FACTORS OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF ANIMAL HUSBANDRY OF RUSSIA Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Antonova I.U.

The article reveals the importance of the livestock industry to the economy, and the ways of perfection of organizational-economic structure of livestock farming.

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Развитие перспективных направлений взаимодействия Казахстана в рамках ШОС позволит повысить эффективность и результативность внешнеэкономической деятельности страны.

Список литературы:

1. Телегина Е.А.Энергетическая безопасность и энергетическая интеграция в Евразии в XXI веке: азиатский профиль / Е.А. Телегина, Л.А. Сту-денкина. - М.: НК 2009. - 460 с.

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4. Брагинский О.Б. Мировой нефтегазовый комплекс / РАН, Центральный экономико-математический институт. - М.: Наука, 2010.

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© Antonova I.U.1

Stavropol State Agrarian University, Stavropol

The article reveals the importance of the livestock industry to the economy, and the ways of perfection of organizational-economic structure of livestock farming.

Key words: animal, specialty, cooperation, integration, economy.

The need for the development of domestic livestock is no doubt the vast majority of scholars and practitioners. This is due to the huge importance of the products of this industry to the life and health of people, the task of ensuring food independence of the country, the need to fully utilize existing production resources. Thanks to the biological properties of agricultural animal industry most effectively uses crop residues and food industry, as well as non-plowing of natural grasslands, the recycling process yields a valuable as food and raw materials,

1 Доцент кафедры Экономической теории и экономики АПК, кандидат экономических наук.

as well as no less important by-product - manure, which is in southern Russia the only source of organic fertilizers. In this regard, animal husbandry plays a special role in the agro-industrial complex as the link between feed production and processing industry [3].

Animal has a number of advantages that make this sector a promising and necessary for the economy of the majority of large agricultural enterprises. First, unlike the crop production of many animal products is quite rhythmic, which gives the opportunity to obtain cash from revenues and to reduce the impact of inflation, pay loans, buy the necessary materials. While this product is a necessity, always had a certain demand. Farming is a labour - intensive industry, so it is very important in social terms, because it creates permanent jobs for a large part of the rural population. In addition, very significantly, the development of livestock is essential for the full utilization of available production resources and large agricultural enterprises to the rational combination of branches [5].

Opportunities for the development of industry in our country based on the enormous resources of plant and forage other funds, of which currently uses only a small part. Therefore, a completely absurd claim that Russia's natural resources does not allow to make farming competitive in the world. Of course, bioclimatic potential of the United States and the developed countries of Western Europe is 23 times higher than ours is, but it just means that you need a more balanced approach to the justification of the structure, of technology and organization of fodder production and livestock, not blindly copying Western models [8].

Significant role in the problems facing the farming task belongs to such factors that determine structural changes in the industry and its rational organization. These include specialization, territorial-sectoral and inter-farm distribution of production, cooperation and integration of enterprises. The need for the development and justification of parameters characterizing the essential elements of a management system for the industry, in recent years more and more widely publicized in agro-economic literature. This is due to the changed conditions of functioning of animal husbandry and the need to fully utilize the potential of agricultural and processing enterprises of all forms of ownership [7].

The scientific rationale for these processes is especially true for some regions of Russia, as it will determine their strategy in the development of animal husbandry in the near and distant future may already be carried out under the existing legislative framework and requires virtually no additional investment. The parameters of the rational organization of the animal, ensuring its rapid development, should include the following main directions:

- substantiation of the optimum sizes of the industry that meet the needs of society and the availability of productive resources, primarily forage;

- structural changes in the location of the livestock industries within the country, region, zone, etc.;

- structural changes in the distribution of livestock on different types of agricultural enterprises, the definition of priority for the industry for the types of farms;

- substantiation of the basic directions of development and improvement of cooperative relations and agro-industrial integration to better use of production resources and improving the efficiency of livestock production;

- determining the size and structure of the grassland to create a stable and sustainable food supply in conjunction with the development prospects of other sectors of agriculture, especially of grain [2].

The rationale of size, distribution and structure of livestock production is not contrary to the requirements of a market economy. It is known that zonal regiona-lization of production of main kinds of agricultural products is inherent in all developed capitalist countries and maintained not only market mechanisms, but also the various economic levers of the state. In agriculture, the United States currently are traced clear tendencies of concentration and specialization of production, coupled with industrialization. However, these processes are under permanent control of the state, which depending on conditions may deter or encourage them [4].

To place the production of products should, where appropriate, with economic, environmental and social points of view, and ensure that feasibility needs the mechanism of state regulation. Rational location and specialization of production is particularly important from the standpoint of its adaptability and full utilization of productive resources.

The improved utilization of production resources is one of the most important criteria when selecting the most promising types of livestock farms.

In determining the most promising types of farms, educational animal, you should take into account their ability in the following tasks:

- implementation of high-value production on an intensive basis with the use of achievements of scientific-technical progress;

- achieving high level of efficiency in using production resources;

- the conservation and enhancement of soil fertility and compliance with environmental requirements;

- ensuring a high level of social motivation.

The first three criteria of benefits of large enterprises is undeniable. Moreover, it does not depend on the form of ownership. As for motivation, there are real opportunities for a significant increase in large public farms, allowing her to become not lower but even higher than in the individual and small-scale private enterprises. This can be achieved through the use of the most efficient forms of management, improvement of on-farm organizations. If in large public farms to create the conditions under which the contractor will be interested in the results of production, will get enough freedom in implementing the professional and intellectual potential, the future for these enterprises [9].

As for small-scale farms, their existence and development is objectively necessary and appropriate: LPH - as farms that give additional income to farm

workers and farmers as areas of difficulty for people wishing to engage in entrepreneurial agricultural activities. The development of all forms of management can be successfully implemented within a single agro-industrial complex, and each type of farms should occupy in it a definite place on the basis of how competitive relations and instruments of state regulation mechanism.

The most important factor in increasing the efficiency of all types of agricultural enterprises economists-agrarians see in the development of different forms of cooperation. Cooperation is a broad concept that includes both the form of organization of production and labour at enterprises and cooperation in production scale APK (inter-farm, inter-regional, inter-industry linkages and interdependence), as well as the totality of all existing cooperatives or their certain parts, formed with various characteristics (features, class, nature of activity, etc.).

Speaking about the cooperation and agro industrial integration, it should be noted that the forms and methods they may not be the same for the whole of Russia. However, this applies to all questions of organizational and economic structure of animal husbandry, which can be solved only on the basis of the specific conditions of the region [1].

Thus, sustainable development of the livestock sector is possible only through an integrated approach with appropriate macroeconomic conditions (policy of state protectionism, the establishment of an effective mechanism of state regulation, etc.), allowing to actuate the system of factors aimed at intensification of livestock production, sustainable use of production resources, improving the social and environmental situation. The greatest value at the present time are becoming those areas of intensification, which determine rational organizational-economic structure of the industry, do not require significant investment to intensify that define rational organizational-economic structure of the industry, do not require significant investment and may be undertaken under the existing legislative framework [6].

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