Koblanova Jibek
Karakalpak state university Uzbekistan, Nukus
Abstract. This article considers the semantics of zoocomponent idioms used in our language. Animal idioms in the language are used in the figurative description of various human conditions. The names of animals in the animal idioms are compared in a symbolic way.
Key words: phraseology, zoonim, zoophraseological, semantics, symbol, and folklore.
Nature and man are inseparable parts. So they are interrelated. Linguistics has a close relationship with almost all sciences, including natural. The reason for this is that language, the object of study of linguistics plays a major role in the emergence of other sciences.
Since humanity appeared, gained during his experience, the difficulties, the traditions and customs are preserved in oral folk literature of the question. In particular, this is evident in the phraseology, which are considered a great treasure of our language.
Idioms - figurative language, for centuries, created by our wise and eloquent folk.
In connection with the rapid development of linguistics, idioms were also comprehensively studied. Currently, the main task is the study of phraseological units with linguaetical aspect, through the comparing line between the languages, comparing similarities and peculiarities with the cultural aspect, the study not of the direct meanings of idioms but figurative and pragmatic values.
Idioms related to flora and fauna indicates a direct relationship of humankind with nature. On this basis, zoocomponent idioms have the kind of property using various comparisons to describe some negative qualities of a person, starting with the naivety up to tricks. In turn, this article is dedicated to the study of the semantics and characteristics of the animal idioms. Along with the animalistic, the article makes use of synonymous terms as zooidioms and zoocomponent idioms. Phraseological combinations are the source, reflecting the peculiarities, way of life, traditions and customs, culture and psychology of each nation. it is necessary to study the internal construction of phraseological units , that is, what components they consist , and also be guided by the opinions of scientists. For example R. A.Avakov gives the following classification:
1 Somantic idioms associated with the anatomical names and actions of man;
1 Zoo mo rplis or animalistic idioms used in connection with the animal world;
1 Phitonimic idioms related to the plant world (flora);
J Mesurative idioms denoting units of measurement (meteorology);
J Numerical (numerative) idioms;
J Symbolic idioms denoting appearance, characteristic and quality;
J Phraseological units with the meaning praise or curse ;
J Mythical and religious idioms;
1 Idioms related to historical events and famous personalities;
1 Phraseological units with the meaning of greetings and farewells;
In general, in the linguistics of turkic languages the analysis of the names of cloven-hoofed animals in the works of A. M. Scherbak, E. V. Sevortyan, G. N. Potanin, A. I. Levshin, N. I.Ilmenskogo, V. V. Radlov, A. I. Dobromyslova, A. E. Alektorov. In one of the turkic languages , in kazakh language the positive and negative images of animals studied by scientists as Arginbaeva H., A.Toleubaev, A. Toktabaev [2], and in the Uzbek language - A. E. Mamatov [3].
Zoonyms in the composition of phraseological units is considered a phenomenon peculiar to every language. Zoonyms are widely studied not only in biology , zoology, but also in linguistics. On this occasion, M. T. jubanishkizi puts forward this opinion: "Animal names are used in a figurative sense, and it can be seen that the activity of mankind was closely linked with the animal world "[4]. In the artistic language zoonyms are used as symbolic means of description.
Despite the use of the names of the animals in the composition of phraseological units we can divide them into domestic, wild, reptiles and birds.
In the Turkic peoples, when it comes to hoofed animals in the first place, refers to sheep, camels and cows. Among domesticated animals, whose name is often used in the composition of zooidioms is a horse. In the science hyponym in onomastics studies the horse. For example: 1. Садагац кетейин батырымыздьщ бир кемиси, -жылцы минез адам [6, 5]; 2. Себеби, басшыларьщыз орыслардан бенде туттьщ деп ат шыгарыуы тийис, -деди ол мийыгынан ^лди [6, 11]; 3. Мине, сейтип куудалаган байгусыц тек жумысты емес, дуньяны босатып берип-ак кетти-го. Не кылды, жылцыц тауга шыцты ма? [7, 16]; 4. Х,эр кайсысыныц арасы бир-биринен ат шаптырым, базылары мезгиллик жол [6, 72].
In the first example «жылцы минез» has the meaning avaricious, the proud, the idiom is given directly on the basis of negative qualities, and in the second and third examples «ат шыгарыуы» has the value become known, famous; «жылцысы тауга шыгыу» has meaning to be happy, to be content and express emotional attitude of the author towards the hero. «Ат шаптырым» has the meaning far way, a long distance and is maturational phrase of degree.
In our language the words ат, жылцы, бийи, тай, гунан, тулпар form one synonymic row. However, even if they are synonyms, in connection with stylistic features; they can not fully replace each other.
In fact, the horse , many nomadic peoples, including the Karakalpaks , considered one of the hardiest animals for movement. Therefore, usually keep safe this animal. In the epics the horse is referred to as grace and faithful friend of men.
Lexeme horse in some phrases originally had a direct value, and then get a figurative meaning. For example idioms such as атца шыццан means dear, nice; ат кейнине салыу - torment; атца минди - to raise the rank, title; ат цуйрыгын кести - offending; аттан тYспеди - arrogance; ат терлетти - to overcome a long way; ат басындай - big , huge; denote qualities and actions of a person.
Lexeme sheep in the phraseological units has a meaning of naive, scattered. For example: Каракалпак елинде цой Y^um торгай жумалап, ажайып жаксылык болып атыргандай тYЙилди [6, 332]; -Мен каракалпакларды мемин, цой аузынан шоп алмас жууас халык дейтугын едим [6, 433]; Ендиги жагына бир цойдыц омириндей емирим калгандур, буннан былай да хеш кимниц пышыгына пыш, тауыгына тет демейин [6, 24]; Ханныц езин кергенде, цасцыр корген цозыдай, катынек суупыныц колтыгына тыгылды [6, 310].
In the examples above «цой y^u^ торгай жумалау»^as the meaning peace ; «цой аузынан шоп алмау» - naive, selfless ; «бир койдыц омириндей» - short time ; «цасцыр корген цозыдай» - to be afraid .
In addition, in our nation there are proverbs, which are very often referred to sheep:
Накыл кайдан шыгады ой болмаса,
Кийиз кайдан шыгады, кой болмаса.
Аш адамга сыйырдыц шакы да жумсак
Ток адамга кой гешиде катты.
Етпеген мийнет адамнан,
Корадагы кой артык [5].
Phraseological units with the component of camel: «тYйени тYги менен жутыу» shall have the meaning greedy, gluttony; «тYйеден постын таслагандай» — in a hurry, suddenly; «тYйениц цурыгы жерге тийгенде» — nonsense, an impossible thought; «тYйениц y^u^ ийт цабыу» — poor. For example: Бурын жагдайыма карап суйык етип геже ишетугын едим, енди тYйени тYги менен жутаман [7, 38]. -Турмыска шыктыц ба? - деди бир уакта Шазада тYйеден постын таслагандай етип [7, 8].
The donkey is the animal served the common people of carrying the load. Currently serves to transport firewood in the countryside. Almost all idioms connected with these animals in the karakalpak language have a negative value. Not without reason people about the hard work of the donkey say: «уарамнан ешеги, уадалдан тауыгы». There is phraseology «ешеги жоргаламау», «ешеги CYрнигиу» — to be unsuccessful; «ешекке айткандай» — dull, stupid; «ешекке терис мингизиу» — snitch; «ешекке ясыйын окыгандай болыу» — to waste words ; «ешек кылып миниу» — to torment .
The dog - by karakalpaks is considered one of the seven wonders and one of twelve years in the horoscope. Despite the fact that the dog is a faithful friend of man, there are a lot of phraseological units with the component of the dog with the values of the negative qualities . For example: Ийт азабы - has mening very complex ; Ийт азабын бериу - to torture ; Ийт эуере— care, vanity; Ийт болды - to torture; Ийт емген - shameless, rude; Ийтине дейин биледиnown etc..
Phraseological combinations are the source, reflecting the peculiarities, way of life, traditions and customs, culture and psychology of each nation. So, the use of animal names in the above idioms suggests that idioms depict the life of the people, their social level, culture and psychology, they also enrich the vocabulary of the language. Such phraseological units confirm the fact that nature and man are closely interrelated.
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