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health of school-age children / risk factors for children / family lifestyle / living conditions.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — B. Mamatkulov, M. Raxmatullayeva, G. Urazova

During this paper, the risk factors that have an impact on these kids' health are analyzed. The analysis of risk variables separates them into exogenous (lifestyle, living environment, nutrition, rest, and job) and endogenous (genetic) categories. Additionally examined are aspects related to family life style, health and biological conditions, and social and hygienic conditions. The execution of preventative and health promotion strategies to safeguard children's health will be more fruitful if the many risk factors that affect illness development in young people are known.

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1Mamatkulov B. M., 2Raxmatullayeva M. K., 3Urazova G. S.

1Head of school of public health, TMA 2PhD student of school of public health, TMA 3Masters' student of school of public health, TMA https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7952399

Abstract. During this paper, the risk factors that have an impact on these kids' health are analyzed. The analysis of risk variables separates them into exogenous (lifestyle, living environment, nutrition, rest, andjob) and endogenous (genetic) categories. Additionally examined are aspects related to family life style, health and biological conditions, and social and hygienic conditions. The execution of preventative and health promotion strategies to safeguard children's health will be more fruitful if the many risk factors that affect illness development in young people are known.

Keywords: health of school-age children, risk factors for children, family lifestyle, living conditions.

The attitude we have toward illness prevention now includes the idea of "risk". The possibility of a change in health (health indicators) under the impact of a certain risk factor is referred to as risk in the context of sustaining public health. The two categories of risk variables are exogenous (lifestyle, living arrangements, diet, rest, and work) and endogenous (generational). Diseases linked to particular genes are an example of an endogenous form of risk factor. Exogenous risk factors, such as infection-causing agents, pharmaceuticals, toxins, or lifestyle variables including smoking, binge drinking, eating poorly, not scheduling downtime, and irregular sex, are a few examples.

The impact that lifestyle and family play in the development of children's health is one of the key risk factors that needs to be accurately recognized. This is due to the fact that, despite the extensive data on the direct and indirect effects of family lifestyle on child health indicators, these indicators vary during the course of historical development, meaning that their impact and influence will alter [14,15,16].

Pediatrics must first investigate the home, the child's environment, whose function in fostering healthy children is becoming increasingly important because mothers and children are most vulnerable to the impacts of varied home environments and lifestyles [4,18,20]. Another thing to keep in mind is that a child's health is impacted by a number of things even before the child is born. Of course, each element interacts with others in complicated visual cooperation to affect the child's health rather than acting absolutely independently.

Since it has been scientifically proven that the influence of lifestyle and living conditions on health is the greatest, then efforts to preserve and improve it should be aimed at creating healthy conditions and a healthy lifestyle for schoolchildren. A healthy lifestyle as a system consists of three interrelated basic elements, three cultures: a culture of nutrition, a culture of movement and a culture of emotions [10]. In a healthy lifestyle, nutrition is crucial, as it has a positive effect on

motor activity and emotional stability. It is one of the most important conditions that ensure the harmonious growth of children, timely maturation of morphological structures and functions of various organs and tissues, optimal intellectual development and resistance to adverse factors [12]. Nutrition is the main "key" to managing the development and formation of the health of children and future adults. Nutrition is the most important factor of the external environment, which is directly transformed from the external into the internal [6]. The concept of rational nutrition includes compliance with two basic principles: balance, compliance with the diet. The range of products should be diverse and include meat, fish, dairy, fermented milk products. A wide range of vegetables and fruits is required, because the missing vitamins and mineral salts of some compensate for others, the same applies to the range of cereals. By-products, sea products are useful. Children should receive 30, 32 types of products per week. It is recommended to prepare the menu in such a way that children receive meat, fish and other protein-rich foods in the first half of the day, because they increase metabolism and have an exciting effect.

It has been discovered that irregular eating and sleeping patterns, children's lack of physical exercise, and parents' unhealthy behaviors have a detrimental impact on the development and progression of a number of diseases in children [1,3,5]

The socio-hygienic conditions of living and the unique aspects of family childrearing have an impact on a child's health from the very earliest moments of life. At the same time, a child's health and morbidity are strongly influenced by the family's lifestyle throughout the first year of life. In instance, it was discovered that children in model homes have lower incidence rates across all age groups than do children in households who have social risk factors. [7,23,25].

Children that follow a routine for their eating, sleep, exercise, and temperance are also less likely to get sick; nevertheless, among a group of kids who don't follow a routine like this, there are many kids who get sick frequently [8,11].

Many researchers contend that maternal care is crucial for newborns' development, and it has been demonstrated that a mother's health improves in direct proportion to how tenderly she raises her child [13,15].

While researching the effects of maternal education and care on childhood diseases during the first year of life, some authors have attempted to construct criteria for the quality of maternal care while taking into account the circumstances, customs, and traditions of the peoples of Central Asia [21,22].

Medical activity, or human endeavors to better one's own and one's family members' health, is seen as a significant societal issue [23].

According to an assessment of parental understanding of specific child trauma prevention concerns and the laws governing medical care for accidents and injuries, parents are not sufficiently informed about child trauma and are not vigilant in preventing it. [4,20]. Researchers have discovered that children with working mothers and children from dysfunctional families have greater injury rates. They have also discovered that as general and hygienic culture among the populace rises, there are less instances of children dying from external causes. The degree of sickness and death in children and their living circumstances have also been shown to be clearly correlated. Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that children who live in financially secure and pleasant homes experience lower rates of mortality and morbidity; when circumstances deteriorate, the risk of these outcomes rises by 1.9-2.2 times [ 5,16,23].

Medical activism is viewed as a problem because it works to improve both one's own and their family's health. Many families with young children require routine sanitary training and instruction in basic medical techniques, according to some authors. Due to their lack of prior experience in parenting and raising children, parents in families with first-time parents are typically thought to need this more [6, 17, 18, 22]. Under the guidelines for providing medical care in cases of injury and accident, child abuse prevention offers possibilities to improve parental understanding and avoid child injuries and accidents.

The children's organism, which in the human population is the most susceptible to the effects of external influences because it has a poor capacity for adaptation, is the one most susceptible to the signs of pathology. The growth of the fetus and newborn during the intraabdominal stage can be disrupted by a complex (complex) of harmful environmental influences through the mother-placenta-fetus system, as well as genetic and social idiosyncrasies of the parents [19,20 ].

As a consequence of the literature review, it was feasible to establish the critical significance of researching the risk factors that influence the emergence of a certain disorder in children. From them, the incidence of various diseases in children rises as a result of the influence of family autonomy, medical-biological, lifestyle, and socio-hygienic factors.

It is feasible to more efficiently plan and implement primary preventive and wellness measures for the protection of children's health when one is aware of the numerous risk factors influencing the development of diseases in children.


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