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Ключевые слова
project method / research activity / project activity / research competence / project.

Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Malika Turobova

The article examines the research competence of students, which includes a number of certain skills, the conditions for its formation, in the implementation of project activities in the learning process. Project activities are represented by the application of the project method in foreign language lessons. An attempt is made to systematize the similarities and differences between research and project activities in general, their goals, objectives and structure. The issue of the application of the project method in order to develop the research competence of students in foreign language lessons is considered.

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Malika Turobova

ESL teacher, UzSWLU


The article examines the research competence of students, which includes a number of certain skills, the conditions for its formation, in the implementation of project activities in the learning process. Project activities are represented by the application of the project method in foreign language lessons. An attempt is made to systematize the similarities and differences between research and project activities in general, their goals, objectives and structure. The issue of the application of the project method in order to develop the research competence of students in foreign language lessons is considered.

Keywords: project method, research activity, project activity, research competence, project.


In modern society, in connection with the ongoing socio-economic changes, it becomes important to develop a person's ability to creatively and non-standardly approach the search for optimal solutions to problem situations. The task of forming a personality who can think independently and critically, independently obtain knowledge, necessary information, put forward hypotheses, draw conclusions, draw conclusions, evaluate one's own work and the work of others becomes relevant. This problem can be solved by actively involving students in research activities in the process of schooling. In the process of research, students, along with the use of knowledge and skills acquired and accumulated earlier, develop intuition, ingenuity, the ability to quickly perceive the main content of the assimilated, consider it from different points of view, how to see it from a different angle, use the same knowledge in different educational and life situations, different systems of concepts, rethinking them [6, p. 20].

In the context of schooling, research activity is understood as the educational activity of students, which is aimed at finding solutions to creative, non-standard, research problems. When solving a research problem, it is necessary to adhere to the

following stages: formulating a problem, studying theoretical information in this area, choosing research methods, collecting practical material, analyzing and summarizing it, own conclusions and conclusions, summarizing the results obtained, determining the prospects for further research [5, p. 43]. The level of a student's ability to carry out research activities is defined as research competence. Under this type of competence, it is customary to understand a set of certain skills and abilities, thanks to which the student acts as a researcher in relation to the outside world, expressed through sensitivity to problems, the ability to recognize and resolve a problem situation with any arbitrary object or phenomenon of the surrounding world, using for this various theoretical and empirical methods of research [4, p. 16].


The structure of research competence is represented by the interaction of the following components: motivational, informational, cognitive, communicative, reflective, personal [2, p. 153].

a) The motivational component is associated with the level of development of the student's motivation to carry out research work, the interest and need for this activity, the creativity of the approach to solving research problems, the desire to get a new, previously unknown fact, to come to a new conclusion;

b) The information component is associated with the ability to search, process, critical selection of new information on research, skills in working with information and communication technologies;

c) The cognitive component is associated with the set of knowledge, skills and abilities of the student, which are necessary for solving research problems; is conditioned by the system of knowledge about research activity, its norms and values in modern society. These skills include: 1) the ability to clearly formulate the problem under study; 2) the ability to determine the goals and objectives of the research; 3) the ability to search and process information on the research problem; 4) the ability to use various methods of empirical research in scientific work; 5) the ability to work in a team, to carry out productive communication, both with individual participants and in a group, mutual assistance; 6) the ability to comply with the stages of work on a research problem; 7) the ability to properly organize and formalize research work, generalize the results, etc.

d) The communicative component is associated with the following skills: 1) the ability to organize and carry out productive communication with both individual participants and the research group; 2) the ability to find and apply non-standard

ways of solving problematic issues; 3) the ability to see and find ways to solve problems in a team, to make their decisions taking into account the interests of all members of the research group;

e) The reflexive component is associated with the ability to recognize, evaluate, analyze their own activities and the activities of other members of the group;

f) The personal component involves the development of students' skills to independently organize their activities, engage in their self-development, self-study. The consequence of the fulfillment of the research task is cultural self-determination, self-identification of the student. Currently, in the practice of teaching a foreign language, when it comes to the need to develop the research competence of students, the project method is very often put forward as the most common and generally accepted way of solving this problem. There are obvious and justified reasons for this, one of which is the similarity of the leading characteristics of design and research activities.


So, for example, O. I. Barmenkova in relation to teaching foreign languages defines the method of projects as "creative educational activity, problematic in the form of presentation of the material, practical in the way of its application, intellectually loaded in its content, independent in the nature of acquiring knowledge, proceeding in conditions constant competition of opinions, proposals "[1, p. 48]. Unfortunately, many teachers do not always have a well-founded opinion that any project proposed to students is guaranteed to lead to the development of their research competence, since project activities are analogous to research activities. However, upon a more detailed analysis of these two types of activities, it turns out that not every project carries a clearly expressed research focus. Many projects are creative, their goal is to develop the creativity and creativity of students. And in order for the project to develop research abilities, it is necessary to observe a number of conditions under which the student participating in the project would actually act as a researcher, and would not perform the role of a passive executor of tasks set from the outside. These conditions follow from the differences between research and design activities. Let's consider them in more detail. Project activity, being educational and cognitive in form, and creative and playful activity in nature, as a prerequisite has a specific idea of the final product of the activity, in other words, the final result of the project is always known from the very beginning .

The result of solving the research problem, as noted above, is not known in advance. The project, in its pedagogical understanding, is "a developed system and structure of the teacher's actions for the implementation of a specific pedagogical task, specifying the role and place of each action, the time of these actions, their participants and conditions necessary for the effectiveness of the entire system of actions" [3, p. 22]. This definition, as we can see, includes: the time factor, purposefulness, normalization of changes, the specifics of the organization of activities. In the implementation of the project, specific stages are traced: the development of the concept, the definition of the goals and objectives of the project, the available and optimal ways to achieve the result, the creation of a plan for the implementation of the project, the defense of the project, including the reflection of the results of activities. Note that the process of solving a research problem also involves going through a number of stages: formulating a problem, studying a theory dedicated to a specific issue, selecting research methods, collecting the necessary research material, analyzing and summarizing the results, and making our own conclusions. The described sequence of actions is mandatory for the implementation of research activities. Below in the table we have attempted to systematize the similarities and differences between research and project activities.


General features of research and project activities Differences between research and project activities:

Research and project activities include general stages of work: - goal setting, formulation of problems, tasks; -Determination of relevance; - planning of activities, defining the course of work; -Protection of work results, own conclusions; - At the initial stage of the project, a specific practical result (product) is predicted; - a hypothesis is not provided; - at the initial stage of work on the study, only the direction of further work is determined, some characteristics of the results of the study are formulated;

The results of research and project activities are both subject results and personal (development of skills in the field of research or project area, development of skills for individual and group work). In scientific research, the research process itself is important, and practical significance often does not play a significant role. The project is aimed at the practical application of the results obtained. We can conclude that research and project activities have both similarities and differences.

For example, research activity implies the presence of a solution to a research problem with an unknown solution, by going through certain stages of scientific research: at the initial stage, students should be able to put forward a hypothesis, formulate and predict the final result in the form of an intellectual product, anticipate this or that truth, build a model of the intended intellectual product as standard. Project activities, in turn, including the stage of goal-setting, as a way to predict the final result, as a rule, do not have the tools for developing students' predictive skills. This part of the project is fully developed by the teacher. In addition, the result of a project most often turns out to be not an intellectual but a material product.

Project activities aimed at obtaining a practical result (product) develops more the creative abilities of students than research ones; these include creative out-of-the-box thinking, ingenuity and guesswork, the ability to approach problem solving outside the box.


Thus, in order to solve the problem of developing the research competence of students, organizing work on a project task, the teacher needs to create such working conditions under which the student, making direct contact with the object under study, independently states a new fact previously unknown to him, or comes to new conclusion, inference and, generalizing the results, proves it. At the same time, it is important to adhere to the main stages of work, characteristic for the implementation of scientific research: the formulation of the problem, the choice of the object, subject, the formulation of the goal and hypothesis; actions in a certain logic, obtaining a result and assessing its reliability, novelty, significance.


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