FEATURES OF CRITICAL THINKING OF A JUNIOR SCHOOL STUDENT Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Semkin A.V., Abisheva T.A.

In this article, we will ask such a question as critical thinking of a primary school student.In primary school age, there is an intensive development of children's intelligence. Such mental functions as thinking, perception, and memory develop and turn into regulated voluntary processes.

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УДК 373.3: 371.


Сёмкин А.В., Абишева Т. А. Кокшетауский университет им.Абая Мырзахметова (г. Кокшетау, Республика Казахстан)

Аннотация. В этой статье мы зададим такой вопрос, как критическое мышление младшего школьника. В младшем школьном возрасте происходит интенсивное развитие детского интеллекта. Такие психические функции, как мышление, восприятие и память, развиваются и превращаются в регулируемые произвольные процессы.

Ключевые слова: критическое мышление, уровни развития, личность младшего школьника.


Semkin A.V., Abisheva T., A. Abay Myrzakhmetov Kokshetau University (Kokshetau, the Republic of Kazakhstan)

Annotation. In this article, we will ask such a question as critical thinking of a primary school student.In primary school age, there is an intensive development of children's intelligence. Such mental functions as thinking, perception, and memory develop and turn into regulated voluntary processes.

Key words: critical thinking, levels of development, personality of a younger student.

During this period, the transition from visual - figurative thinking to verbal-logical, conceptual thinking is carried out. Verbal and logical thinking is formed gradually during primary school age.

Jean Jacques Piaget, who studied children's thinking, found that the thinking of a child 6-7 years old has the following features [1, 59]:

1) there are no formed ideas about the space of the basic properties of things, i.e. they do not understand the principle of conservation

2) not being able to take into account several features of the object at once and compare their changes-centralization: children tend to pay attention to only one, the most obvious characteristic of the object for them, ignoring the rest.

The phenomenon of centralization determines the child's inability to take into account the point of view of other people; his own view of the world seems to him the only correct one.

These features of children's thinking are clearly demonstrated by Jean Piaget's classic experiments with the use of conservation tasks:

The subject, showing him the objects shown in the figure on the left, was asked whether these objects are the same (Is the same number of beads in both rows? Is the water level in both vessels the same? Is the clay in the two lumps the same?). Then, before the eyes of the subject, the shape of one of the objects was changed:

1) one row of beads is placed at long distances from each other, and the second row is not changed;

2) water from one vessel is poured into a vessel of a different shape (for example, a narrower one);

3) one of the clumps of clay is rolled into a long sausage.

After that, the subject was asked again: Are these two objects now the same? Is the number of beads in the two rows the same? Is the water in the two vessels the same? Is the same clay in the sausage and in the lump?

The child can indicate that the objects placed in a row, in his opinion, becomes more if they are placed at large intervals; that the amount of liquid

in one vessel has become less; that a piece of plasticine, in his opinion, decreases if it is rolled out of the ball into a "sausage" or strip.

The correct solution of these problems shows that the child's thinking corresponds to the stage of specific operations. Children who do not cope with these tasks are at the preoperative stage of thinking.

Special difficulties arise in younger students when establishing cause-and-effect relationships. It is easier for a younger student to establish a connection from cause to effect than from effect to cause. This can be explained by the fact that when inferring from cause to effect, a direct connection is established. And when inferring from a fact to the cause that caused it, such a connection is not directly given, since this fact can be the result of a variety of reasons that need to be specially analyzed. Thus, at one and the same level of knowledge and development of Junior schoolchildren easier to answer the question: "What would happen if a plant is not watered?", than the question: "Why is the tree dead?"

As mastery learning activity become mentally operations less related to the specific practical activities or visual support [2, 115].

During the training, children master the techniques of mental activity, acquire the ability to act in the mind and analyze the process of their own reasoning.

By the end of primary school age, the following groups can be distinguished among children::

1. Theorists - children who easily solve problems in verbal terms;

2. Practitioners - children who need to rely on visibility;

3. Artists are children who have bright imaginative thinking [3, 103].

The cognitive activity and curiosity of the child are constantly directed at learning about the world around them and building their own picture of this world. Thinking is inextricably linked to speech. The more active the child is mentally, the more questions he asks, and the more diverse these questions are.

Primary school students use the broadest typology of questions: what is it?, who is it?, why?, why?, for what?, from what?, is there?, is there?, from whom?, from where?, how?, who?, what?, what will happen if?, where?, how much

As a rule, when formulating a question, children of primary school age imagine a real situation and how they would act in this situation.

Children's judgments are usually isolated and based on personal experience. Therefore, they are categorical and usually refer to the visual reality. The younger schoolboy prefers to reduce everything to the private when explaining something and likes to read books with a plot full of all sorts of adventures.

All these data indicate a great qualitative shift in the thinking of the schoolboy in comparison with the thinking of the preschool child; at the same time, they also reveal the boundaries of this new stage of thinking; thought still hardly goes beyond the comparison of the nearest facts; complex systems of mediation are still poorly accessible to it.

The change in the content of the child's life is due to the change of the leading activity, which in preschool age was a story-role-playing game. To form the prerequisites for a new leading activity -educational — board games with rules that are close to it in their content and form are especially effective. When mastering the higher forms of play activity, the child is reoriented from the final result to the ways of completing the task, since only actions mediated by patterns and rules lead to success and winning in the end. Play remains significant for the child throughout primary school age, but now it is no longer the leading type of activity. In educational activities, the relationship with an adult (teacher) necessary for the further development of the child is most fully represented, and through training, the student gets the opportunity to learn the basics of theoretical knowledge, which in this age period is the source of his development. Educational activity determines the nature of all types of activity of the younger student: play, communication, etc. [4, 43].

At the beginning of learning, the child has only a desire to learn, which is not even a learning motivation in the proper sense of the word. The main components of the learning activity are carried out by the teacher. Gradually, all actions become shared, then performed by students on their own, the teacher only offers tasks and samples.

Studies show that younger adolescents are sensitive to learning activities related to the formation of the above-listed structural elements of critical thinking. It should be emphasized that the

content and organization of the teacher's work, for example, with younger adolescents, associated with the formation of a focus on the critical assimilation of the information received and training in the correct formulation of critical judgments can also contribute to the solution of other pedagogical tasks, such as teaching students how to independently acquire knowledge and rationally integrate the results of educational work in the upcoming activities. In our case, we are talking about the formation of the direction of thinking of younger adolescents on:

- detection of factual errors in texts;

- find and present arguments in support of their claims;

- avoiding all kinds of errors in their judgments;

- verification and reconciliation of information in accordance with established facts;

- identification of established and suspected


- rejection of statements without appropriate grounds.

Summarizing all of the above, we can draw the following conclusions from the chapter:

1. According to its psychological content, the primary school age is a turning point in the intellectual development of the child, as his thinking increasingly becomes similar to the thinking of an adult;

2. Critical thinking is a system of judgment that is used to analyze things and events with the formulation of reasonable conclusions and allows you to make reasonable assessments, interpretations, and correctly apply the results to situations and problems.

3. In order for the younger student to use his critical thinking, it is important for him to develop:

a willingness to plan, flexibility, perseverance, a willingness to correct his mistakes, awareness, and the search for compromise solutions.

4. Despite certain achievements in the study of the problem of critical thinking, the problem of the development of critical thinking, being acutely topical, continues to be insufficiently investigated

Bibliographic list

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Сёмкин Александр Владимирович, кандидат педагогических наук, Кокшетауский университет им. Абая Мырзахметова (Республика Казахстан, г. Кокшетау).

Абишева Таттыгуль Аманбаевна, магистрант, Кокшетауский университет им. Абая Мырзахметова (Республика Казахстан, г. Кокшетау). e-mail: ivanchenko-v@mail.ru

Дата поступления статьи: 24.03.2021

© Семкин А.В., Абишева Т.А., 2021

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