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6. Михайлов, Л.А. Теория и методика обучения безопасности жизнедеятельности: учебное пособие для студентов высших учебных заведений / Л.А. Михайлов, О.Н. Русак, В.П. Соломин. - М.: Академия, 2018. - 288 с.
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8. Подласый, И.П. Современные образовательные технологии / И.П. Подласый. - М.: Высшее образование, 2017. - 384 с.
9. ФГОС // Министерство образования и науки Российский Федерации. - [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: https://xn80abucjiibhv9a.xnp1ai/%D0%B4%D0%BE%D0%BA%D1%83%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%82%D1%8B/336
UDC 378.2
senior teacher Banartseva Arina Vladimirovna
Samara State Technical University (Samara);
Ph. D. in pedagogy, associated professor Kaplina Liidmila Yurievna
Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education (Samara)
Annotation. The paper considers the project activities in the teaching of foreign language at higher educational institutions. In the article we analyze the specific functions of the project activities. One of the main functions of the project method is the communicative function, which promotes the learners' communication skills, that is, the ability to work together with other people. This method allows to use integrated knowledge, applying the language in a situation close to a real professional activity. In our work we consider the implementation of the method on the example of several projects carried out as extracurricular independent work by students of a higher educational institution. In terms of the methodology for teaching foreign languages, the project method is based on several principles, including interest in project implementation on the part of the participants, connection of the project with real life, leading coordinating role of the teacher, cross-cultural nature of projects and structural completeness. This allows students gain experience with scientific articles, source selection, analysis, drawing conclusions, as well as the ability to present their work in the form of a presentation and gain experience in public speaking.
Keywords: project method, project activity, communication skills, knowledge, foreign language, motivator, learning experience.
Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются методы проектной деятельности в процессе обучения иностранным языкам в высших учебных заведениях. В нашей работе анализируются характерные функции проектов. Одой из основных функций метода проекта является коммуникативная функция, которая способствует развитию у студентов коммуникационных навыков, то есть способности работать вместе с другими людьми. Этот метод позволяет использовать интегрированные знания, применяя язык в ситуации, близкой к реальной профессиональной деятельности, что в свою очередь стимулирует познавательную и научную активность студентов. В нашей работе мы рассматриваем реализацию метода на примере нескольких проектов, осуществляемых студентами высших учебных заведений в качестве самостоятельной работы. Что касается методологии преподавания иностранных языков, то проектный метод основан на некоторых ключевых принципах, в их числе: интерес к выполнению проекта со стороны участников, связь проекта с реальной жизнью, ведущая координирующая роль преподавателя, межпредметный и межкультурный характер проектов, и структурная завершенность. В ходе проектной работы студенты приобретают опыт работы с научными статьями, отбором источников, учатся анализировать, формулировать выводы, а также получают навык представления результатов своей работы в виде презентации и приобретают опыт публичного выступления.
Ключевые слова: проектный метод, проектная деятельность, коммуникативные навыки, знания, мотиватор, опыт обучения.
It is a well-known fact that traditional lessons with explanation of grammar and exercise are necessary, but sometimes they become tedious and boring for students. There are several ways to interest students - and one of them is the project method. Lately many teachers have considered the project method to be one of the most effective methods in teaching foreign languages as it has not only contributed to the improvement of the students' communication skills and the development of their linguistic personality, but it also has increased internal motivation and interest in the subject. By its didactic nature the project method is aimed at developing abilities when the graduates of an educational institution possess such abilities, they are becoming more adapted to life and also are able to adapt to changing conditions, to orient themselves in various situations, collaborate in different teams because project activity is a cultural activity at the same time within which it is possible to develop the ability to make responsible choices.
The specific functions of the projects are motivational-incentive, informative-educational, heuristic, educational, communicative, reflexive-evaluative. One of the main functions of the training project is the communicative function, which promotes the learners' communication skills, that is, the ability to work together with other people [1].
The forms of project development can vary from mini-projects carried out in a single class to projects developed in a period ranging from a few days to a term or even a year. As a rule, projects are carried out outside working hours, although they can also be monitored during classes. All types of projects can be carried out in the specific field of foreign language or culture study, and they can be multidisciplinary by nature.
When teaching a foreign language in a non-linguistic university, the project method allows to use integrated knowledge, applying the language in a situation close to a real professional activity, which in turn stimulates the students' cognitive and scientific activity. It contributes to a more motivated acquisition and a foreign language knowledge retention and at the same time stimulates students' independent acquisition of knowledge, develops skills and abilities in the main speech activities and creates conditions for each student's active oral practice [2].
We would like to briefly review the origin and development of the project method as a learning method. It is common knowledge that many authors associate this method with the name of John Dewey, an early 20th-century American teacher, and his pupil William Hurd Kilpatrick.
However, M.M. Morozova [5], A.N. Solovyov and I.K. Stepanyan [8] in their articles refer to the work of the German scientist-teacher M. Knoll, who proposes to count the emergence of the project method in education since the 16th century in his retrospective
analysis of the project method in foreign pedagogy [10]. It began to be used in architectural schools in Europe, where project work gave students the opportunity to enter master classes and to obtain the title of academic architect.
Today, when the learner is not an object of learning, but rather a subject of learning, the use of the project method gives learners the opportunity to realize their individuality. The project method, or project activity, is one of the most common methods of interactive learning in modern education process.
The term «interactive» is an English version of «interactive», it means the «process in which people work together and discuss what they do» («process involves people working together and discussing what they do» [11]). Towards the end of the first decade of the twenty-first century, the term appeared in the field of education. The term «interactive learning methods» is based on the «characteristic of interaction and communication of subjects in learning process». Y.P. Vetrov and I.F. Igropulo also note that in pedagogical theory and practice, interactive learning is associated with the active participation of the learner in the learning process, with a high motivation, full of personality emotional inclusion of all subjects in the educational process in productive joint activity and communication with the support of students' learning experience updating of acquired knowledge, interaction of learners with the teacher, with each other and with the learning environment» [2].
In the quote above, we would like to highlight the provision of updating the knowledge acquired by students. Let us note that knowledge and information are not the same. A.N. Shimina states: «Knowledge is based on the ability to think, has an individual form of existence, and has an active relationship to the world and other people in its content and instrumental importance. Information is an array of objective information accumulated by mankind over the long period of its history. For information to become knowledge, it must be distributed, transformed into the form of an individual being, transformed into the activity abilities of a person» [9]. Thus, in project activities, students are given the opportunity to acquire knowledge in the process of solving cognitive tasks and learning is carried out through activities.
In this situation, the student begins to understand what knowledge he needs. The role of the teacher also changes with the use of the project method in the process of teaching a foreign language. The teacher still maintains his position as organizer: helping students to interact with each other in small groups, explaining the goals and objectives of the project, discussing possible sources of information and results of the project [3].
Moreover, he acts as a consultant giving students greater freedom in creativity and intellectual search, encouraging them to collect information independently and to seek solutions. In our practical educational activities, we have studied and evaluated the personal resources of the students and now we can see the purpose of the project activity of the students in the development of their creative potential giving students an equal role as partners in the educational process.
It is known that in the process of learning a foreign language, the following types of projects can be distinguished: functionally practical, role-playing, informational, research, vocationally oriented, creative, publishing, and scenario. However, in practice, we often have to deal with mixed types of projects in which there are signs of both research and creative project-oriented work. So, for example, the tasks that are used in the first year are rather lesson-based, with the gradual introduction of the project methodology into the learning process.
The first stage in the application of the project methodology is the motivational-holistic stage. At this stage, mainly creative projects are carried out, which are among the most effective for increasing motivation. The most actively used in the 1st year of study is the method of creative projects, which is implemented, first of all, in writing a variety of essays on studied and free topics. Most of the projects are short-term, individual in nature. Students are given creative tasks, where they should independently use the acquired knowledge in the field of a foreign language, such as composing a monologue, dialogue, polylogue on a given topic, writing an essay on the topic under study [4].
Completion of all these tasks should be accompanied by extensive use of active vocabulary and grammar. Many researchers note that before starting any project work, it is necessary to conduct preparatory exercises that help students in further project activities. The system of preparatory exercises contributes to the formation of skills through language strategies. Preparatory exercises should be related to the topic of the project, be informative and cognitive. So, Yu.V. Ryndina notes that when working with preparatory exercises, an important emphasis is placed on the fact that the student does not receive ready-made knowledge but has the opportunity to independently find and apply it. At this stage, students are encouraged to actively think, independently search, analyze, systematize and summarize information [7].
Preparatory exercises can be lexical-grammatical and communicative. To form communicative competence outside the language environment, communication exercises are of particular value in the process of forming foreign-language communication, which makes it possible not only to cope with communicative issues, but also give students the opportunity to think, solve any problems, and discuss possible ways to solve these problems.
Thus, the students' attention is focused on the content of their statements. Of great interest among students is the preparation and conduct of scientific research within the framework of the topic of practical exercises, followed by demonstration either in the form of a presentation or an essay. In the process of working on the presentation, the student searches for the necessary information. This work includes searching, reading and studying authentic sources, developing ways to solve the problem, formulating goals. At this stage, skills such as the ability to work with authentic sources, to conduct a critical assessment of information, and to select language material are formed.
At the preparatory stage, there are several types of reading: viewing, searching. The next step is to present the project. The student must present the structural organization of the project depending on the genre, follow the logic, present argumentation, be able to answer questions. One way of presenting is through an oral presentation 5. The role of the teacher is significant at each stage of the project preparation. The role of the teacher is especially important at the preparatory stage. At the planning stage, as well as at the stage of project implementation, the teacher is a consultant, motivator, and assistant. At the stage of project design, the teacher is only a consultant.
It should be noted that nowadays many researchers emphasize the advantages of using web quests in organizing student learning activities as one of the types of educational projects. The web quest allows you to remotely control the educational process, equipping students with the necessary educational material (both text and video), additional information and communications, ensuring their high personal involvement and self-learning activities. The web quest can be positioned as an innovative linguodidactic tool that is effectively used in the context of vocationally oriented training of university students.
Let us consider the implementation of the method on the example of a number of projects carried out as extracurricular independent work by students of a higher educational institution (Samara State Technical University). As the final control for the foreign language examine the end of the 2nd year students are given the task of completing a project on the topic "Making a Choice of a Career Path". During the 3rd and 4th semesters, students studied topics related to education, engineering specialties, the choice of a future profession, the requirements for specialists, got acquainted with the vocabulary and structure of the presentation, prepared educational mini presentations after completion of the thematic sections (My University, My parents' Job, Education Requirements for Engineers, My Future Profession etc.).
The work took place in two or three stages. Stage 1: students were given a task: project theme, conditions, and requirements for the presentation. Students could prepare presentations both independently and in small groups. They formed groups based on their own choice - three students in the group, who began to collect and study material. At the next stage, the participants distributed the work among themselves and worked on the preparation of the final speech (presentation). The authors and their colleagues met regularly with their students and provided them with the necessary consulting support at all stages. The topic of the final project "Making a Choice of a Career Path" was communicated to the participants at the end of the 4th semester. Students worked on the final presentation individually, using the skills and knowledge acquired during the creation of educational projects. Presentations were given at the end of the academic year.
Another example of student projects is a competition in which the participants of this competition explored the possibilities of independent learning of the English language using specially designed websites and other opportunities provided by modern telecommunication means. An important requirement for students was the knowledge of information technology. For example, the participants were asked to create and submit a website layout in English, the theme of the site was related to their future profession., A researcher Melinda Kolk emphasizes in her article devoted to the problems of assessing the project activities of students that real project activities should reflect the issues, problems and needs that exist in the world outside the classroom [10].
In conclusion, we underline the positive results that were obtained using the project method as one of the modern interactive methods of teaching a foreign language. The undeniable advantage of this method is the free creative activity of students, an increase in interest in the study of a foreign language, and, most importantly, the satisfaction of students from the work performed. Students learn to independently plan the time required to prepare the project on time, distribute functions and the volume of tasks among the members of the group performing the project.
Work on projects forms students' ability to speak publicly by presenting a project, develops a sense of responsibility for the result, they acquire communication skills by working in groups, develop the ability to collect and analyze information, and make generalizations. Thus, the project method considers the individual characteristics of students and, therefore, provides them with additional opportunities for personal and professional development. A difficult moment for a teacher as an organizer of the educational process is that for the successful completion of the project on time, students are required to have a sufficiently high level of self-discipline and responsibility. Therefore, one of the main tasks of the teacher is to stimulate students to intense creative work.
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УДК 371
кандидат филологических наук, доцент Баранова Ольга Игоревна
Санкт-Петербургский государственный экономический университет (г. Санкт-Петербург); старший преподаватель Воскресенская Ирина Никитична
Санкт-Петербургский государственный экономический университет (г. Санкт-Петербург)
Аннотация. В статье рассматривается проблема развития презентационных навыков у студентов как одной из составляющих конкурентного преимущества профессионального работника нового времени, которая усугубляется с развитием цифровой культуры при переходе в дистанционный формат. В фокусе внимания авторов речевые навыки докладчика, делающие речь понятной и убедительной. Главное внимание уделяется основной ошибке, допускаемой студентами при подготовке презентации на иностранном языке, а именно, неконтролируемой беглости речи, а также рекомендации по ее преодолению. При изучении проблемы авторы руководствовались собственным опытом работы со студентами.
Ключевые слова: презентация, беглость, суперсегментные характеристики, просодика, акцент, баланс, темп, стереотипы.
Annotation. The article discusses the problem of developing presentation skills which students need to gain a competitive advantage in a new era of digital technology. The authors focus on the speech skills of the speaker, which make speech understandable and convincing and are crucial to the success of the presentation. A special attention is paid to a common mistake made by students when preparing a presentation in a foreign language, namely, uncontrolled fluency of speech. A list of recommendations to overcome the problem is also made. When studying the problem, the authors were guided by their own experience of working with students.