional and volitional. Fold multiple relations with the outside world. Dynamism of modern civilization, strengthening


the role of the individual in society and industry, the growth of its needs, and the humanization and democratization of social relations, the intellectualization of work, a rapid change in technology and technology - these and other trends necessitate changes in the formula of "education for life" by "education through life."

The main criterion for the success of the modernization of education is to achieve a level where any citizen of our country, having received the appropriate training and qualifications, may be claimed in any country of the world.

Kazakhstan enters into the world educational space, will be resolved by updating the structure and content of education; improving learning technologies, further development of the national system of education quality assessment.

In this regard, certainly a significant role takes place a school in the development of the schoolchildren. It is important that here is formed psychologically necessary children’s institution, where he could diversify; learn to express their thoughts and feelings.

Today, as well as before the formation of the world, the Kazakh school is identifying new approaches to education, to enter the "golden age" of exploration and discovery, to rethink the methodology of thinking, learning, work, creativity, and life in general. In his message, "Let's build the future together!" 28 January 2011, President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev said: "Quality education should be the basis of industrialization and innovative development of Kazakhstan" [1].

One of the responses of the education system at the time, the request is the idea of competence-oriented education. Competence approach reflects this kind of educational content, which is not reducible to knowledge, the orientation component and offers a holistic experience in solving the problems of life, fulfilling the key (relating to many areas of social functions, social roles, and competencies). As pointed out by B.D. Elkonin, "We refused from not the knowledge as a cultural object; it is the particular form of knowledge”. According to SES RK 2003.-2008, readiness competence effectively mobilize internal and external resources to achieve success in order to meet individual and social needs that makes up the social order to the educational system [2].

Based on the documents, it can be argued that the purpose of education at the national level is promote the establishment of a competent, intellectually and spiritually advanced person, ready to participate effectively in the social, economic and political life of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The content of education is the most important component of the educational system. The decision of "eternal" questions "what to teach?" What should be the content of the training of the student, now more than ever, is of particular relevance. Development activity, independence, initiative, creative approach to business, it demands of life itself, is determined largely by the direction in which it is necessary to improve the educational process. Psychological abilities of schoolchildren, their natural curiosity, compassion, a special arrangement for the assimilation of new willingness to accept anything that gives a teacher, create favorable conditions for the development of key competencies of schoolchildren.

Consequently, the transition to 12-year education is reform of the entire national education system. With the prerequisites for the transition to 12-year education, in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan " Education", the State Program for the Development of Education for 2010-2020, a new state comprehensive standard 12-year secondary education, in which the expected results defined as core competencies of the graduate:

- value-oriented competence;

- general cultural competence;

- cognitive competence;

- information technology competence;

- the competence of social interaction;

- the competence of personal self-development;

- communicative competence [3].

Elementary School - an organic part of the first stage of secondary school. It lays on the groundwork for the subsequent stages of education. Reform has provided for the primary grades,


it is extremely clear educational goals and objectives: to lay the foundations of a comprehensive development of children, to ensure the formation of strong numeracy skills, literate writing, language development, cultural behavior.

These requirements emphasizes the importance of building schoolchildren' skills of rational organization of work training, general training and skills, which together provide a reliable basis for further learning and cognitive activity of schoolchildren, contribute to the acquisition of deep and lasting knowledge.

Realize all the possible competence in mathematics lessons in elementary school. Technique of key competencies formation includes 5 stages:

Stage 1 - Cable-motivational.

At this stage, students have to understand why and what they need to study the subject, and of learning what is the main learning objectives for future work.

Stage 2 - the opening of mathematical knowledge.

At this stage the crucial techniques require concentration, holding, independent research, stimulating the growth of cognitive needs.

Stage 3 - formalization of knowledge.

The main purpose of receptions at this stage - the organization of pupils’ activities, is aimed at the full-term study of the established mathematical fact, the using of analytical and systematic search method.

Stage 4 - the application of mathematical knowledge.

Techniques for creating problematic situations in this stage should intensify research activities of students and to promote deep learning.

Stage 5 - generalization and systematization.

Procedures must establish a link between the study of mathematical facts and lead in knowledge, self-education students to carry out management [4].

In the context of a powerful flow of information, diversity of its sources, it is important to inculcate younger students ability to provide important, independently find the necessary information quickly process scientific information, to use this knowledge in real-life situations. Creative, transformative activity is closely linked to the activity and autonomy of the individual. A. Disterveg wrote: "The development and education of any one person cannot be given or reported. Anyone who wants to join them, should reach this own activities, their own, their own stress. From the outside it can only get excited ... Because amateur - means and at the same time the result of education. "

Today, according to the State standard of general education of 12-year secondary education, the school must form a coherent system of universal knowledge, skills, and experience of selfemployment and personal responsibility of pupils, that is, the core competencies that define the modern quality of educational content. Learning success is possible only if it needs for level of training, cognitive features of the pupil and optimal conditions for the acquisition of knowledge and development of skills.

Obviously, the activities aimed at the formation and development of key competencies of students requires teachers as deep mathematical knowledge and careful preparation for the lesson.


1. State of the Nation of the Republic Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan from 28.01.2011.

2. State educational standards of the Republic of Kazakhstan. General secondary education. Main provisions. - Astana, 2008.

3. State Program for the Development of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 20102020. - Astana, 2010.

4. Zimnyaya I .A. Educational Psychology / I.A. Zimnyaya. TH.: Logos, 1999.-384p.


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