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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Belaya Natalia Alekseevna, Rechitskaya Ekaterina Grigorevna

The article deals with the problem of formation of communicative competence in children with hearing impairment as the basis of their social and personal development. It is shown that a significant component of communicative competence is speech communication, which in turn is represented by such components as ideas about communication, communication skills, speech tools, natural gestures, and communicative qualities of the individual. The article reveals the developing possibilities of correctional and pedagogical work on the basis of an individually differentiated approach to the formation of speech communication in children with hearing disorders, taking into account the specifics of the violation, communication capabilities, as well as significant areas of communication of this category of preschoolers, related to age indicators, their interests, leading activities and life necessity.

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3.Ахметвалиева М.Г., Коняева М.А. Формирование культуры здоровьесбережения студентов как основы обеспечения социальной безопасности общества //Международный правовой курьер. 2019. № 6. [Akhmetvalieva M.G., Konyaeva M.A. The formation of students' health-saving culture as the basis for ensuring social security of society // International Legal Courier. 2019; (6). (In Russ).] URL: https://www //inter-legal.ru.

4.Коняева М.А. Профессионально-прикладная физическая культура при формировании здоровьесберегающих компетенций в жизненных стратегиях студентов музыкальных вузов // Успехи современной науки и образования. 2017. №1. С.16-21. [Konyaeva M.A. Professionally-applied physical culture in the formation of health-saving competencies in the life strategies of students of musical universities. Advances in modern science and education, 2017; (1): 16-21. (In Russ).]

5.Коняева М.А. Специфика прикладной физической культуры в системе формирования здоровьесберегающих компетенций у студентов музыкального вуза (электронный журнал) // Современные наукоемкие технологии, 2016. № 12 (2). С. 363-367. [Konyaeva M.A. Specificity of applied physical culture in the system of formation of health-saving competencies among students of a musical university (electronic journal). Modern high technology. 2016; (12): 363-367. (In Russ).]

6. Коняева М.А. Эффективность восстановительного психотренинга в системе аэробной тренировки при формировании здоровьесберегающих компетенций у студентов вузов культуры и искусств // Здоровье и образование в XXI веке. 2016. №3. Т. 18. С. 68-73. [Konyaeva M.A. The effectiveness of restorative psycho-training in the system of aerobic training in the formation of health-saving competencies among students of universities of culture and arts // Health and Education in the XXI Century. 2016; (3): 68-73. (In Russ).]

7. Коняева М.А., Проскряков Ю.А., Семакина Е.В. Самоконтроль студентов при занятиях физической культурой и спортом: учебн. -метод. пос. Саратов: СГК им. Л.В. Собинова; 2018. [Konyaeva MA, Proskryakov Yu.A., Semakina E.V. Self-control of students in physical education and sports: textbook. -method. pos. Saratov: SGK them. L.V. Sobinova; 2018. (In Russ).]

УДК 376.356

ГРНТИ 14.29.27: Специальные школы и дошкольные учреждения для глухих и слабослышащих детей. вечерние школы для взрослых глухих и слабослышащих. Сурдопедагогика




DOI: 10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2020.8.73.701 Belaya Natalia Alekseevna

PhD (Education), associate professor of inclusive education and surdopedagogy Department, Moscow Pedagogical State University 119991, Russia, Moscow, Malaya Pirogovskaya str., 1 Rechitskaya Ekaterina Grigorevna PhD (Education), professor, professor of inclusive education and surdopedagogy Department, Moscow Pedagogical State University 119991, Russia, Moscow, Malaya Pirogovskaya str., 1



Белая Наталья Алексеевна

Канд. пед. наук, доцент кафедры инклюзивного образования и сурдопедагогики Московского педагогического государственного университета 119991, Россия, Москва, ул. Малая Пироговская, дом 1, стр.1

Речицкая Екатерина Григорьевна Канд. пед. наук, профессор, профессор кафедры инклюзивного образования и сурдопедагогики

Московского педагогического государственного университета 119991, Россия, Москва, ул. Малая Пироговская, дом 1, стр.1


The article deals with the problem of formation of communicative competence in children with hearing impairment as the basis of their social and personal development. It is shown that a significant component of communicative competence is speech communication, which in turn is represented by such components as ideas about communication, communication skills, speech tools, natural gestures, and communicative qualities of the individual. The article reveals the developing possibilities of correctional and pedagogical work on the basis of an individually differentiated approach to the formation of speech communication in children with hearing disorders, taking into account the specifics of the violation, communication capabilities, as well as significant areas of communication of this category of preschoolers, related to age indicators, their interests, leading activities and life necessity.


В статье рассматривается проблема формирования коммуникативной компетентности у детей с нарушением слуха как основа их социально-личностного развития. Показано, что значимой составляющей коммуникативной компетентности является речевое общение, которое в свою очередь представлено такими компонентами, как представления об общении, коммуникативные умения, речевые средства, естественные жесты, коммуникативные качества личности. Раскрываются развивающие возможности коррекционно-педагогической работы на основе индивидуально-дифференцированного подхода к формированию речевого общения у детей с нарушениями слуха с учетом специфики нарушения, коммуникативных возможностей, а также значимых сфер общения данной категории дошкольников, связанных с возрастными показателями, их интересами, ведущим видом деятельности и жизненной необходимостью.

Key words: preschool children with hearing impairment, social and communicative development, communicative competence, speech communication, communication areas.

Ключевые слова: дошкольники с нарушением слуха, социально-коммуникативное развитие, коммуникативная компетентность, речевое общение, сферы общения.

Introductory part.

As part of the strategy for the development of education in the Russian Federation, a priority attitude to pre-school education and an understanding of its importance for improving the entire system of continuing education is currently being traced. Preschool childhood is considered as a special national resource that allows solving complex problems of social and economic development [3]. New approaches and changes taking place in modern preschool education are presented in the Federal state educational standard for preschool education.

The priority of preschool education brought to the surface new scientific problems. One of them is the social and personal development of pupils, an important component of which is the communicative development. In the conditions of development of speech communication of preschool children with hearing impairment, they get acquainted with the social and object world, social connections are formed based on participation in joint children's activities, games, and training. It is speech communication, as a multi-faceted phenomenon, that can influence the development of self-esteem and knowledge of the communication partner.

Main part.

The approach to the problem of speech communication of deaf children, developed in the works of S. A. Zykov, T. S. Zykova, L. M. Bykova, I. V. Koltunenko, B. D. Korsunskaya, N. A. Moreva, L. P. Noskova, E. G. Rechitskaya, and others, involves taking into account the communicative function of language when learning its systemic nature; organizing purposeful work on the formation of the need for

speech communication, the development of thinking in connection with language acquisition; the formation and development of speech in the conditions of collective subject-practical activity.

The system of language training for hard-of-hearing children takes into account the peculiarity of their speech development associated with insufficient speech practice and poor speech perception. Speech insufficiency in hard-of-hearing children is a systemic secondary disorder. However, numerous studies (R. M. Boskis, A. G. Zikeev, K. V. Komarov, K. G. Korovin, etc.) have convincingly shown that they have positive prerequisites and opportunities for independent mastering of oral speech and speech communication.

In solving the problem of socio-personal and speech development of hard-of-hearing children, the principles of communicative orientation of the speech material used are implemented; the connection of speech practice with gaming, cognitive, practical and other types of organized activities in the classroom and outside it; situational speech based on past speech experience; activation of independence in the expression of thoughts and feelings.

At the same time, in connection with the introduction of Federal state educational standards, the issues of formation of communicative competence in children with hearing impairment as universal educational actions (L. A. Golovchits, O. I. Kukushkina, O. A. Krasilnikova, E. G. Rechitskaya, T. A. Solovyova, E. Z. Yakhnina) become relevant. The objective of the development of verbal communication in children with hearing impairment refers to a meta-communicative skills. This is important to keep in mind

when determining the results of mastering the program material by the beginning of school education.

Experimental study of speech communication of hard-of-hearing preschoolers allowed us to identify its features, which are manifested in the impoverishment of the subject and content of communication due to limited ideas about this process; incomplete use of children's existing communication skills; limited speech and non-speech means of communication, difficulties in assessing communicative situations, insufficient formation of communicative qualities (initiative, empathy, tact) [1, 3].

The subsequent conditional distribution hard of hearing preschoolers into groups with high, medium, low level of development of verbal communication gave us the opportunity to implement a differentiated approach to teaching this category of children, taking into account the specifics of the violation, to personalize and to individualize their learning and on the basis of a tiered approach to selection of content, and develop custom educational programs of the educational field «Social and communicative development» based on the principles of system activity and personality-oriented approaches.

Modern preschool education is aimed at its differentiation and individualization, at recreating its nature-like and personality-oriented character. One of the directions of correctional and pedagogical work on the formation of communicative competence in preschool children with hearing impairment is the development of speech communication and its components (ideas about communication, communication skills, speech tools, natural gestures, communicative qualities of the individual) [2].

One of the sections of work, including with children with disabilities, according to the Program is the educational area «Social and communicative development». The content of the educational field «Social and communicative development» is aimed at mastering constructive ways and means of interacting with people around you through the solution of one of the tasks - the development of free communication

with adults and children, based on the improvement of verbal speech as a means of communication.

By the time of completion of preschool education, children with hearing disorders should have formed correct behavioral stereotypes in various activities and communication with children and adults; the ability to independently, purposefully regulate their own actions; be able to empathize, be ready to organize and implement joint activities with their peers; positive attitudes to various types of work and creativity are formed.

As the results of mastering the formed ideas about communication, and, consequently, the formation of communicative competence in preschool children with hearing impairment, we consider the following:

— assessment of the communication situation, which involves taking into account the place, time, number of participants and their age; determining the topic of the conversation;

— use of verbal means of communication in combination with non-verbal means, the ability to listen and conduct a dialogue in the context of various activities and in free communication;

— the presence of prosocial actions and the use of constructive ways of interacting with children and adults, when it is necessary to agree, distribute actions in cooperation, Express their opinions, solve conflict situations, maintain productive interaction in the communication process;

— presence of activity, initiative, tact in communication, positive attitude to peers, empathy, high productivity.

The above representations relate to a number of spheres of communication, which are characterized by standard conditions and rules of communication related to the sphere of human activity. For children of preschool age with hearing impairment, the spheres of communication are determined primarily by age indicators, their interests, leading activities and life needs, taking into account their special educational needs (Fig. 1).

1. Communication in the game, organized by the educator and on their own initiative

2. Communication in the process of training and education in the classroom of general developmental and corrective orientation

3. Communication in everyday life, in everyday and sensitive moments

4. Communication in the process of domestic work and joint activities


5. Communication in an interpersonal interaction with peers and adults, including hearing, in free activity

6. Communication in real life conditions: in the store, at the post office, in the bus, in the clinic, etc.

m ^ ^

Fig. 1. Spheres of communication ofpreschool children with hearing impairment

Thus, the content and scope of children's ideas about communication are of a social nature, and the areas of communication relate to various types of children's activities (household, play, productive), their learning and interaction with peers and adults based on verbal speech.

Final section.

The research results of E. G. Rechitskaya and O. V. Troshkina (2018) prove that the special organization of games of communicative and speech orientation with preschool children with hearing disorders contributes not only to the qualitative and quantitative development of the vocabulary, but also to the formation of new stable models of speech communication and the enrichment of the child's life competencies [5].

In summary, we note that for the social and communicative development of a preschool child with hearing impairment, a necessary condition is the formation of their communicative competence as a basis for further school education and socialization. Communicative competence is an integral phenomenon, part of which is speech communication, which includes a number of components.


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