Научная статья на тему 'Falsification of goods and the ways of its prohibiting'

Falsification of goods and the ways of its prohibiting Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Turdialieva Makhzuna Mukhtaralievna

During the period of a centrally planned economy, a number of normative acts protecting consumers of goods and services were in force in our country. However, in market conditions, with the emergence of a large number of independent enterprises and organizations providing a wide range of goods and services, using powerful means of advertising, the previously existing legal means of consumer protection were insufficient. In the process of market transformation, our country faced an avalanche-like flooding of the consumer market with falsified and illegal products. The problem is based on the fact that the majority of consumers, who have low financial capacities, first of all prefer the price characteristics of the product and are much less guided by the brand symbolizing its quality and reliability. Therefore, it is not uncommon for counterfeit products to dominate the market, displacing legal products.

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В период централизованной плановой экономики в нашей стране действовал ряд нормативных актов, защищавших потребителей товаров и услуг. Однако в рыночных условиях, с появлением большого числа самостоятельных предприятий и организаций, предоставляющих широкий спектр товаров и услуг, использующих мощные средства рекламы, ранее существовавшие правовые средства защиты потребителей оказались недостаточными. В процессе осуществления рыночных преобразований наша страна столкнулась с лавинообразным наводнением потребительского рынка фальсифицированной и нелегальной продукцией. В основе проблемы лежит то, что основная масса потребителей, располагающая низкими финансовыми возможностями, в первую очередь отдает предпочтение ценовым характеристикам изделия и в значительно меньшей степени руководствуется торговой маркой, символизирующей его качество и надежность. Поэтому нередки случаи, когда контрафактная продукция занимает доминирующее положение на рынке, вытесняя легальные товары.

Текст научной работы на тему «Falsification of goods and the ways of its prohibiting»


PROHIBITING Turdialieva M^. Email: Turdialieva17146@scientifictext.ru


Abstract: during the period of a centrally planned economy, a number of normative acts protecting consumers of goods and services were in force in our country. However, in market conditions, with the emergence of a large number of independent enterprises and organizations providing a wide range of goods and services, using powerful means of advertising, the previously existing legal means of consumer protection were insufficient. In the process of market transformation, our country faced an avalanche-like flooding of the consumer market with falsified and illegal products. The problem is based on the fact that the majority of consumers, who have low financial capacities, first of all prefer the price characteristics of the product and are much less guided by the brand symbolizing its quality and reliability. Therefore, it is not uncommon for counterfeit products to dominate the market, displacing legal products.

Keywords: quality, protection, market, opportunity, preference, brand name, products, dominant position.


Турдиалиева Махзуна Мухтаралиевна - ассистент, кафедра безопасности жизнедеятельности, факультет химической технологии, Ферганский политехнический институт, г. Фергана, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: в период централизованной плановой экономики в нашей стране действовал ряд нормативных актов, защищавших потребителей товаров и услуг. Однако в рыночных условиях, с появлением большого числа самостоятельных предприятий и организаций, предоставляющих широкий спектр товаров и услуг, использующих мощные средства рекламы, ранее существовавшие правовые средства защиты потребителей оказались недостаточными. В процессе осуществления рыночных преобразований наша страна столкнулась с лавинообразным наводнением потребительского рынка фальсифицированной и нелегальной продукцией. В основе проблемы лежит то, что основная масса потребителей, располагающая низкими финансовыми возможностями, в первую очередь отдает предпочтение ценовым характеристикам изделия и в значительно меньшей степени руководствуется торговой маркой, символизирующей его качество и надежность. Поэтому нередки случаи, когда контрафактная продукция занимает доминирующее положение на рынке, вытесняя легальные товары.

Ключевые слова: качество, защита, рыночный, возможность, предпочтение, торговая марка, продукция, положение, доминирующий.

УДК 54.08

Falsifico - actions aimed at deception of the buyer and/or the consumer by means of counterfeiting the object of sale for profit. Therefore, falsification, in the broadest sense, can be considered as actions aimed at deterioration of certain consumer properties of goods or reduction of their quantity, while maintaining the most characteristic indicators, but are not significant for the consumer.

When the term "counterfeit goods" is used, many people confuse it with such notions as "substitutes" (surrogates, simulators) and "defective goods" (obtained due to imperfect technology or low qualification of workers). This is no coincidence, as many counterfeit substitutes and defective goods are widely used to falsify natural products without providing the recipient and/or the consumer with the necessary information, or are perceived to be distorted.

Typically, the objects of falsification are: goods; services; money marks; documents; information; financial and accounting reports and current documentation; markings and identification marks; historical facts; opinions and statements of outstanding personalities; and much more [2].

In modern conditions, quality management is largely based on standardization. Its impact on the object is carried out by establishing norms and rules, issued in the form of a regulatory document and having legal force.

The standard is a normative and technical document, which establishes the basic requirements for the quality of products.

An important role in quality management belongs to the specifications.

Specifications are the normative-technical document establishing additional to the state standards, and in the absence of their independent requirements to the quality indicators of production, as well as the technical description, recipe, sample-template equated to this document. The requirements stipulated by the technical specifications cannot be lower than in the state standards [3].

The quality management system is based on comprehensive standardization. Standards define the order and methods of planning the improvement of product quality at all stages of the life cycle, establish requirements to the means and methods of product quality control and evaluation. Product quality management is carried out on the basis of: national, international, industry standards and enterprise standards.

State standardization is a means of protecting the interests of society and specific consumers and applies to all levels of management.

One of the many and effective measures to protect the consumer market is certification. Nowadays, in the conditions of market relations, when all enterprises and organizations are given the right to enter the foreign market independently, they face the problem of assessing the quality and reliability of their products. International experience shows that a necessary tool that guarantees the quality of products to the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation is certification.

Certification is a documentary proof of compliance of products with certain requirements, specific standards or specifications. Product сertification is a set of measures (actions) carried out to confirm through the certificate of conformity of products to certain standards.

From the day of its foundation and up to the present day the tasks of the State Sign as a state body - control and coordination of the state policy in the field of development and production of forms of securities, state signs, documents with a certain degree of protection. However, with the development of trade and market relations the jurisdiction of the State Sign expanded. At present, one of its most important tasks is to protect the consumer market from mass falsification of goods [1].

Certification is a very effective means of developing the country's trade and economic relations, promoting the company's products on the external and internal sales market, as well as fixing them for a fairly long period of time. All this predetermined the wide spread of certification.

Certification appeared in connection with the need to protect the domestic market from products that are not suitable for use. Safety, health and environmental protection issues make the legislature, on the one hand, to establish the responsibility of the supplier for the introduction of low-quality products into circulation, on the other hand,

to establish mandatory minimum requirements for the characteristics of products introduced into circulation.

Thus, the essence of falsification is considered to be the actions aimed at deterioration of certain consumer properties of the product, i.e. deception of the buyer with the purpose of profit. In order to reduce the growth of falsified products it is necessary to radically improve the functioning of the entire system of protection of the domestic market. In this regard, there is a need for a strong legal protection by the state, as falsification of products and a significant amount of goods in shadow circulation leads to a shortfall of billions of sums in the budget.

In conclusion, in the process of transition to a market economy, the Republic of Uzbekistan faced the filling of the consumer market with low-quality, falsified products. These products dominate the market, displacing licensed products. Counterfeits are harmful to human health. Thus, falsification of marketable products is an action aimed at deterioration of certain consumer properties of goods or reduction of their quantity while maintaining the most characteristic indicators, but which are not significant for the consumer.

The problem of protection of goods from counterfeiting is becoming more and more urgent every day. Use of various kinds of self-adhesive labels can serve not only for package registration, but also for protection of contents from plunder or banal substitution.

References / Список литературы

1. Platonov V.N. Retail trade organization: textbook / V.N. Platonov. Minsk: BSEU, 1996. P. 127.

2. Sytsko V.E. Commodity science of non-food products: textbook / V.E. Sytsko, M.N. Miklushova. Minsk: Highest school, 1999. P. 633.

3. Slowly E.A. Commodity study and examination of goods: textbook [for special educational institutions] / E.A. Slowly. Moscow: RIOR, 2005. P. 156.

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