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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Senina Inna Valer”Evna, Merkuryeva Vera Bronislavovna

This article deals with an overview of the terms "educational technology", the types of their classifications, briefly presents various teaching methods, as well as results of observations in foreign (English) language classes with students at the Irkutsk National Research Technical University at the School of Aircraft Construction, Mechanical Engineering, and Transport. Teachers summarize their long-term experience, compare it with theoretical research on this topic and offer the innovative educational technologies they use, demonstrating their functioning by examples of their lessons. The authors compare the traditional approach to foreign language classes in a technical university and the modern one, which appeared by new requirements for graduates, specialists who speak a foreign language and use it for professional purposes. The authors pay particular attention to a student-centered approach to learning, which involves a change in the teacher's role setting and the development of students' competencies necessary for successful professional activity in the modern labor market.

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Международный информационно-аналитический журнал «Crede Experto: транспорт, общество, образование, язык». № 3 (34). Сентябрь 2022 (http://ce.if-mstuca.ru)

УДК 378.4

DOI 10.51955/23121327 2022 3 195


Inna V. Senina, orcid. org/0000-0001-7371-2170, Ph.D. in Philology Irkutsk National Research Technical University

Lemontova str. 83 Irkutsk, 664074, Russia innasenina@bk. ru

Vera B. Merkuryeva, orcid.org/0000-0002-1326-1002, doctor of philology, professor Irkutsk State University, Karl Marx str. 1 Irkutsk, 664003, Russia vbmerk@yandex ru

Abstract. This article deals with an overview of the terms "educational technology", the types of their classifications, briefly presents various teaching methods, as well as results of observations in foreign (English) language classes with students at the Irkutsk National Research Technical University at the School of Aircraft Construction, Mechanical Engineering, and Transport. Teachers summarize their long-term experience, compare it with theoretical research on this topic and offer the innovative educational technologies they use, demonstrating their functioning by examples of their lessons. The authors compare the traditional approach to foreign language classes in a technical university and the modern one, which appeared by new requirements for graduates, specialists who speak a foreign language and use it for professional purposes. The authors pay particular attention to a student-centered approach to learning, which involves a change in the teacher's role setting and the development of students' competencies necessary for successful professional activity in the modern labor market.

Keywords: Educational techniques and methods, educational technologies, professional competence, social competence, sociocultural competence, classical method, conceptual method, innovative technologies, teaching terminology, debate strategy, discussions, role-playing games.

* Краткий вариант статьи на русском языке был впервые опубликован под названием «Инновационные образовательные технологии на занятиях иностранного языка у студентов института авиамашиностроения и транспорта» в сборнике: Актуальные проблемы и перспективы развития гражданской авиации. Сборник трудов X Международной научно-практической конференции. Иркутск, 2021. С. 350-357.

© ИЗ^енина, В.Б.Меркурьева, 2022


Инна Валерьевна Cенина, orcid. org/0000-0001-7371-2170, кандидат филологических наук Иркутский национальный исследовательский технический университет, ул. Лермонтова, 83 Иркутск, 664074, Россия innasenina@bk. ru

Вера Брониславовна Меркурьева, orcid.org/0000-0002-1326-1002, доктор филологических наук, профессор Иркутский государственный университет,

ул. Карла Маркса, 1 Иркутск, 664003, Россия vbmerk@yandex ru

Аннотация. В данной статье дается обзор терминов «образовательная технология», виды их классификаций, кратко представлены различные методы обучения, а также результаты наблюдений на занятиях иностранного (английского) языка у студентов Иркутского национального исследовательского технического университета института авиамашиностроения и транспорта. Преподаватели обобщают свой многолетний опыт, сверяют его с теоретическими изысканиями на эту тему и предлагают используемые ими инновационно-образовательные технологии, демонстрируют их функционирование на примерах собственных занятий. При этом авторы сравнивают традиционный подход к занятиям иностранного языка в техническом вузе и современный, появившийся в связи с новыми требованиями к выпускникам, специалистам, владеющим иностранным языком и использующим его в профессиональных целях.

Ключевые слова: образовательные приемы и методы, образовательные технологии, профессиональная компетенция, социальная компетенция, социокультурная компетенция, классический метод, концептуальный метод, инновационные технологии, обучение терминологии, стратегия дебатов, дискуссии, ролевые игры.


The high rates of society development presuppose the ability of a person to adapt quickly and improve in order to be in demand in the labor market. In many ways, the task of forming such a specialist fell on educational institutions, mainly on higher educational institutions. The new educational standards are aimed primarily at the formation of a personality capable of learning and adapting throughout his life. Earlier, the transfer of ready-made knowledge to the student was at the forefront.

This approach required significant changes in traditional teaching methods, which previously focused on direct instructions from the teacher (teacher-directed) and on good knowledge of the subject (subject-centered). In the traditional approach, "a good class was a quiet class" [Westwood, 2008, p. 5]. The student was assigned the passive role of a listener; he was a "pitcher into which the teacher poured galloons of empirical facts" [Kochhar, 1985, p. 76]. In the 50s of the XX century, the teachers gradually began to apply the project method and work in small groups, as well as use

the "new" media technologies of teaching at that time - educational films and television programs:

"Advanced scientists and pedagogues of the time considered cinematograph as a wonderful alternative for traditional educational models, broadening teaching possibilities" [Ivanova et al., 2013, p. 469].

The end of the 20th century is experiencing rapid development of methodology and pedagogy. In addition, psychology focuses on the characteristics of learning, the perception of various methods and strategies, and their influence on the formation of knowledge, competencies, and student's personality. The research results in these knowledge areas have become the starting point for the introduction of new educational technologies.

The teacher's activities are focused not only on the assimilation of educational material but also on the education of students' personal qualities, such as responsibility, activity, independence, creativity, the ability to operate with information competently, flexibly adapt to rapidly changing events, the ability to think critically, analyze difficult situations and find ways of their rational overcoming. Good teaching must be progressive in the sense that the teacher must be prepared to continually modernize their teaching style. With this approach, not only the student learns and grows professionally, but also the teacher himself, who regularly studies and tests new educational technologies.

Research Tools and Methods

The article presents an analysis of theoretical pedagogical literature on the research topic. The research material was the generalized experience during classes according to the curriculum and program in the subject "Foreign language" of the School of Aircraft Construction, Mechanical Engineering, and Transport of the Irkutsk National Research Technical University. Descriptive method and contextual analysis method were used.

The Investigation Results and Their Discussion

The term "educational technology" in Russian pedagogy currently has a fairly wide range of meanings and includes the following aspects:

1) technical means used for training purposes;

2) educational techniques and methods;

3) the process of implementing educational techniques and methods;

4) a system of educational techniques and methods.

G.K. Selevko offers a detailed classification of educational technologies (over 200 titles), where he systematizes them according to the level of application (nanotechnology, macro technology, microtechnology, and their subspecies), a philosophical basis (materialistic, idealistic, etc.), a methodological approach (humanistic, activity, personality-oriented, communicative, etc.), the leading factor of personality development (biogenic, sociogenic, etc.), scientific concept (associative-reflex, developmental, etc.), orientation to the personality spheres and structures of the individual (information, operational, self-development technologies, etc.), the

nature of the content and structure (professionally oriented, humanitarian, complex, etc.), the main type of social and pedagogical activity (didactic, educational, etc.), the type of management of the educational process (open, cyclical, scattered, directed, manual, automated and others), the prevailing methods and techniques (reproductive, problematic, research, etc.), organizational forms (lectures and seminars, group, individual, etc.), teaching aids (verbal, visual, computer, remote-satellite, etc.), approach to the child and the orientation of pedagogical interaction (subject-subject, subject-object, authoritarian, socio-centric, etc.), the direction of modernization (technologies based on humanization and democratization of pedagogical relations, activation and intensification of student activities, organizational effectiveness, etc.), and categories of pedagogical facilities for which the technology is intended [Селевко, 2005, с. 87-91]. It is not our task to describe in detail all the types of educational technologies mentioned, but we focus on a wide range of applications of this term in Russian literature.

Nevertheless, there is a certain randomness in the use of the term 'технология' ('technology') along with 'similar' terms such as 'метод' ('method'), 'подход' ('approach'), 'стратегия' ('strategy'). A vivid example of this is the use of the teaching method of case-study by Russian scientists in various combinations: 'кейс-метод' ('case-method') [Сен, 2016, с. 276], 'кейс-стади как метод' ('case-study as a method') [Сорокина, 2011, с. 7-11], 'технология кейс-стади' ('Case study technology') [Кравченко, 2010, с. 60-62], 'метод кейс-технология' ('case technology method') [Арюкова и др., 2020, с. 13] or 'стратегия кейс-стади' ('case study strategy') [Романов, 2005, с. 101]. At the same time, the Longman dictionary indicates that the terms 'case study' and 'case method' should not be confused, since 'case study' means "the intensive study of an aspect of behaviour, either at one period in time or over a long period of time, e.g. the language development of a child over one year" [Longman, 2010, p. 69]. This indicates that this term, after being borrowed into the Russian language, acquired the same ambiguity as the term 'technology', while not all used combinations are, in our opinion, justified, since they generate even greater unsystematic terminological use (for example, 'case technology method') [Блем, 2008, с. 124].

It should be noted that the term 'educational technology' in all its meanings is not generally accepted in world pedagogy. Even though it has foreign language equivalents (education technology, Lehrtechnologien), foreign authors often use 'method', 'technique', 'approach', or 'strategy'. To avoid confusion in the use of these terms, there are also attempts to classify and systematize them. D.C. Marcelino notes that "Teaching methods, teaching techniques and teaching strategies are three interrelated terms. They are often considered and used as synonymous by many teachers. There is a marked difference among the three terms though" [Marcelino, 2015, p. 25]. He shares two main teaching methods: traditional and progressive. The traditional teaching method implements techniques such as inductive, deductive, demonstration, drill technique, project technique, laboratory technique, lecture, and some others. Progressive learning is an 'improved' form of instruction and aims to

replace "telling-and-listening" classes. It is characterized by the use of conceptual technique, discovery technique, integrative technique, team-teaching, etc.

The teaching strategy in turn is the skillful use of existing practices during the session. These are tools that help the teacher to achieve the set goal within the framework of a specific method and chosen technique. D.C. Marcelino identifies the following teaching strategies used in the progressive method: brainstorming, British style debate, buzz session, case study, debate, field trip, fishbowl strategy, forum, jury trial, panel, problem-solving discussion, resource person, role-playing, round table, symposium [Marcelino, 2015, p. 30].

An analysis of the terminology used in pedagogy shows that the process of borrowing and adapting a term to an already established terminological system is not always simple and unambiguous, as indicated by N.V. Vorobyova and L.I. Sakhno:

"Впервые в отечественной литературе попытка осмыслить понятие «стратегия» применительно к обучению языку сделана в работе Г.В. Ейгера и А. А. Раппопорта «Языковые способности» (Учебник для высшей школы, изд-во Харьковского государственного Университета1991 г.)" ("For the first time in Russian literature, an attempt to comprehend the concept of 'strategy' concerning language teaching was made in the work of G.V. Eiger and A.A. Rappoport "Language abilities" (Textbook for high school, publishing house of the Kharkov State University, 1991))" (highlighted by us. - V.M., I.S.) [Воробьёва и др., 2016, с. 20].

The ambiguous use of the terms 'strategy', 'method', 'approach' or 'technology' is associated with the indefinite semantic scope of these concepts and cannot be unambiguously criticized, at least at present, until generally accepted standards for their use have been developed.

Regardless of what terminology the teacher uses, it is important what meaning he puts into this or that methodology and how he uses it. It is important to note that a higher education teacher cannot and should not be tied to one teaching method or strategy. The application of a particular strategy incorporates a variety of approaches and methodologies. The teacher needs to remain flexible while using the full range of instrumentation offered, or at least a big part of it. In many ways, the choice of these techniques depends on the goal. Along with the study of the material, the goal might be the development of the necessary competencies, personal qualities of the students, support, and development of their motivation.

Within the framework of blended learning (hybrid, mixed model), especially in cases where you have to switch to distance learning due to quarantine measures during the coronavirus pandemic, and taking into account a large number of hours in the curriculum allocated for independent student work, it is extremely advisable to use electronic resources in the educational process, in particular, the Moodle program (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment), where the student has the opportunity to study many aspects of the discipline under the supervision of the teacher. The organization of distance learning allows an unlimited number of students to be involved, regardless of their geographic location, work schedule with minimal teaching effort (in particular, when it comes to distance learning students) and contributes to the formation of learning autonomy (learner autonomy) of the student:

"Zwar bleibt nach wie vor die kommunikative Kompetenz das Hauptziel des Fremdspachenunterrichts, es wird aber auch auf andere Kompetenzen hingewiesen, z.B. auf die Fähigkeit zum selbstregulierten Lernen (Lernerautonomie)" („Although communicative competence remains the main goal of foreign language teaching, reference is also made to other competencies, e.g. the ability to self-regulated learning (learner autonomy)") [Chudak, 2007, S. 125].

Working in an electronic resource, of course, cannot replace face-to-face learning, but this is not its task. The purpose of these resources is to optimize and provide innovative approaches to create a digital environment that enables individual work. It is worth paying attention to the obvious positive aspects of working in electronic resources. The main methodological principles of the learning system in electronic resources are accessibility, interactivity, and visibility. The preparation of digital training materials significantly reduces the labor costs of the direct verification pro-cess. Electronic resources represent an additional opportunity to work with authentic audio and video material since the number of classroom lessons does not allow suf-ficient development and improvement of listening skills (for example, at INRTU, students study a foreign language in the field of professional communication in the second and third year with a classroom load of 2 hours per week). In addition, teach-ers have the opportunity to set deadlines for some assignments, in particular, interim control assignments. This option is automatically adjusted and allows students to complete certain volumes of tasks in portions and on time. This contributes to the development of students' planning and workflow management skills, which reduces the workload of students during the session. Working with some types of tasks, in particular, test tasks of the multiple-choice type, used to form grammatical skills in the mode of viewing incorrect answers and the ability to redo the test before reaching the required threshold (for example, 80% of correct answers) allows you to use inductive educational techniques that help the student 'open' and formulate a rule through analysis and systematization of correct/incorrect answers.

Foreign researchers also point out the importance of this method of mastering grammatical skills:

"Die Regel - sofern möglich - soll von Lernenden selbst entdeckt wird" ("The rule, as far as possible, should be discovered by the students themselves" [Krauß et al., 2007, S. 160].

Thus, the student no longer fulfills the passive role of a listener, but becomes an active co-discoverer, acquired new knowledge becomes more valuable, motivation and interest in the material being studied increases.

Students come to classes with different attitudes and motivating factors that determine two main types of motivation: extrinsic motivation and intrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation is shaped by extrinsic factors such as a reward, a scholarship, or even avoidance of negative consequences (failed exams). Students are focused primarily on the ultimate goal or attitude. Intrinsic motivation is based on satisfaction and pleasure that the student receives directly in the learning process [Larson et al., 2016, p. 167].

Teachers should take into account all factors motivating students and the possibilities of their consolidation and development. The first step is to help identify long-term objectives, middle-term objectives, and long-term objectives to evenly distribute the workload and support extrinsic motivation. Then you should pay attention to the entire pedagogical toolkit, which can diversify the educational process, make it more interesting, increase the emotional component of the lesson to develop the student's internal motivation.

Sustained student motivation contributes to the organization of his independent study, forms the skills of working outside the classroom, and helps to successfully achieve the goal. Researchers aptly note that the strength and direction of the motive determine the quality of activity, and the formation of new motives has a significant impact on the personality itself, its value-semantic sphere, general competence, and self-esteem [Астраханцева h gp., 2016, c. 31]. One of the significant aspects of creating motivation is the possibility of international student exchange, which, in particular, is provided by the DAAD academic exchange center, the participation of students in holding international conferences, which is an important incentive to consolidate the knowledge gained and powerful motivation for their improvement. With the development of the Inter-net, a digital environment is created for the development of new forms of social interaction, where students can not only receive the necessary audio, video, or text information but also communicate with native speakers (including online games). Thus, there is a conscious and subconscious change of the attitude 'I learn a foreign language to know it' to a more motivating one 'I learn a foreign language because it is an additional tool in obtaining the knowledge, skills, and goals I need.'

Weakly motivated students, as well as students who lack the skills of self-study and the successful organization of the educational process, require special attention and approach:

"Die Förderung einer verstärkten Selbstständigkeit der Lernenden erfordert auch den stärkeren Einsatz der Studierenden und verlangt von ihnen ein gewisses Maß an Flexibilität, an offener und positiver Einstellung gegenüber neuen offenen Formen des Unterrichts (z.B. Projektunterricht, Erstellen von Textdossiers, Postern), die individualisierende Lernaufgaben hervorheben. Eine nicht einfache Aufgabe des Hochschullehrers wird es daher sein, einen Lernwillen bei weniger anstrengungsbereiten Studenten zu wecken" („Promoting greater independence on the part of learners also requires greater commitment from students and requires a certain amount of flexibility, an open and positive attitude towards new, open forms of teaching (e.g. project teaching, creating text files, posters) that emphasize individualizing learning tasks. It will therefore not be an easy task for the university professor to arouse a willingness to learn in less strenuous students") [Adamczak-Krysztofowicz et al., 2007, S. 472].

One of the key points in the development of students' communication skills is the creation of situations related to the daily activities of students and situations based on their life experiences. It is situations that give impetus to speech. These can be impromptu dialogues, debates, discussions, and other types of speech activities. Oral

speech has an impromptu character, where the attention of the communicants is mainly directed to the interlocutor, his reaction. In addition, the formation of the student's communicative competence presupposes adequate communicative behavior, adequate perception of the socio-cultural diversity of communication partners [Исупова, 2016, с. 62], in this connection, the tasks of the teacher include familiarization with the ideas, values, and norms of both special and sociocultural areas, which include knowledge of the norms and rules of international business etiquette. When conducting discussions and dialogues, it is advisable to provide students with a set of those "tools" that they should use in the process of implementing speech activity. In particular, this is the use of the subjunctive mood in stable speech clichés, the use of interrogative sentences instead of categorical statements ('The price is too high!'). For example, students are encouraged to compose a dialogue on the topic 'At an auto trade fair', and are encouraged to include the following phrases: I'd like more infor-mation on ... Can I help you? I'm interested in ... Which car are you interested in? What about ...? Would you like more detailed information? Can 1 take one of these brochures? Would you like a brochure? Could you tell me something about ...? Here is our price list. Let me give you my (business) card. Foreign researchers also point out the importance of using speech clichés when composing situational dialogues in the formation of foreign language communicative competence [Vorderwülbecke, 2007, S. 108].

The task of the teacher is to familiarize the student not only with the cultural characteristics of the target language country, but also to create an idea of the norm and usage, to introduce the concepts of an equivalent and adequate translation. One of the ways to form the knowledge of students in this area is the use of 'spoiled bilingual telegraph' method, where several students are invited to translate a specially selected authentic sentence in turn with a change in the target language. In this case, the first student translates into Russian, the second student is invited to translate the received sentences from Russian into English, etc. Ultimately, the scheme will look like this: OS (English) - TS (Russian) - TS (English) - TS (Russian), where OS is the original sentence, TS is a translated sentence [Литвинова, 2016, с. 77]. For instance: „Many state-owned transportation monopolies have been dissolved, but some mo-nopolies such as public transportation are expected to remain in place"

1st student: Много государственных транспортных монополий были неразрешённые, но некоторые монополии как общественный транспорт ожидалось вернуть на место;

2nd student: А lot of state transport monopolies were forbidden, but some of monopolies like public transport were expected to be returned;

3rd student: Множество государственных транспортных монополий запретили, но всем нравящийся общественный транспорт вернули обратно;

4th student: A lot of state transport monopolies get banned, but favorite public transport got returned;

5th student: Много государственных транспортных монополий были запрещены, но любимый общественный транспорт вернули;

6th student: Many government transport monopolies were banned, but everyone liked public transport returned.

The analysis of the resulting 'chain' allows students to see and evaluate the linguistic subtleties of translation, discuss the causes of common and normative errors, and draw conclusions about the functioning of the language themselves. In particular, the refraction of the meaning caused by the incorrect translation of the English polysemantic word like in the meaning of 'prefer', instead of the necessary transla-tion 'as' in this case, indicates that it is necessary to take into account the polysemantic nature of foreign words and terms. Students often strive for literal translation without thinking about the meaning of sentences in their native language, which is why such comical formulations as 'favorite public transport' and 'everyone liked public transport' appear. In addition, the curiosity of some formulations increases the emotional component of the lesson and helps to maintain students' interest in the subject under study.

An effective method of creating situations is presentations, in particular in the Pecha Kucha format, which consists of 20 slides, each of which is shown for 20 seconds (20x20 rule). The slides switch automatically and the presentation is exactly 6 minutes and 40 seconds long, making your presentation short and dynamic. Composing images for slides requires creativity, given the fact that the visualization of the material reinforces the speaker's words. It is possible to use the 'reverse use' of the presentation, where another participant (or another group of participants) is invited to speak based on the presentation of his classmate (or the opposing group). This approach omits the preparatory component and learners must present rapidly changing situations (slides) based on their background knowledge. The main condition during the presentation is the active speech actions of students, even if their statements will not always fully reveal the problem under study.

It is advisable to propose such a topic for the presentation, which could give scope to the creative potential of students, provide them with the opportunity to vary the methods of solution, approaches, and examples from personal experience, for exam-ple, '8 things to know about electric cars in Russia' or 'The car of the future'.

The most rational way to prepare and create a presentation is to involve own re-search, in particular, the results of surveys. For example, students are invited to sur-vey the topic "Do you allow the possibility of buying an electric car in the future for yourself?" which suggests the following possible answer options: undoubtedly, almost sure, very likely, probably, very weak possibility, I hardly consider it, definitely not. It is advisable to include the reasons for the choice in such a survey.

Another topic for this survey might be "Which car would you prefer to own?" which includes an assessment of the factors involved in buying a car: price, resale value, color, size, interior features, engine, fuel consumption, etc. It is recommended to enter a rating scale (for example, 3 points: 1 - not important, 2 - important, 3 - very important).

When conducting surveys, students will independently draw up diagrams and analyze the situation, and not use 'ready-made solutions', which is necessary for their creativity, self-esteem, development of skills in analysis, and presentation of material.

When working with possible situations, special attention should be paid to the application of the case study method. This method was first applied at Harvard Business School at the beginning of the 20th century, then it quickly spread not only to other schools but also began to be used in various educational areas, including teaching a foreign language. This method is based on the analysis of a specific situation based on facts from real life (case). There are two classical schools of case study methods: Harvard (American) involves finding one correct solution to a case problem. Manchester (European) implies a multivariate solution to a problem situation.

You can create a situation in a foreign language lesson, taking into account a professional orientation, using an article related to the problem of their specialty, including on the Internet, for example:

"Rosatom will build a lithiumion storage batteries plant in Russia" [Eurasianetwork.eu (a)];

"Russian Parliament adopted a carbon emission bill" [Eurasianetwork.eu (b)];

"Electric Cars in Russia Ready for a Breakthrough" [Automotive.. ,,s.a.].

Students should familiarize themselves with the content and formulate the problem (you can also offer them a text that needs to be given an appropriate title). Then students individually or in mini-groups (3-4 people) independently collect a 'case' of ways to solve this problem and present the results. It is also advisable to give students the opportunity to create such a situation themselves. To do this, you can name the main problem, for example, 'The urban transport problem', write it on the board, and allow students to create their own radial cluster, based on their life experience and knowledge in the professional sphere (Fig. 1):

Fig. 1. The urban transport problem

When drawing up such a scheme, it is important not only to identify the stated problems but also to argue them with real examples from life, based on which to form a case containing the possibilities for solving this situation. At the same time, students can choose any of the presented situations on the topics of the compiled cluster. In our case: traffic movement and congestion, parking difficulties, difficulties for pedestrians, accidents and safety, negative impact on the environment, peak-hour crowding.

When working with text materials, it is necessary to take into account that the text must be genuine, original; modern, meet the general standards of speech works; contain such linguistic material that can be used in various spheres of communication [ApeBKHHa h gp., 2016, c. 8]. It is advisable to prepare pre-text assignments that would prepare students for the problem being developed in the text. For example, before reading the article "The era of the gasoline-powered automobile", the teacher may ask what engine is in the students' car, what they know about the advantages and disadvantages of these engines, a car with which engine would they prefer. It is important to ask questions that will encourage students to express their personal opinion, identifying their attitude to the problem.

In the traditional teaching method, work on the text could be limited to the fact that it is necessary to write out unfamiliar words from the text, translate them and learn. Innovative technologies are expanding learning opportunities, including vocabulary-learning opportunities. Therefore, the use of the conceptual method, which consists in identifying a concept and analyzing its interrelationships, cause-and-effect relationships, and intersections, allows students to form a systemic understanding of the functioning of lexical units. When drawing up the "conceptual field" of the term, it is advisable to use diagrams to visualize the material under study. You can use not only traditional dictionaries and reference books, but all the unlimited possibilities of the digital world. For example, in the conceptual network FrameNet, all the existing connections of a word with other words are presented, which makes it possible to trace its ability to form semantic unity in different contexts.

Establishing the relationship of terms with other lexical units, including emotionally colored ones, allows familiarity with the advertising texts. Students find and analyze the context where dry and precise terms coexist in combination with epithets and metaphors that are not characteristic of a neutral style of scientific or professional speech, for example, "The Audi e-tron may be unimaginative, it may not stand out from the crowd, but that's the point" [topgear.com/car, s.a.]. In this example the car is personified, since it, like a person, 'can be deprived of imagination.' Impersonation, due to its special expression, draws attention to this formulation, develops the imagination of students, makes them think, and delves deeper into the meaning of the sentence. Such examples, of course, are not frequent in a technical text, however, the encountered cases of linguistic expression and imagery should not pass by the attention of the teacher, who can draw the attention of technical students to the beauty of the language and thereby expand their professional horizons with linguistic observations.

Let us present some methods that are relevant for a teacher of higher education, start our review with a progressive method of teaching (progressive method, progressive teaching), when applying it, the emphasis shifts towards the learner (learner-centered approach, student-centered approach) and the development of key competencies, which, in turn, was reflected in the requirements for educational programs. Thus, the Federal State Standard of Higher Education - Bachelor's Degree in the direction of training 03/23/03 Operation of transport and technological machines and complexes (as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated November 26, 2020, N 1456) establishes the following universal competencies that a graduate of a higher education institution must possess: critical thinking, project development and implementation, teamwork and leadership, communication, intercultural interaction, self-organization and self-development, life safety, inclusive competence, economic culture, including financial literacy, civic stand. In the process of mastering the discipline "Foreign language", the key universal competence is UC-4 (Communication), which reflects the graduate's ability to use modern communication technologies, in their native language as well as in a foreign language, for academic and professional interaction [Информация по образовательным.. ,,б.г.].

The competency-based approach formed the basis of educational standards, including foreign higher educational institutions:

"Der Bologna-Prozess an den Hochschulen hat bewirkt, dass auch überfachliche, berufsfeldorientierte Kompetenzen, die ein Fachstudium sinnvoll ergänzen. Über 90% der deutschen Hochschulen haben den Aufbauen von Kompetenzen, zumindest in der Begrifflichkeit, in ihre Lehrpläne aufgenommen" („The Bologna process at the universities has resulted in interdisciplinary, occupational field-oriented competencies that would make sense in a specialist course. Over 90% of German universities have included the development of competencies, at least in terms of terminology, in their curricula") [Sauter et al., 2013, S. 17].

However, the introduction of teaching standards does not always coincide with the willingness of teachers to apply these methods in practice. Recent research shows that teachers' teaching style is similar to their teaching methods [Siddiqui, 2007, p. 2]. In many ways, these methods correlate with the system in which the teacher himself studied, thereby ensuring the stability of the traditional approach and its continuity. Foreign researchers also point to this problem:

"Viele Hochschullehrer stehen dieser Entwicklung gelinde gesagt „sehr zurück-haltend", bisweilen aber auch fast hilflos gegenüber, und auch die Hochschulen bieten noch zu selten Alternativen zu klassischen Präsenzszenarien an" ("Many university professors are "very cautious" to say the least, but at times also almost helpless, and universities too rarely offer alternatives to traditional face-to-face scenarios") [Handke, 2020, S. 2].

The reasons for this are quite varied. On the one hand, the potential of innovative educational technologies remains unrealized due to the inability of developers in the field of educational technologies to immerse themselves in the

essence and specifics of the institutional educational environment and identify the characteristic tasks [Браун и др., 2007, с. 100]. On the other hand, the teacher may lack their own media competence, flexibility, and ability to adapt to the rapidly changing demands of society. He often experiences fear of being unclaimed as a teacher in a given society. To overcome these possible problems, he needs to constantly update his knowledge of digital and educational technologies, and sometimes even reconsider his role and position towards students. According to S. Aggarval,

"Teachers should come out of their Ivory tower and come as close with the students as possible" [Aggarval, 2009, p. 23].

This implies that the conditional distance between teacher and student is reduced. The teacher becomes a tool that helps the students to develop their abilities and skills and encourages them to work independently. The teacher must be democratic, respect the personality of the student and create a friendly and welcoming atmosphere both in the classroom and outside it. The teacher's activities are focused not only on the assimilation of educational material but also on the education of students' personal qualities, such as responsibility, activity, independence, creativity, the ability to competently operate with information, flexibly adapt to rapidly changing events, the ability to think critically, analyze difficult situations and find ways of their rational overcoming. Good teaching must be progressive in the sense that the teacher must be prepared to continually modernize their teaching style.

Topics in foreign language lessons at a technical university can be quite diverse; advertising slogans can be involved in the educational process. Their study includes not only the analysis of existing advertising, but also the process of reproduction (production), where students are invited to make a choice and justify it or create their advertising, for example, domestically produced cars, which are not even always popular, or advertising their car, taking into account all its disadvantages to interest a potential buyer. The presentation of such material can be carried out both individually and in groups, while distributing roles, for example, top manager, designer, technical consultant, etc.

A student-centered approach to learning also presupposes the development of the student's social competencies:

"Dabei wird insbesondere die didaktisch sinnvolle Verknüpfung von E-learning und Präsenzlernen zu Blended Learning in Verbindung mit Social Learning betrachtet" ("In particular, the didactically meaningful combination of e-learning and face-to-face learning to form blended learning in connection with social learning is considered") [Eckelt et al., 2017, S. 440].

The formation of social competence is achieved by organizing the collective ac-tivity of students in its various forms: round tables, educational discussions, project defense, presentations, role-playing games, contests of the 'quick discussion' sub-group, 'circle of knowledge', a problem-solving method, etc.

An effective tool for the development of students and the formation of their qualities that contribute to successful professional communication is the use of

debate. This strategy develops the skills of critical thinking, systems analysis, the ability to find logical conclusions, formulate one's own opinion based on evidence. By creating playful and competitive moments, debates can increase the emotional component of the lesson, and also contribute to the development of non-speech competencies, such as the ability to listen to the interlocutor, respect for different points of view, and distinguish objective information from subjective. It is advisable to hold discussions with students of the School of Aircraft Construction, Mechanical Engineering, and Transport on topics such as "What should be made to obtain maximum highways safety?"; "What should be made to avoid monotony and boredom on roads?"; "What role does the subsoil play in the modern road construction?" Role-playing techniques can also be used in discussions and debates. For example, students are invited to organize a meeting of the Minister of Transport, the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment, the Minister for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic, the Minister of Labor, the Minister of Finance, the Minister of Economic Development, etc. on the topic "The main problems of motor transport in Russia". To bring to the agenda some of the proposed issues: 1) low level of development of the traffic system and poor quality of highways; 2) low average speed on roads in comparison with developed countries; 3) traffic jams cluttering the traffic; 4) the growing fuel cost; 5) negative impact on the environment; 6) road safety 7) a growing number of vehicles. In this situation, students will have to prepare to speak on each item from the point of view of the ministry they represent, that is, the problem should be presented from a certain angle.

It is important to draw the attention of students to the fact that they must reasonably state their point of view, referring to objective facts that should be presented using reliable sources of information, for example:

"The head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare (Rospotrebnadzor) Anna Popova, according to the atmospheric air research 2011-2015, argues that the main contribution to the pollution of large cities is not made by industry, but by road transport. The share of such pollution reaches 80 %" [Zhguev et al., 2018, p. 2110];

"The stretch of roads in Russia amounted to 1498.8 thousand kilometers at the end of 2016, which is significantly less than that of the leader country - the USA; its index is 6572 thousand kilometers (according to 2010 data) The undeveloped road network in the northern and agricultural areas of the country makes it difficult to get there in the autumn and spring" [Mineeva et al., 2018, p. 377];

"Poor road infrastructure leads to the fact that the transport component in the cost of production has reached 20% or more, whereas in developed countries this figure does not exceed 8%" [Fisenko, 2011, p. 36].

The use of role-playing games in the learning process allows us to refer to the


"Люди играют, выполняя определённые социальные роли; они играют, когда они творят; они также играют, когда просто говорят. Языковая игра вносит разнообразие и «изюминку» в наш многогранный и многоликий мир и делает процесс изучения английского языка интересным и весёлым занятием"

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

("People play, performing certain social roles; they play when they create; they also play when they just talk. The language game brings variety and "zest" to our multifaceted and many-sided world and makes the process of learning English an interesting and fun activity" [Иванова, 2016, с. 60].

One of the main aspects in the preparation of graduates is also the formation of sociocultural competence, which implies knowledge of the cultural characteristics of the social and speech behavior of native speakers, their history, customs, etiquette, and social stereotypes [Рудакова, 2016, с. 96]. Possession of a certain volume of regional geographic realities is verbal knowledge that contributes to the development of sociocultural competence. For example, students are asked to name a new sports car, while taking into account not only the requirements of the possible target group but also the realities of the countries where the car will be exported. It is important to draw the students' attention to the fact that not all names may be universal for all consumer countries (for example, Rolls-Royce decided not to use the name 'Silver Mist' for one model: potential customers in the German-speaking world wouldn't find the name very appealing because mist means animal manure in German). Some names can cause comical effects, e.g. 'Haval' is often called 'лаваш' in Russia (unleavened flatbread), which occurs from the reading the word 'Haval' from right to left. The word 'Haval' is read as 'хавал', which means the verb 'ate' in jargon. Therefore, the car is comically called 'хавал лаваш' or 'ate unleavened flatbread'. Some drivers even stick the word 'лаваш' under the label 'Haval'. Another example could be 'Renault Duster' because 'дуст' is the name of a cockroach repellent what causes many jokes in Russian about this car.


In conclusion, we note that all the innovative technologies available to the teacher at present do not reject the approaches and techniques of the time-tested traditional teaching method, and in some aspects correlate with it and complement it. The choice of a particular strategy is determined by the level of knowledge of the students, their personal traits, as well as the preferences of the teacher himself. The main aspect in the application of new educational technologies is the shift in emphasis and learning goals, focus on the student, and the development of personal qualities and professional competencies in him that are necessary for a specialist to realize his goals and adapt to rapidly changing conditions in the labor market.

Библиографический список

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