FEATURES THAT ENSURE THE EXPRESSIVENESS OF SPEECH Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
язык / речь / чистота речи / краткость речи / семантическая компрессия / language / speech / speech purity / shortness of speech / semantic compression

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Piriyeva Lala Zakir Gizi

The article shows that our literary language has reached such a level of development that there is a seri-ous need for a thorough study of issues related to the culture of speech. The modern level of development of the literary language requires that our speech, along with reflecting the national features of our language, be rich, fluent, fluent and correct. We must clean up the flaws in our speech and try to have a beautiful speech. To do this, first of all, we must cleanse our speech of archaism, dialectics and slang, and not allow subjective vio-lations of the norms of literary language.

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В статье показано, что наш литературный язык достиг такого уровня развития, что существует серьезная необходимость в тщательном изучении вопросов, связанных с культурой речи. Современный уровень развития литературного языка требует, чтобы наша речь, наряду с отражением национальных особенностей нашего языка, была богатой, беглой и правильной. Для этого, прежде всего, мы должны очистить нашу речь от архаизма, диалектики и жаргона и не допустить субъективных нарушений норм литературного языка.





УДК 81'38; 801.6; 808

Piriyeva Lala Zakir gizi

Azerbaijan Technical University, Baku, Azerbaijan DOI: 10.24412/2520-6990-2021-34121-16-18 FEATURES THAT ENSURE THE EXPRESSIVENESS OF SPEECH

Пириева Лала Закир кызы

Азербайджанский Технический Университет

Баку, Азербайджан



В статье показано, что наш литературный язык достиг такого уровня развития, что существует серьезная необходимость в тщательном изучении вопросов, связанных с культурой речи. Современный уровень развития литературного языка требует, чтобы наша речь, наряду с отражением национальных особенностей нашего языка, была богатой, беглой и правильной. Для этого, прежде всего, мы должны очистить нашу речь от архаизма, диалектики и жаргона и не допустить субъективных нарушений норм литературного языка.


The article shows that our literary language has reached such a level of development that there is a serious needfor a thorough study of issues related to the culture ofspeech. The modern level of development of the literary language requires that our speech, along with reflecting the national features of our language, be rich, fluent, fluent and correct. We must clean up the flaws in our speech and try to have a beautiful speech. To do this, first of all, we must cleanse our speech of archaism, dialectics and slang, and not allow subjective violations of the norms of literary language.

Ключевые слова: язык, речь, чистота речи, краткость речи, семантическая компрессия

Keywords: language, speech, speech purity, shortness of speech, semantic compression

The role of language in society, the study of all sciences through language, interpretation through speech, correct speaking, writing, clarity of thought, fluency, consistency are the foundations of high cultural and scientific speech. Beautiful and full speech is born only from well-mastered, well-received thoughts. A person becomes a strong speaker only when he has a strong knowledge of the event or subject he is interpreting. Therefore, every intelligent and cultured person should pay special attention to his speech and its beauty.

"We protect nature, all material and cultural monuments, greenery, forests, rivers, fields and hayfields. In short, we control all the material things that belong to the people every day. This is natural. But for some reason, we sometimes forget or ignore the habit of waiting for these laws in other areas of creativity, in the use of words, in language and style. Wouldn't it be better for all of us to observe the sanctity and inviolability of the laws of language, and to educate our youth in this spirit? Language as a system combines phonetic, lexical, grammatical and stylistic laws, and operates according to these laws. Academician L.V. Sherba wrote that the stylistic misuse of any word violates the stylistic law of language, and a language that violates the stylistic law is like a completely entrenched musical instrument. The difference is that the instrument can be rebuilt and tuned immediately, and the stylistic law of language is created over the

centuries. Therefore, first of all, we must pay special attention to the precise selection, correct and appropriate use of words in both written and oral speech "(14, p. 146).

One of the basic requirements for beautiful speech is conciseness. Speech should be concise and specific. In other words, he must be free from words. At times, the speaker may use general ideas or unnecessary details. N.Abdullayev and Z.Mammadov write that conciseness of speech is a broad concept. Conciseness here means brevity, concise and clear expression of thought. Although conciseness is the most important part of communication, it is not uncommon to come across people who talk too much in public, among friends, and even in the family (3, p.9).

Conciseness is the expression of an idea in the most necessary words, phrases and sentences. Conciseness is the opposite of eloquence in speech. Conciseness prevents the processing of unnecessary words and expressions in the speech process, the repetition of the same idea in separate sentences several times. Conciseness is against the tendency to talk too much in everyday life.

Being able to speak concisely is one of the most important human qualities. Semantic compression plays a key role in the conciseness of speech.

In linguistics, "semantic compression" usually means the accumulation of the meaning of a whole


compound on a single word, in which one or more of the components have lost their function.

One of the main conditions for having beautiful speech is the application of the law of semantic compression. Words and phrases that undergo a process of semantic compression are used to ensure the relevance, conciseness and conciseness of the speech. Semantic compression in the context of speech serves to create automatism. Semantic compression, on the one hand, strengthens the analysis of the lexical-semantic system of language in the context of speech, and on the other hand, strengthens the meaning.

Conciseness of speech plays a special role in the practice of oratory. Acting on the principle of "word density, breadth of thought", the speaker conveys comprehensive information to the audience in a concise, concise form, using the most necessary words and phrases based on vital facts. , great dreams, goals can be expressed in short words.

One of the most important requirements for good speech is cleanliness. The purity of speech is closely related to the norms of literary language. In the process of unclean speech, of course, the norms of literary language are violated.

Sometimes the purity of speech is disturbed under the influence of dialects. Different norms of literary language are exposed to this influence. When talking about the violation of speech norms and the reasons for this, it is necessary to divide the language into different dialects, not to mention the differences in dialects. There are a number of units in a language that are more prone to variability. In them (for example, verb conjugation, verb tense, noun case suffixes, speeches, intermediate sentences, subordinate compound sentence types, etc.) speech norms are often violated. From the point of view of literary language, the norm violation is related to dialect groups. Because each dialect has its own characteristics.

Sometimes words, expressions, phraseological units, sentences, etc. that do not correspond to the norms of literary language. used in speech.

The purity of speech, like other cultural beings, is directly related to the level of the speaker. In general, the purity of speech should be maintained by:

1. Spoken and dialect pronunciation and words should not be allowed in cultural speech. It is known that dialect conditions have a certain effect on cultural speech. Spoken pronunciation infects even intelligent speech. As a result, medicine (manat), manit (manat), mubtada (mubtada), gene (again), mini (it) and so on. Scholars also use dialect words.

Lexical dialectisms (for example, siffarmak, ganirsiz, komarga, shungumak, etc.) are also used in the speech of some people.

When talking about the arguments of a beautiful speech, it is necessary to talk about the activity of speech. Thus, the communication that occurs on the basis of internal language factors and the sequence required by it is sometimes disrupted in speech activity. Disorders of speech activity are related to the structural and functional nature of language units. For example, there is a series of vowels from open to closed (mouth, game, pasture) or, conversely, from closed to open


(edge, loop, far), as well as a series of vowels of different sexes (gashov, flame).

2. Foreign words and expressions should not be used unnecessarily to ensure the purity of speech. Much has been written and said about this in the scientific literature.

In some cases, speakers "decorate" their speech in public with difficult-to-pronounce terms whose semantics are not very clear to the majority. In many cases, what the speaker says is not clear to the audience, and the point is not clear.

Due to the fact that the texts are loaded with such foreign terms, there is a complication in both oral and written speech (in the language of the media, textbooks, scientific articles).

The inclusion of some foreign words in the Azerbaijani language, and even their use in mass writings and conversations, is controversial in terms of speech culture. For example, bifurcation, restepization, developmentalism, synergism, accumulation, etc.

There is also instability in the use of some foreign (Russian and European) words and terms in speech. For example, in our opinion, there is no need to use the word "publicist" in the Azerbaijani language.

A certain principle must be observed in the use of foreign words. Each word has a phonetic and graphic shell. When a word is taken, each language obeys its own phonetic and graphic laws, but even in this case, it is necessary to preserve the etymological features of each foreign word as much as possible. There are languages that have phonetic and graphic similarities. Others differ in both sound and graphics. In the first case, the words are easier to adapt, and in the second case, more serious difficulties arise. Difficulties in the use of foreign words of European origin, on the one hand, come from the original, while others arise from the fact that the sound structure of the intermediate languages is very different from the sound structure of the Azerbaijani language.

The tongue, like a sea, loves purity. In the language in which foreign words are included, they both become pure and lose their purity. For example, in recent years, the meaning, status, turn, support, first, event, sufficiency, private, important, explanatory, varied, etc., used in both oral and written speech of our language from Turkish. words can be considered successful. Azerbaijanis use these words successfully.

However, along with such words, the words "pressure", "plane", "happy", "responsible", "tomorrow" and so on are used in Turkish, which spoil the speech. The use of such words in the press is rightly opposed.

In the past, the refrigerator, pilesos (vacuum cleaner), glue (glue), krisha (roof), patalok (ceiling), polka (shelf), etc. Numerous foreign words violate its purity by being used orally. Speech is corrupted, damaging the purity of the tongue.

In addition to such household words, various territorial names (Shamakhinka instead of Shamakhi road, Shestoy 6th microdistrict, seaport-morvagzal, Semashka, Nasosni instead of Clinical Medical Center No. 1, etc.) are pronounced as they are. Of course, there is no need to use the Russian version in return.



At present, the Azerbaijani language is unable to maintain its purity in ordinary life. Cafe, restaurant, shop, etc. names are foreign. Names of English origin enter our lives and speech, make it difficult to communicate, and create problems in understanding the meaning of words and names. No matter how much advice and suggestions experts give on television, radio, and other print and electronic media, there is no practical result. Organizations of state importance are indifferent and negligent.

Such disrespect for the language and speech of the people should seriously concern each of us. Managers find it difficult to speak their native language in the true sense of the word, and when speaking on television, they grossly violate the laws of language, speech, and grammatical and stylistic norms. They mix Russian words with the words of our language and speak in a ridiculous language. The great leader Heydar Aliyev, who recommended mastering, learning and loving our language, could not allow our people to "leave the world without knowing this language": "I repeat, if in the past some people did not need it, but now there is a need! Sit down, hire a teacher, learn this language. After all, how long will it be before you leave the world without knowing this language? "(16, p. 257).

Thus, the use of foreign words and terms can be considered correct only if its semantics are understood by the majority of the people, and on the other hand, the equivalent of the word and term, ie the equivalent, is not in our language.

1. One of the negative defects that corrupts speech and destroys its purity is the introduction of vulgar words into speech. Words that damage the purity of speech include "thing," "thing," "what is the name?" The speaker uses the same words when the speaker is unable to complete the speech. In particular, the word "somewhere" has become a "decoration" of the speech of young people. Let's look at some examples:

- Somewhere, I explained it myself;

- Somewhere, it's yesterday's conversation;

- Somewhere, the fault is in him and so on. (from the conversation).

There is no need to use the word "somewhere" in this sentence construction.

When you forget something you say, "What's your name?" works. For example:

- They knocked on my slave's door, I knew those people, ... what is their name? (A. Valiyev).

Of course, such words and expressions corrupt speech, cause inconsistencies, incoherence, annoy the audience, tire, weaken the impression, and so on.

In the process of communication, the purity of cultural speech is "in question" in the moment of humiliation and insult. Swearing lowers speech. For example, consider the following dialogue:

- No one bleeds, how many times have I told you to turn off the water!

- It is a bloodless name (from conversation).

Such a situation can be encountered in both colloquial language and fiction. It is, of course, rude to include an insulting, degrading expression in such words, and the cultural level is extremely low.

Thus, from all angles, the purity of speech is, in some cases, "overshadowed." Let each of us work and use this beautiful wealth (language and speech) meaningfully, understand our thoughts and ideas in a clean and clear way, and protect the purity of our beautiful, majestic, powerful mother tongue - the Azerbaijani language. It is the sacred duty of every intellectual to keep alive our language, which has stood the test of time and pass it on to future generations.


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