REPETITION OF SIMPLE SENTENCES IN MODERN UKRAINIAN PRESS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Horobets I.

The article considers the peculiarities of stylistic repetition of simple sentences in the language of the Ukrainian press 2016 - 2019. Article purpose is to investigate various kinds of syntactic repetition, in terms of their structure and functions. Achievement of the purpose demands the decision of following problems: to identify the typical varieties of expressive repetitions, to define their functions and to clarify the role in the semantic and pragmatic load in newspaper texts. Identical, synonymous, antonymous expressive repetitions are singled out. The concept of expressiveness in newspaper journalism is analyzed. The main expressive functions of repetition of simple sentences are determined. It is established, in particular, that most of the repeated syntactic constructions perform an amplifying function, highlighting the main content of what is said. Considerable attention in terms of the amplifying function is paid to the repetition of parceled constructions, as well as to the identical repetition, which realize contact with the recipient and influence his future steps at the syntactic and lexical level.

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Horobets I.

Assistant of the Department of Ukrainian and Foreign Languages, National Agrarian University, Vinnytsia,


https://orcid. org/0000-0003-1748-936X


The article considers the peculiarities of stylistic repetition of simple sentences in the language of the Ukrainian press 2016 - 2019.

Article purpose is to investigate various kinds of syntactic repetition, in terms of their structure and functions. Achievement of the purpose demands the decision of following problems: to identify the typical varieties of expressive repetitions, to define their functions and to clarify the role in the semantic and pragmatic load in newspaper texts.

Identical, synonymous, antonymous expressive repetitions are singled out. The concept of expressiveness in newspaper journalism is analyzed. The main expressive functions of repetition of simple sentences are determined. It is established, in particular, that most of the repeated syntactic constructions perform an amplifying function, highlighting the main content of what is said. Considerable attention in terms of the amplifying function is paid to the repetition of parceled constructions, as well as to the identical repetition, which realize contact with the recipient and influence his future steps at the syntactic and lexical level.

Keywords: identical, synonymous, antonymous repetition, simple sentences, expressiveness.


Simple sentences in modern Ukrainian newspaper discourse are characterized by extraordinary imagery, which has its own specific features. Different approaches are used to determine the nature of journalistic imagery of simple sentences, as well as the peculiarities of their interaction with the reader. V. Chabanenko emphasizes that "Expression is not what gives speech emotionality, imagery, character, but what it is generated by emotionality, imagery of speech... This is not expressiveness, but intensification expressiveness, is to increase the influential power of what is said, giving it a special, psychologically motivated sublimity"9 (Chabanenko, 1984, p. 7). E. Galkina-Fedoruk qualifies expressiveness as "strengthening of expressiveness, imagery, increase of influence of force"10 (Galkina-Fedo-ruk, 1958, p. 107), which equates it to expressiveness. V. Shakhovsky interprets the concept of expressiveness as "purposeful enhancement of expression by different linguistic means, designed for a certain reaction of the addressee, ie the desired impact of what is said"11 (Shakhovsky, 1987, p. 58). I. Zavalnyuk, in particular, defines two main criteria for distinguishing expressive syntactic constructions: pragmatic-stylistic, the purpose of which is to influence the emotions or worldview of the recipient, and formal, which depends on the presence of syntactic partition12 (Zavalnyuk, 2009, p. 36). Of course, we will start from the pragmatic and stylistic criterion, as it allows us to consider in detail and analyze the role and functions of the studied elements.

There is also a tendency to use repetitions of simple sentences or predicative parts of complex unconnected or complex sentences. The most common in the studied newspaper texts are identical, synonymous, an-tonymous repetition and amplification.




A rarer phenomenon in a simple sentence repetition system is syntactic synonymy, which is provided by the transition of the subject syntax of one sentence to the object syntax of another sentence. Eg: Але не мiг бути нащонал^т першим президентом, бо народ нас не posyMie. Не м1г народ обрати президентом нащонал^та, Чорновола чи Лук'яненка, бо ко-мун1зм був i'M ближчий (Голос Украши, 23.08.2016, с. 5). Here we see that the first sentence defines the complete independence of the subject nationalist, because, at first glance, the only obstacle to his presidency was his own reluctance or other subjective criterion. Instead, when it passes into the object plane, we observe the presence of reasons that did not depend on it. Thus, a new subject appears - the people, who could not allow him to perform a specific action, which imposes a shade of a certain passivity of the first subject and its dependence on the moods and ideas prevalent in society.

The use of repetitive synonymous constructions presupposes accentuation of the reader's attention on a certain problem, aggravation of it in the consciousness of the recipient or for the purpose of clarification, con-cretization of the uttered, detailed disclosure of the content: Коли прогхали пустинними вулицями Волярки, здалося, що все живе тут вимерло. Довкола жод-ног живог душi (Лггературна Украша, 23.02.2017, с. 11); Таким вгн мет закарбувався. Таким я його (М.Мрошниченка -I. Г.) бачив. Принаймт такого я знаю, таким завжди зуcmрiчав у видавництвi «Молодь» (Лггературна Украша, 12.01.2017, с. 6); Ми живемо в дуже складний час. Тут не тшьки pyсифiкацiя (i це в умовах незалежног Украши!), а й ознаки духовно'1 деградацИ сустльства... - Не бш-мося називати pечi свогми iменами. Ми живемо в

9 Чабаненко В.А. (1984). Основи мовно! експресй: Моно-графш. Ки!в: Вища школа, 168 с.

10 Галкина-Федорук Е. М. (1958). Об экспрессивности и эмоциональности в языке. Сборник статей по языкознанию, посв. професору Моск. ун-та акад. В. В. Виногра-

дову в день его 60-летия. Москва: Изд-во МГУ, С. 105-


11 Шаховский В. И. (1987). Категоризация эмоций в лек-сико-семантической системе языка / В. И. Шаховский. Воронеж : Изд-во ВГУ, 190 с.

12 Завальнюк I. Я. (2009). Синтаксичш одинищ в мовi украшсько! преси початку XXI столггтя: функцюнальний i прагмалшгвютичний аспекти : монограф1я. Вшниця: Нова Книга, 400 с.

час варваризаци. ... Так, ми знаемо, де ми живемо (Шггературна Украша, 20.04.2017, с. 5).

A significant reinforcing and clarifying role also belongs to the repetitions of parceled constructions - the author deliberately divided into separate sentences parts of a compound sentence of the reason, as indicated by the presence of a conjunction because at the beginning of the second sentence: Проте до Чхнъого голосу й вимог так нгхто й не дослухався. Бо Hixmo занадто й не прагнув до них дослухатися (Шггера-турна Украша, 30.03.2017, с. 7). Presumably, the journalist thus visually noted the importance of each of the recurring elements.

A much greater reinforcing role belongs to the identical repetition of simple sentences, which is mainly aimed at sharpening a certain climax, its logical selection and memorization by the reader. There is an extremely strong influence of the journalist on the recipient, who, in fact, is left with no choice but to perceive the repeated sentence as the only possible in this context and in this case: «А осъ там, - показуе, -Кенстгтонсъкий палац, де жила принцеса Дгана». Гоcmi мугикнули i мовчатъ. « Там жила принцеса Дгана! - повторюе захоплено дiвча, не поба-чивши вогника в очах mурисmiв. - Он у тому па-лащ... Подивтъся! Там жила Дгана!» (Дзеркало тижня, 27.08.2016, с. 11); Даремно забула влада, хто насnравдi е «господарему хаmi»... Даремно забула, бо господар тепер, тсля РеволюцИ Гiдносmi, вже менталъно, моралъно й орган1зацтно iнший (Шггературна Украша, 26.01.2017, с. 4); Якщо ви зараз вгзъмете участъ у сафарi, вас вразитъ юлъ-юстъ неляканих тварин - вони бтьше не бояться людей. Вони не бояться гуркоту (Шггературна Украша, 02.03.2017, с. 11); Перша думка тих дтв: ми повинж бути у ГрузН. Ми повинж бути тут (Украша молода, 10.08.2016, с. 4).

Identical repetition of exclamatory sentences is used to unite different people into a single organism, often used to control the consciousness and activities of the whole community, caused by the desire of people to be like everyone else to avoid failures and failures. The danger of mass emotion is that everyone considers it real, sincere and does not notice its planting. This is due to the behavior of people, which is not typical of them in any other situation. Its positive effect can be a stimulus, encouragement, motive to move forward: Життя тривае. Повертаетъся у звичне русло. А пережите примушуе кожного (не тшъки владу) ро-бити висновки. Ще раз: життя тривае! (Вгн-ницька газета, 29.09.2017, с. 2); Зовсiм незнайомi люди обшмалися, хтосъ витирав зволожнШ вiд слгз радосmi очi, а молодъ iз захватом скандувала: «Рекорд! Рекорд! Рекорд!» (Украша молода, 23.08.2016, с. 12). Using a hyphen in a repeated noun exclamatory Re-cord! also indicates an enhanced emotional effect.

The identical repetition of broken simple sentences leaves a specific imprint on the peculiarities of the perception of the text. The fragment I do not see it indicates the impossibility of its existence at all, the denial of its political role and essence. Instead, the repeated sentence I do not see it as a meaningful policy slightly softens the overall tone with the added clarification as a meaningful policy, but still does not leave it possible to be rehabilitated in the eyes of the recipient:

Я ii не бачу... Я ii не бачу як осмислену полтику (Украша молода, 17.08.2016, с. 4).

Sometimes we observe the repetition of simple sentences with a certain semantic accumulation, the growth of signs, states, forms, actions. This repetition is qualified as amplification. Amplification of simple sentences gradually enhances the meaning of the first element, draws the recipient's attention to it, indirectly indicates its importance, the place among eternal values: song, love, etc.: Мет запропонували заствати двг тст, а поmiм запропонували заствати ще двг тст, а поmiм ще заспгвала невгдомо скЫьки тсень (Культура i життя, 20.10.2017, с. 8); Вт просто маленький хлопчик i, як усi маленьт хлопчики, бшъше за все на свimi любить маму. Любить свою маму, якою б вона не була, й не хоче чужо1 Вт любить маму (Дзеркало тижня, 20-26.08.2016, с. 2); Шумить на порогах Швденний Буг. Пруж-ний вт, сmрiмкий. ... Клекоче Буг на порогах... (Вгнницька газета, 02.02.2018, с. 9).

Enhanced expressiveness of simple sentences is also achieved by the skillful use of antonymous repetition of simple sentences, which is quite common in Ukrainian newspaper texts of the period under study on the topic of spirituality, morality. Due to the antony-mous opposition of repeated sentences, used mainly by using the negative participle in one of them, encourage readers to think about a certain moral and ethical problem, to form certain conclusions. By the way, no one dictates to the reader what the conclusions should be, but through antonymous constructions the author brings the reader to a specific choice and specific actions: to forgive guilt, to be humane, to teach and study in good faith: Рядок з мого вiрша « Уст простив, не все пробачив. Треба б такше: « Усгм простив, усе пробачив». Треба б, але... (Шггературна Украша, 17.08.2017, с. 6); Я не знаю, що вона [поетеса Катерина Бабкта] вклала в цю фразу, але я точно знаю, про що вона для мене. Про людянктъ (Дзеркало тижня, 20-26.08.2016, с. 2); Але знання самг по соб1 не е великою цгннгстю. Вони втшюютъся в дИ. ТЫъки застосован знання мають цттсть (Освгта Украши, 16.10.2017, с. 12).


Thus, on the material of the researched newspaper texts we observe a tendency to use expressive repetition of simple sentences. Depending on the form of presentation, type of repetition, language means, means of graphic image, intonation drawing, repeated sentences perform an expressive function - amplifying, emotional, motivating, etc. However, in addition to expressing the inner world of the narrator, they can often come across the inner world of the recipient or his ideal model, which he should be after reading the article. The most common types of repetition of simple sentences in the studied texts are synonymous (in particular, syntactic synonymy), identical, amplification and antonymous, each of which has features of interaction with the emotional and ideological world of the recipient.


1. Chabanenko V. (1984) Osnovy movnoyi ek-spresiyi: Monohrafiya. Kyyiv: Vyshcha shkola, 168 р.

2. Halkyna-Fedoruk E. (1958). Ob ekspressyvnosty y emotsyonal'nosty v yazyke. Sbornyk statey po yazykoznanyyu. Moskva : MHU. РР. 105107.

3. Shakhovskyy V. (1987) Katehoryzatsyya 4. Zavalniuk I. Ya. (2009). Syntaksychni

émotsyy v leksyko-semantycheskoy systeme yazyka. odynytsi v movi ukrayins'koyi presy pochatku XXI Voronezh : VHU, 190 р. stolittya: funktsional'nyy i prahmalinhvistychnyy

aspekty : monohrafiya. Vinnytsya: Nova Knyha, 400 р.



Емельянова Е.В.

кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры Языков и Литературы Казахско-Русского Международного университета, г. Актобе, Республика Казахстан



Emelyanova E.

Candidate of Pedagogical Science, Associate Professor of the Department of Languages and Literature Kazakh-Russian International University Aktobe, the Republic of Kazakhstan


В статье автор рассматривает лингвокультурологический аспект изучения словарного состава языка, формирования языковой личности с учетом национально-культурной специфики картины мира, которая наиболее ярко отражается в пословицах и поговорках. Автор сравнивает английские, русские, немецкие и казахские пословицы и поговорки, касающиеся общечеловеческих и этнокультурных ценностей этих народов. Автор подчеркивает также необходимость использования пословиц и поговорок в процессе преподавания учебных дисциплин, так как это помогает развитию межкультурного и межъязыкового общения и способствует межкультурной интеграции. Лингвокультурные особенности той или иной языковой общности необходимо тщательно анализировать. Изучение, анализ и принятие этих особенностей закладывает основы межкультурной коммуникации, базовой частью которой является социокультурная компетенция. Основой же для формирования социокультурной компетенции является знание национально-культурных особенностей своего народа. Национальная лингвокультурологическая система - это существенная основа - ориентир бытия народа, в силу чего освоение ее обучающимся должно быть определено общей универсальной задачей всех учебных дисциплин. Лишь в этом случае мы сможем говорить об эффективном межкультурном взаимодействии и интеграции культур.


In the article, the author of the linguoculturological aspect of the study of the vocabulary of the language, the formation of the linguistic personality, taking into account the national-cultural specifics of the picture of the world, which is most clearly reflected in proverbs and sayings. The author compares English, Russian, German and Kazakh proverbs and sayings regarding the universal and ethno cultural values of these peoples. The author also emphasizes the need to use proverbs and sayings in the process of teaching academic disciplines, as this helps the development of intercultural and interlanguage communication and promotes intercultural integration. The linguocultural features of a particular linguistic community must be carefully analyzed. The study, analysis and adoption of these features lays the foundation for intercultural communication, the basic part of which is sociocul-tural competence. The basis for the formation of sociocultural competence is the knowledge of the national and cultural characteristics of their people. The national linguoculturological system is an essential basis - a guideline for the life of the people, whereby mastering it by students should be determined by the general universal task of all educational disciplines. Only in this case can we talk about effective intercultural interaction and integration of cultures.

Ключевые слова: языковая картина мира, стереотипы, национальный характер, языковая личность, национально - культурная информация.

Keywords: linguistic picture of the world, stereotypes, national character, linguistic personality, national-cultural information.

Актуальность исследования национально-культурной специфики картины мира признана в последнее время мировой наукой и практикой. Проблема взаимодействия языка и культуры напрямую связана с развитием науки о языке, которая в настоящее время не замыкается в рамках собственной языковой структуры и требует рассмотрения

экстралингвистических факторов[5]. В последнее время особое внимание уделяется этнолингвистике и лингвокультурологии. Широким интересом пользуется изучение культуры с точки зрения лингвистики, психолингвистики, а так же языка, речевой деятельности и всего того, что за этим стоит. Линг-

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