FEATURES OF MIGRATION POLICY IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Andreeva Alisa Alekseevna, Ezhova Viktoriia Sergeevna, Koziy Maria Andreevna

Migration processes affect many socio-economic aspects. Migration is a complex phenomenon that requires a detailed study depending on the goals and objectives of the researcher. This article discusses the statistics of Rosstat on migration flows, as well as a general description: information about migrants arriving in Russia, migration policy, reasons for migration from Russia to other countries. Adaptation and integration of migrants in the Concept of state migration policy: characteristics of the main areas of legal regulation. Also described is a Concept developed for 2019-2020 that will take into account many characteristics of migrants, including age, professional qualities, cultural, national, and other characteristics. In addition to the above, possible actions to improve the integration process of migrants are considered. Recommendations are given that will facilitate the successful adaptation of migrants.

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12.Выстпуление министра иносранных дел Республики Узбекистан А.Камилова на XXI планерном заседании Сената Олий Мажлиса (г.Ташкент, 24 августа 2019г.) https://mfa.uz/ru/about/speech/2020/03/23749/

13.Тезисы К выступлению зам.министра иностранных дел Республики Узбекистан И.неъматова на втором планерном заседании Сената Олий Мажлиса (28 февраля 2020г., г.Ташкент)


14.Э. Арипов. Путь к миру в Афганистане: основные этапы и перспективы 27/Май/2020 https://dunyo.info/ru/site/inner/puty_k_miru_v_afgani stane_osnovnie_etapi_i_perspektivi-jGt

14.Д.Курбанов, Региональная политика Узбекистана: приоритеты и достижения. 23.01.2020 http://jаshonnews.uz/ru/

15.А.Кадыров. Ключевые приоритеты внешней политики обновленного Узбекистана /Июль/2020 https://dunyo.info/ru/site/inner/klyuchevi e_prioriteti_vneshney_politiki_obnovlennogo_uzbekis tana-y3b.

М.Узаков, Новая многосторонняя дипломатия Узбекистана: сотрудничество во благо мира и стабильности 09/Март/2020

https://dunyo.info/ru/site/inner/novaya_mnogostoronn yaya_diplomatiya_uzbekistana_sotrudnichestvo_vo_b lago_mira_i_stabilynosti-8SG

С.Жураев. Феномен региональной дипломатии Узбекистана //Правда Востока .14 апреля. 2020 года. №76.


Andreeva Alisa Alekseevna

Student of Saint Petersburg state University,

Saint Petersburg Ezhova Viktoriia Sergeevna Student of Saint Petersburg state University,

Saint Petersburg Koziy Maria Andreevna Student of Saint Petersburg state University,

Saint Petersburg

Андреева Алиса Алексеевна

Студент Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета,

г. Санкт-Петербург Ежова Виктория Сергеевна


Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета,

г. Санкт-Петербург Козий Мария Андреевна


Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета,

г. Санкт-Петербург


Миграционные процессы оказывают влияние на множество социально-экономических аспектов. Миграция - это сложное явление, которое требует детального изучения в зависимости от целей и задач исследователя. В данной статье рассматриваются статистические данные Росстата о миграционных потоках, а также общая характеристика: сведения о мигрантах, прибывающих в Россию, миграционная политика, причины миграционного перемещения из России в другие страны. Адаптация и интеграция мигрантов в Концепции государственной миграционной политики: характеристика основных направлений правового регулирования. Также описана Концепция, разработанная на 2019-2020 гг., которая будет учитывать множество характеристик мигрантов, в том числе возраст, профессиональные качества, культурные, национальные и другие характеристики. Помимо вышесказанного рассматриваются возможные действия для улучшения процесса интеграции мигрантов. Даются рекомендации, которые поспособствуют прохождению успешной адаптации мигрантов.


Migration processes affect many socio-economic aspects. Migration is a complex phenomenon that requires a detailed study depending on the goals and objectives of the researcher. This article discusses the statistics of Rosstat on migration flows, as well as a general description: information about migrants arriving in Russia, migration policy, reasons for migration from Russia to other countries. Adaptation and integration of migrants in the Concept of state migration policy: characteristics of the main areas of legal regulation. Also described is a Concept developed for 2019-2020 that will take into account many characteristics of migrants, including age, professional qualities, cultural, national, and other characteristics. In addition to the above, possible actions to

improve the integration process of migrants are considered. Recommendations are given that will facilitate the successful adaptation of migrants.

Ключевые слова: интеграция, поликультурное общество, миграция, политика социально-культурной адаптации, социальная защита, трудовая миграция.

Keywords: integration, multicultural society, migration, policy of social and cultural adaptation, social protection, work migration.

This article will describe the migration policy in the Russian Federation, the main changes in migration flows and stocks from 2008 to 2018, as well as some changes that have occurred in the process of developing a migration policy.

The main reason that people leave the country in search of work is primarily the search for livelihood. Russia has not stayed away from migration processes. The collapse of the USSR, the transition to market relations, economic and political changes, ethnic clashes and wars led to the fact that on the territory of Russia was in the mid-1990s, about three million refugees. These flows of refugees, primarily from the CIS and Baltic countries, do not stop at present. It is necessary to analyze recent statistics on migration flows, as well as consider changes in migration legislation.

According to statistics data of Rosstat (Federal State Statistics Service), between 2008 and 2018, immigration flows to the country doubled (from 2 215 945 in 2008 to 4 911 566 in 2018). Recent studies show that most immigrants come from Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Armenia, and Ukraine. It is worth noting that over the past few years, the number of immigrants from East Asian countries such as China or Vietnam has increased. Mostly immigrants eager to earn, study, or reunite with their families.

Russia's access to foreign labor markets presupposes the formation of a full-fledged, justified migration policy so the Federal migration program has been developed. The government has outlined measures to implement tasks in the field of migration policy of the country, primary of which are the regulation of migration flows, overcoming the negative consequences of spontaneously developing processes in this area, creating conditions for the unimpeded implementation of migrant's rights.

Since Russia is both a host and a destination in international migration, the development of Russian migration policy has to focus on the implementation of multi-purpose directions.

There are several reasons for the migration movement from Russia. The first reason is the search for better job opportunities, high salaries, and a high standard of living. The second reason is the migration for educational purposes. Unfortunately, statistics show that usually, students do not return home after graduation. The third reason is the family reunion. During the Soviet Union and after its collapse, many people emigrated abroad. Now, family reunification has continued in today's Russia.

In the area of labor imports, the most important tasks are: ensuring the protection of the national economy from the excessive influx of migrant workers from other countries; development of measures to

regulate quantitative and qualitative parameters of immigration flow; ensuring the rational use of incoming migrant workers in the economic and political interests of Russia.

In the field of labor exports, special attention is paid to the development of Russia's emigration policy: to improve the situation on the labour market by reducing unemployment; attracting foreign exchange earnings to the country through remittances of migrant workers from abroad; protection of the rights and support of Russian citizens working abroad; the acquisition of professions, entrepreneurial experience, and education by migrants.

In 2005-2017 in the Russian Federation there was an increase in the main indicators of population migration. The increase in the number of arrivals and departures was suspended only during the crisis years, continuing during the post-crisis recovery. Migration growth, defined as the difference between the number of arrivals and the number of departures, had positive values throughout the period under review.

Since 2007, the country has achieved and in the future, almost annually (except 2010) exceeded one of the targets defined By the concept of demographic policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025 — ensuring by 2016 the migration growth at the level of at least 200 thousand people annually. The choice of this target and the quantification of its value is based on the desire to use the mechanism of "replacement migration". The essence of this mechanism is to use migration growth to replace the natural loss of population as a result of a possible reduction in the birth rate.

In 2005-2017, the specific dynamics of the migration efficiency coefficient were observed: growth in 2007-2009 and decline in subsequent years.

In 2009, the migration growth was 247 thousand people, which is quite close to the value of the same indicator in 2017 (212 thousand people). The indicator of migration turnover in these years was 3728 and 9336 thousand people, respectively.

As for the direction of migration, internal migration is the main form of migration in terms of scale. The results of calculations of the results of population movement between the Federal districts of the Russian Federation for 2008-2016 demonstrate the impact of internal migration on the population change in the regions of Russia.

Migrants arriving in the three Federal districts were concentrated in separate regions of the Russian Federation. Thus, in 2016, 49.0% of internal migrants resettled in the Central Federal district arrived in Moscow and the Moscow region. 39.5% of internal migrants who arrived in the North-Western Federal district arrived in St. Petersburg, 43.3% of those who arrived in the southern Federal district arrived in

Krasnodar Krai. The most effective intercircular migration in 2008-2016 was for the Central Federal district, the least effective-for the North Caucasus Federal district.

External (interstate) migration also plays a significant role in the migration of the population in Russia, including ensuring the migration growth of the country's population.

According to Rosstat data on the volumes and directions of external (interstate) migration in 20072017, there was a fairly steady increase in the number of people arriving from foreign countries, except for the period of economic crisis, when the number of arrivals decreased. The growth of arrivals was mainly due to residents of the CIS countries, to a much lesser extent-due to migrants from other countries.

At the same time, in 2007-2017, there was an outflow of the population from Russia abroad — both to the CIS countries and to other States. The stability of Disposals in 2007-2011 (fluctuations in the range from 37 to 47 thousand people) was replaced by a sharp increase, which began in 2012 at 122.7 thousand people and continued until 2017 when the Disposals reached 377.1 thousand people. At the same time, the volume of Disposals to CIS countries and other countries has increased.

As of September 2013, there were 11.3 million foreign citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation at a time, as of January 2015 — 10.9 million, the vast majority are citizens of Ukraine and the CIS of working age. In the 2010s, this figure was stable. According to 2013 data, every year 1.5 million migrant workers work in Russia on legal grounds, about million-receive patents to work for individuals, about 2.5 million-work illegally. Also, about 700 thousand foreigners annually receive Russian citizenship, residence permit or temporary residence permit. In 2013, the number of legal and illegal foreign labor migrants in Russia was about 7 million people. The leading countries-suppliers of migrants in Russia are Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, and Moldova.

Areas in which migrants work: construction, agriculture, services. Most foreign workers are low skilled workers. In fact, there were 21% of authorized highly skilled workers, mainly from Europe. Another significant proportion of migrants are foreign students. Most of the enrolled students are from countries of the former USSR, including Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Ukraine in 2008. In recent years, the number of students from China and Vietnam has increased.

As for the migration policy regarding foreign workers, the laws are not as strict as in the European Union. Besides, there are simplified rules for the CIS countries, and citizens of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Belarus are allowed to work in Russia without permission. In addition, Russia is friendly to tourist flows, and legislation changes quite often, especially in relation to tourist cities such as St. Petersburg.

Further consider the tasks for the adaptation of migrants, which were already set in the first Concept of the State Migration Policy of the Russian Federation in

2012. The project provided for the creation of conditions for the adaptation and integration of migrants; ensuring access for foreign citizens and members of their families to social, medical, and educational services; counteracting social exclusion of migrants, spatial segregation.

For 2012-2017, an adjustment was made to the rules for foreign citizens to engage in labor activities in the Russian Federation;

- simplified the rules for admission to Russian citizenship of foreign citizens who are native speakers of the Russian language and graduates of Russian educational organizations;

- differentiated requirements have been introduced for the level of knowledge of the Russian language, history and the fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation necessary for foreign citizens to work in the Russian Federation and obtain a temporary residence permit and residence permit;

- developed approaches to social and cultural adaptation in the format of state-public partnership, with the participation of public and educational organizations, cultural and sports institutions.

The new concept for 2019-2020 refers to the formation of institutions and mechanisms of social and cultural adaptation of foreign citizens, taking into account their age, professional, national, cultural, and other features. As noted in the new Concept, it is important to maintain the openness of the Russian Federation for those foreign citizens who do not associate their future with it and do not intend to fully integrate into Russian society but consider Russia as a country with favorable conditions to satisfy their economic, social and cultural needs, comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, carefully respect its environment and natural resources, material and cultural values.

The sociological studies revealed problems that impede the integration of migrants with the local population. The process of social integration and adaptation of migrants is an important issue for migrants. In this problem, attention should be paid to the constant comprehensive interaction with representatives of various departments to help foreign workers familiarize themselves with the social, demographic, economic, cultural, religious, and political life of a particular region. It is also necessary to carry out various activities aimed at increasing the degree of information and legal protection of migrant workers and their families. In general, for successful social integration, adaptation, and acculturation, an adaptation mechanism should be constructed at the highest legislative level with a clearly defined socio-cultural orientation and focus on the formation in the society of a new culture of relations with migrants and the elimination of contradictions.


1.Rosstat website: https://www.gks.ru/

2.Voronina N.A. Legislation on adaptation and integration of migrants in Russian Federation: tendencies of development // Vestnik of St. Petersburg

University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. - 2019. - № 3 (83) - P. 63-82

3.Andrichenko L.V., Plyugina I.V. Migration legislation of the Russian Federation: development trends and application practice: monograph. - Moscow: IZISP: Norm: Infra-M, 2019. - P. 392

4.Korsakov K.V. Social integration, adaptation, and acculturation of migrant workers as one of the

УДК 364.6

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urgent problems of labor migration in Russia. - 2017. -№ 2 (27) - P. 31-39

5.Zavialov A.V. State Regulation of Migrants Social Adaptation: Current Issues. Faculty of Public Administration, Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov (Moscow). - 2019. - № 72 - P. 143-164


Ходжаян Анна Борисовна

Проректор по учебной деятельности, доктор мед. наук, профессор кафедры биологии ФГБОУ ВО «Ставропольский государственный медицинский университет» Минздрава России,

г.Ставрополь, Иволга Татьяна Ивановна

канд. мед. наук, доцент кафедры оториноларингологии, пластической хирургии с курсом ДПО ФГБОУ ВО «Ставропольский государственный медицинский университет» Минздрава России,

г.Ставрополь, Бруснева Валерия Владимировна канд. мед наук, доцент кафедры экономики и социальной работы ФГБОУ ВО «Ставропольский государственный медицинский университет» Минздрава России,

г. Ставрополь,

DOI: 10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2020.6.76.939


Статья посвящена проблеме личностных изменений специалистов социальной сферы в процессе выполнения профессиональной деятельности. Представлены результаты анкетирования специалистов ГБУСО «Краевой центр социального обслуживания граждан пожилого возраста и инвалидов» по оценке особенностей проявления синдрома эмоционального выгорания. Профессиональная деятельность специалистов социальной сферы приводит как к позитивным, так и к негативным изменениям профессиональной деятельности. С одной стороны, для работников социальной сферы характеры повышенный уровень тревожности и беспокойства, эмоциональные и психологические нагрузки, стрессы, низкая оплата труда, негативизм со стороны клиентов, непонимание важности их профессиональной деятельности, высокая степень ответственности. А с другой - их отличают активная жизненная позиция, социальный оптимизм, гармоничное развитие физических и интеллектуальных способностей. Сделан вывод о необходимости внедрения технологий профилактики синдрома эмоционального выгорания сотрудников учреждения социального обслуживания.


The article is devoted to the problem of personal changes in social specialists in the process of performing professional activities. The results of a questionnaire survey of specialists from the Regional Center for Social Services for Elderly and Disabled Citizens on the assessment of the characteristics of the manifestation of emotional burnout syndrome are presented. The professional activity of specialists in the social sphere leads to both positive and negative changes in professional activity. On the one hand, social workers are characterized by an increased level of anxiety and anxiety, emotional and psychological stress, stress, low wages, negativism on the part of clients, a lack of understanding of the importance of their professional activities, and a high degree of responsibility. On the other hand, they are distinguished by active life position, social optimism, harmonious development of physical and intellectual abilities. It is concluded that it is necessary to introduce technologies for the prevention of burnout syndrome for employees of a social service institution.

Ключевые слова: специалисты социальной сферы, профессиональная деятельность, эмоциональное выгорание, профессиональные деформации.

Keywords: social specialists, professional activities, emotional burnout, professional deformations.

Профессиональная деятельность специалистов учреждений социальной сферы связана с целым рядом напряженных ситуаций. Сталкиваясь в ситуации общения и взаимодействия с большим количеством людей, с негативными эмоциональными переживаниями, вызванными

трудными жизненными ситуациями, специалист подсознательно вовлекается в негативные переживания и начитает испытывать повышенное эмоциональное напряжение [3].

На развитие негативных личностных проявлений оказывают влияние как объективные,

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