FAMILY OF WORDS FOR THE VERB HIRUNDEY [ХИРУНДЭЙ] IN THE EVEN LANGUAGE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Nesterova E.V.

The purpose of this article is to analyse the derivative potential of the motion verb "hirundey" [хирундэй] meaning "to climb down, to slide down" in the Even language. The family of words is made up of thirty-one derivative: 19 verbs and 12 names. All the derivatives are formed through suffixation. High derivational activity is present at the second step of word-building. Six word-building paradigms for the verb were found out. The verbs formed through various markers are the verbs of the way of motion denoting the movement across a surface.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18454/RULB.2020.23.3.33


Научная статья

Нестерова Е.В. *

ORCID: 0000-0001-5130-706X, Институт гуманитарных исследований и проблем малочисленных народов Севера СО РАН, Якутск, Россия

* Корреспондирующий автор (elenanesterova-2010[at]mail.ru)


Целью статьи является анализ деривационного потенциала глагола движения хирундэй 'сползти, скатиться' в эвенском языке. Словообразовательное гнездо состоит из тридцати одного производного: глаголы (19), имена (12). Все производные образованы путем суффиксации. Высокая деривационная активность наблюдается на второй ступени словообразования. Выявлено шесть словообразовательных парадигм с глагольной вершиной. Образованные с помощью различных показателей глаголы относятся к глаголам способа движения, указывая на перемещение по поверхности.

Ключевые слова: словообразовательное гнездо; словообразовательная парадигма; глаголы движения; виды глагола; суффикс.


Research article

Nesterova E.V. *

ORCID: 0000-0001-5130-706X, Institute of Humanitarian Studies and Problems of Indigenous Peoples of the North of the SB RAS, Yakutsk, Russia

* Corresponding author (elenanesterova-2010[at]mail.ru)


The purpose of this article is to analyse the derivative potential of the motion verb "hirundey" [хирундэй] meaning "to climb down, to slide down" in the Even language. The family of words is made up of thirty-one derivative: 19 verbs and 12 names. All the derivatives are formed through suffixation. High derivational activity is present at the second step of wordbuilding. Six word-building paradigms for the verb were found out. The verbs formed through various markers are the verbs of the way of motion denoting the movement across a surface.

Keywords: family of words; word-building paradigm; verbs of motion; verbal aspects; suffix.


Even verb hirundey [хирундэй] meaning «to climb down, to slide down» [2; P. 296] draw our attention because it is a derivatively productive motion verb. Since there is no particular study on motion verbs in the Even language, the purpose of this paper is to analyse the word-building capacities of an Even motion verb as exemplified by the verb hirundey [хирундэй].

The verb hirundey [хирундэй] is one of the verbs denoting a way of movement; it denotes moving across a surface: Kuyal emkerduk turkich hiruniten [Куцал эмкэрдук туркич хирунитэн]. Children on sledge slid down the ice-hill. Miko edey chakabakla amandar "Buran" hirunin [Мико эдэй чакабакла амандар «Бурань» хирунин]. Mico rode the Buran snowmobile to get to the meeting on time. In the second example, the verb hirunin [хирунин] was used with the meaning "to ride", which the verb must have acquired recently due to the Evens familiarising with machines. So, we can say motorkach hirundey [моторкач хирундэй] — to go by motorboat; mashinach hirundey [машинач хирундэй] — to go by car, etc.

Text of article

The analysis of the derivative potential is conducted based on a word-family approach, where hirundey [хирундэй] is the base. The source of the research was the «Even-Russian dictionary» by V.A. Roobek, M.E. Robbek [2]. The analysis of the word-building and semantic relations between derivatives is carried out through a system of paradigmatic relations in the family. The word-building family consists of syntagmatic connections - derivational chains and paradigmatic - derivational paradigms. Derivational paradigm is a set of all words directly derived from a particular producer [4: P. 41]. The derivational paradigm is a set of derived words having the same generating base, being at the same derivation step [3].

The studied word family has thirty-one derivatives and consists of the following word-building paradigms:

At the first step, there is one derivational paradigm of the basic hirundey [хирундэй] building seven derivatives:

- HIRUNDEY [ХИРУНДЭЙ] to climb down, to slide down;

- HIRU/VEN/DEY [ХИРУ/ВЭН/ДЭЙ] to climb down, to slide down once in a while;

- HIRY/KET/TEY [ХИРУ/КЭТ/ТЭЙ] to slide down the mountains;

- HIRU/MKEN/DEY [ХИРУ/МКЭН/ДЭЙ] to have moved, to have put in motion, to have pushed down, to roll down;

- HIRU/MKET/TEY [ХИРУ/МКЭТ/ТЭЙ] to move, to put in motion, to push down, to push, to roll;

- HIRU/MET/TEY [ХИРУ/МЭТ/ТЭЙ] to roll down (on itself), to slide to and from;

- HIRU/N/DID/DEY [ХИРУ/Н/ДИД/ДЭЙ] to roll, to slide;

- HIRU/D/CHI/DEY [ХИРУ/Ц/ЧИ/ДЭЙ] 1) to be sliding down; 2) to be moving, to crawl.

The derivatives of this paradigm make up a verbal cluster of aspectual and vocal forms. By joining the generating base, the indicators of aspectual and vocal verb forms add various characteristics of the action to the newly formed word, according to their definitions. So, the aspectual form hiruvendey [xнpyвэндэн ] - "to climb down, to slide down once in a while" denotes a rarely taken action; hirukettey [xHpyrorraH] - "to slide down the mountains" denotes a repeated action; hirundiddey [xnpyHgnggBH] - "to roll, to slide" denotes an action taking place at a particular moment in time.

The derivatives hirumkendey [xnpyMroHgBH] - "to have moved, to have put in motion, to have pushed down, to roll down"; hirumkettey [xMpyMrorran] - "to move, to put in motion, to push down, to push, to roll" come in the form of the causative indicators and denote the enforced action. Though the derivative hirumettey [xнpyмэттэн ] - «to roll down (on itself), to slide to and from» is formed through the reciprocal voice indicator -met, it is not a vocal one. On this and other such verbs V.A. Robbek said, «...they do not denote the subjects' actions directed at each other, or performed one for another. Thus, these verbs and those like them in modern Even cannot be considered verbs of reciprocal voice, though genetically they do belong to the category» [1; P. 302]. We believe that the derivative hirumettey [xнрyмэттэн] denotes a repeated directed action.

At the second step, three derivational paradigms are based upon hirukettey [xapyK3n3H], hirumkendey [xnpyMroHgBH], hi ruychidey [xnpyRHHgBH]:

- HIRUKETTEY [ХHРУКЭТТЭH] to slide down the mountains;

- HIRUKET/NE/DEY [XHPyOT/TO/^H] to go sliding;

- HIRUKET/NES/TEY [XHPyOT/TOC^H] to have gone sliding;

- HIRUKE/CHI/N [XHPyO/^H/H] sledging, skiing ;

- HIRUKE/CHI/M/DEY [XHPyO/WM/^H] to want to slide;

- HIRUKE/CHI/MEL/DEY [ХHРУКЭ/ЦH/MЭ.П/,ЦЭH] to want to slide very much;

- HIRUKE/CHI/NMEY [ХHРУКЭ/ЦH/HMЭH] sledding, skiing;

- HIRUKE/CHI/DKE [XHPyO/^H^O] a sledge;

- HIRUKE/CHI/SCHI/DEY [XHPyO/WCW^H] to try to slide;


- HIRUKE/CH/UKEN/DEY [XHPyO/WOH/^H] to get sb/sth slid, to take sledding;

- HIRUKE/CHEK [XHPyO/^K] 1) sliding; 2) ice-rink.

In this position, six aspectual, one vocal verbal form and four nouns are formed. The aspectual form hiruketnedey [xnpyroTrogBn] "to go sliding" denotes action related to the doer's motion; hiruketnestey [xнpyкэтнэстэн] "to have gone sliding" denotes an action that is performed when moving from a certain point and returning; the derivatives hirukemchidey [xnpyroHHMgBH] and hirukechimeldey [xнpyкэннмэflдэн] express the desire, the readiness of the subject to take action; the aspectual indicator -schi of the derivative hirukechischidey [xnpyroHHCHHgBH] "to try to slide" denotes the attempt, the desire to tale action; hirukechisendey [xнpyкэннсэндэн] "to have slid" formed with the aspectual indicator -sen denotes instant motion; the causative form hirukechukendey [xHpyronyroHgBH] "to get sb/sth slid, to take sledging" denotes the enforced action.

The derived nouns denote the name of the action - hirukechin [xnpyroHHH], hirukechinmey [xнpyкэнннмэн], both meaning "sledging"; the name of the object meant particularly for this action - hirukechiqke [xnpyroHHHro] "a sledge"; the place of action - hirukechek [xnpyro^K ] "1) sliding; 2) ice-rink".

The derivational paradigm based on hirumkendey [xnpyMroHgBH] makes up the nouns of the names of action:

- HIRUMKENDEY [XHPyMOH^H] to have moved, to have put in motion, to have pushed down, to roll down;

- HIRUMKE/N [XHPyMO/H] movement, moving;

- HIRUMKE/NMEY [ХHРУMКЭ/HMЭH] movement, moving.

The derivational paradigm based on the verb hiruqchidey [xnpyRHHgBH] consists of two nouns, two vocal and three aspectual verbal forms:

- HIRUDCHIDEY [XHPy^H^H] 1) to be sliding down; 2) to be moving, to crawl;

- HIRUDCHI/VKEN/DEY [XHP^WBOH/^H] to put in motion, to make sth roll down;

- HIRUDCHI/VKET/TEY [XHP^WBOT^H] to put into motion, to move, to push, to roll sth, to start a motor;

- HIRUDCHI/L/DEY [XHP^WT/^H] to start moving, to start sliding;

- HIRUDCHI/N [XHPyH,^H/H] movement, moving, riding;

- HIRUDCHI/NMEY [ХHРУЦ^H/HMЭH] movement, moving, riding;

- HIRUDCHI/SCHI/DEY [XHP^WCW^H] to try to slide;

- HIRUDCHI/SEN/DEY [ХHРУЦWСЭH/,ЦЭH] to have moved (on itself).

Here, among the derivatives, there are the aspectual verb forms: hiruqchildey [xHpyRHH^gBH] - "to start moving, to start sliding" formed with the suffix -l meaning the start of action; hiruyxhischidey [xnpyRHHCHHgBH] - "to try to slide" formed with the indicator -schi meaning the attempt, the desire to take action; the derivative hiruqchisendey [xнpyцннсэндэн] - "to have moved (on itself)" having the suffix -sen denoting the instantaneity of an action.

The vocal forms: hiruychivkendey [xnpyRHHBroHgBH] - "to put in motion, to make sth roll down"; hiruqchivkettey [xнpyцннвкэттэн] - "to put into motion, to move, to push, to roll sth, to start a motor" are formed through the causative suffixes -vken, -vket and denote the enforced action.

The derived nouns denote the names of action: hiruqchin, hiruqchinmey [xnpyRHHH, xнpyцнннмэн] having the same meaning "movement, moving, riding".

The third step has two paradigms made up of the noun derivatives of the name of the action:

- HIRUDCHIVKENDEY [XHPy^HBOH^H] to put in motion, to make sth roll down;

- HIRUDCHIVKE/N [XHPyH^HBO/H] the act of putting in motion, movement;

- HIRUDCHIVKE/NMEY [ХHРУЦ^HВКЭ/HMЭH] the act of putting in motion, movement;

- HIRUDCHIVKETTEY [ХИРУН.ЧИВКЭТТЭЙ] to put into motion, to move, to push, to roll sth, to start a motor;

- HIRUDCHIVKE/CHI/N [ХИРУЦЧИВКЭ/ЧИ/Н] the act of putting in motion, movement;

- HIRUDCHIVKE/CHI/NMEY [ХИРУЦЧИВКЭ/ЧИ/НМЭЙ] the act of putting in motion, movement.


This way, the size of the word family based on hirundey [хирундэй] forms 31 derivatives. The author determined six derivational paradigms based on verbs, high efficiency at the second step of word-building is noted.

Aspectual and vocal forms of the verb (19) make up the greater part, and nouns (12) are derived from them. Of the twelve new nouns, ten denote the name of the action. Derivatives formed with the help of aspectual verb forms indications are semantically enriched, representing various characteristics of the course of action, such as phases, multiplicity, intensity, desirability, imitation, and the direction of movement. The derivatives formed through the vocal verb forms indications denote the way action is related to the subject (the one taking action) and the object (affected by the action). New derivatives keep the semantic meaning of the word-family's base - the action verb hirundey [хирундэй] and belong to the verbs of the way of action, denoting movement across the surface.

Конфликт интересов Conflict of Interest

Не указан. None declared.

Список литературы / References

1. Роббек В.А. Грамматические категории эвенского глагола в функционально-семантическом аспекте / Роббек В.А. -Новосибирск: Наука, 2007. 723 с.

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Список литературы на английском / References in English

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