Abstract. The paper presents the experience of developing a program on local history for 5-7 year-old children "I love you, my Prikamye". The urgency of the program, goals, objectives and content contribute the formation of civil and patriotic position of senior preschool children. Keywords: patriotism, civic education, local history, civil and patriotic position.
PhD in Pedagogics, dean, Psychology Department, Solikamsk State Pedagogic Institute, branch of Perm State University, Solikamsk a_gileva
The idea of patriotism and citizenship education, gaining more and more public concern, becomes a task of national importance. The principles of the state policy in the field of education, proclaimed the priority of universal human values, civil education, love to nature, homeland and family, are defined by the law "On Education", the state program "Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation for 2011-2015 years", the concept of long-term program "Patriotic Education Of Residents Of Perm Krai In 2013-2015". The public project "National Doctrine of Education in the Russian Federation", pointed out that "the system of education is designed to provide education of the patriots of Russia, legal citizens of a democratic, social state, respecting the rights and freedom of the individual with high morals" [1, 3].
Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education on January,1 2014, in the educational area "Social and communicative development" indicates that "the social and communicative development is aimed at the assimilation of norms and values, accepted in society and including the moral and ethical values" [4]. An important place in these documents is given to education of a free citizen, patriot of the country and the region. The development of civil personality traits is a lifetime and controversial process. In the preschool years, the personality of a preschool child is actively developing, along with his civil views and attitudes, attitude towards the world and people and motives. In the sensitive period of child's personality formation, the understanding of citizenship as a quality of a growing person and attitude to it largely depends on the subsequent behavior and his civil position of a man. The studies of E.A. Kazaeva, S.A. Kozlova proved that civil education should begin in early childhood and the age characteristics of general mental and personality development of children of preschool age should be taken into account in the construction of a holistic educational process. E.A. Kazaeva, studying the problem of the formation of preschool age children citizenship, presented the following structural components of citizenship: legal and moral culture, patriotism and ethnic tolerance. As a personal neoplasm, patriotism may be considered in the unity of the three areas: cognitive, assuming knowledge of the history and culture of the Fatherland; emotional and sensual, representing interests, needs and socially significant motifs; behavioral, manifesting in various ways of activities that reflect man's relationship to his homeland. [2]
L.A. Paramonova in her studies pointed out the fact that children of senior preschool age are starting to have ideas about their national identity, but the ideas are still very fragmented and uncoordinated. At the same time, the author considers it possible to build a system of formation of preconditions of civil and patriotic position among preschool age children. Based on the analysis of the studies, civil and patriotic position of senior preschool children can be defined as a system of moral attitudes, allowing to perform actions, resulting data views, accepted in society as a model [3].
The researches made by R.S. Bure, O.I. Zhukovskaya, A.A. Lublinskaya, T.A. Markova in pedagogy and psychology of childhood confirmed that children of the senior preschool age have feeling of love for the native city and the region. The particular importance for expansion and deepening perceptions of children about native land has the regional studies. It allows a child to learn his native region and "homeland" during excursions, themed walks and hikes. Local history is socially significant direction of work with children of preschool age. Educating a child on events that are closely connected with the history of his native land, we form a deep attachment to the region.
Acquaintance with the history, culture, nature and life of the people helps to understand and feel native city, and thus become the creator of thehomeland. In this sense, the Perm Krai is a unique region of Russia, and Solikamsk is one of the cultural centers with rich history and culture.
The increased interest to the native land study is justified by the following facts:
1. City Solikamsk is a historical and cultural memorial, one of the protected cities in Russia;
2. Modern Solikamsk is a leading industrial center of Prikamye. The products of "Uralkalii", "Solikamskbumprom", "Solikamsk Magnesium Plant" are known around the world;
3. Solikamsk is a cultural capital of Prikamye;
4. Solikamsk has unique natural resources;
5. The city is famous for its painter, master of arts and crafts.
The modern comprehensive programs ("Childhood", "Development", "Sources", "Rainbow"), partial programs ("Heritage", "Introduction of children to the basics of folk culture"), regional programs ("Program of Social Development", " The Perm Krai is my native land", "Love and know your land") suggest the formation of ideas about children's cultural values, folk art and games, holidays. However, the programs do not touch the problem of citizenship formation as personal growths and the local history of Solikamsk. In this regard, it is necessary to develop a program on local history for preschool children, the content of which the peculiarities of geography, history and culture of Solikamsk and the Perm Krai. This authorized program can complement any comprehensive program of preschool education.
The purpose of the program is the formation of preconditions of civil and patriotic position of senior preschool children based on acquaintance with his native town and region.
The content of the program involves the following tasks:
1. To acquaint children with the history of the native city, its sights, industry, handicrafts and natural resources;
2. To give the original idea of the geographical position of the Perm Krai, its flora and fauna, culture, peoples of Prikamye, developing cognitive interest to the following studies of the native land;
3. To educate interest and respect to close people, fellow citizens, their activities, culture, life and traditions;
4. To educate conscious attitude to all nature (humans, plants, animals, objects of inanimate nature) and man-made objects of the world;
5. To create the conditions for love and pride for the native land and ownership of the history and culture;
6. To acquire practical skills, aimed at maintaining and improving the natural and social environment.
The program is designed for a two-year training course of preschool children (from 5 to 7 years). The program contain direct educational activities with children in local history (once a month). Duration of the program is 25 minutes for children of the elder group and 30 minutes for children of the preparatory school group, that meets sanitary-epidemiological rules and standards.
The content of the program is presented in the following blocks: "Me and my family", "My favorite kindergarten", "My neighborhood", "City Solikamsk is my little homeland", "The Perm Krai is my native land". The contents of the last two blocks is differentiated by sections: "Nature and natural resources", "Past and present of the native city", "Art". The blocks and sections help system planning of regional studies with children preschool age. The content of the program takes into account the implementation of interdisciplinary connections of the sections "A child enters the world of social relations", "A child opens up the world of nature", "Art and artistic activity" of the program "Childhood" and the sections of the program "I love you, my Prikamye". The sections "Nature and natural resources" and "Art for two years" supplemented the program. The blocks and strategic plans, packages of diagnostic techniques, guidelines for organization, teacher's book for children of senior and preparatory groups, present technological support of the program. The program on local history "I love you, my Prikamye" is based on the results of three year-program, held in "Kindergarten № 20" in Solikamsk.
1. Dashentsev, DA Civic education and patriotism - one of the most important areas of public policy in education [Text] / DA Dashentsev // Political Review. - 2010. - № 5. - P. 3 - 4.
ISSUE 4, 2014
2. Kazaeva EA Parenting civics in preschool children. Diss. for the degree of Ph.D. [Electronic resource]: -Mode of access:
3. Paramonov, LA Formation of civil - patriotic position in preschool children [Text] / LA Paramonov // Handbook senior preschool teachers. - 2007. - № 2. - C 4 - 7.
4. GEF preschool education. [Electronic resource]: - Mode of access:
Abstract. The paper deals with the esthetic perception of children, living in the Extreme Northeast of Russia in severe weather conditions, which influence on formation of children's world picture. Keywords: world around, children, Extreme Northeast of Russia, children, esthetic perception.
PhD in Pedagogics, Associate Professor, Pedagogical Department, Northeast State University [email protected]
The modern pedagogical theory and practice face the need of solution of a wide range of tasks, one of which is connected with formation of children's emotional and esthetic attitude towards surrounding reality. First of all, it is focused on esthetic mastering of the world. Here mastering means a special kind of perception, sensual relation, deep experience and emotional assessment of the perceived.
One of the central questions under discussion is the question of esthetic perception specifics. This problem excites philosophers, philologists, art critics, psychologists and teachers.
Ideas of P.P. Blonsky, L.S. Vygotsky, N.N. Volkov, A.V. Zaporozhets, V.S. Kuzin, S.L. Rubenstein, V.S. Mukhina, B.M. Teplov and other Russian psychologists are the basis for understanding the specifics of esthetic perception as the process of reflection of various subjects and phenomena of surrounding reality, in all variety of their properties and signs.
The problem of formation of preschool children esthetic perception of world around is one of the most difficult and low-studied in domestic pedagogy. Thus, it has exclusively great theoretical and practical value. Successful development of the theory and practice of art evolution of preschool children and definition of modern forms and methods of their esthetic education is impossible without the comprehensive investigation of the problem.
The real research is based on the state that art creativity of a child is an active form of reality reflection (in our case - the phenomena of the Extreme Northeast of Russia) and a mean of his cognitive and creative activity formation.
E.A. Flerina, N. P. Sakulina, T.S. Komarova and their followers established that evolution of art creativity really happens under the influence of two factors: surrounding reality and works of art.
Relevance of the problem is connected with specific and discomfortable conditions of Extreme North and adaptation of young generation, constantly living in these conditions.
Extremeness of a northeast zone of the country is defined by extraordinary long and severe winter (since the end of September till the middle of May), very low temperatures, snowstorms, and rainy, insufficiently warm summer with frosts (temperature in June and August can sometimes be -110 C); sharp violations of usual light frequency, light starvation during polar night and light excess during long summer day; differences of atmospheric pressure and humidity of air; strong and frequent winds; emptiness and monotony of landscape; poverty of flora, fauna and some other factors [1].
The results of numerous researches show growth of psycho and emotional pressure at people after 5-10 years of living in the Extreme North of Russia. The negative frustration, leading to depression uneasiness, efficiency decrease, connected more with "grey" environment during more than nine months in a yea, aggravate the status even more [2, 3]. Instability of people's health excites both physiologists and physicians, and psychologists and teachers (A.P. Avtsyn, V. V.