FICTION IS A SOURCE OF SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT OF A PERSON Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
fiction / law students / team work / give legal assessment / conduct analysis / reason / oral and written speech.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Umida Ramazonovna Pulatova

Тhis article discusses the role and importance of fiction in expanding the general outlook of students who study in the direction of "Jurisprudence". Also, the article highlights the methods and ways of developing law students’ legal skills, giving an analysis of human psychology by examining ranz Kafka's work “Metamorphosis”.

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Academic Research in Educational Sciences VOLUME 3 | ISSUE 1 | 2022

ISSN: 2181-1385 Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF): 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor: 0.89

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2022-1-664-669


Umida Ramazonovna Pulatova

Acting Associate Professor of the Department of Uzbek Language and Literature,

Tashkent State Law University


This article discusses the role and importance of fiction in expanding the general outlook of students who study in the direction of "Jurisprudence". Also, the article highlights the methods and ways of developing law students' legal skills, giving an analysis of human psychology by examining ranz Kafka's work "Metamorphosis".

Keywords: fiction, law students, team work, give legal assessment, conduct analysis, reason, oral and written speech.

A good book is a gift bequeathed by the author to the human race.

J. Addison


Fiction is a source of spiritual development, as well as mental, moral and aesthetic education of a person, has a huge impact on the development and enrichment of his speech. The largest Russian philologist, art critic, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences D.S. Likhachev said: "Literature gives us a colossal, vast and profound experience of life. It makes a person intelligent, develops in him not only a sense of beauty, but also an understanding of life, all its complexities, serves as a guide to other eras and to other peoples, opens the hearts of people before you. In a word, makes you wise...".

The book is a guide, a beacon that illuminates the road to history, culture, life; a window into the world of something new, until now, perhaps, not explored, unknown to the reader. A well-chosen book is the best interlocutor, true friend, mentor, adviser. Such a book makes us think, express emotions: love, resentment, laughter, and maybe fear, it should carry a deep meaning1. Reading such books, a person conducts an internal conversation with himself, finds answers to life's questions, develops. The great innovator teacher V. Sukhomlinsky said: "Reading is

1 https://constructorus.ru/samorazvitie/polza-chteniya.html Google Scholar

Academic Research, Uzbekistan 664

Academic Research in Educational Sciences VOLUME 3 | ISSUE 1 | 2022

ISSN: 2181-1385 Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF): 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor: 0.89

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2022-1-664-669

one of the sources of thinking and mental development." Therefore, reading a book is a complex thought process. The process aimed at extracting information, the process of cognition, rethinking what has been read, perception, understanding.

Reading is also a process that gives the reader pleasure: some people relax while reading. Reading is a process comparable to climbing to the top, conquering heights, because by reading serious fiction or scientific literature, reading it meaningfully, he changes internally, rises spiritually, and this is no longer the person he was, but much wiser, much richer spiritually and morally.


A person who reads literature, following in the footsteps of heroes, involuntarily finds himself in that era, in their world, is next to them, rejoices with them, worries about them, takes sides, becomes a witness to events, goes the way of his heroes with them, in a word, coming into contact with everything that is connected with them, he receives a lesson, experience, knowledge. And at this moment, unconsciously, internal changes take place in him, in the reader: he educates himself, feeds his feelings, forms his attitude towards people, to various circumstances, learns to analyze, learns to reason, improves himself. Consequently, a person, in addition to pleasure, also receives a lot of benefits.

A person who does not read is deprived of such pleasure and such benefit. According to reading expert Elena Romanicheva, such a person "does not have a cultural practice that can be enjoyable." The expert jokingly says: "Reading literature, on the contrary, causes harm to a person, because it helps him to think, compare, analyze, draw conclusions, but it implies that a person involuntarily develops critical and abstract thinking, logic, attention, memory, a broad outlook develops reading literacy. It refers to the ability to understand texts, reflect on them and independently master new knowledge through reading.


Therefore, including the study of fiction in the curricula of the modules "Written Speech of a Lawyer", "Russian Language for Lawyers", teachers, first of all, pursue such goals as the development of speech, thinking, enrichment of vocabulary, the formation of one's own opinion, etc. Thus, based on the essence and content of

2 https://www.livelib.ru/articles/post/36845-razgovor-s-ekspertom-po-chteniyu-chtenie-hudozhestvennoj-literatury-nikakoj -polzy-ne-prinosit

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Academic Research in Educational Sciences VOLUME 3 | ISSUE 1 | 2022

ISSN: 2181-1385 Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF): 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor: 0.89

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2022-1-664-669

the works, as well as the specifics of the university, the teachers of this module selected such works that will contribute to the development of not only personal, but also certain professional qualities of law students.

One of such works, in our opinion, is Franz Kafka's story "The Metamorphosis". It should be noted that the difficult life of the writer is reflected in his work. Franz Kafka wrote this story during the period when he met Felicia Brouwer (bride). Kafka himself then wrote to her in one of his letters: "Beloved, ... you see, all these disgusting things are generated by the same soul in which you dwell, which you endure as your abode".

When reading the works of Kafka, students have a large number of questions. Indeed, for those who first come across the work of a writer-lawyer, much seems incomprehensible, absurd.

So, in order to answer all the questions that students have, as well as to fulfill the goals and objectives set for the teacher, we will present a fragment of the development of a training session dedicated to the study of Kafka's story "The Metamorphosis".

Before starting work on a work, students should read the story and familiarize themselves with the work of the writer. Since 4 classroom hours are allotted for this topic, in the first lesson, students get acquainted with the biography of Franz Kafka. For this purpose, students are invited to watch the video "Manuscripts do not burn", which reveals the personality of the writer, students learn about him from the words of the author of this project, Lev Nikolaev, as well as the writer, translator Mikhail Rudnitsky. The film captures the main events in the life of Kafka, learning about which students begin to partially understand his work.

After watching the film, the teacher asks questions aimed at consolidating the material presented about the writer, as well as what they have studied on their own. For example: In what family was Kafka born? Who was his father? What education did Kafka receive? How did the father treat his son? What assessment can be given to the relationship between son and mother? What events in his life became fatal? What works did Kafka write? What themes are his works devoted to? After the teacher listened to the answers of the students, they are invited to complete the task in small groups as a completion of the work on the biography and work of the writer. The teacher divides the group into two teams and distributes pre-prepared cards with tasks. The first team is preparing a written answer to the task: "Characterize Franz Kafka as a person", the second team is preparing for the task: "Characterize Franz

Academic Research in Educational Sciences VOLUME 3 | ISSUE 1 | 2022

ISSN: 2181-1385 Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF): 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor: 0.89

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2022-1-664-669

Kafka as a writer". Then the leader of each team reads the answers. This type of work is aimed at studying the personality and developing the ability of students to analyze, summarize and present their conclusions in writing.

At the next lesson, the teacher starts working on Kafka's story "The Metamorphosis": he asks to name his main characters (students name) and create their psychological portrait, i.e. give them a description based on their conclusions made in the process of reading the story. For example: "Greta Samsa, younger sister of Gregor Samsa. Loves music, carefree; like her parents, completely dependent on her brother, changeable nature, etc." Performing this task, students learn to analyze actions, actions, observe the development of relationships between the characters, and then come to a certain conclusion about the character, i.e. answer the question "what is it?". The implementation of such work helps students to express their own informed opinion, to come to a conclusion about the nature of the personality, which plays an important role in the future professional activities of law students.

Further, the teacher divides the students into three teams and invites them to choose one of the topics for discussion: "Father and Gregor. Gregor and father", "Mother and Gregor. Gregor and mother", "Sister and Gregor. Gregor and sister", "Gregor and work" and within 10 minutes they prepare to answer the proposed topic. It should be noted the positive aspects of the method of work in small groups: firstly, each student has the opportunity to express his opinion, and secondly, the opinion of each is analyzed, i.e. students reason, their mental activity is activated, by joint efforts they come to the most reasonable and correct solution to the problem, thirdly, teamwork brings the participants together, educates them and disciplines them.

As soon as the groups finish their work, the teacher invites them one by one to speak. Each team member states his answer, confirming it with an example from the work. For example: "Gregor's father was an insensitive person, before turning his son into an insect, he did not show any emotions towards him, accepted his efforts to earn money as a common occurrence. After the transformation of his son, his father's attitude towards him worsened, he began to treat him with disgust and hatred: he throws an apple at him, kicks him to drive him into the room. All team members speak on the first, then on the second part of the topic, i.e. compare the relationships of the characters. Thus, work is carried out in all teams. As a result of this work, students understand the essence of the story, they get answers to their questions and understand why the work is called that, it becomes obvious to them in whom the process of transformation is actually observed.

Academic Research in Educational Sciences VOLUME 3 | ISSUE 1 | 2022

ISSN: 2181-1385 Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF): 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor: 0.89

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2022-1-664-669

The work on the topic "Gregor and work" is carried out by the team leaders, who also express their opinion on the given topic and come to the consensus that Gregor, although he did not like his work, did it conscientiously.

As a final work on Kafka's work "The Metamorphosis", students are invited to write an essay on the topic "Issues of the individual and society in Franz Kafka's work "The Metamorphosis".


Thus, we can conclude that the use of the above methods in the study of fiction contributes to the effective assimilation of educational material by students, and also ensures, firstly, the participation of all students in the educational process, and secondly, students carry out analytical work (individually / in team), thirdly, students have the opportunity to express their own opinion orally and in writing.


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10. https://constructorus.ru/samorazvitie/polza-chteniya.html

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