FACTORS THAT IMPROVE IDEOLOGICAL ACTIVITY Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Nabiev B.

This article devoted almost all spheres of life globalization and its contents, and its various forms of human impact on the life of society and the state covered. Also, to improve the conditions of ideological activity and its efficiency as the main factors.

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UDK 37.02

Nabiev B. independent researcher Namangan Engineering-Construction Institute

Uzbekistan, Namangan


Annotation: This article devoted almost all spheres of life globalization and its contents, and its various forms of human impact on the life of society and the state covered. Also, to improve the conditions of ideological activity and its efficiency as the main factors.

Key words: globalization, forms of globalization, ideology, ideological activity, information, media, Internet, and intellectual potential, development, global crisis.

The international situation at the beginning of the XXI century is characterized by the fact that the processes of globalisation have intensified. Because "at the moment it is no secret to anyone that no matter what happens on the edge of the Earth, a person will immediately find a message about this on the other side of the world"[1]. By the beginning of the XX century, this process, which acquired a new qualitative character and covered all spheres of social life, began to be expressed through the concept of globalism. In the XXI century, however, the process of globalisation further intensified. Globalism and its essence are of universal importance and are one of the main research subjects studied by many scientists around the world. "This is a natural state. Because even if a certain number of positive thoughts were formed about its role in the world economy, the study of aspects related to Man, person, nation and existing universal values has not yet reached the doomsday"[2]. Many conferences and symposiums are held in this regard. Hundreds of books, thousands of articles came out of publication.In itself, it is clear that the development of Man and society is directly related to the correct understanding and interpretation of this process.

In everyday life, however,"it is common to understand problems of universal importance, mainly when we say globalism" [3]. In a general sense, globalism is a combination of economics, politics, culture, spirituality, interaction and connectivity between people of different countries. There are also such manifestations of the globalisation process as social, economic, political, spiritual, demographic, informative globalisation.

The XXI century, along with the opening of new horizons before humanity as a century of potential, thinking and spirituality, is also bringing about acute problems that we have not seen before.

It remains only to say that the youth is a layer that transmits our national values, heritage, which has been formed and polished for thousands of years, to the future generation. That is why it remains our most important task to preserve the vision and spirituality of young people from the harmful effects of globalism, to protect our national identity from external ideological currents. Because the harmonious generation is an important factor in creating a free and prosperous, free and prosperous life.

Regarding the positive and negative impact that globalisation can have on the Economic Policy and spirituality of countries, the following words of the famous Indian statesman MahatmaGandhi are noteworthy: "I can not always firmly Berk the gates and doors of my house because fresh air must enter my house.At the same time, I do not want the air entering from the opened doors and windows to be a whirlwind and turn over my house, and break down myself." Therefore, it is important to realize that the idea of national independence, which is formed on the basis of our national spirituality, is the factor of keeping our house clean and, at the same time, "dovullar"in today's globalisation process.

Recognizing the measures taken by the state, the following recommendations can be made to further increase the effectiveness of ideological work:

• in today's global environment, the sub-factor in the field of social development, that is, the role of the individual is increasing, as long as its spirituality, raising its high potential, is one of the foundations determining the development of society. In such conditions, it is necessary to take the leading place in the development of Science, the position of social structures, which include innovative and informative ome, first of all spiritual factors and social norms;

• we must pay special attention to the fact that the century in which we live is provided with information. With the effective use of media, it is necessary to further expand and revitalize the activities of National internet portals, e - libraries, information resource centers, along with the excellent implementation of such activities as national values, traditions and Customs, national identity, improvement of national spirituality in the minds and minds of young people;

• we should make effective use of the opportunities of art and literature in educating young people in a spirit of loyalty and respect to our national identity. In addition to high artistic skills in youth, it is necessary to further enhance and develop our national identity, national consciousness, the potential of National thinking;

• it is necessary to pay more attention to live communication and practical work in various discussions, conferences, meetings, to openly discuss the existing problems and shortcomings, without denying the use of quatrain,

lectures of specialists of various specialties and directions in the field of youth propaganda and cooperation;

* it is necessary to identify young people who are talented, talented and talented, to create the necessary conditions for them, to support them, to encourage them. Taking advantage of their opportunities, it is also necessary to involve them in the work of propaganda and cooperation.

"We really understand well that life never stops in one place. If we take into account the fact that we live in the 21st century, at a time when increasingly volatile processes of globalisation, the Internet and Global Development play a decisive role, we feel particularly deeply that our lives are changing at an ever-increasing rate. Without admiring the results we have achieved in such conditions, not succumbing to the mood of the ventilation, we must clearly imagine to ourselves that the path we have traveled so far is only part of the complex and difficult path that lies ahead of us. I think that there is no need to talk superfluous about how quickly the world that surrounds us today is changing, various conflicts and bloodshed are continuing in our immediate and distant environment, the increased risk of terrorism, extremism and drug trafficking, the financial and economic crisis and its consequences are exacerbated. Of course, all this does not leave each of us without worries and requires us to calmly assess the situation that is happening in the World"[4].

The fate of radical changes in Uzbekistan depends on the activity of each citizen. Of course, if a young generation lives as a glue, as a citizen, the society takes a step forward towards its goal. To do this, first of all, it is necessary to immerse the true essence of the National idea into the minds of young people.

There is full justification for the interpretation of the National idea as a dynamic, changing and unique strategic system that constantly develops, embodies the strategic issues of the future, unites all layers of society in a single goal. In the integration of the National idea into the consciousness of young people, it is necessary to educate young people as believers, truly Patriots, to educate them as a perfect person capable of taking full responsibility for ensuring the effectiveness of the reforms carried out. It is necessary to attach importance to its three main stages in the realization of the main goal associated with the integration of the National idea into the minds of young people.

First of all, independence is national and development-related features. The issue of thinking is mainly aimed at the comprehensive strengthening of direct independence, the implementation of radical qualitative changes in its moral and spiritual foundations.

Secondly, such concepts as national consciousness, National thinking, national pride, national pride and national heritage, which form the basis of the National idea, including mental signs, should be of paramount importance, mainly in national aspects.

Third, the national ideology is an ideology of development. It is necessary to pay serious attention to the tireless renewal of the life of society, the

importance of dialectical relations among the above-mentioned concepts. The degree to which the concepts mentioned in our opinion are formed, as well as the result of the dialectical relationship between them, is a specific criterion indicating the integration of the National idea into the minds of young people.

Because the further strengthening of independence is a national idea, which is considered to be the subject and object of deepening economic reforms, the full formation of human faith-e'tiqod, high patriotic feelings, depends on how much the science of basic concepts and principles is studied by young people.

In my opinion, the ultimately positive result of any work will be directly related mainly to human activity, and the rest to his worldview. The correct and perfect worldview serves the main task in educating the younger generation as a harmonious person.

Pride in our rich spiritual heritage is the key to the formation of national pride and national pride. In the study of such concepts, of course, the axamity of socio-humanitarian Sciences is great. Through the study of similar disciplines, students are given the ability to form the concepts of love, loyalty to their homeland, to integrate the concepts of national pride and national pride into the minds of young people.

A person with a sense of love and loyalty to his homeland in his soul will not have the concept of betrayal of the motherland, will not join the destructive ideas, will grow up as a harmonious-generation, proud of his homeland, proud of his youth, able to sacrifice his soul for his homeland, spending all his efforts for the development of society. In carrying out such tasks, it is necessary that all of us refuse from one side and struggle for happiness.


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