FEATURES OF THE REGIONAL AND ECO-NOMIC POLICY OF RUSSIA Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Zelezinskii A.L., Arhipova O.V., Hodos D.V., Fedorova A.V.

Regional economic policy as part of the overall socio-economic policy of the country is important for the development not only of the regions, but also for the sustainable and stable development of the country, ensuring a high-quality standard of living of the population. The well-being of the country as a whole and its population in particular depends on the economic development of each district.

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УДК 338.23

A.L. Zelezinskii, O.V. Arhipova, D.V. Hodos, A.V. Fedorova


Regional economic policy as part of the overall socio-economic policy of the country is important for the development not only of the regions, but also for the sustainable and stable development of the country, ensuring a high-quality standard of living of the population. The well-being of the country as a whole and its population in particular depends on the economic development of each district.

Keywords: region, regional and economic policy, socio-economic development, state policy, stand-ard of living, regional programs.

А.Л.Зелезинский1, О.В. Архипова2, Д.В. Ходос3, А.В. Фёдорова4



Региональная экономическая политика как часть общей социально-экономической политики страны имеет важное значение для развития не только регионов, но и для устойчивого и стабильного развития страны, обеспечения качественного уровня жизни населения. От экономического развития каждого района зависит благополучие страны в целом и её населения в частности.

Ключевые слова: регион, регионально-экономическая политика, социально-экономическое развитие, государственная политика, уровень жизни, региональные программы.

DOI: 10.36807/2411-7269-2021-4-27-93-99

In modern economic conditions with significant uncertainty and market fluctuations, the direction of regional economic policy is of great importance for the stabilization and development of the country.

Regional economic policy is a part of the general socio-economic policy of the country, generalizing its regional aspects. It is aimed at using and developing favorable factors, overcoming negative trends to achieve common strategic goals and objectives of socio-economic development of the country. Regional economic policy is the foundation of the economic integrity of the state, contributes to the development of society.

1 Зелезинский А.Л., доцент кафедры менеджмента и маркетинга, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент; ФГБОУ ВО "Санкт-Петербургский государственный технологический институт (технический университет)", г Санкт-Петербург

Zelezinskii A.L., Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Marketing, PhD in Pedagogics, Associate Professor; Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Saint-Petersburg State Institute of Technology (Technical University)", Saint-Petersburg

E-mail: uchposob@yandex.ru

2 Архипова О.В., профессор кафедры гостиничного и ресторанного бизнеса, доктор философских наук, доцент; ФГБОУ ВО "Санкт-Петербургский государственный экономический университет", г. Санкт-Петербург

Arhipova O.V., Professor of the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business, Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor; Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics", Saint-Petersburg

E-mail: olva@list.ru

3 Ходос Д.В., профессор кафедры экономики и организации производства, доктор экономических наук, доцент; ФГБОУ ВО "Санкт-Петербургский государственный технологический институт (технический университет)", г. Санкт-Петербург

Hodos D.V., Professor of the Department of Economics and Organization of Production, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor; Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Saint-Petersburg State Institute of Technology (Technical University)", Saint-Petersburg

E-mail: hodos1@rambler.ru

4 Фёдорова А.В., магистрант кафедры менеджмента и маркетинга; ФГБОУ ВО "Санкт-Петербургский государственный технологический институт (технический университет)", г. Санкт-Петербург

Fedorova A.V., Undergraduate of the Department of Management and Marketing; Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Saint-Petersburg State Institute of Technology (Technical University)", Saint-Petersburg

E-mail: angelinka-fedorova-2017@yandex.ru

Socio-economic development is a gradual and continuous improvement in the quality of life of people and can be aimed at solving the most important problems for a particular region, determining further development.

The relevance of the analysis of the peculiarities of Russia's regional economic policy lies in the need for sustainable and stable development of the country, ensuring the well-being of the population. The well-being of the country as a whole and its population in particular depends on the economic development of each region.

The region is the basic concept for the regional economy and management of the development of territories. This is a certain territory that differs from other territories in a number of ways and has integrity, interconnectedness of its natural and social components [1].

The analysis of the socio-economic development of the territory is one of the main methods of the regional economy. It is aimed at the study of the distribution of productive forces, the development of economic sectors and the study of the characteristics of each district. In fact, the regional economy studies the spatial aspect of social reproduction [2]. Special attention is paid to the interaction and interconnection within and between regions.

One of the directions of socio-economic development is to overcome differences, inequality in the standard of living of individual districts. Differences appear due to instability in the development of regions: recession, rising unemployment, serious environmental problems. All this requires a competent approach to solving problems and issues of regional development.

The analysis of the socio-economic development of the region implies the study of the following factors: economic and geographical location (EGL), natural resource, demographic, labor and production potential, production structure, social sphere and living conditions, mechanisms of functioning and management of the economy and others [3, p. 17].

Thus, the important components of the subject of regional economy:

• economy of individual regions;

• factors of regional development;

• placement of productive forces;

• economic ties between the districts;

• interaction of regions with each other;

• economic mechanism of regional policy;

• regional aspects of economic relations.

Methods of state regulation: administrative, economic, and legal.

Economic objectives of the state regional policy [4]:

• the possibility of self-sufficiency of districts, taking into account the interests of the country and internal priorities;

• expedient allocation of productive forces, realization of the advantages of territorial division of labor;

• creation of a new management system for the communal sector of the economy;

• attracting investments in the most developing types of activities;

• development of depressed regions;

• monitoring changes in general economic and social priorities;

• support for the development of regional markets and the consumer sector of the economy;

• creation of various types of special economic zones as a way to stimulate economic activity.

The main instruments of state regulation:

• organizational and administrative (regulation, licensing, registration, quotas,

prohibitions); transactions);

regulatory (norms, standards, tariffs);

monetary (discount rates, credit benefits, procedure for conducting currency

• fiscal (tax rates, tax benefits);

• customs (customs duties and benefits);

• financial (government orders, loans, grants, subsidies, subventions, compensations, investments);

• planned, indicative (forecasts, programs, concepts, strategies, etc.) [5].

The Ministry of Economic Development of Russia is engaged in the development of state policy and legal regulation in the field of socio-economic development of the subjects of the Russian Federation and municipalities [6]. Concepts, forecasts, strategies, programs for the

development of social and economic spheres, master plans of cities, territorial planning schemes are being developed in the regions. The purpose of these developments is to ensure the continuity of socio-economic policy by individual territories, reducing differences.

In 2001, the federal target program "Reduction of differences in the socio-economic development of the regions of the Russian Federation (2002-2010 and up to 2015)" was approved, the purpose of which was to reduce the gap in the main indicators of social and economic development [7]. This formed the conditions for the further development of the regions of the Russian Federation. Reducing differences in socio-economic development contributes to:

• creation of favorable conditions for the development of the domestic market;

• optimization of socio-economic transformations;

• strengthens the unity of the country, while the increase in differences complicates the implementation of a unified policy of socio-economic transformation.

Currently, the differences in the development of the subjects of the Russian Federation on the main socio-economic indicators are very strong (significant differences in the living conditions of the population of the center and the periphery). That is why the correct socio-economic development of each individual region is important.

A comprehensive assessment of the socio-economic development of federal districts is carried out according to the following main indicators:

• share of gross regional product per capita;

• average per capita financial security of the region;

• availability of fixed assets per capita;

• share of employees in small enterprises;

• the ratio of per capita income to the subsistence minimum;

• the share of the population with incomes below the subsistence minimum;

• the volume of investments in fixed assets;

• share of per capita retail turnover;

• paid services per capita;

• development of social infrastructure sectors;

• road density coefficient;

• indicators of registered unemployment and development of social infrastructure


Indicators of socio-economic efficiency of the region are presented in Table 1 [8].

Table 1 - Indicators of socio-economic efficiency of the region

Indicators of socio-economic efficiency of the region

Social efficiency Social and economic efficiency Economic efficiency

1. Population growth rate; 2. The coefficient of net population growth (the ratio of births to deaths); 3. The level of general unemployment, in % of the economically active population; 4. The population attributable on average, one hospital, people; 5. The population attributable on average one doctor, people; 6. The population attributable average of one hospital bed, people; 7. The population attributable on average, one clinic, people; 8. The coverage of preschool children with places in kindergartens; 9. The number of school-age children, on average per school, people; 10. The number of school-age children, on average per teacher, people; 11. The total area of residential premises, on average per inhabitant. 1. Average annual income per inhabitant of the region; 2. Average monthly remuneration of employees in the whole region; 3. Average monthly remuneration of public sector employees; 4. Average monthly salary of healthcare workers; 5. The share of the population with a monetary income below the subsistence minimum; 6. The growth rate of real monetary incomes of the population, %; 7. The growth rate of real wages per employee; 8. Increase in savings in deposits and securities; 9. Commissioning of the housing stock at the expense of the region. 1. The GDP growth rate of the region; 2. The growth rate of industrial production in the region; 3. The growth rate of gross agricultural output in the region, including: 3.1 Crop production 3.2 Animal Husbandry 4. Labor productivity growth rate including: 4.1 In industry 4.2 In agriculture 5. Capital return of fixed assets in manufacturing enterprises; 6. Capital return of fixed assets in agriculture; 7. Return on total capital of manufacturing enterprises; 8. Return on total capital of agricultural activities; 9. Return on total trading capital; 10. The degree of depreciation of fixed assets in the region.

In Table 1, the first column includes indicators reflecting quantitative changes in the state, structure and standard of living of the population of the region over a certain period. In the

second - indicators reflecting economic changes that have an impact on the standard of living of the population of the region. The third column contains indicators characterizing economic changes in the economic activity of the region. Indicators must be calculated in dynamics, determining the trend of their changes over certain periods.

To determine the development of the region, an assessment of the standard of living is also necessary. The standard of living should be expressed by comparing the available indicators with federal standards. The level and quality of life are determined by a mass of indicators. One of these indicators is the Human Development Index (HDI) formula 1.

HDI = Ile+Ied+lGDF (1)

3 w

where: Ite - life expectancy index;

Ied - education level index;

I GDP - GDP per capita [9].

All of the above indicators are sufficient for a full and comprehensive assessment of various aspects of the development of the region. This helps to identify the main difficulties and problems, to find ways to solve them quickly.

The criteria for determining the types of regions depending on the level of economic and social development of the subjects of the Russian Federation are presented in Table 2.

Table 2 - Criteria for determining the types of regions [10]

Type of region Criteria and intervals

Regions with a high level of development Higher than the average Russian level (coefficient more than 1)

Steadily developing regions 75-100 % (0,75-1)

"Stagnant" regions 50-75 % (0,75-0,5)

"Recessive" regions 25-50 % (0,5-0,25)

Regions with a low level of development Less than 25 % (less than 0,25)

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Based on official statistics, a study was conducted and a rating of the socio-economic situation of the regions was compiled (Figure 1) and the quality of life by the end of 2020 (Figure 2).

Thus, the subjects of the Russian Federation with a high level of development can be referred to as "effective": Moscow, St. Petersburg, the Komi and Tatarstan republics, Moscow, Leningrad, Lipetsk, Samara, Sverdlovsk regions and others.

101682 83.929

Figure 1 - Rating of the socio-economic situation of the regions for 2021 [11]

The "dominant" zone can be attributed to the subjects of the Russian Federation, which have levels of competitiveness close to the average Russian. These are regions that are steadi-

ly developing: the Republics of Bashkortostan, Chuvash, Sakha (Yakutia); Krasnodar, Stavropol, Altai, Krasnoyarsk, Primorsky, Khabarovsk Territories and others.

Figure 2 - Rating of the quality of life of the regions in 2020 [12]

The "unstable" regions are the subjects of the Russian Federation, which can move both to the above and below the typical groups of regions: Arkhangelsk, Bryansk, Kaliningrad, Murmansk, Orenburg, Pskov regions and others.

The "problematic" subjects of the Russian Federation with low assessments of the current state of the economy can be attributed: the republics of Adygea, Altai, Buryatia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Kalmykia and others.

Unstable, problematic and low-level regions need more support. Districts often do not have the resources to solve all the problems. To overcome them, a proper state regional policy is needed (priority is given to regions with a low level of development).

The development of the region's economy should be aimed at ensuring employment of the population, replenishing the budget as a source of realization of social rights of citizens, and improving the environmental situation. In poorly developed regions, the main priority of state support should be the further development of infrastructure, which is necessary to reduce the migration outflow of the population and the growth of the number of labor resources.

The Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation has identified 10 regions with a low level of socio-economic development (Figure 3). Individual development plans will be developed for these regions (increasing the level of economic activity, etc.).

Figure 3 - Individual plans for the development of territories in 2021 [13]

Expected results of the implementation of the state policy of regional development:

• reduction of differences in the level and quality of life of Russian citizens living in different regions, as well as in cities and rural areas;

• reduction of differences in the level of socio-economic development of regions;

• achieving the necessary level of infrastructural security of all populated areas;

• further development of the urbanization process as a necessary condition for increasing investment attractiveness and competitiveness in world markets;

• increasing the level of public satisfaction with the activities of public authorities


The most important direct regulator of territorial and economic processes are targeted programs for the economic development of regions. Each program is a coordinated and coordinated set of research, design, production, socio-economic, organizational and economic and other targeted measures implemented with the support of the state.

Regional programs are distinguished by a pronounced territorial aspect of content, the composition of participants, and sources of information.

The purpose of the regional programs is to implement the socio-economic policy of the development of districts with the support of the state. They are common, and their number is increasing.

Now regional programs in Russia are called upon to fulfill a new role as the most active form of direct regulation of the market economy.

The number of federal programs should be small. They are designed mainly either to support particularly problematic regions, or to create conditions for a "breakthrough" to regions that accelerate overall economic development.

In this regard, great importance is attached to the creation by federal agencies of special funds for regional development, the policy of subsidies (subventions) to enterprises, attracting private capital, state guarantees of targeted loans from commercial banks for specific facilities.

Choosing the right direction of regional policy involves the selection of programs. This requires a thorough study of each program problem, a comprehensive scientific justification of the feasibility of its solution.

Selection criteria [15]:

• priority of the problem - significance for the national economy and the region, connection with major structural transformations, increasing the efficiency of the economy and the standard of living of the population, ensuring environmental safety and rational use of natural resources;

• complexity and complexity of the problem - intersectoral and multidimensional nature, the presence of many participants in the solution and the need to coordinate their actions;

• the effectiveness of the problem - the fundamental novelty and progressiveness of technical, organizational and other program measures, the expected high results.

Program execution control implies the use of various performance indicators. Among them should be cross-cutting, allowing you to compare different programs with each other and with indicators for the country, as well as macroeconomic estimates.

Among the most important results of any program, it is necessary to take into account the impact on neighboring and other regions, ensuring national security and sustainable development of the country.

To apply each of the indicators, it is necessary to have a clear idea of which task of evaluating the program is being solved and how the solution is chosen. It should be adopted taking into account the values of all the most important indicators for it, the interests of the program participants and the state.

A number of programs have a meaningful concept that reflects in detail the current state and main problems of economic development, goals, objectives and federal significance of the program, investment strategy and scientific support.

The implementation of major regional development programs contributes to the development of the country and is aimed at the future. They can significantly change many aspects of the life of districts and even the whole state, but they require huge financial, labor, material and technical resources. Therefore, any large-scale program needs a strict scientific and design justification.

Conclusion. Russia's regional policy is aimed at supporting and stabilizing the socioeconomic condition and development of each region. There are various indicators to assess the level of efficiency of districts and mechanisms to stimulate it. Problematic and underdeveloped regions are becoming a priority of active state support. The most important direct regulator is targeted programs for the economic development of the regions. All programs are selected to determine their effectiveness and necessity for a specific territory.


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