Научная статья на тему 'Features of mobile buildings by operating times'

Features of mobile buildings by operating times Текст научной статьи по специальности «Медицинские технологии»

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Аннотация научной статьи по медицинским технологиям, автор научной работы — Nogaibayeva Anara, Samoilov Konstantin Ivanovich

The operating life of mobile buildings determines the uniqueness of their material and structural solutions and the specifics of furniture. However, all these characteristics are in unity with the general concept of transformability and mobility.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Features of mobile buildings by operating times»

9. Sustainability. [Electronic resource] // Academician, 2000-2016. URL: http://dic.academic.ru/searchan.php?SWord=ycTOHHHBOCTL&from=xx&to=ru&did=&stype/ (date of access: 02.12.2019).

10. Esaulov G.V. Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Architecture as Development Vectors / [Electronic Resource]. URL: https://www.abok.ru/for_spec/articles.php?nid=6165/ (date of access: 02.12.2019).

11. «The Green Encyclopedia». [Electronic Resource]. URL: http:///greenevolution.ru/enc/wiki/zelenye-texnologii/ (date of access: 02.12.2019).


'Nogaibayeva Anara — Bachelor of Arts (Architecture), post graduate Student;

2Samoilov Konstantin Ivanovich — Doctor of sciences (Architecture), Professor, ARCHITECTURE DEPARTMENT, SATBAYEV UNIVERSITY, ALMATY, REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN

Abstract: the operating life of mobile buildings determines the uniqueness of their material and structural solutions and the specifics of furniture. However, all these characteristics are in unity with the general concept of transformability and mobility.

Keywords: mobile housing, operational characteristics, types of mobile buildings.

Depending on the term of operation, all mobile buildings can be divided into four types: Type A (duration of operation in one place up to 1 month); Type B (duration from 1 month to 1 year); Type B (duration from 1 year to 5 years); Type G (duration more than 5 years). That is, types A, B, C are mobile buildings, structures and complexes; Type G - prefabricated.

Objects of mobile architecture with a duration of operation in one place up to ' month (type A). The need to use mobile objects of this type is due to the territorial dispersion of various elements (sections) of the rapid response complex and the mobile nature of the functional and technological processes served. Examples of objects of type A mobile architecture are, for example, a residential unit for specialists of various specialties, a mobile laboratory or medical center, and auxiliary facilities. Functional groups of blocks - inventory shower room, for example, with solar heating, various mobile repair shops for the repair of construction equipment, mobile concrete mixing stations; mobile manufacturing facilities.

The architectural and spatial organization of the functional group of type A blocks should provide a high degree of spatial integration of planning elements. This is achieved by the integrated relative position of the blocks included in it. With this solution, both the compactness of the architectural and spatial organization and the speed and convenience of transferring functional groups of blocks from the transport position to the operational one is ensured [2].

Objects of mobile architecture with a duration of use in one place of 1 year (type B). The need for the use of mobile objects of type B is due to the longer use of objects in one place than type A. Examples of mobile objects of type B are: - mobile units - folding UKS units (universal cable system), seasonal warehouses of tent structures, mobile fuel distribution stations, multi-purpose units; - functional groups of blocks -collapsible warehouses from pneumatic structures, bath-laundries, collapsible residential groups, track mobile blocks, high-performance mobile workshops; mobile complexes - residential settlements, mortar-concrete stations. In the non-operational period, the dismantled object or part of the object can have a different nature of use: a mobile object or a dismantled part of the object is relocated to another site with extreme conditions and used there, preserving the functional purpose and, of course, without changing the architectural and spatial structure; a mobile object or a dismantled part of a mobile object is relocated to the base and repaired, preserved there. Speaking about the nature of the architectural and spatial organization of objects of type B mobile architecture, it should be noted that in order to increase the efficiency of functioning of these objects, it is necessary to ensure the possibility of their round-the-clock variant use at various production sites. The architectural and spatial organization of a type B mobile unit should be oriented towards the implementation of a complete functional-technological process in it. This will, if necessary, isolate it from the group of blocks and use it as an independent object or as an element in another group of blocks. Such an approach to the architectural and spatial organization of type B mobile units will provide the possibility of their multifunctional use. This is achieved by using multi-purpose, universal blocks. The functional-spatial organization of a group of blocks of type B mobile architecture should ensure the possibility of easy

partitioning into separate functional blocks, should allow the possibility of regrouping, increasing or decreasing the number of blocks when changing the requirements and operating conditions.

On the whole, the functional-spatial structure of the complexes of mobile architecture, in which there are compatible and incompatible zones, is rationally formed by sequentially placing them on the general plan. This provides the opportunity to put the complex into operation in bursts throughout the year. The architectural and spatial organization of mobile complexes with the sequential arrangement of their functional zones facilitates the placement of complexes along transport communications, along the boundaries of the territories of zones with extreme conditions, and also facilitates the organization of flow functional and technological processes in them [3].

Mobile objects with a duration of operation from 1 year to 5 years (type B). The need for the use of mobile facilities for long-term operation in one place is due to territorial-production, urban, social transformations taking place during the development of the industrial complex of the construction industry and the related need to adapt the material and technical base (construction fund) to changing conditions. Accordingly, the main property of architectural objects of this type is transformability over a relatively long period (from 1 year to 5 years) of operation in one place.

The fast-built buildings and complexes (type G). A characteristic feature of this type of building is the long-term operation of facilities in one place (more than 5 years). The main characteristic of this type of building is the speed of construction, and not the possibility of dismantling. After a specified period of operation, it is possible to change the function of the object, or its partial reconstruction. Examples include buildings, structures, and complexes of lightweight prefabricated structures. The nature of the spatial organization of type B mobile objects is significantly affected by the duration of their operation in one place (up to 5 years). In view of this, the approach to architectural and spatial organization in one place is close to the organization of pre-fabricated objects of type G. The areas of the rooms enclosed in the mobile architecture blocks of type B and type G correspond to the standards established for similar stationary objects, as a result of which the architectural and spatial organization of these blocks is focused on carrying out part of the functional-technical process in them, i.e. to create an open functional spatial structure open for connection with other blocks. These are workshops for the production of reinforced concrete products, fittings, plumbing blanks, metal structures, maintenance workshops, warehouses, etc. The architectural and spatial structure of the functional group of blocks of type B and type G should assume a stable connection pattern for a long time and should provide the possibility of combining the internal functional space of several open blocks or the possibility of transformation within their unsupported space. The long-term nature of the functioning of type B mobile architecture complexes or prefabricated type G complexes necessitates the use of a wider range of planning elements, which entails the need to establish significant gaps between separate zones that are spatially incompatible and require planning isolation. That is, the architectural and planning organization of mobile complexes of type B and prefabricated type G should be oriented towards a looser planning structure, which also contributes to their organic integration into a specific subject-spatial environment [4].

In accordance with the features of the organization of functional-technological processes in mobile and pre-fabricated structurally-planning blocks, the following blocks are allocated: with a large extended space; large equilateral space; small space. Following the principle of tectonic veracity and structural expressiveness of mobile blocks allows us to offer the basic planning types of architectural and construction systems of these blocks, conventionally called "span", "hall", "cell" [4].

In youth expeditionary residential complexes, due to the specifics of organizing and operating such a dwelling, the influence of technological progress and the development of a trend towards the integrated use of household items, devices, equipment and media, their compactness and miniature size, the dimensions of the equipment should be minimized to the optimum. Determination of the optimal parameters should be carried out taking into account anthropometric and ergonomic data, the nature and type of the functional process, which allows you to select exactly those anthropometric measurements that are decisive (for example, height, if the height of the doorway is set, or leg length when determining the size of equipment with foot levers and etc.) [3].

In a modern dwelling, certain types of equipment correspond to identified groups of functional processes. Physiological processes (sleep, washing, eating, etc.) are the most stable. Both the content of the process and the method of its implementation remain virtually unchanged, as they are associated with the physical characteristics of a person. The parameters of storage containers take the most diverse form and vary in size depending on the objects for which they are intended. In determining the parameters of the functional zone, in addition to the optimal set of equipment and its dimensions, the establishment of comfortable values of free space inside the functional zone is of no small importance (for ease of operation when using equipment, for organizing a free approach to all items of equipment and capacity). Therefore, the characteristic anthropometric dimensions of the human body are taken into account to determine both the dimensions of objects and equipment, and the size of the passages


between them, the area around the equipment necessary for its proper operation, etc. Based on generally accepted anthropometry data in our country, the overall dimensions of the equipment and functional areas of residential premises (with various types of furniture used) [6].

Taking into account the time-spending model and the structure of functional processes in expedition-type youth residential complexes allows us to determine the main compatible functions of a dwelling: sleep, storage of personal belongings, interests, studies. In addition, containers for storing outer clothing, hats, shoes can be placed in the living room, although it is advisable to transfer such functions to the primary group of people in the common areas of the living room. The listed functional processes require a certain space for their implementation. In expeditionary-type facilities, in order to save living space in accordance with the above requirements, you can use a sleeping place as a seat (when storing bedding in a special container and when covering the bed mattress with decorative fabric, durable and easy to clean), as well as arrange bunk beds As a result, the height of the lower tier should be equal to the height of the seat (i.e. 42-45 cm), and the plane of the second tier should be at a height of 155-160 cm. [7]. To compensate for the uniformity in the regimes of work and rest under expeditionary conditions, the design of the furniture should contribute to the universality of its use at the discretion of the residents, which conditions the use of transforming and sectional furniture. In a mobile home, in order to increase the free area of the day zone, it is possible to use transforming (folding) beds, which frees up additional space for activities and relaxation and improves the functional qualities of the room without increasing the norm of the living area. The reduction in the area is due to the fact that there is no need for a bedside table, as the clothes are fastened with straps to the bed. In this case, the conditions for cleaning the premises are also improved [8].

A differentiated analysis of the norm of living space of a mobile home according to the options for a set of functional processes carried out in a residential building, and by the type of equipment and furniture used, as well as depending on the number of living people, confirmed the above trend and, in addition, gives empirical indicators of the standard area per person for each version of the furniture and equipment used. In this regard, the assessment of the functional-spatial organization of a mobile home should be determined by the target function of the home - providing conditions for the implementation of a certain set of processes of the social group of people. This situation characterizes the need to create a comfortable mobile home (living environment for the optimal satisfaction of people's needs) as a necessary condition for stabilizing the population in areas of new development [8].


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