Научная статья на тему 'FACTORS OF SOCIAL EXCLUSION'

FACTORS OF SOCIAL EXCLUSION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Shirshov Vladimir

The paper describes the factors of social exclusions as deviations from the norm in behaviour. It discusses the factors of deviation, delinquency, and neuropsychological and addictive deviations. It reveals certain peculiarities of preventive measures, rehabilitation of addictive behaviour; outlines the directions of formation of sober lifestyle among the young people.

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Текст научной работы на тему «FACTORS OF SOCIAL EXCLUSION»



The paper describes the factors of social exclusions as deviations from the norm in behaviour. It discusses the factors of deviation, delinquency, and neuropsychological and addictive deviations. It reveals certain peculiarities of preventive measures, rehabilitation of addictive behaviour; outlines the directions of formation of sober lifestyle among the young people.


norm, exclusions, depression, sadism, suicide, addiction, sabriology, preventive measures, rehabilitation

AUTHOR Vladimir Shirshov

PhD in Education, Professor Department of Life Safety, member of the International Academy of education Sciences and the International Academy of ecology, man and nature Ekaterinburg, Russia Shvd66@mail.ru

At present there are several opinions about the main factors of social exclusions. One should notice researches on modern genetics, social psychology and pedagogy, on neuropsychology, sabrientology, addiction, etc. We consider that for psychologists, educators, social workers it will be useful to get acquainted with the theory of social exclusions, which describes different deviations from the norm of human social behavior. At first, we define the norm as it is.

The norm is a system of human actions and activities that corresponds to the universal values, morals, rights and traditions of the people.

We consider the factors of social exclusions are the following:

1) defection of social and personal relationships;

2) failures in socialization of parents, educators and supervisors;

3) physical punishments;

4) a negative balance between encouragements and enforcement;

5) an imperative, authoritarian or, vice versa, a liberal style of communication, etc.

Recently in scientific literature a term a "problem" or "deviant" from the norm

behaviour has appeared. It touches such aspects, as psychical health, rights, culture, morals, etc.

Deviant behaviour and activity need preventive, legal, moral, psychological-pedagogical work with learners, and if necessary correction of their behaviour and activity.

When an individual trespasses doing something insignificant for the society, his actions are called offences and result in administrative responsibility, and when they are serious and punished in criminal order they are already crimes.

Delinquent (derived from Latin delicti - criminal) behaviour requires assessment and active interjection from educators, psychologists, social workers, lawyers and public people, as dеlinquent behaviour does not become a crime. Resocialization of people after being at prison is still a great social problem. Often, being at a place of detention, an individual loses his family, accommodation, forgets social relationships. It is difficult to

him to find suitable work, because he is not eagerly employed. He has only two ways - to live at prison or to die out of prison. Almost two-thirds of previously convicted people trespass on purpose and come back to prison where they have a roof over their head and bearable food.

Victimology as a branch of the theory of social-pedagogical exclusions is of great importance in understanding factors of delinquent behaviour; it studies the problems of origin, rehabilitation and adaptation of victims of the social environment: children and teenagers who need patronage, orphans and invalids, tramps, the homeless and, finally, victims of different crimes.

At present science considers different deviations from the norm and factors of exclusions: medical and biological (illnesses, disability, acceleration, deceleration, organic cerebral, hormonal, genetic disorders); psychological as a result of damaging of a neuropsychological status of an individual:

- hysterical neurosis comes out in nibbling nails, pulling up hair in a circle or strip shape, in nervous vomiting, in complaints about the heart, laborious breathing, in coughing (without a cold). It is necessary to pay attention to such, as it may seem, insignificant displays of illness of children and to take relevant measures.

- neurasthenia comes out in sleeping and appetite disorders, hypermotivity, substandard performance, inclination to aggression and destructive actions, complaints about pain in head, hands, etc.;

- depression involves complaints about boredom, amotivational sadness; languor, restraint, slow laconic speech. Tearfulness, higher vulnerability, weak changes of attention. Such children can sit for a long time, glancing at a bare wall;

- a syndrome of irresistible compulsions:

1) kleptomania is interest in stealing of unnecessary objects. Sometimes young people have cases of stealing of small objects. Usually, it is rare; all crime cases are easily determined and mark human life. And kleptomania is a protracted process that is badly realized even in adulthood and a sober state;

2) dromomania is leavings home, desire to vagabondism. It is a trouble of a child, parents and teachers, it requires rapid actions and a complex analysis of the reasons;

3) desire of destruction of different objects;

4) sadism is desire to torture and murder animals, and sometimes other people;

- reaction of hypercompensation is when an individual aims to attain high results exactly in a that area, where he is the most unsuccessful: a shy person accomplishes

desperate and thoughtless acts; an imbecile fights battles; a coward commits ruffian-like attacks;

- pathological reaction of fascination-hobby is desire to get easy, without intellectual tension information, necessity in a great number of casual contacts, loafing about, rambling on; passion to hoarding and gaming;

- pathological sexual instincts are masturbation, keen interest in sexual life, attempts to violence, homosexualism, interest in pornography, experiencing concerning sexual deficiency;

- suicidal behaviour is predisposition to suicide, that is expressed in ideas, intentions, utterances or threats. As a rule, suicide is an appeal for help that nobody hears.

It is necessary to mark that Russia occupies a leading place on childish and juvenile suicide. It is possible to determine three main reasons of suicide:

- negative heredity, when cases of suicide happened in a family. This is in 88 times more often, than in ordinary families;

- mental disorders. People with mental disorders suicide more often. As a rule, children and teenagers, committing an attempt to suicide, are healthy people that are in

extreme psychic tension. If someone notices such tension and get involved in time, then there will not be observations of suicidal behaviour again. (Nosonova, K.E., 2012);

- gaps in education of a child in his family, especially in the preschool age. It is known that a child under 3 years old must live in the atmosphere of love, in well-wishing relationships with adults, if it does not take place due to some reasons - different psychical deviations come. Such social exclusions occur at excessive connivance of desires of a child, when "everything is allowed" and at an authoritarian style of bringing-up, when a child experiences humiliations all the time, and his freedom is constantly limited.

Humiliation of an individual, dramatic relationships with significant others, or unrequited feeling play a crucial role in such behaviour. It is necessary to pay attention to the child's drawings - flowers and the sun, or crosses and coffins. What he likes to talk about - about something sad or joyful.

All of these factors of social exclusions at the first-time manifestations may be well corrected with pedagogical ways and methods. But repeated or numerous cases need help of a psychologist, and maybe of a psychiatrist who will examine the causes and mechanisms of manifestation of mental disorders, and will use the methods of prevention, treatment and providing individual assistance to each one. In any case, all this must be done politely, kindly and gently in order not to harm the individual.

Additionally, the factors of social exclusions involve smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction, toxic substances addiction. According to the international classification of the World Health Organization ICD-10 alcoholism, drug addiction and toxic substance addiction are united with a common term "psycho-active substances dependence" (PAS), which should be considered as a serious chronic brain disease, that destroys the mechanisms responsible for reproduction, that monitor and influence cognitive, emotional and social behaviour of the subject. "Narcotism is a social phenomenon, characterized with mass mental blindness of individuals, escaping from social activity in the illusory world as a result of use of drug substances" (Mayurov, A.N., Krivonogov, V.P.. Grinchenko, N.A , Grinchenko, V.I., Karpov. A.M. , 2009).

The theory and practice of preventive activity, both in Russia and abroad, confirm that drug addiction, alcoholism and toxic substance addiction are complex socio-cultural phenomena with a number of features:

- these are interrelated processes (interconnected vessels), which require coordinated comprehensive preventive measures; focusing on one phenomenon (for example on drug addiction) inevitably leads to a surge of problems on the other, for example alcoholism, smoking easily results in use of "weeds";

- diseases caused by drugs, alcohol, toxic substances are not of infectious character;

- usually, development, course and manifestations of the diseases associated with these phenomena are of a latent (hidden) nature, which in its turn is reflected in a pulsed (non-uniform) progress, which is difficult to prognosticate in a short and medium term;

- the majority of the causes leading to psycho-active substance addiction by a young individual are in the social, behavioural spheres of human life, so the dynamics of these processes is influenced by many objective and subjective factors of a political, economic, legal, cultural, psychological, spiritual, moral, biological and other nature.

We are concerned with the following facts: young people are not interested in a healthy lifestyle; they have low motivation to improve their body, moral and spiritual qualities. Many young men and women do not connect future success in family life, at work with the non-use of PAS. It should be emphasized that the effectiveness of pharmacological and psychological programs is low.

Currently, there is no governmental policy and programs for rehabilitation of drug addicts in the Russian Federation. Today 2-3% of diagnosed drug addicts are sent to rehabilitation. But after a short stay at a narcological dispensary, where withdrawal symptoms are charmed away, these people are not monitored. As practice shows, only

one of two hundred addicts shakes off drugs on his own. After scientifically based rehabilitation stages the annual probability of remission will increase up to the half of addicts. The second part of the patients does not give up drug use.

Experts in this area invoke to more active preventive work, which is more effective than measures taken after the problem occurred:

• clarification of Russian legislation, legal documents at the regional level concerning production, trafficking, sale and consumption of drugs, alcoholic beverages, tobacco, pharmaceuticals, household chemicals and other toxic substances, as well as necessity in strict following these legislative acts by all citizens;

• explanation of need to develop a system for diagnosis and detection of the underage at early stages who have an experience in use of psychoactive substances and the efficiency of measures of early psycho-pedagogical influence and medical intervention;

• promotion of benefits of freedom from use of psycho-active substances, introduction of Russian and international experience of stimulation of young people who prefer sober lifestyle;

• protection of the citizens' rights, who do not use psycho-active substances, explanation of need to ban smoking and drinking of any type of alcoholic beverages in public places;

• explanation of impermissibility of smoking, drinking of alcoholic beverages by the under-age (including beer and low-alcohol cocktails), importance of an administrative and social control over observation of the legislation regarding the sale of tobacco products and alcoholic beverages to the under-age;

• explanation of the harmful effects of use of psycho-active substances for the health of future children among women of the reproductive age and future mothers. We should pay attention to the alternation of positive and negative examples of sobriety as focusing only on the negative consequences of use of psycho-active substances without positive alternatives does not contribute to a healthy lifestyle of young people;

• informing about the activities of municipal, state, public and other institutions and organizations which provide assistance to the population in a sober way of life;

• activities aimed at development of an administrative and social control of information flows to limit narcogenic information, to ban (to limit) advertising of psychoactive substances, and monitoring of social advertising (Shirshov V.D., Shirshov S.V., Nikolaeva M.A. 2012),

The specific areas of fighting for sober lifestyle include:

1. Activities for prevention of smoking:

• formation of motivation to stop tobacco smoking among the youth (to ensure smoking to become unfashionable). We consider smoking dangerous for young boys and especially girls. This passion leads not only to numerous diseases, but it is a short "bridge" to drug and toxic substance addictions. To eliminate this dangerous phenomenon, tough organizational measures are needed to prevent smoking in public places, we need punitive measures towards smoking by children and their parents and certain incentives to non-smokers;

• explanation of need to desist from smoking in educational and other social institutions (especially the facts of smoking by the teaching staff are detrimental to the anti-smoking activities), in transport, and etc.;

• introduction of penalties for smokers which are considered the most effective way of giving up tobacco smoking (50 rubles is a little sum, but it is an unpleasant moment), and an incentive system for non-smokers and ex-smokers;

2. Introduction of the anti-alcohol policy:

The fact of drinking in any way before the majority age is unacceptable, but even after it an individual needs the sober policy and the practice of "moderate drinking" to stop himself from excessive doses by force of will.

• formation of norms of civilized, moderate, controlled consumption of alcoholic beverages among the adults. People say: the first glass is as a picket, the second is as a falcon, and the following are as small birds. One should after the second one bite his lower lip, if it is not painful, the lip is soft - drink lemonade, go dancing and enjoy!;

There is need to develop the administrative and social control over the quality of alcoholic beverages and raw materials for its production; to prevent the sale of surrogate alcohol products; (Shirshov V.D., Shirshov S.V., Bagretsov D.N. 2011).

3. Prevention of misuse of toxic substances and medicinal products:

• explanation of need of home control for unavailability and following the instructions of use of medicines, household chemicals by the under-age under adult supervision;

• formation of public awareness in food consumption;

4. Strengthening of the anti-drug policy

• formation of the public opinion on absolute non-acceptance of drug use, intolerance to it;

• promotion of extremely negative, intolerant attitude to participants of the drug turnover;

• formation of a total population of responsibility for combating illicit drug trafficking, especially in places of public recreation and employment of minors and young people;

• formation of attitudes towards drug use not as a private matter of an individual, but as a problem affecting the interests of the whole society;

- active involvement of learners in the anti-drug activities on a voluntary basis [Shirshov, V.D., Shirshov, S.V. , Nikolaeva. M.A. ,2012).

For people who have experienced the elements of social exclusions it is necessary to create social lifts that will help them to avoid these exclusions and ensure positive rehabilitation in the society.

We consider that the main focus of this prevention work is organization of a sober and healthy lifestyle not only for the younger generations, but the whole population of Russia. Here we talk about cultural activities, sports and physical exercises. Such systematic impact distracts from unpleasant thoughts, emotions, inappropriate behavior; good physical well-being gives a person a sense of self-confidence and results in self-control (Shirshov V.D., 2011).

Thus, the activities of psychologists, educators, social workers should be aimed at eliminating of negative factors of social exclusions, at formation of a system of social assistance and development of a personality.


1. Nosonova, K.E. (2012). Teenage suicide. In 20 years of life safety: yesterday, today and tomorrow: Collected materials of All-Russian scientific conference with international participation. Yekaterinburg: Publication of Ural state pedagogical university.

2. Mayurov, A.N., & Krivonogov, V.P., & Grinchenko, N.A., & Grinchenko, V.I., & Karpov, A.M. (2009). Sobriology (a collective monograph). M: International academy of sobriety.

3. Shirshov, V.D., Shirshov S.V. (2011 ). Fundamentals of sabrientology in educational work at the university. In Modern approaches to quality management of educational work in an educational institution: Materials of All-Russian scientific-practical conference (p.318). Yekaterinburg: Ural state pedagogical university.

4. Shirshov V.D., Shirshov, S.V., Bagretsov, D.N. (2011). Fundamentals of sabrientology in training of agricultural specialists. Agrarian bulletin of the Urals, № 1, (pp.127-128).

5. Shirshov, V.D., Shirshov, S.V., Nikolaeva, M.A. (2012). Sabrientology in social advertising. In Education and science. Bulletin of UrORAO, №3 (92), (pp.89-99).

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