Научная статья на тему 'Features of management of development of rural social infrastructure'

Features of management of development of rural social infrastructure Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Erohina-berestovska Oksana Viktorіvna

У статті розглянуто особливості впливу держави на розвиток соціальної інфраструктури малого міста, з’ясовано причини, що обумовлюють необхідність державного регулювання соціальної інфраструктури. Причини, що обумовлюють необхідність державного регулювання щодо ряду галузей соціальної інфраструктури, приховані в самій природі цієї сфери. У галузях соціальної інфраструктури виробляються послуги та супутні товари, що є суспільним благом, які покликані задовольняти не тільки індивідуальні, але і суспільні потреби. Велика роль держави в регулюванні розвитку галузей соціальної інфраструктури пояснюється рішенням соціального завдання забезпечення нормальних умов життєдіяльності всіх членів суспільства. Держава спирається у своїй діяльності на соціально-орієнтований підхід, реалізуючи його в рамках системного соціально-економічного управління. Визначено найбільш загальні, характерні особливості галузей соціальної інфраструктури, розглядаючи їх як важливу специфічну складову частину соціальної сфери в цілому. Основними з них є: різноманітність видів послуг галузей соціальної інфраструктури, їх функціонального призначення і ступеня значущості для споживача; різний ступінь участі споживачів у процесі отримання послуг; різноманіття організаційних форм і методів обслуговування споживачів; дворівнева доступність послуг: індивідуальна і групова; різне поєднання державних і комерційних форм діяльності та господарювання; локальний характер діяльності суб'єктів господарювання, що діють у соціальній сфері; активний розвиток галузей і поява великої різноманітності нових видів послуг. Перераховані особливості соціальної інфраструктури в різному ступені взаємопов'язані між собою і існують в складних поєднаннях. Різноманітні комбінації їх взаємодії накладають істотний відбиток на всі сторони функціонування і розвитку як всієї інфраструктури в цілому, так і окремих її галузей. Крім того, всередині кожної галузі в силу специфіки соціальної сфери є свої відмінні риси, ознаки, властивості і особливості, що впливають на організацію її діяльності і можливість проведення внутрішніх перетворень.В статье рассмотрены особенности влияния государства на развитие социальной инфраструктуры малого города, выяснены причины, обусловливающие необходимость государственного регулирования социальной инфраструктуры. Причины, обусловливающие необходимость государственного регулирования в отношении ряда отраслей социальной инфраструктуры, скрыты в самой природе этой сферы. В отраслях социальной инфраструктуры производятся услуги и сопутствующие товары, является общественным благом, которые призваны удовлетворять не только индивидуальные, но и общественные потребности. Велика роль государства в регулировании развития отраслей социальной инфраструктуры объясняется решением социальной задачи обеспечения нормальных условий жизнедеятельности всех членов общества. Государство опирается в своей деятельности на социально-ориентированный подход, реализуя его в рамках системного социально-экономического управления. Определены наиболее общие, характерные особенности отраслей социальной инфраструктуры, рассматривая их как важную специфическую составную часть социальной сферы в целом. Основными из них являются: разнообразие видов услуг отраслей социальной инфраструктуры, их функционального назначения и степени значимости для потребителя; различная степень участия потребителей в процессе получения услуг; многообразие организационных форм и методов обслуживания потребителей; двухуровневая доступность услуг: индивидуальная и групповая; различное сочетание государственных и коммерческих форм деятельности и хозяйствования; локальный характер деятельности субъектов хозяйствования, действующих в социальной сфере; активное развитие отраслей и появление большого разнообразия новых видов услуг. Перечисленные особенности социальной инфраструктуры в разной степени взаимосвязаны между собой и существуют в сложных сочетаниях. Разнообразные комбинации их взаимодействия накладывают существенный отпечаток на все стороны функционирования и развития всей инфраструктуры в целом, так и отдельных ее отраслей. Кроме того, внутри каждой отрасли в силу специфики социальной сферы есть свои отличительные черты, признаки, свойства и особенности, влияющие на организацию ее деятельности и возможность проведения внутренних преобразований.The article deals with the features of the state influence on the development of social infrastructure of a small town, the reasons for the need for state regulation of social infrastructure. The reasons for the need for state regulation of a number of sectors of social infrastructure are hidden in the very nature of this sphere. Social infrastructure industries produce services and related goods, and are a public good designed to meet not only individual but also social needs. The great role of the state in regulating the development of social infrastructure is explained by the solution of the social problem ensuring normal living conditions for all members of society. The state relies on a socially-oriented approach in its activities, implementing it within the framework of systemic socio-economic management. The most General, characteristic features of social infrastructure sectors are defined, considering them as an important specific component of the social sphere as a whole. The main ones are: a variety of types of services of social infrastructure, their functional purpose and the degree of importance for the consumer; different degree of consumer participation in the process of obtaining services; variety of organizational forms and methods of customer service; two-level availability of services: individual and group; different combination of state and commercial forms of activity and management; the local nature of economic entities operating in the social sphere; the active development of industries and the emergence of a wide variety of new services. These features of the social infrastructure are interconnected to varying degrees and exist in complex combinations. Various combinations of their interaction have a significant impact on all aspects of the functioning and development of the infrastructure as a whole and its individual industries. In addition, within each industry due to the specifics of the social sphere has its own distinctive features, features, properties and features that affect the organization of its activities and the possibility of internal reforms

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Текст научной работы на тему «Features of management of development of rural social infrastructure»

UDC: 351.83

Serohina-Berestovska Oksana Viktorivna

Applicant for a degree of Department of Political Science and Philosophy, Kharkiv regional institute of Public Administration of National academy for Public administration under the President of Ukraine, 61057, Kharkiv, Bursatskyi uzviz, 4, tel.: (095) 572 20 91, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-1150-8921 Серьогта-Берестовська Оксана BiKmopieHa

здобувач кафедри полтологп та фто-софи, Хартвський регюнальний тсти-тут державного управлтня Нащональ-hoï академй державного управлтня при Прeзидeнтовi Украти, 61057, Хартв, Бурсацький узвiз, 4, тел.: (095) 572 20 91, е-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-1150-8921 Серегина-Берестовская Оксана Викторовна

соискатель кафедры политологии и философии, Харьковский региональный институт государственного управления Национальной академии государственного управления при Президенте Украины, 61057, Харьков, Бурсацкий спуск, 4, тел.: (095) 572 20 91, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-1150-8921 DOI https://doi.org/10.32689/2617-2224-2019-16-1-188-198


Annotation: The article deals with the features of the state influence on the development of social infrastructure of a small town, the reasons for the need for state regulation of social infrastructure. The reasons for the need for state regulation of a number of sectors of social infrastructure are hidden in the very nature of this sphere. Social infrastructure industries produce services and related goods, and are a public good designed to meet not only individual but also social needs. The great role of the state in regulating the development of social infrastructure is explained by the solution of the social problem — ensuring normal living conditions for all members of society. The state relies on a socially-oriented approach in its activities, implementing it within the framework of systemic socio-economic management.

The most General, characteristic features of social infrastructure sectors are defined, considering them as an important specific component of the social sphere

as a whole. The main ones are: a variety of types of services of social infrastructure, their functional purpose and the degree of importance for the consumer; different degree of consumer participation in the process of obtaining services; variety of organizational forms and methods of customer service; two-level availability of services: individual and group; different combination of state and commercial forms of activity and management; the local nature of economic entities operating in the social sphere; the active development of industries and the emergence of a wide variety of new services. These features of the social infrastructure are interconnected to varying degrees and exist in complex combinations. Various combinations of their interaction have a significant impact on all aspects of the functioning and development of the infrastructure as a whole and its individual industries. In addition, within each industry due to the specifics of the social sphere has its own distinctive features, features, properties and features that affect the organization of its activities and the possibility of internal reforms

Keywords: the state, governance, infrastructure, social infrastructure, management of the social infrastructure of the small city, the social infrastructure of the small city, the problem of control processes of creation of social infrastructure.



Анотащя. Розглянуто особливост впливу держави на розвиток сощально! шфраструктури малого мюта, а також причини, якими викликана необхщшсть у державному регулюванш сощально! шфраструктури. Причини необхщносл державного регулювання щодо ряду галузей сощально! шфраструктури приховаш в самш природi ще! сфери. У галузях сощально! шфраструктури виробляються послуги та супутш товари, що е сусшльним благом, як покликан задовольняти не тшьки шдивщуальш, але i сусшльш потреби. Велика роль держави в регулюванш розвитку галузей сощально! шфраструктури пояснюеться ршенням сощального завдання — забезпе-чення нормальних умов життедiяльностi вах члешв сустльства. Держава спираеться у сво!й дiяльностi на соцiально-орiентований шдхвд, реалiзуючи його в рамках системного соцiально-економiчного управлшня.

Визначено найбiльш загальнi характернi особливосп галузей соцiально'i iнфраструктури як важливо! специфiчноi' складово! соцiальноi' сфери в щ-лому. Основними з них е: рiзноманiтнiсть видiв послуг галузей сощально! шфраструктури, !х функцiонального призначення i ступеня значущосп для споживача; рiзний ступiнь участi споживачiв у процес отримання послуг; рiзноманiття оргашзащйних форм i методiв обслуговування споживачiв; дворiвнева доступнiсть послуг — шдивщуальна i групова; рiзне поеднання державних i комерщйних форм дiяльностi та господарювання; локальний характер дiяльностi суб'еклв господарювання, що дiють у сощальнш сферi; активний розвиток галузей i поява велико! рiзноманiтностi нових видiв послуг. Перелiченi особливостi сощально! шфраструктури в рiзному ступенi пов'язаш мiж собою й iснують у складних поеднаннях. Рiзноманiтнi комб^

наци 1х взаемоди накладають iстотний вiдбиток на всi сторони функцюну-вання i розвитку як вае'1 iнфраструктури в цiлому, так i окремих 11 галузей. Крiм того, всередиш кожно'1 галузi в силу специфши сощально'1 сфери е сво1 ввдмшш риси, ознаки, властивостi й особливосп, що впливають на оргашза-цш 11 дiяльностi i можливiсть проведення внутршшх перетворень.

Ключовi слова: держава, управлшня, iнфраструктура, соцiальна шфра-структура, управлшня сощальною iнфраструктурою малого мюта, об'екти сощально'1 iнфраструктури малого мкта, задачi управлiння процесами ство-рення сощально! iнфраструктури.


Аннотация. Рассмотрены особенности влияния государства на развитие социальной инфраструктуры малого города, а также причины, которыми вызвана необходимость государственного регулирования социальной инфраструктуры. Причины необходимости государственного регулирования в отношении ряда отраслей социальной инфраструктуры скрыты в самой природе этой сферы. В отраслях социальной инфраструктуры производятся услуги и сопутствующие товары, которые являются общественным благом и призваны удовлетворять не только индивидуальные, но и общественные потребности. Значительная роль государства в регулировании развития отраслей социальной инфраструктуры объясняется решением социальной задачи — обеспечение нормальных условий жизнедеятельности всех членов общества. Государство опирается в своей деятельности на социально-ориентированный подход, реализуя его в рамках системного социально-экономического управления.

Определены наиболее общие характерные особенности отраслей социальной инфраструктуры как важной специфической составной части социальной сферы в целом. Основными из них являются: разнообразие видов услуг отраслей социальной инфраструктуры, их функционального назначения и степени значимости для потребителя; различная степень участия потребителей в процессе получения услуг; многообразие организационных форм и методов обслуживания потребителей; двухуровневая доступность услуг — индивидуальная и групповая; различное сочетание государственных и коммерческих форм деятельности и хозяйствования; локальный характер деятельности субъектов хозяйствования, действующих в социальной сфере; активное развитие отраслей и появление большого разнообразия новых видов услуг. Перечисленные особенности социальной инфраструктуры в разной степени взаимосвязаны между собой и существуют в сложных сочетаниях. Разнообразные комбинации их взаимодействия накладывают существенный отпечаток на все стороны функционирования и развития всей инфраструктуры как в целом, так и отдельных ее отраслей. Кроме того, внутри каждой отрасли в силу специфики социальной сферы есть свои отличительные черты, признаки, свойства и

особенности, влияющие на организацию ее деятельности и возможность проведения внутренних преобразований.

Ключевые слова: государство, управление, инфраструктура, социальная инфраструктура, управление социальной инфраструктурой малого города, объекты социальной инфраструктуры малого города, задачи управления процессами создания социальной инфраструктуры.

Formulation of the problem. In the

last two decades, during the period of market reforms, there have been radical changes in this area, which have shown both positive and negative impacts on the social infrastructure of the cities, towns and villages.

In the area of providing goods, trade and catering there are positive developments. However, other spheres of the public life — education, health care, cultural institutions have experienced tremendous difficulties in their development. The transition of the social institutions from the balance of industrial enterprises to the shoulders of municipalities has been particularly badly affected by the social infrastructure where there were already financial difficulties. The acute shortage of the financial resources created enormous difficulties and problems for the development and improvement of the forms of service to the population of all forms of settlements, especially small cities. Market relations dictated the structural reorganization of the entire social sphere, which was perceived by the population as far from unambiguous. On the one hand, the emergence of new supermarkets, advanced equipment and equipment for consumer services, technical equipment of health facilities and cultural institutions are

positively perceived by the population, but the price level has made many goods and services unavailable for a significant part of the population. The obvious contradiction between the positive tendencies in the development of the social sphere and low solvency of the population, which resulted in the unclaimed of many services, including vital, in particular medical ones.

Analysis of recent research and publications. The problems of managing the development of the social infrastructure of a small city are researched in the works of both domestic and foreign scientists. Such scientists P. Byelyenky [4], O. Vasylyev [1], K. Halbright [2], R. Dyakov [3], C. Kyrychenko [7], L. Kovalska [9], M. Komarov [10], V. Krasovsky [8], S. Ishchuk [7], T. Kulinich [7], V. Krupin [7], O. Salivonchyk [9], S. Tkach [7], V. Tretyak [10], L. Chernyuk [11] and others have made a significant contribution to the study of the peculiarities of the state's influence on the social and economic relations. The ideas and provisions set forth in the writings of these authors served as the basis for the further development of the social infrastructure. However, in spite of numerous studies, they have general scientific meaning and are characterized by a more descriptive character.

Formulation of the purposes of the article. The purpose of this article is to study the peculiarities of the state influence on the development of the social infrastructure of a small city, as well as the substantiation of proposals for the improvement of this process.

Presentation of the main research material. The social infrastructure of the society is intended to provide favourable living conditions for the population, development of the productive, social and spiritual sphere of the public life. Its purpose in a small city is the most complete satisfaction of the population's needs in social, communal and cultural services.

The notion of the infrastructure as an integral set of production and non-productive objects, functioning of which ensures the general conditions of the social production, opens the way for its understanding as a structural element of the national economic complex. Some researchers understand the infrastructure as a complex of engineering and technical facilities serving and creating conditions for the placement and activities of the industrial and agricultural production (or their individual enterprises), as well as their placement to ensure the vital activity of the population [1, p. 67].

Among a number of scholars the widespread interpretation of infrastructure not only as conditions of development and functioning of the material production, but also as a condition for effective solution of important social tasks of the social development. Considering the problems of the infrastructure development, some researchers stressed the need to create conditions for the provision of certain

types of public activity in a certain territory [2, p. 61].

The overcoming of material interpretation of the infrastructure was very important practical value, as it allowed a comprehensive approach to its study, including personnel problems, management, organizational and economic management mechanism. The sectoral approach to the definition of infrastructure, which became widespread in the 80's of the twentieth century and remains until recently, comes from a material concept. Thus, under social infrastructure is understood a set of branches and sub-branches of the national economy, as well as activities that provide production services of material production and produce services and spiritual goods for the population.

Along with the sectoral approach, the territorial-regional approach is of particular significance in the framework of the problem of determining the essence of the infrastructure. Under regional infrastructure is understood the totality of territorial functional systems, each of which includes a set of enterprises, objects and organizations characterized by homogeneity of the use of means of labour, a community of professional skills, working and oriented to service material production and the population. A. Tkach identified the infrastructure as a combination of economic objects created in the region and engineering and technical measures to ensure material production and normal living conditions of the population [3, p. 34].

The regional approach to the substantiation of the development of elements and parts of the infrastructure, as well as the planning and design of its

subsystems, allows us to consider the infrastructure of the region as a single integral system [4]. The development of the elements of regional infrastructure is so significant that the rationale for its optimal location and complex development becomes a very topical issue.

Today, the concept of social infrastructure is widely used by the representatives of the social sciences, management, specialists of different kinds of activities (architects, builders, engineers of the city economy), mass media, etc. However, the active promotion of the concept of "social infrastructure" hides the acute problem: the more widely it is used in theory and practice, the more different is the understanding of its nature, essence and purpose. The leading function of the social infrastructure in the modern society is its main purpose — to provide comfortable accommodation of the population.

The development of the social infrastructure of a small city must meet the criteria of complexity, balance, and even territorial placement. Disregard for the planning of the development of social infrastructure can ultimately lead to serious miscalculations in the practice of the social management. There is now a general point of view according to which the state, while ensuring the progressive development of the social infrastructure, should equally rely on both economic and non-economic levers and incentives. The fact that it fully utilizes them depends on solving the problems of education, health care, improvement, housing, culture and recreation, etc. Among the latter and one of the most effective methods of optimizing the development of the so-

cial sphere of society is the creation of social infrastructure designed to solve not only complex economic problems, but also social problems.

Considering the nature and essence of the social infrastructure, one can not but note the fact that its distinctive feature is the regional character of development, which implies the effectiveness of the formation and improvement of the social infrastructure as a whole system at the level of individual regions, in conditions of commitment of all its elements to social, economic, demographic, climatic and other specific features of a specific territorial-spatial formation. On this aspect of the social infrastructure the first the representatives of economic geography drew attention. Their work on the study of the regional problems of the socio-economic development contributed to the clarification of the concept of "infrastructure" [5, p. 63]. The introduction into the scientific circle of the category "social infrastructure" connected with the problems of increasing the effectiveness of the territorial planning, the placement of productive forces, has raised regional research to a qualitatively new level.

For the region the social infrastructure plays an important role in raising the standard of living of the population, increasing employment, implementing an effective uniform throughout the settlement, preventing excessive concentration of the population, leveling the levels of economic and social development, forming a network of urban and rural settlements in the area [6,

p. 17].

The level of development of the social infrastructure is one of the most

important indicators of the socioeconomic development of the country. Beginning under the influence of complex social processes it reflects the whole set of problems of the social development.

Social infrastructure is characterized by the types and directions of activity of the social actors and by links in each of the types. It can be considered at the level of society, as well as a region or a separate settlement. Individual elements of the social infrastructure are not interchangeable. Only with a holistic approach that comprehensively provides rational livelihoods of people one can speak about the effectiveness of reproduction of the population.

Social infrastructure can be characterized by the number of institutions, organizations that provide education, medical, domestic and transport services, as well as the number of places in them, the volume of services. In the analysis of the functioning of the social infrastructure are important the subjective assessments of the people of quite real social infrastructure in a specific region or a specific enterprise.

The branches of the social infrastructure include organizations, enterprises and institutions of various organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership. Each of the branches of social infrastructure is a complex system with its inherent characteristics, properties, laws, features of construction and functioning. In pursuit of the common goal — the creation of appropriate conditions for the development of the human potential and livelihoods of the society, the social infrastructure branches are a kind of association that is an integral part of the social sphere

that has certain relations and internal relations [7, p. 36].

The branches of the social infrastructure traditionally include education, health care, culture and arts, physical culture and sports, transport, housing and communal services, consumer services, whose activities are aimed at satisfying personal needs, livelihoods, and intellectual development of the members of the society.

Through the realization of its main tasks, the social infrastructure in modern conditions allows the achieving the main goal of the social sphere as a whole:

• reduction of the social tension;

• strengthening the general health of the nation;

• improvement of the demographic situation;

• increase in labour productivity;

• creation of new jobs, reduction of unemployment [8, p. 49].

The production of services in most branches of the social infrastructure has its own peculiarities. The nature of the relations in the branches of the social infrastructure and their specifics allow us to consider this sphere as a holistic, independent and peculiar socio-cultural object.

As far as services are concerned, in different branches of the social infrastructure they have their own peculiarities. In social services, public catering, commerce, housing and communal services, the social and market relations have become the most advanced and form an effective mechanism for meeting the public needs.

But in areas such as culture, health and education, the social and market relations not only have their specifics,

but also limited opportunities. In the service sphere there are always state organizations and institutions. Moreover, in some branches they occupy a dominant position.

Describing the social sphere and social infrastructure, we consider directly the social infrastructure of a small city. Let us define the notion of "small city". In the scientific literature there is no single understanding of what to consider a small city. The most widespread on this subject is as follows: a small city is a settlement with a population of up to 100 thousand people [9, p. 82].

The social sphere and the social infrastructure of small cities are as follows. First, the close interweaving of the productive sphere and the social sphere. The social sphere is saturated with production connections. Secondly, the livelihoods of the city are most often associated with any small, city-forming enterprise. Thirdly, as regards the functional component, two types of small cities are distinguished: multifunctional cities and cities with adjacent territories having both agricultural and industrial zones. Fourth, small cities also differ in the concentration of social infrastructure, which facilitates its management, but at the same time its insufficiency and incompleteness in comparison with the social infrastructure of large cities. Thus, there are not higher educational institutions or theaters, developed infrastructure of entertainment and leisure activities of the population in every city. Fifthly, in small cities a particularly tense social environment arises or persists because of the closing down of production at city-based enterprises or their closure.

As noted by many researchers [10, p. 24], the development of the social infrastructure and its material resources in our country has essentially never received due attention. This is typical both for the Soviet period and for the current stage of development. It is well known that even in the 70-80s of the 20th century, which is considered to be the most favourable in terms of the pace and extent of the development of the social infrastructure, the level of social services provided by the social infrastructure has not exceeded 60-70 % of the "rationale norms" established by the state itself [11, p. 27].

As a result, the social sphere was in a state of acute crisis, which is characterized by:

• a serious reduction in the volume and lower quality of social and cultural services provided to the population;

• insufficient financing of the branches of the socio-cultural complex, which leads to the destruction of the material base, the loss of human resources;

• low technical level of the objects of the social infrastructure.

The development of the social infrastructure of the city — like the settlement, the most priority for people of the XX-XXI centuries in many respects determines the standard of living of the people, the formation of a new person, the improvement of the environment, as well as contributes to the improvement of education, professional qualifications, culture, physical health and mental stability of the individual, especially needed in conditions of highly dynamic production and life.

The logic of analyzing the role of the social infrastructure of a small city and

the tasks of the local self-government in terms of its development requires its consideration on a species-specific scale that would greatly contribute to the identification of all the elements of the social infrastructure. These are all material elements of the social development that contribute to the effective realization of man's all kinds of his life: residential buildings, trade and catering enterprises, passenger transport, water supply and sewage systems, various medical institutions, schools, secondary specialized and higher educational establishments, vocational training institutions, postal, telegraph and financial institutions, cultural and entertainment enterprises, sports and recreational facilities (stadiums, sports palaces, swimming pools, parks, rest homes) and other objects and institutions of the social and domestic use.

One can also agree that the city level is best adapted to the highest possible social orientation of all the elements and infrastructures.

Conclusions from this study and prospects for further exploration. From the point of view of the development of the foundations of the city's social infrastructure, it is very important that in its study, focused on obtaining scientific data for the development of a long-term strategy for city development, a multidisciplinary approach is needed. Such an approach should be based on the concept of a single settlement system. In the context of this idea, the main problem of the urban development (and the process of urbanization in general) can be seen in identifying their place and role in the deployment and development of the productive forces. In other words, the

problems of the urban development should be considered in unity with the placement of the productive forces, the formation of territorial production facilities, sectoral and territorial structures of the national economy.

It is determined that a small city is a special spatial organization of developed material and spiritual production, and its vital activity — a special way of functioning and development of the productive forces that have reached a high level of concentration with the natural for its deep internal differentiation and coherence of the actions of various components (objective and subjective). Cities are centers of economic and spiritual life of the population and are the main drivers of the process. Therefore, scientifically grounded solution of the problems of the development of the social infrastructure of the cities has a significant impact on the pace of the development of the society as a whole.


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