Научная статья на тему 'Psychoemotional synergy register of non-chemical addiction and tobacco smoking in youth'

Psychoemotional synergy register of non-chemical addiction and tobacco smoking in youth Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Tabachnikov S., Osukhovskaya O., Vasylyeva G., Kharchenko E., Salden V.

Pathological attraction to gambling, as a variant of non-chemical dependence, and smoking, as one of the types of chemical addiction, at the present is a pressing problem both in Ukraine and in foreign countries where the gambling business has been legalized. At the article examines the indicators of the psycho-emotional state of young people healthy and gamers, smokers and non-smokers using the method of \" WAM \". Among respondents who do not smoke tobacco, health and mood were highly appreciated, and activity was moderate; in individuals with ludomania, indicators of well-being, activity and mood are within the average of the assessment. In smokers both healthy and gamers, there were no significant differences in the scales of well-being, activity and mood: the above indicators correspond to a high score, which together with the results of correlation analysis proves the synergy of the emergence and functioning of non-chemical and chemical addiction. Based on the data obtained, a conclusion about the relevance of psychohygienic and psychocorrectional measures among the population for prevent the processes of further epidemic expansion of drug addiction and smoking was made.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Psychoemotional synergy register of non-chemical addiction and tobacco smoking in youth»

UDC 616.89+616.08



Tabachnikov S.

State Institution «Research Institute of Psychiatry of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine »

Kyiv, Ukraine Osukhovskaya O.

State Institution «Research Institute of Psychiatry of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine »

Kyiv, Ukraine Vasylyeva G.

Donetsk National Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine,

Liman, Ukraine

Kharchenko E.

State Institution «Research Institute of Psychiatry of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine »

Kyiv, Ukraine

Salden V.

State Institution «Research Institute of Psychiatry of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine»

Kyiv, Ukraine

Chepunna A.

State Institution «Research Institute of Psychiatry of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine »

Kyiv, Ukraine


Pathological attraction to gambling, as a variant of non-chemical dependence, and smoking, as one of the types of chemical addiction, at the present is a pressing problem both in Ukraine and in foreign countries where the gambling business has been legalized. At the article examines the indicators of the psycho-emotional state of young people healthy and gamers, smokers and non-smokers using the method of " WAM ". Among respondents who do not smoke tobacco, health and mood were highly appreciated, and activity was moderate; in individuals with ludomania, indicators of well-being, activity and mood are within the average of the assessment. In smokers both healthy and gamers, there were no significant differences in the scales of well-being, activity and mood: the above indicators correspond to a high score, which together with the results of correlation analysis proves the synergy of the emergence and functioning of non-chemical and chemical addiction. Based on the data obtained, a conclusion about the relevance of psychohygienic and psychocorrectional measures among the population for prevent the processes of further epidemic expansion of drug addiction and smoking was made.

Keywords: pathological gambling addiction, gambling, ludomania, tobacco smoking.

Pathological gambling addiction, as one of the types of non-chemical addiction, and tobacco use among young people is an actual research topic [1, 2, 3, 4]. Modern social society development in the context of globalization and financial and economic relations reformatting with the scientific and technological progress background allows a person not only to benefit from the innovations of civilization (adaptations for real and interactive gambling), but also puts them at risk of abuse. In addition, ludomania, affecting basic psycho-physiological processes, is in some cases the cause of extremely severe mental states, sometimes incompatible with life (from 13 to 40% of pathological gamers make suicide attempts, 32-70% have suicidal thoughts), social and personal disadaptation (up to 60% of gamers commit crimes). The etiology, pathogenesis and treatment of this psychopathology remain open. An important element is the commonality of mechanisms for the implementation of non-chemical game and chemical, in particular, tobacco dependencies [5].

The most important in the light of the studied nosologies is the problem of mental hygiene, psycho-prophylaxis and correction of addictive behavior in young people, since today almost the entire range of methods of working with addicts is developed for the

prevention and treatment of chemical addictions, while "modern addictive nosological units" require new approach in the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of patients in the practical absence of targeted modular training of medical personnel on this subject.

In connection with the above, the importance and relevance of the topic of studying the psychosocial factors of the gambling formation in combination with smoking seems to be indisputable. Therefore, the aim of our research was to study the psycho-emotional state of healthy young people and those suffering from pathological gambling addiction, smoking and nonsmoking tobacco.

To achieve this aim, we identified the following tasks:

1. To study the indicators of the psycho-emotional state of young people, citizens of Ukraine, healthy and gamers who do not smoke tobacco.

2. To study the indicators of the psycho-emotional state of young people who are healthy and suffering from pathological gambling addiction, smoking tobacco and compare with those of non-smoking respondents.

3. To draw conclusions about the practical application of the results obtained in the scheme of implementing the system of mental hygiene, psycho-prophylaxis and psychotherapy associated with components of addictive gambling behavior.

In accordance with the purpose and objectives of the study, we anonymously, with the consent of the surveyed, conducted a survey of 1,800 students of Kyiv's

higher educational institutions aged 17-25 years without acute and chronic diseases using a screening test, which included the "WAM" test ; 47% - were males, 53% - females (Fig. 1), students aged 17 years - 10%; 18 years old - 22%; 19 years old - 20.7%; 20 years old - 19.7%, 21 years old - 18.3%; 22 years old - 4%; 23 years - 3.3%; 24 years - 1%; 25 years - 1% (Fig. 2).

Fig. 1. Distribution of surveyed young people by gender

Fig. 2. Distribution of surveyed young people by age

Persons suffering from pathological dependence on gambling accounted for 9.66% (174 people), among them boys - 55.17% (96 people), girls - 44.83% (78 people). It was found that 72.41% (126 people) of the people in the forest suffer from tobacco smoking, while only 39.48% (642 people) of healthy respondents smoke tobacco. Statistical processing of the results was carried out using the SPSS 16.0 for Windows program. Table 1 shows the results of answers to the "WAM" questions of young people who do not smoke, Table 2 shows tobacco smokers.

Table 1

Indicators of the study of psycho-emotional state

young people who do not smoke tobacco on test scales "WAM"

Test scales "WAM" The average score of respondents answers

healthy, n=984 gamers, n=48

Wellbeing 5,36±0,048 4,42±0,244

Activity 4,48±0,051 3,83±0,245

Mood 5,49±0,046 4,21±0,259

Table 2

Indicators of the study of psycho-emotional state young people smoking tobacco on test scales "WAM"

Test scales "WAM" The average score of respondents answers

healthy, n=642 gamers, n=126

Wellbeing 5,22±0,061 5,22±0,142

Activity 4,32±0,064 4,28±0,131

Mood 5,49±0,056 5,143±0,132

Correlation analysis, based on Spearman's calculations to determine the closeness of the relationship between quantitative and qualitative traits, assuming that these signs can be ranked by degree of decrease or increase, allowed us to establish the following relationships between the studied data of respondents suffering from pathological gambling tendencies (table 3):

Table 3

Test questions "WAM" Correlations (Spearman ratio) between tobacco smoking and psycho-emotional state characteristics

healthy, n=1626 gamers,n=174

1 Feeling good-bad - 0,068** 0,279**

2 Feeling strong-weak - 0,050*

3 Passive-active

4 Sedentary-mobile 0,282**

5 Cheerful-sad 0,335**

6 The mood is good-bad - 0,057* 0,402**

7 Workable-broken - 0,063* 0,488**

8 Full power-exhausted 0,319**

9 Slow-fast - 0,083**

10 Inactive-active - 0,050*

11 Happy-unhappy

12 Cheerful-dark - 0,064*

13 Tense-relaxed - 0,070** 0,267**

14 Healthy-sick - 0,122*

15 Indifferent - enthusiastic - 0,089**

16 Indifferent-agitated 0,192*

17 Enthusiastic-sad 0,227**

18 Joyful-sad - 0,067** 0,319**

19 Rested-tired - 0,056* 0,447**

20 Fresh-worn out

21 Drowsy-excited

22 Desire to relax-work - 0,140** 0,300**

23 Calm-preoccupied

24 Optimistic-pessimistic

25 Hardy-tired

26 Vigorous - flaccid 0,178*

27 Hard to think - Easy to think

28 Scattered-attentive - 0,164** 0,254**

29 Hopeful-disappointed 0,318**

30 Satisfied-dissatisfied 0,345**

Note: ** - p<0,01; * - p<0,05

The obtained data allowed us to draw the following conclusions. According to the results of the "WAM" test, among the respondents who do not smoke tobacco, the state of health and mood of healthy young people was highly appreciated, and the activity was average; in individuals with ludomania, indicators of well-being, activity and mood are within the average of the assessment. In smokers, both healthy and gamers, there were no significant differences in the scales of well-being, activity and mood: the above-mentioned indicators correspond to a high score, which may be due to several reasons. Firstly, it is possible that there are predisposing gambling pathologies in the personality structural components. A high assessment of the psy-choemotional status of smokers in healthy respondents may be related to the fact that chronic nicotine intoxication causes significant changes in the central nervous system associated with the formation of a pathological vascular focus and electrical activity of various brain structures responsible for emotional responses. Secondly, no less important, by our opinion, are the results of a correlation analysis of the relationship between the fact of smoking and the psycho-emotional personality characteristics of a gamer: the process of smoking tobacco is closely related to the sensations' formation of pleasure, activity, good mood, mobility, efficiency, vigor, satisfaction. In healthy respondents, there are no such correlations, which proves synergy in the formation and functioning of non-chemical and chemical addiction. Of course, this topic needs further development. It is necessary to note the effective use of the results obtained in the structure of the complex psycho-therapeutic influence on addicts who consumed alcoholic beverages and smoked tobacco by the method of

contradictive stimulation. The above data was also used in the formation of psychohygienic and correctional and preventive measures in the youth environment, aimed at reducing the spread of both game addiction and smoking.


1. Bobrov A.E. (2007) Behavioral dependencies and mental dissociation. Proceedings of the Interaction of science and practice in modern psychiatry: Materials of the Russian Conference (October 9-11, 2007, Moscow), Moscow, p. 36.

2. Osukhovskaya E.S. (2011) Rezul'taty issledo-vaniya igrovoy addiktsii u lits molodogo vozrasta [The results of the study of game addiction in young people]. Archive of Psychiatry, vol.1, pp. 66-69.

3. Bukhanovskiy A.O., Soldatkin V.A. (2007) Patologicheskiy gembling: kliniko-patogeneticheskiye aspekty [Pathological gambling: clinical and pathoge-netic aspects]. Russian Psychiatric Journal, vol. 5, pp. 35-43.

4. Osukhovskaya E.S. (2011) Vzaimopo-tentsiruyushchiye protsessy, assotsiirovannyye s formi-rovaniyem khimicheskikh i nekhimicheskikh addiktsiy u lits molodogo vozrasta [Mutual potentiating processes associated with the formation of chemical and non-chemical addictions in young people]. Archive of Psychiatry, vol. 3, pp.102-108.

5. Chaban O.S. (2009) Homoludens: vospriya-tiya peremennykh ob"yektov ili: pochemu oni igrayut? [Homoludens: perceptions of variable objects or: why do they play?]. The Psychiatric and Psychopharma-cotherapy, vol. 2, pp.78-91.


Tymoshchuk O.

associate professor of the department of hygiene and ecology Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University Halytska St., 2, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine



Тимощук О.В.

к.мед.наук, доцент кафедри гтени та екологи 1вано-Франювсьшй нацюнальний медичний утверситет, вул. Галицька, 2, м. 1вано-Франювськ, Украша


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In order to ensure normal conditions of psychophysiological activity, it is necessary to take into account the basic psychophysiological aspects, which may arise in the conditions of educational establishments and extracurricular conditions of stay and influence the result of activity, and must also be organically combined with the educational process. Therefore, it is logical to introduce a general algorithm of psychophysiological support of the educational process, performing extracurricular work and achieving a certain level of physical activity to create the conditions that allow to achieve the maximum possible effect, which is one of the most effective approaches to providing educational activity in the conditions of modern educational institutions. The purpose of the study is to reveal the psychological features of the process of psychophysiological adaptation of students and students and sociopsychological factors of their social adaptation to the new conditions of the educational process. In the study of psychophysiological adaptation of students and students, great importance is attached to the analysis of emotional characteristics of the individual, the formation of "socially adequate methods of realization of emotional

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