FEATURES RELATIONSHIP OF THE MAIN COMPONENTS OF THE ECONOMY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Manufacturing / commodity / economy / active economic activity / passive economic activity / hidden economic activity / rentier

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Soliyeva N.M.

This article examines the features of the relationship between the main components of the economy.

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Soliyeva N.M. master's student Namangan State University Uzbekistan, Namangan



Abstract: This article examines the features of the relationship between the main components of the economy.

Key words: Manufacturing, commodity, economy, active economic activity, passive economic activity, hidden economic activity, rentier.

The production of vital goods, acting as a means of realizing economic goals, requires the coordinated activity of all components of the economy. In contrast to the animal, man does not relate to nature passively - adaptively, but actively -transforming. The way a person relates to the outside world is very specific and consists in its transformation and submission to human goals. Everything that a person has is taken from nature. Outside of human activity, this wealth is nothing more than potential. According to its content, activity is the production of material and spiritual benefits, forms of communication between people, transformation of conditions and relations of social activity, the development of the abilities, knowledge and skills of the person himself. Human economic activity is a fairly broad category. Denoting human activity for the production and sale of life benefits, it means making a profit, regardless of its results.

Economic activity includes entrepreneurial, financial, intermediary, trust management of property, the granting of certain rights by one person to another, or the acceptance by one person to another of obligations regarding specific actions on a reimbursable basis. On this basis, distinguish between: active, passive and hidden economic activity. Passive economic activity is associated with the transfer of property and funds on a reimbursable basis to the temporary possession, use or disposal of one person to another person. At the same time, the transfer of ownership of this property or its part, subsequent alienation is not allowed, if such a transfer does not relate to financial activities and does not give rise to additional obligations of the person receiving this property, not related to the intended use and safety of the transferred property. Passive economic activities include: placement of funds in banks, transfer of property for lease or trust management, purchase or sale of shares of a business company or a share in the authorized capital of another economic entity, all transactions with securities, as well as the sale of property owned by the seller , or owned by the seller of copyright or other similar rights.

The most general definition of passive economic activity is the possibility of obtaining rent. Rentier as a way of life is an example of passive economic activity.

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Active economic activity is an activity that is not, in accordance with the definition, passive economic activity. This includes any activity of a legal or natural person directly related to the production of material goods. Latent economic activity -commercial transactions carried out illegally by households, employees, investors and other business entities. It also includes legitimate commercial transactions, the proceeds of which are concealed or not reported to the tax authorities in the required manner.

The necessary components of economic activity are needs, resources, technologies and products. Needs are primary. Manifesting in need, they take a specific form in accordance with the cultural level and personality of the individual. All human actions are devoted to their satisfaction. Resources are a direct source of satisfaction. There is no generally accepted classification of resources. We can only point out that in a broad sense, resources are all that is spent on the production of goods and services. They are grouped according to their nature or the functions they perform into natural, primary, secondary, labor, informational, material, free, economic. Natural, or natural, resources - production resources available in nature in the form of land and land, water resources, air, minerals, forests, flora and fauna. The main types of natural resources are classified according to their origin (genesis), method of use, and exhaustion. By origin, mineral, biological, land, climatic, water, and forest resources are distinguished. By the way of use - used in material production: industry, agriculture, construction, transport, communications, etc., and in non-material production: science, education, health care, culture, etc. Exhaustible - exhaustible: renewable (land, biological, water) and non-renewable, or mineral (oil, ore, etc.); as well as practically inexhaustible (solar energy, internal heat, wind and water energy). Primary resources include elements of production entering the economic system from the outside.

They are often identified with factors of production. Secondary resources are represented by production and consumption waste, as well as by-products that, after appropriate processing, can be used in various industries as a valuable raw material. Labor resources - a part of the population of the country with a combination of physical and spiritual abilities that can take part in the labor process. Labor resources are divided into active and potential. Active people include all those directly employed in the national economy, and potential ones include students and people employed in the household.

Information resources cover the full potential of science, culture and education. They are an integral part of the national wealth. Most of them are renewable and can be replicated. Material resources are represented by objects of labor. Basically, these are raw materials, basic and auxiliary materials, fuels and lubricants, semi-finished products, work in progress, production waste, spare parts of machines intended for equipment repair, containers and container materials. Free resources exist in excess, i.e. available in sufficient quantities in a given economic system, with a given mode of production. Economic resources are a set of resources used in economic activity: fixed assets, intangible assets, cash and other values used

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to generate profit. A common property of resources is the potential for participation in production. Resources are limited at any given moment. And therefore, the main task of society is their best distribution. The huge volumes of natural resources involved in modern human activity have exacerbated the problems of their rational use. In foreign economic science, it is believed that economic justice is one of the immanent features of a modern capitalist economy, the principle of price formation for resources in accordance with their productivity ensures justice. For example, high productivity of an employee is ensured by high wages, high productivity of capital - by interest, entrepreneurial ability - by profit, etc. In fact, resource prices, although they are the main factor determining monetary income, should not be forgotten that the influence of monopolies on their size is still quite large. In addition, inequality between business entities is a serious problem. Each participant in the economic process has a specific goal: the manufacturer is to maximize profits based on the results of production activities, the consumer is to maximize utility from acquiring the necessary living goods, society is to maximize the satisfaction of the needs of all its members. On this basis, an expedient need arises for the optimal organization of production, which consists in the effectiveness of all actions of all members of society. Optimality is the best way of economic behavior, economic actions. The choice of the best option out of the many possible is an optimization process, i.e. bringing the economic system to the best possible condition.


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