EXPRESSIVE SYNTAX: PRAGMATIC FUNCTIONS OF PARENTHESIS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Egamnazarova Durdona Shuhratillaevna

The primary focus of this article is different views of linguists on expressive syntax and the role of parenthetical constructions and their pragmatic functions in discourse. The fact that scholars agree that parenthesis is important as a form of expressive syntax that conveys the addresser’s attitude towards the message, and that they are multifunctional units that signal the textual as well as interpersonal functions of language from a pragmatic standpoint is substantiated. According to the analysis of these views, it is also proved that the use of punctuation marks to separate parenthetical constructions makes them pragmatically more driven.

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Egamnazarova Durdona Shuhratillaevna, Acting associate Professor at Andijan State University, Uzbekistan

E-mail: durdona-e@mail.ru


Abstract. The primary focus of this article is different views of linguists on expressive syntax and the role of parenthetical constructions and their pragmatic functions in discourse. The fact that scholars agree that parenthesis is important as a form of expressive syntax that conveys the addresser's attitude towards the message, and that they are multifunctional units that signal the textual as well as interpersonal functions of language from a pragmatic standpoint is substantiated. According to the analysis of these views, it is also proved that the use of punctuation marks to separate parenthetical constructions makes them pragmatically more driven.

Keywords: expressive syntax, intensity, parenthesis, introductory phrases, inserted structures, pragmatic function.

The interpretation of any utterance depends on the functional selection by the addressee of means of various language levels, not only for the transmission of a message, i.e. actual data, but also to express their attitude to the transmitted information [1, 45]. A special role for the implementation of these communicative goals is played by the category of expressiveness, which has not lost its relevance for many years in view of its enormous importance in the communication process. Being in direct connection with the content plan, expressiveness is realized in terms of expression due to the possibility of selecting such means of actualizing the meaning that are capable of conveying the individual characteristics of the perception of the world of the addressee of the message and can be decoded by the recipient without losing the con-notative and denotative meaning inherent in them. [2, 15]. The means of expressiveness are present at all linguistic levels, in linguistics there are quite a few concepts for the study of this speech category. I. V. Arnold refers expressiveness to the properties of the text or part of it, which convey its meaning with "increased intensity", thereby helping to interpret the addressee's attitude to the message [3, 60]. The category of expressiveness has a wide arsenal of means of

representation, presented at all levels of language and used directly in the process of interpersonal communication. Due to the actualization of the expressive means of the language in speech, which allows almost any linguistic unit to acquire an expressive meaning, the utterance acquires expression, i.e. the ability to convey the state of the speaker [4, 34].

Of particular relevance is the study of the features of expressive syntax, which associated with the growing interest of linguists in the analysis of text structure and pragmatic features of speech activity. Content conveyed at the syntactic level must be presented in the optimal form of expression for exact correspondence with the underlying meaning. It is thanks to the presence of a huge set of means of representation, the expressive category of language most accurately conveys not only the actual meaning laid down by the author of the message, but also his relation to the surrounding reality.

There are various interpretations of the category of expressive syntax. Syntactic expressiveness can be defined as "the property of syntactic forms to increase the pragmatic potential of utterances beyond the degree that is achieved the lexical meanings of the elements that fill these syntactic forms"

[5, 196]. In this definition, the expressiveness of the syntactic level is considered as a property of structures to enhance the expressiveness of an utterance without adding any additional semantic loading, which makes the category of expressiveness similar to the category of intensity. Trofimova E. A. defines syntactic expressiveness as "the property of syntactic structures to have an emotional directionality, as well as serve as a means of logical enhancement of expressiveness and imagery" [6, 240]. In this definition, structural properties of syntactic structures are added semantic, i.e. not only use the development of syntactic units to enhance the expressive effect, but also their ability express the emotional state of the speaker. O. V. Alexandrova describes the range of phenomena that fall within the scope of expressive syntax. She considers it necessary to study syntactic relationships both within a sentence and in super-phrasal units, highlighting expressiveness through the division of texts [2, 7]. The scholar defines expressive syntax as "the doctrine of the construction of expressive speech, the subject of which is the linguistic foundations of expressive speech" [2, 7], and identifies the levels of expressiveness depending on the leading functional features of their constituent elements: predicative units, components of the actual division of the sentence, basic and parenthetical constructions and contextual syntagmas [2, 8].

Expressive syntax is based on expressive constructions. Halliday notes that syntactic constructions can act as a means of transmission of the author's thoughts, his/her vision of the world in the most effective way in a speech situations [7, 21]. It means almost any element of syntax has an expressive potential. Expressive constructions can be defined as "A variant of a neutral syntactic structure that stands out in the discursive fragment and thereby reinforces the pragmatic impact on the addressee" [8, 84]. As can be seen from this definition, the main quality of these units is their opposition to the neutral flow of speech. Such constructions make it possible to express the speaker's attitude to the utterance

and to influence the addressee, create a situation of a communicative act through the use of elements with semantics actualized for a specific situation.

EM. Beregovskaya notes that the expressive the syntax is based on the principle of symmetry [9, 19]. It is due to violation of symmetry in a neutral sentence, syntactic constructions create an expressive effect, attract the attention of the recipient and thereby help to interpret the statement.

One of the types of expressive syntactic constructions is parenthesis, which is the use of introductory and inserted constructions in a sentence in order to show a violation of the author's way of thought, as well as for introduction of additional objective or subjective information [10, 27]. Parenthetical constructions in English is the object of study of many researchers, such as O. V. Alexandrova, E. N. Gorbachev, O. N. Polikarpova, E. S. Skoblikov [5]. Their nature has been studied, different typologies have been presented, the features of their use in different texts were considered. Parenthetical constructions have a complex nature, in which the sociolinguistic factor plays an important role [11, 112]. They are used in different types of discourse - political, scientific, media discourse, artistic etc. In general, the leading function of parenthetical constructions is the meaning of modal, emotional, expressive assessment, as well as the transmission of additional messages and associated information, clarifications, and comments [2, 56].

The term "parenthetical constructions" or "parenthesis" often means introductory and inserted constructions [12, 104]. E. S. Skoblikova distinguished between introductory words and inserted constructions. Introductory words are several functional and semantic categories of words and phrases that perform logical, connecting and contact-establishing functions [14, 7]. Inserted constructions are predicative units, words or phrases included in sentences, which interrupt the beginning of the sentence with additional explanations that arose from the speaker in the process of utterance [14, 9]. For

the convenience of presentation, both phenomena are preferred to be called as parenthetical constructions, or parenthesis. On the basis of existing research on parenthetical constructions, for further analysis of this phenomenon in the original and translation, the following types can be distinguished: according to their structure they are divided into one-word insertions, insertions-combinations and insertions-sentences; according to meaning they can be divided into referrals, exemplifications and deliberations; according to graphic order: commas, dashes, brackets; according to semantic function: function of addition and explanation, clarification, function of entering examples and linking information given in the text; according to their position in the sentence: initial, middle and end positions.

Literature studies on the grammar and syntax of the English language show that fixed infinitive constructions or phrases (to cut a long story short, to tell the truth, to say the least, to put it mildly, so to say, needless to say, to make matters worse, to be honest with you, to begin with, to be sure, to be quite plain, to be more specific etc) can be included in the structure of a sentence as adverbial phrases or combinations, that is, parenthesis, expressing the speaker's subjective attitude to the expressed thought, characterizes the way of its formulation:

The horses, needless to say, were not mentioned again. Tom and Miss Baker, with several feet of twilight between them strolled back into the library, as if to a vigil beside a perfectly tangible body, while trying to look pleasantly interested and a little deaf I followed Daisy around a chain of connecting verandas to the porch in front. (Fitzgerald F. S. The Great Gatsby, 19).

The use of parenthesis makes it possible to combine various semantic and temporal plans, creating semantic polyphony [15, 142]. Parenthetical constructions prosodically differ from the whole sentence, they are made out using the intonation of the inclusion, moreover, the length of the pause depends on the degree of semantic connection of the given construction with a specific statement [16, 44].

A. I. Anikin distinguishes inserted and introductory constructions, considering them to be different elements of syntax, and refers to parenthesis only introductory constructions in view of the limited semantics and lack of independence of introductory words that do not have a stylistic function [17, 12].

O. S. Akhmanova, claims that inserted constructions have a syntactic connection with one of the members of the main sentence and, as a rule, are used to make the statement more expressive [18, 230].

Inserted constructions occupy a special place in the system of syntactic expressive elements, since they can exist as separate units of syntax, but in this case they become neutral sentences, losing their expressive effect. Complicating a sentence, though they are not included in it, are considered a special inner speech of the author of the statement [19, 140].

Parenthetical constructions, insertion structures in particular, can act as a means of syntactic expressiveness, since they are able to convey not only additional information and factual data, but also thoughts and feelings of the author, his subjective attitude to the described phenomena. At the phonological level, such constructions are distinguished prosodically, i.e. using intonation of inclusion, pauses and tone changes that do not violate the integrity intonation of the entire sentence, in writing - with commas, brackets or dashes. The use of such parenthetical constructions breaks the symmetry of the statement, thanks to this, the proposal acquires an unusual sound, expressiveness, influences to the subconscious of the recipient, pointing to the implicitly expressed opinion of the author. When used for expressive purposes, this type of construction expresses the speaker's attitude, irony, sarcasm, emotional condition, etc [20, 30].

Parenthesis largely serves the textual and interpersonal purposes of language. These two functions are communicated via particles, model adjuncts, interjections, perceptive verbs, and other lexical components and linguistic expressions. The term "parenthesis" refers to a group of language phrases

whose principal purpose is to convey textual and interpersonal functions that are both pragmatic. They can have a structural function in highlighting key features of a topic [20, 31].

They can also perform a number of writer and reader-focused interaction activities. The process of text interpretation requires both sorts of functions. Interpersonal functions give the general structure of discourse by determining the kind of elements contained in the text. Structural information guarantees coherence and avoids an unintentional inference, whereas structural information ensures coherence and prevents an unintended inference. This means that coherence is connected to the sociolinguistics environment as much as the content.

The above analysis has revealed that parentheses are a distinct category that must be separated from other peripheral or unnecessary categories seen in spoken speech, such as interjections, fillers, routines, and so on. Analysis of the structural, functional and positional characteristics of parenthesis in the structure of sentences in modern English allows us to believe that these elements are special transfers in the structure of a sentence and, building on over static composition, can be an additional informative perspective, auxiliary messages, without affecting the main predication of the message, thereby contributing to the progressive movement of the information flow - they enrich the content and expressive aspects of the statement.


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