ФіЗИЧНИЙ ТА РУХОВИЙ РОЗВИТОК 9-РіЧНИХ ДіТЕЙ, ЯКі ВіДВіДУЮТЬ ЗАНЯТТЯ З ФУТБОЛУ В "ДИТЯЧіЙ ФУТБОЛЬНіЙ ШКОЛі" Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о здоровье»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Mariusz Klimczyk, Martyna Stec

Purpose : The purpose of the study was to determine the physical development and physical fitness of the boys at the age of 9 years old attending football classes. Material : The study covered 12 boys at 9 years old attending football classes in "Football school for children" in Jabłonowo Pomorskie. The assessment of the physical development was conducted by examining height and body weight and, on this basis, the somatic built indicator was calculated according to Rohrer index. To evaluate physical fitness, the Physical Fitness Index by Zuchor was used. Results : The studied exceed with height and weight their peers from the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship. The level of physical fitness of the studied boys aged 9 years old did not show much diversity. Conclusions : The results improvement was not observed in most physical fitness tests.

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The physical and motor development of 9-year-old children attending football classes in «Football school for children»

Klimczyk Mariusz, Stec Martyna

Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland


Purpose: The purpose of the study was to determine the physical development and physical fitness of the boys at the age of 9 years old attending football classes. Material:

The study covered 12 boys at 9 years old attending football classes in “Football school for children” in Jabtonowo Pomorskie.

The assessment of the physical development was conducted by examining height and body weight and, on this basis, the somatic built indicator was calculated according to Rohrer index. To evaluate physical fitness, the Physical Fitness Index by Zuchor was used.

Results: The studied exceed with height and weight their peers from the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship. The level of physical fitness of the studied boys aged 9 years old did not show much diversity. Conclusions: The results improvement was not observed in most physical fitness tests.

Keywords: physical, development, fitness, football, children.

Климчик Маріуш, Стець Мартіна. Фізичний та руховий розвиток 9-річних дітей, які відвідують заняття з футболу в “Дитячій футбольній школі”.

Мета: Метою даного дослідження було визначення фізичного розвитку і фізичної підготовки хлопчиків у віці 9 років, які відвідують заняття з футболу. Матеріал: У дослідження були включені 12 хлопчиків у віці 9 років, які відвідують заняття з футболу в «Дитячій футбольній школі» в Яблоново Помрському. Оцінка фізичного розвитку проводилася шляхом вивчення росту й ваги дітей і на цій основі розрахований індекс соматичного будови Рохера. Для оцінки фізичного розвитку використовувався індекс фізичного розвитку Зухора. Результати: досліджувані діти перевищували за показниками зросту і ваги своїх однолітків з Куявсько-По-морського воєводства. Рівень підготовки досліджуваних хлопчиків 9 років не мав значних відмінностей. Висновки: У більшості тестів фізичної підготовленості не відзначалося поліпшення результатів.

фізичне, розвиток, підготовка, футбол, діти.

Климчик Мариуш, Стец Мартина. Физическое и двигательное развитие 9-летних детей, посещающие занятия по футболу в «Детской футбольной школе». Цель: Целью данного исследования было определить физическое развитие и физическую подготовку мальчиков в возрасте 9 лет, посещающих занятия по футболу. Материал: В исследование были включены 12 мальчиков в возрасте 9 лет, посещающие занятия по футболу в «Детской футбольной школе» в Яблоново Поморске. Оценка физического развития проводилась путем изучения роста и веса детей и на этой основе рассчитан индекс соматического строения Ро-хера. Для оценки физического развития использовался индекс физического развития Зухора. Результаты: исследуемые дети превышали по показателям роста и веса своих сверстников из Куявско-Поморского воеводства. Уровень подготовки исследуемых мальчиков 9 лет не имел значительных различий. Выводы: В большинстве тестов физической подготовленности не отмечалось улучшение результатов.

физическое, развитие, подготовка, футбол, дети.


The vast majority of the researchers accept physical fitness as the major feature of physical health [1, 2].

Technical progress and related automation and mechanization processes contribute to the partial elimination of muscle. This affects the increase in risk by reducing the overall physical fitness.

In order to counteract the factors it is necessary to responsibly promote the benefits of motor activity, as well as encourage (especially children and young people) to participate actively in selected outdoor sport. The basics of physical culture are involved during the physical education classes in elementary school, where the fundamental task is to develop and raise the level of physical fitness. In order to verify the effects of a teacher of physical education classes, tests on the development of physical fitness of children and adolescents are used.

The purpose of the study was to determine the physical development and physical fitness of the boys at the age of 9 years old attending football classes.

Materials and methods.

The study covered 12 boys at 9 years old attending football classes in “Football school for children” in Jablonowo Pomorskie. Sport classes took place twice a week and lasted 60 min. In school the studied performed a program of physical education in terms of 3 classes a week with a focus on the evolution of overall physical fitness. Prior to the study all children were considered to be healthy by a school nurse.

© Klimczyk Mariusz, Stec Martyna, 2014 doi:10.15561/18189172.2014.1212

Assessment of the physical development was conducted by examining height and body weight and, on this basis, the somatic built indicator was calculated according to Rohrer, index specified by the ratio of weight to height. The classification of this indicator indicates the degree of slenderness [4].

Mb x 100/P3

Mb - body weight, gram;

P - height, centimeter.

Using the typologies of Kretschmer according to the scale given by E. Curtis it was assumed that the individuals have a building depending on the indicator:

± - 1.28 representing the leposomatic type;

-1.29 -1.48 representing the athletic type;

- 1.49 - ± representing the pycnic type.

The height of the body was measured with antropometer, and body weight was measured with medical scale.

To evaluate physical fitness, 5 samples of the Physical Fitness Index by Zuchor were used.

- speed test (quick run for 10 seconds with high lifting of knees and clapping under raised leg (number of claps),

- jumping test (long jump from the place - the distance is measured by the jumper with his/her own feet. The result will be rounded: less than half a foot down, more

- up),

- arms strength test (overhang with straight arms, overhang on one hand),

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features [6].

The results of the first stage of the study (December

2012) showed that in the first sample the best result was obtained by N.L. (33 claps), and the weakest result was obtained by S.M. (27 claps) (tab. 3). The next test of long jump - the best results was obtained by M.W. (8 feet), and the weakest was obtained by M.B. (5 feet). In the third test the best result was obtained by M.G., K.K., K.P., keeping up hanging with one hand for 10 seconds, while the others overhang for 10 seconds, but with both straight hands. In the next test the best exercising student touched the ground with all fingers of both hands (L.G.); the weakest result was obtained by five boys - touching the toes with the fingers of both hands. In the last test -abdominal muscles strength, “cross scissors” was done for the longest period of time by N. L. (for 43 seconds), and the shortest time was taken by P.N. (2 seconds).

The results of the second stage of the study (March

2013) showed that in the first sample the best result was obtained by N.L., M.W. (34), and the weakest result was obtained by K.K. (28 claps) (tab. 4). The next sample of long jump - the best results was obtained by M.W. (8 feet), and the weakest was obtained by D.M. (5 feet). In the third test the best result was obtained by M.G., K.K., L.G., K.P., keeping up hanging with one hand for 10 seconds, while the others overhang for 10 seconds, but with both straight hands. The greatest flexibility was demonstrated

Table 1

The results ofphysical development of boys at the age of 9 years old.

No. Studied parameters Studied pupils

D.M. K.N. M.W. M.G. K.K. L.G. K.P. N.L. P.N. K.M. M.B. S.M.

1. Height of the body (cm) 139 138 145 134 149 145 135 142 138 141 137 140

2. Body weight (kg) 39.9 41.7 44.3 29.9 49.8 35.9 29.2 41.5 35.9 39.2 39.4 38.9

3. Rohrer index. 1.49 1.58 1.45 1.24 1.5 1.17 1.19 1.44 1.35 1.39 1.53 1.41

Table 2

Numeric characteristics of height and weight, the result of somatic bult according to Rohrer index.

No. Studied statistical Volumes parameters the studied 9 years old (n-12)

1. Height M 140.25

of the body (cm) Min 134

Max 149

2. Body weight M 38.6

(kg) Min 29.2

Max 49.8

3. Rohrer M 1.39

index. Min 1.17

Max 1.58

- flexibility test (slope in front),

- abdominal muscles strength test (lifting legs just above the floor and making “cross scissors”, as long as it is possible.

Prior to starting the tests, the children were informed in detail about doing the exercises, and immediately prior to doing it, the coach did 15-minute warm-up.

The measurement of physical development was carried out once (in December 2012). The first physical fitness test was carried out in December 2012, and the second in March 2013.

In order to balance the results of the tests, the basic statistical methods were used.

The carried out analysis of the results showed that the greatest height, and body weight has K.K. (respectively 149 cm, 49.8 kg). The lowest belongs to M.G. (134 cm), while weight of K.P. (29.2 kg). (tab. 1) The largest slenderness belongs to L.G. (1.17), and the lowest to K.N. (1,58) (tab. 1). The analysis showed that the leptosomatic type belongs to three, the athletic type - five, while the pycnic type - four boys.

On the basis of table 2 it can be seen that the average height and weight and Rohrer index amounted to respectively 140,25 kg, 38.6 kg and 1,39.

The basis for movement abilities in sport is the proper fit of the beneficial somatic features and functional movement apparatus, as well as other systems and mental



by L.G. in the following sample (touched the ground with all fingers of both hands), the weakest (touching toes with fingers) - D.M. and K.M. In the test - abdominal muscles strength, “cross scissors” was done for the longest period of time by N. L. (for 44 seconds), and the shortest time was taken by P.N. (11 seconds).

The assessment of physical fitness involved the standards, which were used for the study that uses the five physical fitness test (tab. 5) differ from those that belong in the course of carrying out six tests of physical fitness by K. Zuchora.

By comparing the test results of both stages, it must

be said that young footballers improved their results in the part of the carried out tests (tab. 6), for example in speed test S.M. improved by 6.9%, but there are also boys, who deteriorated their effects, e.g. in the long jump from the place, 16.3%, there are also those, who did not improve. In the first stage of the study the greatest number of points was obtained by two boys (13 points), M.W. and L.G. (level - good). While at least five exercisers (10 points -sufficient level). In the second stage of the study (March,

2013), the best result was obtained by L.G. (14 points

- good level), and the least, reaching the average level, D.M. (9 points).

Table 3

Physical fitness index by K. Zuchora - studies of December 2012.

No. Samples the studied

D.M. K.N. M.W. M.G. K.K. L.G. K.P. N.L. P.N. K.M. M.B. S.M.

1. Speed (number of claps) 30 31 33 29 28 32 29 33 30 31 30 27

2. Jumping (number of feet) 6 6 8 6 6 7 6 6 7 7 5 6

3. Strength of straight Overhang arms hands (s) 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Overhang on one hand (s) 10 10 10

4. Flexibility (slope in front) 2 3 3 2 3 4 2 3 2 2 3 3

5. Abdominal muscle strength (s) 28 23 13 15 20 12 13 43 9 24 28 15

Table 4

Physical fitness index by K. Zuchora - studies of March 2013.

No. Samples the studied

D.M. K.N. M.W. M.G. K.K. L.G. K.P. N.L. P.N. K.M. M.B. S.M.

1. Speed (number of claps) 31 31 34 30 28 31 29 34 30 31 31 29

2. Jumping (number of feet) 5 6 8 6 7 7 6 6 7 7 6 6

3. Strength of straight Overhang arms hands (s) 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Overhang on one hand (s) 10 10 10 10

4. Flexibility (slope in front) 2 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 2 3 3

5. Abdominal muscle strength (s) 27 24 14 16 19 13 14 44 11 24 27 17


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та медико-біологічні проблеми фізичного

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Table 5

Assessment of physical fitness in points

Age Assessment of physical fitness (points)

of the studied Minimum Sufficient Good Very good High Outstanding

9-10 years 5 9 12 15 18 21

Table 6

Quantitative and qualitative assessment of physical fitness - the study of March 2013.

No. Samples the studied

D.M. K.N. M.W. M.G. K.K. L.G. K.P. N.L. P.N. K.M. M.B. S.M.

1. Speed (point) 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 4 4 4 4 3

2. Jumping (point) 1 2 4 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 2 2

3. Strength of straight (point) 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1

4. Flexibility (point) 2 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 2 3 3

5. Abdominal muscle strength 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1

The number of obtained points 9 11 13 12 12 14 11 12 12 11 11 10

Assessment of fitness satisfa ctory satisfa ctory good good good good satisfa ctory good good satisfa ctory satisfa ctory satisfa ctory


The topic related to the dynamics of development of the somatic characteristics and physical fitness was taken by many researchers [7, 8, 9, and 10].

Measurement of motor characteristics in the sense of a stand alone is impractical because each motor activity is a component of many mutually conditional physiological functions of the body [11, 13, 14, 15]. Accurate and reliable tests are necessary in the course of the conscious management of physical development of children and adolescents, because it makes it easier to control the methods and means of action.

By comparing the results of physical development test of the group of 9-year-old children with the studies of M. Napierala (2008), it can be noted that the studies

footballers exceed their peers from the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship in height and weight (Napierala 2008 respectively 137,45 cm and 33,21 kg).

The studied children improved their results in the majority of tests; however, the deterioration of the results was seen as well. The test to measure the arms strength was the most difficult. Only 3 boys in the first stage of the study overhang with one hand for 10 seconds, and in March the test was completed correctly by 4 exercisers.


- The level of physical fitness of the studied boys aged 9 years old did not show much diversity.

- Most of the tests of physical fitness did not observe the results improvement.

- There are cases of deterioration of test results, however, more young players improved.



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2. Eiben O. G. Growth and Physical Fitness of Children and Youth at the End of the XXth Century, Preliminary Report. International Journal of Anthropology, 1998, vol.13, pp. 129 - 136.

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4. Drozdowski Z. Anthropology of Sport. Morphological basis of physical education and sport. Series: Manuals No 12. PEA, Poznan, 1984, p. 117.

5. Bril M. S. Princypy i mietodiczeskije osnowy aktiwnogo obora szkolnikow dla sportiwnogo sowierszenstwowanija [Principles and methodical bases active selection for students of sports perfection]. Habilitation thesis GCFK, Moscow, 1986, p. 76.

6. Pilicz S. Measurement of the overall physical fitness, PEA, Warsaw. 1997, pp. 54-139.

7. Wolanski N. Environmental changes and human biological development, Wroclaw, Warszawa, Krakow, Gdansk, Lodz, NSA. 1983, pp. 56-163.

8. Wolanski M. Human development factors, NSP, Warszawa. 1986, pp. 41-128.

9. Trzesniowski R. Physical development and physical fitness of school teenagers in Poland, PEA, Warsaw. 1990, pp. 59-158.

10. Pilicz S., Przew^da R., Dobosz J., Nowacka-Dobosz S. Physical fitness points of Polish youth, Studies and Monographs, PEA, Warszawa. 2003, pp. 38-39

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Информация об авторах:

Климчик Мариуш; ORCID: 0000-0003-4672-6344; Klimczyk1956@ poczta.onet.pl; Университет Казимира Великого в Быдгощ ул. Ходкевича 30, г.Быдгощ 85-064, Польша.

Стец Мартина: ORCID: 0000-0003-4923-0264; martynastec@

onet.pl; Университет Казимира Великого в Быдгощ ул. Ходкевича 30, г.Быдгощ 85-064, Польша.

Цитируйте эту статью как: Климчик Мариуш, Стец Мартина. Физическое и двигательное развитие 9-летних детей, посещающие занятия по футболу в «Детской футбольной школе» // Педагогіка, психологія та медико-біологічні проблеми фізичного виховання і спорту. - 2014. - № 12. - С. 65-69. doi:10.15561/18189172.2014.1212

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Дата поступления в редакцию: 25.05.2014 г.

Опубликовано: 15.06.2014 г.

Information about the authors:

Klimczyk Mariusz: ORCID: 0000-0003-4672-6344; Klimczyk1956@ poczta.onet.pl; Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz; Chodkiewicza 30, 85-064 Bydgoszcz, Poland.

Stec Martyna: ORCID: 0000-0003-4923-0264; [email protected]; Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz; Chodkiewicza 30, 85-064 Bydgoszcz, Poland.

Cite this article as: Klimczyk Mariusz, Stec Martyna. The physical and motor development of 9-year-old children attending football classes in «football school for children». Pedagogics, psychology, medical-biological problems of physical training and sports, 2014, vol.12, pp. 65-69. doi: 10.15561/18189172.2014.1212

The electronic version of this article is the complete one and can be found online at: http://www.sportpedagogy.org.ua/html/arhive-e.html

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Received: 25.05.2014 Published: 15.06.2014

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