FEATURES OF THE USING ARTICLES IN ENGLISH Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
article / English language / history / features / sentence

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Djumaniyozova E.

In this article highlights importance articles in the sentence and features of the use of articles in English.

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Текст научной работы на тему «FEATURES OF THE USING ARTICLES IN ENGLISH»


1. Witt N.B. the Factor of emotionality in learning a foreign language //Foreign languages in non-special faculties. -M:, 1971, -P. 124.

2. Sinkevich G. S. Song at the English lesson // foreign languages at school - 2002. - № 1. - P. 50-54.


UDC 808.5

Djumaniyozova E.


Tashkent architecture -construction Institute


Annotation: In this article highlights importance articles in the sentence and features of the use of articles in English.

Key words: article, English language, history, features, sentence.

In English, almost all nouns are associated with articles. Therefore, on the basis of this fact, even in the early grammar there was such a thought that the article is as such an "indicator" of a noun. Articles are mainly used to specify nouns. Articles are very common in English grammar. They are important not only for English speakers, but also for those who are just starting to learn English. That is why, you need a complete picture for everyone, what is at stake. If we turn to the grammar of the early period, we can see statements that the article was an adjective. This concept was expressed around the XVI century.

Many also believed that the article came from the adjective. Also, it was assumed that the article is a particle, then followed by the fact that it performs the properties of a noun, and also expressed that the article acts as a determinant. There were many points of view and concepts of different grammarians, so it affected the interpretation of the article. The most correct and convincing concept says that the article is considered as an independent word, a certain official part of speech. And about the function of the article we can say that it allows you to define a noun.

English originates from the V century. Already in written literature, which has reached us around VII-VIII centuries ad appeared inscriptions with the articular form of the word. For some time, this form was formed, and by the advent of the new England period became an independent official part of speech, which is not only accompanies the noun, but also forms it. For example, The ifs and the buts. Thus, the "objectification" of the noun is increasingly growing thanks to a certain article in the English language. Despite this, the very notion of certainty and uncertainty needs to be clarified. Since the object itself cannot be uncertain, otherwise it will cease to be what it really is. On the formation of articles, we can say that their history is mysterious. For example, the indefinite article "a/an" is formed from the numeral one, and refers objects to the class and genus in General,

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without distinguishing them. Thus, the indefinite article a/an denotes individual words, generalizes them and refers to a certain class.

The indefinite article begins its development a little later than the definite one. His appearance dates back to about X-XIV, and finally completes its formation only in the middle English period. As mentioned earlier, the indefinite article came from the numeral "one", and had the meaning of "some, some".

In X-XI significantly increases the use of indefinite article "an" with nouns. The main semantic function of the indefinite article was, and remains to this day -the classification to any class. Throughout the XIII Century there is a separation of the indefinite article from the numerals. And in the same period the alternation of articles "a/an"is fixed. The semantic function of the definite article "the". It distinguishes an object, makes it definite and singular, and at the same time can be used in the plural.

A certain article in the English language appeared in the pre-written era. The pronoun "se" was its source. Originally, "se" was the only demonstrative pronoun. Then, on its basis there is another demonstrative pronoun "thes". For a long time these two demonstrative pronouns were opposed to each other: "se" — meaning "that, far", and "thes" — meaning "this, close". But, despite the fact that the "thes" were more new, as appeared later, "se", the most common use of the demonstrative pronoun, has long been the "se". Of the entire system of forms of the demonstrative pronoun "se" in the middle English period, as a result of various phonetic and morphological changes, only the forms "the" and "that"remain. And, in the end, as a form of a certain article is fixed "the". Thus, we can conclude that the appointment of an indefinite article, is to be noted in the General released, and the definite article is to stress the importance of the private in released. The article and its existence is noted in the grammar of many European languages.

For example, in German, Belgian, French and others. And also, it is preserved in the Greek language. The semantic functions of the article in the above languages are the same, but the grammatical functions are different. For example, in German articles vary in case, gender and numbers. And in English articles do not change in cases, numbers and genera.

English articles - immediate assistants. Each of them has its place where it is necessary. Therefore, to know all their essence, and understand which of the articles is necessary in a given situation, you need to know their nature, to understand why the English language cannot exist without them and why they exist. So, the article is a function word in a grammar of the English language. It explains the noun, and is placed directly in front of it. The article is intended to Express uncertainty and certainty. Certainty means that the object is individual, stands out from all the others, and uncertainty, respectively, is a more General representation of this type of objects as a whole. There are three types of articles in English: definite(the), indefinite(a/an) and zero(zero).

As a service part of speech, the article performs four main functions: communicative, syntactic, morphological and semantic. The choice of article depends on the specific speech situation. The indefinite article a/an is used with

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countable nouns, and only in the singular. In speech is used when the subject is mentioned for the first time, or not all interlocutors know what it is about. The definite article is derived from the word "this" and is used with different nouns. Used in such cases, when the subject or event, already known to the interlocutor, when it comes to the only thing in the world subject, when the noun is an ordinal number, or when the noun is an adjective in the superlative, when talking about a certain amount of matter, as well as when it comes to the names of mountain ranges, rivers, seas, deserts, Islands, cinemas, theaters, etc., when the noun are words such as one of, some of, many of, most of, both of,etc.; when we talk about the names of the four sides of the world and also before the name in the plural(with the designation of all family members). The article is considered to be zero, that is, absent, in the case of generalization, in expressions with its own noun in the possessive case, before the names of States, countries, continents, streets, lakes, before abstract nouns, before the names and surnames of people, in some combinations of a noun with a preposition, when the whole combination has the character of an adverb.

Thus, the study of historical grammar and modern, leads to the conclusion that even modern grammar is unstable forever, and at any time can be introduced any changes. In the modern era, there are still trends in the development of language grammar, which in one or another part of the development cause small, almost imperceptible changes. But all these small changes, taken together, in the future will create significant changes and differences from the current state, which will undoubtedly lead to the emergence of a new era of language.


1. Mironets Yu. History of doctrines about the article in the grammatics of the English language. Abstract of the thesis for the degree of candidate of philological Sciences. L.,1969.

2. Reiman, E. A., English article. An.USSR,1988.

3. Ilyish B. A. History of the English language. "Higher school", 1968. Kolpakchi M. A. Friendly meetings with the English language. L., 1975.

UDK 808.5

Djurayeva F.Sh.



ISLAM KARIMOV Uzbekistan, Tashkent city


Annotation: In this article highlights of role of English language in the world life and ways to study it.

Key words: English language, study, knowledge, status, society life, trade.

Today, English is one of the dominant languages of the world. However, not always fluency in English was considered necessary knowledge. The world status

"MnpoBaH HayKa" №3(24) 2019 science-j.com

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