Научная статья на тему 'The social Intellegence as the important component of social competence for the students of the pedagogical University'

The social Intellegence as the important component of social competence for the students of the pedagogical University Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Sharov S.

The article analyzes the features of social intelligence, which is an integral part of future teachers' social competence. Social intelligence is embodied in the ability to understand oneself and others with appropriate respond to the received information. The development of social intelligence in the students of pedagogical universities will help in the professional activity to form a close connection between teacher and students, facilitate the transfer of social experience, prepare young people for adulthood. The types of emotional intelligence, which is an integral part of social intelligence, are analyzed.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The social Intellegence as the important component of social competence for the students of the pedagogical University»



Sharov S.

PhD of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate professor of the Department of Ukrainian and foreign literature, Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University, Melitopol, Ukraine

ORCID: 0000-0001-5732-9980


The article analyzes the features of social intelligence, which is an integral part of future teachers' social competence. Social intelligence is embodied in the ability to understand oneself and others with appropriate respond to the received information. The development of social intelligence in the students of pedagogical universities will help in the professional activity to form a close connection between teacher and students, facilitate the transfer of social experience, prepare young people for adulthood. The types of emotional intelligence, which is an integral part of social intelligence, are analyzed.

Keywords: social competence, social intelligence, emotional intelligence, students of pedagogical university, future teachers.

The formation of a harmonious personality with quick adaptation and learning abilities throughout life becomes relevant in the context of social, political and economic changes. In these conditions, it's very important to improve "soft skill", in particular communicative and social competences. Future specialists with their developed ability for communication and social interaction can effectively carry out educational activities, constructively communicate with teachers, classmates and administration of the institution.

The development of social competence is an important factor in teachers' professional development according to specific nature of teaching. Also, the teacher should understand the students, take into account their emotional state, and adequately respond to their behavior while communicating with students. Social intelligence, which is an integral part of social competence and responsible for effective interaction with others based on the analysis of their behavior.

The study of social and emotional intelligences is devoted to a considerable number of foreign scientists' works such as (P. Salovey, J. Mayer, S. Luthar, E. Zigler, S. Mavroveli). P. Marquez, R. Martin, M. Brackett researched students' emotional intelligence. Among domestic scientists these issues were proposed by O. Helever, S. Sytnik, L. Liakhovets (social intelligence of future psychologists), O. Kotykova (social intelligence of future lawyers), N. Alokhina (social intelligence of pharmacy specialists), S. Kozhushko (social intelligence future specialists in commercial activity), K. Lukianova (social intellect of the future social educator), etc. The study of emotional intelligence is carried out in the writings of E. Nosenko, T. Povovoi and other scientists. At the same time, attention should be paid to the features of social and emotional intelligence as one of the most important components of future teachers' social competence.

Nowadays there is a tendency to reform the content of education in accordance with current conditions. They include the introduction of innovative educational methods [6, p. 210], information and communication

technologies in the educational process, taking into account the experience of leading foreign paradigms of education, the introduction of competent and personality-oriented approaches in the training of modern specialists. At the same time, the effectiveness of educational activities often depends on the quality of interaction of all participants in the educational process. It is especially important for the interaction between the teacher and the students, who, under the present conditions, must be partners within the educational process [13, p. 262], to interact with each other to solve their educational tasks.

Social competence is responsible for the constructive interaction of the individual, in particular students of the pedagogical university, with other people, society and community. It can be seen as a complex ability of a person who has an internal structure and effective interaction with the environment. Socially developed personality has academic success, personal success, prosocial behavior [12, p. 353], and other positive qualities.

It should be noted that social competence is one of the components in the professional training of a modern specialist, where he or she interacts with other people (teacher, psychologist, lawyer, journalist, etc.). In addition to advanced communication skills and qualified professional training, representatives of such professions must understand, evaluate, and respond appropriately to their own behavior, as well as to take into account the behavior of others. This ability is responsible for social intelligence, which is a structural unit of social competence.

Social intelligence can be seen as the ability to resolve conflicts, to anticipate possible barriers to communication, to adequately assess communication partners, to understand oneself, one's own behavior and other people's behavior [10, p. 202]; adaptation to changing social conditions; correct assessment of the situation [3, p. 129]; crisis and stress management related to interpersonal interaction [5, p. 53].

It should be noted that there are various definitions of social intelligence in modern literature, namely:

- a complex dynamic personality structure that determines the effectiveness of predicting the interpersonal relationships course, the ability to understand other people and the relationship between them, understanding himself or herself [5, p. 56];

- integral intellectual ability to recognize social reality [3, p. 130];

- multicomponent characterization of personality, which determines the effectiveness of social relations and social adaptation [1, p. 11].

The analysis of the above concepts allows us to highlight common moments in definitions and form our own interpretation of social intelligence. We usually understand the system of intellectual abilities by social intelligence, which allows the individual to understand themselves and other people, to predict their behavior, to form possible ways of adequate response according to the situation.

The level of social intelligence development influences such qualities of personality as self-confidence, ability to influence other people, self-esteem, creativity, moral attitudes, ability to self-regulation [8, p. 354]. People with high levels of social intelligence successfully predict people's behavior, interact with them, they are friendly and have many friends [14]. At the same time, the lowest level of social intelligence leads to the emergence of such qualities as shyness, internal conflict, loneliness, isolation from other people, even aggression [8, p. 354]. A person with a low level of social intelligence has difficulties in understanding and predicting people, it can be characterized by a low level of social adaptation [14].

Consequently, social intelligence is a necessary component of their vocational training for representatives including their communicative professions, which are characterized by high intensity of professional interaction with different categories of people [3, p. 128].

In our opinion, the high level of future teachers' social intelligence is a condition for successful implementation of social and pedagogical activities in the future work. Students of pedagogical university must be able to adapt successfully and interact effectively with each other. They must have high-level communication competence to ensure quality communication [2, p. 72]. During training and production practices, they must master the ability to empathize, to understand other people, to take an individualized approach for solving their tasks, to treat students as a full-fledged personality that has its own characteristics.

Social competence and social intelligence are closely related to the concept of emotional intelligence, which implies the ability to understand one's own emotions and those of others.

Foreign scientists P. Salovey and J. Mayer define emotional intelligence as the ability of the individual to understand their own and others' feelings and emotions, to analyze them, to be able to control their thoughts and actions on the basis of the obtained information [11, p. 187]. In the research of domestic scientists, social intelligence is defined as the ability of the individual to make differentiation between positive and negative feelings, control their emotions, their manifestation in accordance with the situation [1, p. 11]; recognizing

and controlling one's own and others' emotions to achieve vital purposes [9, p. 65].

According to E. Nosenko, a person with emotional intelligence has the following abilities:

- awareness of one's own emotions is the main ability that is the part of the structure of emotional intelligence. According to the author, it is better to cope with the expressed and clear emotions;

- emotion regulation, which implies a transition from a state of anxiety to a state of rest;

- adjusting one's own emotions for a certain activity, ability to self-control;

- understanding of other people's emotions, often realized in the form of empathy;

- friendly relations with others [7, p. 103].

Studies of P. Marquez and R. Martin R. show that

students with high levels of emotional intelligence have high performance and prosocial behavior [4, p. 118]. On the other hand, emotional ignorance can lead to interpersonal conflicts, cases of depression and cruelty [9, p. 65].

We believe that the development of emotional intelligence in the context of the students' social competence development is necessary in pedagogical university. This can be done through appropriate training, educational work with students, integration into the teaching of the humanities profile of technologies to assess their own emotions, feelings, as well as emotions of other people. Such systematic work will allow students to develop emotional and value orientations towards themselves, their environment, and society as a whole.

Therefore, modern specialists, in particular students of pedagogical universities, should carry out educational activities qualitatively and interact constructively with the environment. Social competence helps effectively interact with others to solve socially important tasks. Social competence includes social intelligence, which provides the understanding of oneself and others including the formation of adequate behavior on this basis. Emotional intelligence, which involves understanding one's own and other's emotions and feelings, also plays an important role in constructive interaction.


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Акылбаев М.И.,

Региональный социально - инновационный университет, к.т.н., доцент

Кенжебекова Р.И., Международный университет Silkway, к.п.н., профессор

Казыбаева К.,

Региональный социально - инновационный университет, к.п.н.

Абдижалелов Е.К.

Региональный социально - инновационный университет, магистрант



Akylbayev M.,

Regional social innovation University, Ph.D., associate Professor

Kenzhebekova R., Silkway international University, Ph.D., Professor

Kazybaeva K.,

Regional social innovation University, Ph.D.

Abdujalilov E.

Regional social innovation University, master's degree


Цель исследования состоит в разработке целостной функционально полной системы методических основ формировования и развития информационно - образовательной среды ВУЗа в условиях использования информационных и телекоммуникационных технологий. Abstract

The aim of the study is to develop a complete functional system of methodological foundations for the formation and development of information and educational environment of the University in terms of using information and telecommunication technologies.

Ключевые слова: Исследования, управление, организация, технология, компьютер, устройства, аудитория, вычесительная техника, разработка, учебный процесс.

Keyword: Research, management, organization, technology, computer, devices, audience, computing technology, development, educational process.

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