®I.I. Temreshev12
1 Limited Liability Company "Agro Consult", Kazakhstan 2Limited Liability Company "Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Plant Protection and Quarantine
named after Zh. Zhiembayev", Kazakhstan e-mail:
Received: 15.10.2024. Revised: 09.11.2024. Accepted: 13.11.2024.
The lined flat bark beetle Laemophloeus muticus (Fabricius, 1781) is recorded from Kazakhstan for the first time, marking a new country record. The species has been found in the West Kazakhstan, Kostanay, Karaganda, Akmola, Ulytau, Almaty, and Turkistan oblasts. The Turkistan oblast represents the most southerly record of this species and a new record for Central Asia. In total, three genera and seven species of lined flat bark beetles (family Laemophloeidae) have been recorded from Kazakhstan. This shows that the fauna of this family in Kazakhstan requires further study, and other species from this family may be discovered in the future within the country. Key words: Central Asia, Cucujoidea, distribution, Lined flat bark beetles
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Cite: Temreshev I.I. 2024. First record of Laemophloeus muticus (Fabricius, 1781) (Coleoptera, Laemophloeidae) in Kazakhstan // Proceedings of the Mordovia State Nature Reserve. Vol. 35. P. 88-95.
Laemophloeidae (the lined flat bark beetles) belong to the superfamily Cucujoidea of the suborder Polyphaga. Most adults of lined flat bark beetles, are found under bark of dead trees, where they apparently are primarily fungivores (Kryzhanovsky, 1965; Lawrence, 1977). Some genera (e.g. Dysmerus Casey, 1884, Leptophloeus Casey, 1916, Placonotus MacLeay, 1871) occur in the galleries of bark beetles (Curculionidae: Scolytinae), upon which they may feed (Nikitsky, 1980; Thomas, 2015; Temreshev et al, 2016; Thomas & Ghahari, 2016). A few genera, but most notably Cryptolestes Ganglbauer, 1899, Planolestes Lefkovitch, 1958 and Leptophloeus, contain some species that are pests of stored grain products (Kryzhanovsky, 1965, 1974; Kosolapova, 1976; Yablokov-Khnzoryan, 1977, 1978; Halstead, 1993; Mordkovich & Sokolov, 1999; Ebeling, 2002; Robinson, 2005; Hagstrum & Subramanyam, 2009; Temreshev, 2017). The world fauna of Laemophloeidae currently includes 37 genera and 430 species (Thomas & Leschen, 2010).
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Only two species (Cryptolestes duplicatus (Waltl, 1834) and Placonotus testaceus (Fabricius, 1787)) are listed for Kazakhstan (Wegrzynowicz, 2007). Earlier, we published a list of six species and two genera of Laemophloeidae identified in the territory of the republic (Temreshev, 2011, 2017), as well as separate regional reports on beetles, including some of their representatives (Temreshev & Kozhabaeva, 2009; Temreshev et al, 2015, 2016).
The genus Laemophloeus includes 31 species (Thomas, 2015; Bento, 2021; GBIF..., 2024), of which none have been recorded in Kazakhstan so far (Wegrzynowicz, 2007). Like most members of the Laemophloeidae, Laemophloeus species are found under bark of dead trees, where they seem to feed primarily on fungi, especially ascomycetes. Sometimes they live in the galleries of bark beetles and other xylophages. The larvae develop between the bark and bark of dead but recently felled birches and some other deciduous trees, where they mostly feed on ascomycetes and imperfect fungi. They range in size from moderate to large for the family (2-4 mm in length). The members of the genus occur throughout the Palaearctic and Nearctic Regions, but extend south into the tropics in the New World, where five other closely related genera are found (Thomas, 2015).
Material and Methods
The material was collected by manual method from 2010 to 2024 according to the methods generally accepted in entomology (Fasulati, 1971). Studied specimens are kept in the private collection of I.I. Temreshev (Almaty, Kazakhstan). Photographs of L. muticus (Fig. 1) and other Laemophloeidae were taken by the author with a camera Canon EOS 50 D. Photographs of the birch and white willow tree, infected by the fungus Fomes fomentarius (L.) Fr. (Fig. 2), were taken by I.I. Temreshev with a camera Redmi 7. Descriptions and body measuring was performed using a Micromed MC var 1-C dissecting stereomicroscope.
Laemophloeus muticus (Fabricius, 1787) (Fig. 1).
Material examined: 1) 1 S - 22.III.2010, Almaty oblast, Almaty city, Bostandyk district, floodplain of the river Esentai, 43.216111° N, 76.940556° E, under the bark of the dead Betula pendula Roth., I.I. Temreshev; 2) 1 ^ - 20.IV.2021, Almaty oblast Karasai district, neighborhoods of Kairat village, peasant farming "Olzhas", 43.158889° N, 76.559167° E, under the bark of the dead Acer negundo L., I.I. Temreshev; 3) 1 S - 11.XII.2021, Turkistan oblast, Saryagash district, neighborhoods of Dikan Baba village, forest belt, 41.502778° N, 41.502778° E, under the bark of the dead Ulmus parvifolia Jacq., I.I. Temreshev; 4) 1 S 2 ^ - 6.V.2022, Akmola oblast, Stepnogorsk city, European white birch grove, 52.491944° N, 72.021667° E, under the bark of the dead B. pendula, I.I. Temreshev; 5) 3 S 1 ? - 18.V.2022,
Fig. 1. Laemophloeus muticus, habitus, dorsal view: A - male, North Kazakhstan; B - female, West Kazakhstan. Scale bars: A, B = 1 mm.
West Kazakhstan oblast, Taskala district, neighborhoods of Chizha 1 village, grove of white willow, 50.933056° N, 50.034167° E, under the bark of the dead Salix alba L., I.I. Temreshev; 6) 1 S 1 $ - 20.V.2022, West Kazakhstan oblast, Taskala district, neighborhoods of Amangeldy village, grove of white willow, 50.943611° N, 49.918889° E, under the bark of the dead S. alba, I.I. Temreshev; 7) 1 S - 13.VII.2022, Karaganda oblast, Karaganda city, grove of white willow, 49.758056° N, 73.040278° E, under the bark of the dead S. alba, I.I. Temreshev; 8) 2 S - 10.VIII.2022, Kostanay oblast, Fyodorov district, Koskol lake, mixed pine and birch forest, 53.916828° N, 62.773889° E, under the bark of the dead B. pendula, I.I. Temreshev; 9) 1 S 1 $ -12.08.2024, Akmola oblast, Burabai district, pine-birch forest, 52.969444° N, 70.257778° E, under the bark of the dead B. pendula, I.I. Temreshev.
All beetles collected from under the bark of the dead trees. All examined trees, except for elm, were infected by the tinder fungus Fomes fomentarius (L.) Fr. (Fig. 2).
L. muticus is distributed in Europe (Belarus, Canaria Islands, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Great Britain, Estonia, European Russia, Finland, France, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Slovakia, Switzerland, Sweden, Ukraine), Asia (Far East, Mongolia, Siberia) (Kryzhanovsky, 1965; Nikitsky, 1980; Krivolutskaya, 1991; Alexandrovitch et al, 1996; Machado & Oromi, 2000; Telnov, 2004; Wegrzynowicz, 2007; Ratti & Nardi, 2011; Stanionis & Petrikas, 2011; Müller et al, 2013; Efimov, 2014; Aleksanov et al, 2020).
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Fig. 2. Habitat of Laemophloeus muticus: European white birch (A, B) and white willow (C, D) trees, infected by the tinder fungus Fomes fomentarius (L.) Fr. Stepnogorsk city, North Kazakhstan, and Chizha village, West Kazakhstan.
The localities for this species from Kazakhstan (Fig. 3) are mainly located in the western and northern parts of the country.
Fig. 3. Distribution of Laemophloeus muticus in world and Kazakhstan. Black circle - known records from references. Red circle - new records.
The records of L. muticus were absent for Kazakhstan (Wegrzynowicz, 2007). The well-known range on the territory of the country covers West Kazakhstan, Kostanay, Karaganda, Akmola, Almaty and Turkistan oblasts.
The finds of L. muticus in West, North and Central Kazakhstan, apparently, are part of its natural area - as indicated above, it is quite widespread in Europe and North Asia.
It is possible, that the species was accidentally introduced to Almaty and Turkistan oblasts with planting material or soil, as some other species of beetles (Kazenas et al, 2016; Temreshev, 2019; Temreshev & Makezhanov, 2019; Temreshev & Kazenas, 2020; Temreshev, 2021, 2022). The records of L. muticus from the Almaty and Turkistan oblasts of Kazakhstan are currently the southernmost points for this species and the new record for Central Asia.
In total three genera and seven species of the Lined flat bark beetles (Laemophloeidae) are recorded from Kazakhstan. This shows that the fauna of this family in Kazakhstan requires further study. Other species of this family may be found in the future in the country.
Autor thanks to anonymous reviewers the valuable comments that improved the manuscript.
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И.И. Темрешев1'2
1 Товарищество с ограниченной ответственностью "Агро Консульт ", Казахстан 2Казахский научно-исследовательский институт защиты и карантина растений
им. Ж. Жиембаева, Казахстан e-mail:
Laemophloeus muticus (Fabricius, 1781) впервые зарегистрирован в Казахстане. Вид обнаружен в Западно-Казахстанской, Костанайской, Карагандинской, Акмолинской, Улытауской, Алматинской и Туркестанской областях. Местонахождение в Туркестанской области - недавно зарегистрированная самая южная находка для этого вида и первое указание для Центральной Азии. Всего в Казахстане зарегистрировано три рода и семь видов Laemophloeidae. Это показывает, что фауна этого семейства в Казахстане нуждается в дальнейшем изучении. В будущем в стране могут быть обнаружены и другие виды этого семейства. Ключевые слова: Cucujoidea, Laemophloeus muticus, распространение, Центральная Азия