Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor
VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 6 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7
Lecturer, Ferghana State University P.Ashuraliyev, X. Sulaymonova
Ferghana State University
This article is devoted to the importance of using expressive reading in teaching humanities. The author explores the components of expressive reading as a synthetic art.
Keywords: expressive reading, oral speech, the art of reading, written speech, artistic interpretation, artistic reading, art
o'qituvchi, Farg'ona Davlat Universiteti P.Ashuraliyev, X. Sulaymonova
Farg'ona Davlat Universiteti talabalari
Ushbu maqola gumanitar fanlarni o'qitishda ifodali o'qishdan foydalanishning ahamiyatiga bag'ishlangan. Muallif sintetik san'at sifatida ifodali o'qishning tarkibiy qismlarini o'rganadi.
Kalit so'zlar: ifodali o'qish, og'zaki nutq, o'qish san'ati, yozma nutq, badiiy talqin, badiiy o 'qish, san 'at
Преподаватель, Ферганский государственный университет П.Ашуралиев, Х.Сулаймонова Студенты Ферганского государственного университета
Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor
VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 6 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7
Данная статья посвящена важности использования выразительного чтения в обучении гуманитарным наукам. Автор исследует компоненты выразительного чтения как синтетического искусства.
Ключевые слова: выразительное чтение, устная речь, искусство чтения, письменная речь, художественная интерпретация, художественное чтение, искусство.
Among the problems of the profession of a verbal teacher, one of the leading places is occupied by sociable, i.e. communicative problems that reduce the quality of pedagogical work, contribute to the appearance of a barrier in establishing mutual understanding, cooperation and dialogue with students. Today, graduates of universities with a pedagogical orientation do not have enough knowledge of the culture of communication, and they are not always ready to use in their activities, in practice, communicative means of influencing students, skillfully manage the psychological state of the individual, act in an open public environment. The communicative culture of communication includes not only the technique of speech, to speak correctly, to fit in time to present the intended text, but the culture of the personality itself, the culture of thinking, the culture of feelings. Russian literature and literary reading classes are designed to form and improve communicative culture, where this process mainly takes place and students strive to master the art of artistic (expressive) reading, which consists in the creative embodiment of a literary work that effectively sounds in a word. [1]
Expressiveness is a special structure of speech that "supports the attention and interest of listeners", it is "the accuracy of the verbal designation of an object or phenomenon, representation or concept". "To speak expressively, beautifully means to choose figurative words that evoke the activity of imagination, inner visions and an emotional assessment of the depicted picture, event, actor." [2]
The above definitions allow us to conclude that scientists mean different types of speech expressiveness. Depending on the structural areas of the language, there is an expressiveness of pronunciation, lexical, word-formation, morphological, syntactic and intonation. This is the linguistic aspect of expressiveness. Oral speech, unlike written speech, is a live communication. It is characterized by: imagery, emotionality, expressiveness. Direct communication with the audience leaves an imprint on the
Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor
VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 6 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7
syntax of oral speech: the speaker often uses various types of simple sentences, especially interrogative and exclamation, widely uses connecting and insertion constructions, introductory words, repetition of the same thought, gradation of evidence, etc.[1]
The expressiveness of oral speech is enhanced by intonation, which actually forms speech, helps to activate its communicative function - the function of communication between people. S. Volkonsky wrote: "Voice is clothing, intonation is the soul of speech." [2] There is intonation in written speech, but speech and language cannot be reduced to each other. Not everything that is in speech is formed in the language. The concrete meaning of every utterance follows, according to N.N. Zhinkin, not only from the content of communication, but also from the situation of communication. [1] Intonation conveys information not only about what is being said, but also about who is speaking, how, where and to whom.
The question arises, which form of speech does expressive reading belong to. We are convinced that to the oral form of speech. You can simply read the text aloud, observing punctuation marks, but such reading will not be expressive. Expressive reading differs from oral speech only in that it is not created in the process of verbal improvisation, but in reading, as well as in oral speech, the thought, feeling and will of the speaker are manifested in unity, therefore, voicing the text, the reader expressively not only reads the intonation that is inscribed in it, but and expresses his attitude to what he reads about. His own attitude to what is being read determines various interpretations of reading. K. S. Stanislavsky said: "The meaning of creativity is in the subtext. Without him, the word has nothing to do on stage. At the moment of creativity, the words are from the poet, the subtext is from the artist. If it were otherwise, the viewer would not ("break into the theater, but would sit at home and read the play." [2] The main thing that lies in expressive reading was put forward by V.I. Chernyshev: "Read as you say." We also find confirmation of this idea in the authors of modern works: "The oral form of the realization of literary language is used where a living sounding word is needed: agitation and propaganda activities (conversations, lectures, rallies), scientific (reports, debates), literary and artistic (artistic reading, stage performance)." [5]
The work on expressive reading is based on the sincerity of experiences. In order to speak "with feeling", the reader must strive for verbal action. Often students mechanically pronounce words. But it is necessary for the speaker (reader) to communicate meaningfully and purposefully with listeners. To do this, he must know
Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor
VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 6 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7
well what exactly (topic) and for what purpose (idea) he wants to convey the text to the audience. The formulation of a specific task also makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of speech and reading. K. S. Stanislavsky noted: "To speak is to act. This activity is given to us by the task: to introduce our visions into others. It doesn't matter if someone else sees it or not. Mother Nature and Father subconsciousness will take care of this." [2] The art of artistic reading is an independent art form. It is defined as "a secondary relatively independent artistic activity, the creative side of which manifests itself in the form of artistic interpretation." At the same time, artistic interpretation is understood as "the interpretation of the product of primary artistic activity in the creative process of performance." Indeed, musical art cannot do without a composer, and a composer needs instrumentalists and singers. The same is true of the playwright and the actor. Due to the fact that the art of reading has acquired its independence as a result of a long process of transformation of oral folk art into written literature, the author's style of many works sometimes cannot be expressed by any other art other than the art of reading. [3]
Thus, artistic and expressive reading is a synthetic art, it lies at the junction of literature and stage art. However, in each of these arts, the embodiment of the work is carried out by different expressive means. In the theater, the play is played by a team of actors, in the art of reading, the performer is one person, and he, as a master of expressive reading, transmits to the listener a work created by the authors of the artistic word.
1. Bogdanova O.Yu. "Methods of expressive reading: problems, prospects"; Moscow, 1986
2. Lotman Yu.M. "About poets and poetry"; Art, 1996;
3. Korovin V.I. "Russian poetry of the 19th century"; Moscow, 1983;
4. Rudenko-Desnyak A. Choice and path // Friendship of Peoples, 1982. No. 5.
5. Gizdulin, E. (2022). THE MOTIVES OF EASTERN MYSTICISM IN THE WORKS OF RUSSIAN WRITERS OF THE XIX CENTURY. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 2(5), 731-736.
6. Гиздулин, Э., & Акбаров, О. (2021). Видовые особенности лирики Е. Евтушенко. Общество и инновации, 2(10/S), 47-51.