These horizons are very dense and cemented, sometimes they are called pedolits, depth of these horizons in Central Ferghana from south to north is reduced, i. e., the horizons rise up to the soil surface.
The characteristic morphological features of these soils other than those include a high content of gypsum, calcium and magnesium carbonates and their sulfate salts, as well as a variety of soil texture.
Furthermore, there are cherry stain colors, which are formed in combination with oxides of iron and manganese, cover layers, pseu-domycelium and other new formations are occur in these soils.
These types of new formations in the studied soils are presented as readily soluble salts, gypsum, and calcium carbonate. In the cavities readily soluble salt, gypsum, carbonates of calcium and magnesium, in some cases, the compounds of sesquioxides and manganese, phosphorus acidic iron are found. At most they appear as readily soluble salts, carbonates and gypsum.
In the so-called arzyk-shokh horizons new formations show the influence of saline groundwater, which lie not deep from the surface of the soil.
In these horizons new formations accumulate at large scale, where the primary soil material and soil-forming rock are almost indistinguishable. Also a special grouting horizon forms.
In the studied horizons new formations are not clean in miner-alogical terms. Instead of carbonate and sulfate salts of calcium and magnesium sesquioxides and others substances are often observed. In these horizons manganese, phosphorus, silicon compounds and others are found.
The studied soils have humus-carbonate, or humus — arzyk-shokh profile, that presented with the union of the humus horizon with arzyk-shokh horizons at the bottom.
Compounds of iron, silicon, and salts of organic and mineral acids, carbonic and sulfuric acid salts of calcium, iron, magnesium sulfate and sodium chloride, depending on the soil-geochemical conditions fall to deposits and form new formations.
Thus dense, cemented hydro accumulative horizons called arzyk-shokh (pedolytical) are formed in different depths of soil profile.
Ultimately, field studies of morphological features of soil must be completed with diagnosis of the individual horizons and determination of the type, sub type of the soil, what we have done. As a result, research in Central Ferghana determined that the investigated soils are a subtype of irrigated meadow-saz soils with arzyk-shokh (pedolytical) horizons, and are light loamy, average saline.
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Kholmatov Bakhtiyor Rustamovich, Khalillaev Sherzod Alimbaevich, Musaev Dilshod Mukhammadjanovich, Institution of gene pool of the flora and animals world of Academy of science of the Republic of Uzbekistan E-mail: [email protected]
Form of membership of bugs hemiptera, which belong to the family miridae and their some biological properties in condition of Tashkent region
Abstract: In this article there were shown the form of the bugs Hemiptera, which belong to the family Miridae in condition of Tashkent region and their distribution in clover, cotton and wilding, the level of damage of the generative cotton organs (cotton bud, flower, cotton box) by the bugs.
Keywords: phytophage, type of membership, bug, clover, cotton, cotton box, flower, cotton bud, damage, deformation.
Introduction and they are pests of cotton, sugar beet, been foder floras, fibers
The acceleration of the production in rural economy gave of plants, pitch, tobacco, grain, fruit and vegetables, medicinal and
change of the level of negative influence of some known faunistic ornamental plants [1; 3; 7].
components to agrocnosis and the emergence of new types. This in The bug Adelphocoris lineolatus Goeze is the main pest of clo-
turn brings the expansion of the live area of blind bugs Adelphocoris ver, it is established that the damage of clover, esparset, sebarga,
lineolatus and Lygus pratensis and other types of bugs in cotton, the nuts, peanuts and other been plants is about 27-63 %, in some
their damage area. Many terms of the family Miridae are phytophafes case, it could be 90 %. It was determined this type of the bug in
general feed with plants about 140 types of 20 family and breeds by laying the eggs.
In result of damage of bugs phytophages to cotton the harvest of cotton was decreased about 11.2-47.6 %.
The liquid of saliva of bugs influence to the lisi of plant tissue and brings the destruction of conductivity of metabolism and membrane. This brings the change of amount of monosaccharide, acidum ascorbinicum, chlorophiles and caratinoids at plant tissues, as a result of it develops such viral disease as the internal sliminess of cotton box in cotton, the disease of alternaioz, nigosporoz, bacte-riosis in beans and potatos, vertilloz in fodder plants.
The bugs of the family Miridae damage the different level of orthogenesis of cotton and it was established that the earlier damage of cotton brings the lag of its progress, desiccation, deformation, when it is damaged later. The deformation of the cotton occurs by the sticking of the bugs.
The materials and methods of research
The research occurred in farm "Mekhnat nur", "Rustam agro", "Elikuzi ota", "Sayfulla ota", "Ittifok" in the region Urtachirchik,
Table 1. - The type of structure of
Bekobod, Zangiota of Tashkent. During the research the saved-up materials are analyzes in the "Etymology and mycology" laboratory of the institution of gene pool of the flora and animals world of academy of Science.
The bugs of the family Miridae were chosen as an object of the research. The bugs of the family Miridae, their type of structure and bioecological property are occur by A. N. Kirichenkos method.
The received results
During the research were registered 12 types of 6 generation of the bugs Hemiptea, which are belong into family Miridae in condition of Tashkent region, including 3 types of family Adelphocori, 3 types of family Lygus, 1 type of family Camptobrochis, 1 type of family Trigonatylus, 2 types of family Campylomma, 2 types of family Polymerus (Table 1).
In condition of Tashkent region there were established, that Adelphocoris lineolatus, Lygus pratensis, Polymerus unifasciatus were dominant in the field of clover, Lygus pratensis, Campylomma ver-basci, Campylomma diversicornis in the field of cotton and Lygus pratensis, Trigonatylus ruficornis in the field of wilding (Table 2).
bugs, which belong to family Miridae
Family Generation Type
1. Miridae 1. Adelphocoris 1. Adelphocoris lineolatus
2. Adelphocoris jakovlevi
3. Adelphocoris lineolatus var Implagiatus
2. Lygus 1. Lygus pratensis
2. Lygus gemellatus
3. Lygus rugulipennis
3. Camptobrochis 1. Camptobrochis punctulatus
4. Trigonatylus 1. Trigonatylus ruficornis
5. Campylomma 1. Campylomma verbasci
2. Campylomma diversicornis
6. Polymerus 1. Polymerus cognatus
2. Polymerus vulneratus
Table 2. - The level of distribution of the bugs Hemiptea, which belong to family Miridae in the cotton-clover agrocnosis of Tashkent region
Generation Type The cotton field The clover field Wilding
1. Adelphocoris 1. Adelphocoris lineolatus ++ +++ ++
2. Adelphocoris jakovlevi + ++ +
3. Lineolatus var Implagiatus + + +
2. Lygus 1. Lygus pratensis +++ +++ +++
2. Lygus gemellatus ++ ++ ++
3. Lygus rugulipennis ++ ++ ++
3. Campto-brochis 1. Camptobrochis punctulatus + + +
4. Trigonatylus 1. Trigonatylus ruficornis + ++ +++
5. Campy-lomma 1. Campylomma verbasci +++ ++ +
2. Campylomma diversicornis +++ ++ +
6. Polymerus 1. Polymerus unifasciatus ++ +++ +
2. Polymerus vulneratus + + +
The most spread types of the bugs Hemiptera, which belong to family Miridae, are Adelphocoris lineolatus and Lygus pratensis and they seriously damage the agrocnosis of cotton and clover in condition of Tashkent region.
The lobby of shoulder of the bug Adelphocoris lineolatus, it has 2 points, the guard with 2 lines, colorless. The general color is brown-green. Some part ofwings is black; there is a spot in the form of a sword in the center. The size of the bus is 7.5-9 mm. The clover bug winters in phase of eggs in the clover, ecsparcet and other bean fields. To fully progress of one generation ofbugs the effective
temperature is 350 °C on border 10 °C. The damage of cotton with clover bugs brings the decrease of breathe intensity, activity of oxidizer enzymes ofplants, the change of quantity of monosaccharide, ascorbic acid, chlorophyll, carotinoid on cotton leaves and considerable loss of a harvest.
The size body of adult Lygus pratensis bugs is about 5.8-7.3 mm. The color of its body is from yellow-green to reddish brown. There are 4 parallel black spots at a front part of the shoulder. The bug lays the eggs generally on the stalk of cotton leaves, the stalk of cotton bud and partially on the growing point of the plant.
Fig. 1. The bugs, which belong to the family Miridae, widespread in Tashkent region: Adelphocoris lineolatus (A) and Lyguspratensis (B), (orig.)
The field bug in the period of its adult winters under the grass, the fallen leaves, it begins to fly in search of food when the air temperature reaches 16 °C. After 9-12 days the female bugs leave autumn fields of crops for laying the eggs and gather on the jag-jag, surepka, sorrel and the other blossomed plants. The next generation of the bugs turns to cotton, when it has 10-12 real leaves. In this period the plant intensively growing prepares to have reproductive organs and during the season the bugs spawning progress in the cotton.
It was learned the damage of the generative organs ofcotton (the sort of cotton "Namangan-77"), that is cotton bud, flower and cotton boxes, by the bugs which belong to family Miridae in the farm "Me-khnatnur" of the region Urtachirchik in Tashkent. The research was occurred considering generative organs of 5 models of the plants at the 20 points in the research fields (in general 50). According to obtained data it is established 40.5 % of cotton bud, 36.4 % of flowers, 60.4 % of cotton boxes damaged by the bugs of the family Miridae (Table 2).
Table 2. - Some rates of the damages of cotton harvest by the bugs of the family Miridae 05-20.08.2015 y. The sort of cotton "Namangan-77" in the farm "Mekhnatnur" of the region Urtachirchik in Tashkent
The elements of the harvest from 100 plants (from 20 points of calculate on 5 plants)
Cotton bud Flowers Cotton boxes
General Damaged % General Damaged % General Damaged %
37 8 21.6 5 2 40.0 27 20 74.0
23 8 34.7 7 4 57.1 41 16 39.0
28 13 46.4 4 2 50.0 19 13 68.4
35 8 22.8 4 1 25.0 9 6 66.6
27 7 25.9 7 3 42.8 23 14 60.8
23 9 39.1 6 3 50.0 24 19 79.1
34 10 24.4 5 1 20.0 22 13 59.0
33 10 30.3 5 1 20.0 22 14 63.6
38 13 34.2 4 2 50.0 27 17 62.9
17 12 70.5 4 1 25.0 30 20 66.6
21 11 52.3 7 2 28.6 20 10 50.0
12 4 33.3 4 1 25.0 37 20 54.0
17 10 58.8 6 1 16.6 18 12 66.6
16 11 68.7 4 1 25.0 28 16 57.1
19 9 47.4 5 4 80.0 28 21 75.0
14 8 57.1 5 1 20.0 16 11 68.7
20 9 45 5 4 80.0 24 11 45.8
23 8 34.7 5 1 20.0 17 12 70.5
16 8 50.0 5 1 20.0 28 16 57.1
50 12 24.0 6 2 33.3 22 13 59.0
On average 25.1 9.4 40.5 5.1 1.9 36.4 24.1 14.7 60.4
The imago of the bugs and in all level of their progress, especially larvae at III-IV-V damage the plants seriously. On the surface of the generative organs damaged cotton appears a half drop juice of cotton in yellow color and then it becomes black. On the damaged places of the harvest elements there appear black spots. They may increase in the expense of several pricks around the spots. The cotton deformed. The damaged cotton boxes by bugs blossoms earlier (Fig. 2).
This situation influences negatively to the cotton fiber and the quality of their seed. Over time as a result of several pricks on a surface of incorrectly developing fabric there appears the crack and there is a hole. The semi-fluid juice of cotton — kamedy, which consists of large cage, follows through this hole. The interior of cotton box changes, the fabric and seeds collapse and turns into brown weight, which stuck with kamedy. If the harvest slug is damaged, they do not progress and dries.
Fig. 2. The cotton which damaged by bugs of the family Miridae (A) and the harvest of cotton which grown on them (B) (orig.)
Conclusion. It was established 12 types of 6 generation of bugs, which belong to the family Miridae in condition of Tashkent region. It was reported that the types Adelphocoris lineolatus, Lygus pratensis, Polymerus unifasciatus in the clover field, the types Lygus pratensis,
Campylomma verbasci, Campylomma diversicornis in the cotton field and Lyguspratensis, Trigonatylus ruficornis in the wilding were dominant. It was determined the damage of cotton bud about 40.5 %, flowers 36.4 %, cotton boxes 60.4 % by bugs.
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