Научная статья на тему 'Феминистские мотивы в романах джейн Остин'

Феминистские мотивы в романах джейн Остин Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Бегматова Сохиба Мустафоевна

Эта статья направлена на изучение феминистских взглядов в работах Джейн Остин в целом. Как знаменитая писательница XIX века Джейн Остин пыталась показать реалии женщин своего времени. Общей темой во всех работах Остин являются браки молодых женщин и общая социальная классовая структура Англии в 19 веке. Джейн Остин была опубликованной женщиной-романисткой, которая писала под своим собственным именем, что можно рассматривать как важное феминистское качество. Она подарила читателям шесть романов о женщинах, сосредоточенных на их мыслях, желаниях и поведении.

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This article aims to explore feminist viewpoints in Jane Austen’s works in general. As a famous 19th Century novelist, Jane Austen tried to show the realities of women in her time. The common theme in all Austen’s works includes the marriages of young women and the general social class structure of England in the 19th Century. Jane Austen was a published female novelist who wrote under her own name which can be seen as an important feminist quality. She gifted six novels to readers about women centred in the thoughts, desires and behaviours of them.

Текст научной работы на тему «Феминистские мотивы в романах джейн Остин»

FEMINIST MOTIVES IN JANE AUSTEN'S NOVELS Begmatova S^. Email: Begmatova692@scientifictext.ru


Abstract: this article aims to explore feminist viewpoints in Jane Austen's works in general. As a famous 19th Century novelist, Jane Austen tried to show the realities of women in her time. The common theme in all Austen's works includes the marriages of young women and the general social class structure of England in the 19th Century. Jane Austen was a published female novelist who wrote under her own name which can be seen as an important feminist quality. She gifted six novels to readers about women centred in the thoughts, desires and behaviours of them.

Keywords: Jane Austen, 19th Century Literature, Feminism, romantics, oppression.


Бегматова С.М.

Бегматова Сохиба Мустафоевна - преподаватель, кафедра интеграционного курса английского языка № 1, Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: эта статья направлена на изучение феминистских взглядов в работах Джейн Остин в целом. Как знаменитая писательница XIX века Джейн Остин пыталась показать реалии женщин своего времени. Общей темой во всех работах Остин являются браки молодых женщин и общая социальная классовая структура Англии в 19 веке. Джейн Остин была опубликованной женщиной-романисткой, которая писала под своим собственным именем, что можно рассматривать как важное феминистское качество. Она подарила читателям шесть романов о женщинах, сосредоточенных на их мыслях, желаниях и поведении. Ключевые слова: Джейн Остин, литература XIX века, феминизм, романтика, угнетение.

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Introduction. The 19th Century has brought unused patterns to writing and is the foremost vital period in numerous nations as well as England's scholarly history. Eagleton claims that the present day sense of the word writing as it were really gets beneath way within the nineteenth century [5]. The common highlights of scholarly works within the 19th century were concerned with course refinement, industry, vote based system, craftsmanship and culture. The 19th Century opens with Sentimentalism, a development that spread all through Europe in response to 18th-century logic, and this century created itself with a design to respond against the emotional changes on people. According to romantics, the foremost critical include of a work is to specific the emotions. Agreeing to Moran, from presently on, a work is no more reflect but a window which is open through the soul of the craftsman.

Methods. It was, in reality, as it were with what we presently call the Sentimental period that our claim definitions of writing started to create. Another vital essayist of the 19th century in Britain is Jane Austen. Concurring to Burgess, Austen is the primary critical lady writer who appears the small world of the ordinary families [3]. Subsequently, ready to say that she makes a introduction of human circumstances. Austen can be portrayed as a practical, ethical and social pundit. We may say that by utilizing to some degree twisted circumstances and irritably clashing characters, Austen paints a full picture of the landed nobility and anticipates her perusers to draw certain ethical conclusions. Austen's

courageous women are autonomous ladies who share beliefs in a male-dominated society. In her books she communicates the women's activist sentiments of her time. In this manner, Austen makes associations with choice in marriage and the consistent female contemplations. Austen's courageous women are interesting ladies who attempt to stand up for themselves in a society which is an perfect of feminism. Although Women's liberation picked up notoriety within the moment half of the 20th Century, it is simple to say that the celebrated 19th Century lady writer Jane Austen was moreover a women's activist. Wilks states that in 1978 the Marxist-Feminist Writing Collective embraced Mary Wollstonecraft and Jane Austen as figures epitomising the women's activist and female motivations in women's composing [7]. Wilks also notices that the Marxist-Feminist Writing Collective exemplified how these two ladies scholars within the past had picked to concentrate their energies on get to to the open circle of life or else. By common definition, woman's rights may be a reasoning in which ladies and their commitments are esteemed.

It is based on social, political and financial uniformity for ladies. Women's activists can be anybody within the populace, men, ladies, young ladies or boys. Women's liberation can moreover be depicted as a development or a transformation that incorporates ladies and men who wish the world to be rise to without boundaries. These boundaries or bars are way better known as segregation and predispositions against sexual orientation, sexual introduction, age, conjugal status and financial status. Everybody sees the world with his or her claim sense of sex and balance. Women's activists see the world as being unequal. They wish to see the sex crevice and the thought that men are prevalent to ladies diminished or indeed annulled. DeLamotte states that Women's liberation has been one of the foremost imperative strengths in forming our modern-day society [5]. Jane Austen, who may be a foundation of the 19th Century English writing, is clearly a evaluate of presumptions almost both sex and social lesson. Her convictions and behaviours are based on women's liberation (conviction within the social, political, and financial uniformity of the genders). Wilks states that woman's rights is evoked, as by Charlotte Bronte in Jane Eyre, basically to initiate our recognizable proof with the courageous woman in her enduring [7]. Austen investigates the profundity at which women may act in society and finds her possess boundaries within the 19th Century's Britain. Hence, the ideas of women's liberation frequently take after the subjects of course distinctions and boundaries. At the starting of the 19th century, small opportunity existed for ladies, as a result of this, numerous of them felt awkward when endeavoring to enter numerous parts of society.

The nonattendance of progressed instructive openings for ladies and their distance from nearly all areas of work gave them small choice in life. Austen's books were composed around the time of the early women's rights development when ladies were beginning to think approximately break even with rights. She is a critical step within the advancement of the women's activist development. Austen was fundamentally saying that ladies are rise to men in each way. Austen's books appear that a few Victorian ladies were getting to be autonomously disapproved. Agreeing to Hohne , Women's activists more frequently see exchange as a shape of abuse, a war in which the party with the weakest and slightest bound together voice continuously loses [6]. Women's liberation has been a conspicuous and disputable subject in works. An imperative topic, parallel to woman's rights, in Austen's books is the endeavors of the champions to state their claim character inside a maledominated society. Through her novel, Austen invalidates Victorian generalizations almost ladies, articulating what was for her time a radical women's activist reasoning. Austen criticizes the ladies in her books who need the highlights of rationale thought. The writer too criticizes uneducated ladies which could be a point of interest for women's activists. In Sense and Sensibility, for case, the character Lucy Steele is portrayed as 'ignorant and illiterate' [2]. In this novel Lucy is such a character that the readers dislike since she needs the instruction to form rationale choices. In Pride and Preference Mary Bennet is criticized by Austen. She appears more diligent than her other sisters. Mary in this novel accepts herself predominant to her sisters since of her perusing side interest, but this pastime has

given her a untrue pride. In spite of the fact that Mary peruses a part she gotten insufficient instruction to create rationale choices. As a women's activist writer, Austen gives the message that all ladies ought to get formal instruction. Elinor Dashwood, Elizabeth Bennet and Anne Elliot are perfect ladies characters who can contribute to the society as a entirety. In Persuasion, Anne Elliot learns to form her claim choice which is an perfect of women's liberation. Through Elizabeth Bennet, for case, Austen appears the battle of a woman's capacity for insights and distinguishing herself. In Jane Austen's perspective the autonomy of her courageous women could be a fundamental component for the development of ladies inside society [1]. Austen's books are all approximately youthful ladies who discover genuine cherish after a few encounters. Her books conclusion with the heroine's marriage.

Conclusion. Austen's choice to type in books almost ladies within the 19th Century may be a fundamental component of the women's activist thought which developed within the 20th Century. Her champions are people who are autonomous to think and who guard their claim choices. The novelist's characters are solid, free and brilliantly which women's liberation requires for ladies.

References / Список литературы

1. Austen J., 1988. Pride and Prejudice. Harmondsworth: Penguin.

2. Austen J., 1992. Sense and Sensibilty. Ramsbridge: Wordsworth Editions.

3. Burgess A., 1984. English Literature. Essex, England: Longman Group.

4. Butler M., 1990. Jane Austen and the War of Ideas Oxford: Clarendon.

5. DeLamotte Eugenia C., 1990. Perils of the Night: A Feminist Study of Nineteenth-Century Gothic. Cary, NC, USA: Oxford University Press, Incorporated.

6. Hohne K. (Ed.), 1994. Dialogue of Voices: Feminist Theory and Bakhtin.

7. Wilks B., 1984. Jane Austen. London: Hamlyn.

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