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Ключевые слова
autism spectrum disorders / ASD / children / social skills / targets / psychocorrective work.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Pustovaya A., Gutkevich E.

The article presents the results of a study of the level of development of social skills in children with autism spectrum disorders. It is established that the average indicators in all areas of the surveyed areas are less than half of the normative indicators: «Perception and speech» – 22.85 points, «Motor skills» – 22.33 points, «Self-service» – 15.83 points, «Social fitness» – 7.58 points. The obtained data are used as targets in psychocorrective work with the examined children.

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и упражнений, проводились на классных часах. Реализация способов обучения речевому этикету осуществлялась на уроках русского языка и развития речи.

По окончании формирующего этапа эксперимента был проведен контрольный этап. Результаты диагностики показали, что у испытуемых детей наметились тенденции к адекватности в оценивании своих личных качеств, черт характера, образа Я - реального и идеального, снизились внутренние конфликты, появилось умение выходить из конфликтных ситуаций, знание и соблюдение нравственных норм и речевого этикета. На основании

этого можно сделать вывод об эффективности разработанной программы формирования позитивной Я-концепции младшего школьника.

Список литературы

1. Пешкова Н.А., Шайденкова Т.Н. Формирование Я-концепции младших школьников в учебно-воспитательном процессе. Московский открытый социальный университет; Тульский государственный педагогический университет им. Л.Н. Толстого. Тула, 2003. 120 с.

2. Шайденкова Т.Н., Пешкова Н.А. Особенности формирования Я-концепции младших школьников. Акмеология. 2017. № 3 (63). С. 52-56.



Pustovaya A..

National Research Tomsk State University, the post-graduate student Psychological and Defectological Center « World of Family», psychologist

Gutkevich E. the doctor of medical sciences, National Research Tomsk State University, Department of «Genetic and Clinch Psychology», professor Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institute «Tomsk National Research Medical Center ofRussian Academy of Sciences» Mental Health Research Institute, leading researcher


The article presents the results of a study of the level of development of social skills in children with autism spectrum disorders. It is established that the average indicators in all areas of the surveyed areas are less than half of the normative indicators: «Perception and speech» - 22.85 points, «Motor skills» - 22.33 points, «Self-service» - 15.83 points, «Social fitness» - 7.58 points. The obtained data are used as targets in psychocorrective work with the examined children.

Keywords: autism spectrum disorders, ASD, children, social skills, targets, psychocorrective work.

The problem of forming social skills in children with autism is the presence of deviations in the following areas: speech development, social relationships, emotional sphere [4]. From the point of view of mothers with children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), the main deviations in the child are manifested in the motor and motor spheres, lack of meaningful speech, excessive activity or passivity of the child, low level of social fitness. Fathers attribute emotional manifestations and disorders in the motor and motor spheres of the child, a low level of social fitness of children to the greatest difficulties in their children [2].

The main problems in the field of social fitness in children with autism spectrum disorders are manifested in the absence of an emotional reaction towards parents and close relatives, a very weak reaction to addressed speech, lack of adequate emotional reaction to praise or blame, negative reaction to touching, lack of attempts to play together with other children and reaction to an attempt to play together, inability to obey simple rules of the game, lack of imitation of daily activities [3]. This is partly due to speech peculiarities in autism,

namely, the inability of children to use the paralinguis-tic components of speech: voice, intonation, tone, stress; the lack of ability to express emotional feelings, such as surprise, emphase, anger or excitement, helping interlocutors in the process of processing discursive elements, and the inability to distinguish these shades in the voice of the interlocutor, which also turns out to be an obstacle to understanding the utterance. In the field of nonverbal communication, it is difficult for children with autism to use gestures, for example, hand gestures, nods, head tilts; symbolic gestures denoting actions; facial expressions depicting different emotional states of a person [1]. Such children often demonstrate maladap-tive non-gaming behavior instead of game interaction [5].

Psychocorrective work with children with autism spectrum disorders is complex and includes individual and group classes on the development and formation of social, speech and elementary learning skills.

The study of specific areas of «Social fitness» and «Perception and speech» is relevant, since speech disorders and disorders of social development are leading in the symptom complex of autistic disorders.

Materials and methods of research

The study sample consisted of 48 children with diagnoses F84.0, F84.1, F84.5 according to ICD-10, the average age of children was 5.75±2.61 years. The examination of the children was carried out at the initial reception according to the data of the included observation of the child, the child performing diagnostic tests, as well as a structured interview with parents. To assess the level of development of children's social skills, the

method «Sociogram» form PAC-S/P was used [6]. The methodology includes the blocks «Self-care» (39 points), «Perception and speech» (65 points), «Social fitness» (24 points), «Motor skills» (53 points). Each match with a questionnaire item is estimated at 1 point.

Research results Figure 1 shows the results of assessing the level of development of social skills in the surveyed children.

• Maximum

Figure 1. The level of development of social skills

It was found that the level of development of social skills of children with ASD has low indicators in all surveyed areas. Average indicators in all areas: «Self-service» - 15.83 points (40.58% of the standard indicator), «Perception and speech» - 22.85 points (35.15%), «Social fitness» - 7.58 points (31.58%), «Motor skills» - 22.33 points (42.13%) make up less than half of the standard indicators.

The areas of «Self-service» and «Motor skills» are the most formed social skills in the examined children, most of them have elementary eating skills, while some children have specific taste preferences (drink only orange juice, do not eat solid food and meat products); hygiene skills in some children are in the process of formation; many children experience difficulties in fine motor skills, climbing and descending stairs, playing with a ball.

The areas of «Social fitness» and «Perception and speech» received the lowest values. In the anamnesis, many children have speech development disorders from delayed speech development to motor and sensory alalia. Children with ASD are characterized by violations of social interaction with loved ones in infancy.


Thus, difficulties in all areas of social skills in children with autism spectrum disorders have been identified. The main problems are difficulties in the field of self-service, large and small motor skills, establishing verbal and emotional contact with others, difficulties in household and gaming activities.

The data obtained should be taken into account when compiling personalized psychological and correctional programs. The main directions in psychocor-rective work are aimed at the formation of verbal and

non-verbal communication skills, the development of all components of the cognitive sphere, the formation of self-service skills and sanitary and hygienic skills and an adequate social situation of behavior.


1. Gubina G.G., Roschina G.O. Implementation of Educational Support of Children with Autism with the Purpose of their Social Adaptation and Teaching Communication Skills Based on Special Educational Approaches // Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series: Pedagogy and Psychology, 2017. № 1 (39). pp. 101-109.

2. Pustovaya A.V., Pustovaya E.N., Gutkevich E.V. Features of the psychological attitude of mothers and fathers to the disease in families with a child with autism spectrum disorders // Scientific Notes of the P.F. Lesgaft University, 2021. № 2 (192). pp. 415-421. DOI: 10.34835/issn.2308-1961.2021.2.p415-421

3. Pustovaya A.V. The level of development of social fitness skills in children with autism spectrum disorders // Humanities and natural science research: main discussions: Materials of the XXVIII All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference (February 15, 2021): in 2 hours-1. - Rostov-on-Don: Publishing House of the Southern University of IUBiP, 2021. pp. 126-129.

4. Filipovich E.I., Denshchik E.V. Development of social skills in preschool children with early childhood autism // Fundamental and applied scientific research: topical issues, achievements and innovations: collection of articles of the XLVI International Scientific and Practical Conference. At. 2 p.m. 2. - Penza: ICNS «Science and Education», 2021. pp. 151-153

5. Khaustov A.V. Organization of correctional work on the formation of social play skills in children with autism spectrum disorders // Autism and developmental disorders, 2012. Vol. 10. № 1 (36). pp. 1-16.

6. Shipitsyna L.M. «Unschooled» child in the family and society. Socialization of children with intellectual disabilities. 2nd ed., reprint. and the supplement. St. Petersburg: Speech, 2005. 477 p.


Яшанина А. С.

студент факультета клинической психологии и социальной работы ФГАОУ ВО РНИМУ им. Н.И. Пирогова Минздрава России,

г. Москва, Россия Ахраменко Р.С.

Заведующий лабораторией практических навыков факультета клинической психологии и

социальной работы ФГАОУ ВО РНИМУ им. Н.И. Пирогова Минздрава России,

г. Москва, Россия Чистякова Н.В.

Доцент кафедры педагогики и педагогической психологии факультета клинической психологии и

социальной работы канд. психол. наук

ФГАОУ ВО РНИМУ им. Н.И. Пирогова Минздрава России,

г. Москва, Россия Коробко А.И.

Заведующий кафедрой педагогики и педагогической психологии факультета клинической психологии

и социальной работы канд. воен. наук

ФГАОУ ВО РНИМУ им. Н.И. Пирогова Минздрава России,

г. Москва, Россия


Yashanina A.,

student of the Faculty of Clinical Psychology and Social Work Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation,

Moscow, Russia Akhramenko R.,

Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation,

Moscow, Russia

Head of the Practical Skills Laboratory of the Faculty of Clinical Psychology and Social Work

Chistiakova N.,

Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation,

Moscow, Russia

Associate Professor at the Department of Pedagogy and Pedagogical Psychology of the Faculty of Clinical

Psychology and Social Work, PhD in Psychology

Korobko A.,

Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation,

Moscow, Russia

Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Pedagogical Psychology of the Faculty of Clinical Psychology and

Social Work, PhD in Military Sciences


Исцеление души и понимающая психотерапия, терапия души, опирается на модель коммуникации в системе межличностных отношений. В статье обосновывается взаимосвязь эффективности нейрореабилитации и психотерапевтического подхода на основе психотехники понимания.


Soul healing and understanding psychotherapy, soul therapy, is based on a model of communication in the system of interpersonal relationships. This article substantiates the association between the neurorehabilitation effectiveness and the psychotherapeutic approach based on the psychotechnics of understanding.

Ключевые слова: понимающая психотерапия, эмпатия, нейрореабилитация.

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