FEATURES OF SOCIAL INTELLIGENCE OF HUMANITIES STUDENTS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социологические науки»

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Science and innovation
Ключевые слова
social intelligence / park significance / social talent / features and components of social intelligence.

Аннотация научной статьи по социологическим наукам, автор научной работы — D. Muradullayeva

Theoretical concepts and approaches to the study of social intelligence are considered. Based on a review of modern domestic and foreign research, the features of social intelligence, its components and conditions of formation are described in detail

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Muradullayeva Dilbar Muxamadiyevna

Psychologist at Termez State University https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10667075

Abstract. Theoretical concepts and approaches to the study of social intelligence are considered. Based on a review of modern domestic and foreign research, the features of social intelligence, its components and conditions of formation are described in detail.

Keywords: social intelligence, park significance, social talent, features and components of social intelligence.

The assumption that intelligence is demonstrated not only in the effectiveness of solving test problems, but also in the ability to understand and evaluate the behavior of other people and oneself arose in psychology quite a long time ago.

This problem remains the most controversial and there is still no single definition of intelligence. Similar ambiguity is evident in social intelligence research.

Although more than 100 years have passed since Galton's first attempts to study intelligence, the state of affairs in the psychology of intelligence, as many researchers believe (G. Eysenck, M.A. Kholodnaya, etc.), is very unsatisfactory. Despite the presence of a huge number of definitions of intelligence and a number of fundamentally different interpretations, the problem of intelligence remains one of the most controversial and mysterious. On the one hand, the rigid reduction of intelligence to the performance of test tasks creates difficulties in understanding it. On the other hand, the boundaries of the concept of "intelligence" turned out to be extremely blurred, since under this concept one can subsume an almost infinite number of very different concepts.

Currently, the special attention of scientists to the study of social intelligence is due to the peculiarities of the development of the modern world. Many representatives of domestic and foreign psychology indicate a tendency to increase the number of marginal groups, which are characterized by a high level of social violations and general value disorientation. Scientists note that due to the low level of development of social intelligence, many young people are not capable of successful social interaction, as well as personal and professional self-actualization and self-realization.

Currently, the special attention of scientists to the study of social intelligence is due to the peculiarities of the development of the modern world. Many representatives of domestic and foreign psychology indicate a tendency to increase the number of marginal groups, which are characterized by a high level of social violations and general value disorientation. Scientists note that due to the low level of development of social intelligence, many young people are not capable of successful social interaction, as well as personal and professional self-actualization and self-realization. For example, American intelligence researchers have found that the high level of academic intelligence of university and college graduates does not correlate with their success in life. Indeed, there are cases where high academic performance does not at all guarantee success and high performance in professional activities. Conversely, a study of the biographies of many Russian and foreign prominent personalities who have achieved success in various professional

fields and earned public recognition shows that during their studies they had rather low academic performance (for example, American multimillionaire Donald Trump, Motorola founder Paul Galvin, tea magnate Thomas Lipton, Deputy Mayor of Moscow Vladimir Resin, actor Mikhail Mikhailovich Derzhavin and many others).

Thus, the study of social intelligence is an important theoretical task, the solution which would allow us to reveal its features, identify its components, describe the relationship of social intelligence and its components with individual psychological and socio-psychological personality traits.

The study of social intelligence is also valuable from the point of view of its practical significance and application in various areas of human life. Of course, social intelligence is an important factor in social development, which largely determines the level of personal, professional, and social potential of young people. It is young girls and boys who will have to independently determine their professional priorities, choose a life trajectory, recognize themselves as a member of society, understand themselves and their capabilities, along with an understanding of their place and purpose in life. This is a difficult moment of entering a new, "adult" life, when the peculiarities of the development of social intelligence are of particular importance as one of the leading factors determining a person's success, his social adaptability and the development of leadership qualities.

One of the leading experts in the field of social intelligence D.V. Ushakov identifies three main approaches to its definition: as social competence, as a personal trait and as an ability. The author, based on an analysis of existing concepts and his research, proposed his own way of integrating knowledge about social intelligence into the general theory of intelligence for several reasons. Firstly, in his opinion, social intelligence is a cognitive ability and, in general, is one of the types of intelligence and is subject to its general laws. He stated that social intelligence combines and regulates cognitive processes associated with the reflection of social objects (a person as a communication partner, a group of people).

Secondly, according to the scientist, the environmental conditions for the formation of social intelligence are largely determined by the communicative characteristics of people. This characteristic of social intelligence is the reason for its low correlations with other types of intelligence and the presence of connections with personal characteristics.

Thirdly, the characteristic features of social intelligence are given by the representative systems that form its basis: a combination of verbal and non-verbal representations.

D.V. Ushakov defines social intelligence as a phenomenon in which cognitive and affective components closely interact. From his point of view, social intelligence is the ability to understand social phenomena, which is only one of the components of social skills and competence, and does not exhaust them. Thus, social intelligence becomes on a par with other types of intelligence, forming together with them the ability for a higher type of cognitive activity - generalized and indirect.

For our research, interesting is the attempt of N.A. Kudryavtseva to correlate social intelligence and general intelligence. She identified an integrative indicator of intellectual potential, which was designated as "unity of intelligence." According to the author, the indicator captures the balance of development of different aspects of intelligence, namely: general intelligence - the ability to solve problems at the subject-object level, social intelligence - the ability to solve problems at the subject-subject level, reflection.

Thus, in the work of N.A. Kudryavtsev understands social intelligence as the ability for rational, mental operations, the object of which is the processes of interpersonal interaction, and an important component of social intelligence is a person's self-esteem.

An attempt to analyze the features of social intelligence was made in her work by Russian researcher E.S. Sautina. Having studied the works of N.A. Aminova, M.V. Molokanova, M.I. Bobneva, Yu.N. Emelyanova, V.N. Kunitsina (specialists in communicative competence), she makes a number of interesting conclusions about social intelligence. In particular, it says that social intelligence is a cognitive component of an individual's communicative abilities and is a set of certain individual-personal properties of a person, which are manifested in the ability to form an attitude towards oneself, predict the results of one's activities, understand one's behavior and the behavior of others, as well as in successful social adaptation.

The work of V.N. Kunitsina seems important for understanding the characteristics of social intelligence. The author identified four main aspects of social intelligence:

- communicative-personal potential: a set of properties that facilitate or hinder communication, on the basis of which integral communicative properties such as psychological contact and communicative compatibility are formed;

- social perception, social thinking, social imagination: the ability to understand and model social phenomena, understand people and the motives of their behavior;

- characteristics of self-awareness - a sense of self-respect, freedom from complexes, prejudices, suppressed impulses, openness to new ideas;

- energy characteristics: mental and physical endurance, activity and exhaustion.

A.I. Savenkova describes such criteria of social intelligence as cognitive, emotional and behavioral. He classifies social knowledge as cognitive - knowledge about people, knowledge of special rules, understanding of other people; social memory - memory for names, faces; social intuition - assessment of feelings, determination of mood, understanding of the motives of other people's actions, the ability to adequately perceive observed behavior within the social context; social forecasting - formulating plans for one's own actions, tracking one's development, reflecting on one's own development and assessing unused alternative opportunities.

Emotional criteria, according to A.I. Savenkova, is social expressiveness - emotional expressiveness, emotional sensitivity, emotional control; empathy - the ability to enter into the position of other people, to put oneself in the place of another; the ability to self-regulate - the ability to regulate one's own emotions and one's own mood.

Behavioral criteria are social perception - the ability to listen to the interlocutor, understanding of humor; social interaction - the ability and willingness to work together, the ability for collective interaction and the highest type of this interaction - collective creativity; social adaptation - the ability to explain and convince others, the ability to get along with other people, openness in relationships with others.

I.V. Ivenskikh writes that social talent reaches sufficient development in the period of early youth, when communication and social interaction are no longer leading and professional development and self-determination take their place. At this age, young people begin to actively express themselves in activities. According to the author, the effectiveness of activity at this stage of age development is associated with the abilities of the individual. I.V. Ivenskikh also argues that nowadays social talent is most clearly manifested in the activities of a manager. In connection with this assumption, he talks about such components of social giftedness as social intelligence,

creativity, communicative and organizational abilities, social motivation and managerial properties of the individual. The result of the formation of social giftedness, in his opinion, is sociocommunicative competence.

Currently, a fairly large number of studies and publications are devoted to the problem of social intelligence, however, despite this, we can safely say that modern psychology continues to feel the need to study this issue. S.V. Shcherbakov points out that issues related to the relationship between general cognitive abilities, psychometric and social intelligence remain insufficiently studied. And in psychology there are still no clear boundaries between social intelligence and such concepts as psychometric intelligence, practical intelligence, social and communicative competence, and wisdom.

A review of modern domestic and foreign works devoted to the study of social intelligence made it possible to identify the main approaches to this phenomenon and get acquainted with the features of social intelligence and its components.

In our opinion, social intelligence is manifested in the ability to form an attitude towards oneself (self-esteem), predict the results of one's own activities, understand one's behavior and the behavior of others, and effectively realize one's potential in various spheres of life.

During the empirical study, the hypothesis that there are significant differences in the manifestation of social intelligence among students studying in the humanities and non-humanities was not confirmed. However, differences were identified in the relationships between indicators of social intelligence and individual psychological characteristics of personality and characteristics of self-awareness among students studying in different specialties. The presence of such differences once again confirms the relevance and practical significance of the study, which lies in the possibility of introducing its results into the practice of professional training and education of specialists in various fields. The patterns identified in the work will contribute to the development of various trainings and programs (including correctional and adaptation), taking into account the specific characteristics and difficulties of students of various specialties.


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