EXPLORING THE LINGUISTIC AND CULTURAL RELEVANCE OF PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
idioms / linguistic and cultural features / national aspects of idioms. / frazemalar / lingvomadaniy xususiyatlari / frazemalarning milliy jihatlari.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Zayniddin Radjabovich Narmuratov

This article analyses of the research of phraseological units conducted by linguists is theoretically analyzed. Linguistic aspects of phraseological units are also studied.

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Ushbu maqolada frazeologik birliklarning tilshunos olimlar tomonidan olib borilgan tadqiqotlari nazariy tahlil qilingan. Hamda frazeologik birliklarning lingvomadaniy jihatlari o„rganilgan.




Zayniddin Radjabovich Narmuratov

Termiz State University zayniddin.tersu@mail .ru


This article analyses of the research of phraseological units conducted by linguists is theoretically analyzed. Linguistic aspects of phraseological units are also studied.

Keywords: idioms, linguistic and cultural features, national aspects of idioms.


Ushbu maqolada frazeologik birliklarning tilshunos olimlar tomonidan olib borilgan tadqiqotlari nazariy tahlil qilingan. Hamda frazeologik birliklarning lingvomadaniy jihatlari o'rganilgan.

Kalit so'zlar: frazemalar, lingvomadaniy xususiyatlari, frazemalarning milliy jihatlari.


In today's research on phraseological units, we should pay special attention to their linguistic and cultural aspects. The reason is that the unit that embodies the culture, national values, and traditions of every people, nation, and is described as a "miracle of the language" is idioms. In our work, we try to reveal the similarities and differences between the two peoples' worldview, daily lifestyle, traditions such as wedding ceremonies by combining the phraseological units that exist in the lexical fund of the English and Uzbek languages.

According to statistics, more than three thousand people are registered in the world and they live on different continents. All this is reflected in the traditions, customs, world views, culture, language of this people and nation. That is why the representatives of each nation reflect their nationality in their language and culture. Economic-political, cultural, scientific relations between different peoples, countries, the interaction of languages in the field of linguistics, language culture and the national identity of the language, and a new field with a special direction and subject between cultural studies, gave rise to the emergence of a new field - linguistic culture.

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ISSN: 2181-1385 ISI: 0,967 | Cite-Factor: 0,89 | SIS: 1,9 | ASI: 1,3 | SJIF: 5,771 | UIF: 6,1


In the 19th century, V. Von Humboldt laid the foundation stone for the field of linguistics and culture with his work entitled "The structure of language and its influence on the spiritual development of mankind" and noted the relationship between language and national characteristics.

According to Z.N. Khudoyberganova in the educational-methodological complex entitled "Linguo-cultural issues of translation", linguo-culturalism emerged as an independent branch of linguistics in the 90s of the 20th century, "linguistic culture" (lat. lingua "language" cultus "to respect, bow down" the term Greek, "science, science") is related to the research conducted by representatives of the Moscow Phraseological School (Stepanov Yu.S., Vorodboev V.V., Shaklein V., Maslova V.A.) under the leadership of V.N. Teliya, and highlighted.

V.A. Maslova's study guide "Linguoculturalism" deals with the analysis of the relationship between language, culture, people and ethnicity, that is, the paradigmatic relationship of the science of linguoculturalism with other areas of linguistics, the aspects of culture related to the development of language and society. The manual also includes theoretical foundations of science, research methods, object, subject, interaction between language and culture, linguistic landscape of the world, stereotypes, metaphors, symbols, the human image in examples of folk art, the role of women and men in society, their language and culture, comparative and issues such as the importance of cross-analysis methods in linguo-cultural studies are also covered.

N.F. Alefirenko's study guide dedicated to linguo-cultural studies consists of fourteen chapters, which include the methods of linguo-cultural research, the relationship between the concepts of culture and linguistic culture, language, mentality, the linguistic landscape of the world, the ethno-cultural basis of the word, its characteristics, the cultural concept and semantics, the cultural-pragmatic of the word Issues such as meaning are covered. He defines language as a mirror reflecting the culture, psychology, philosophy and history of a people.

N.M. Makhmudov's article "Linguistic view of the world and word acquisition" focuses on the principles of distinguishing between direct and indirect views of the world. The article clarifies concepts such as national consciousness, national language, and concepts. Two types of foreign word acquisition (acquisition of a new concept and acquisition of only a foreign word) are considered,

and cases related to the process of word acquisition in the history

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of the development of the Uzbek language lexicon are highlighted.

D.S. Khudayberganova's doctoral dissertation researched the linguistic and cultural features of texts in the Uzbek language. According to linguistic and cultural approaches, the text is studied as a linguistic and cultural unit that shows the cultural values of a particular people, the national-mental way of thinking. Texts containing similes, metaphors, proverbs and phraseological units, speech etiquettes are recorded as a linguistic-cultural phenomenon embodying national-cultural values. In the work, the role of precedent units in the creation of the text, the history of learning is given importance.


Concepts of language, culture, anthropology and linguoculturology are explained in the textbook "Linguistic and cultural aspects of translation" created by Sh.Usmanova. In the guide, a reasonable approach is given to issues such as the research object and subject, goals and tasks, stages of development of linguo-cultural studies. The role of man in language and culture, concepts such as national mentality, phraseological units, similes, metaphors, and ways of expressing lacunae in translation are covered.

According to I.M. Tokhtasinov in his doctoral (DSc) dissertation entitled "Development of Professional Competencies in Translator Training on the Basis of Equivalence", Linguistics is a new independent science that emerged between linguistics and cultural studies.

Another scientist of ours, Sh.T. Makhmaraimova, says in the textbook "Linguculturalism" that "Linguculturalism is a science that studies cultural facts in language and their product, linguculture."

Based on the above, it can be said that linguo-cultural science is a science formed from the intersection of language and cultural studies, and it is a science that studies the reflection of the culture of a certain nation in its language.

It is noteworthy that in the field of linguo-cultural studies, phraseological units should be emphasized, because idioms are one of the main means of expressing a nation's culture through its language.

In the scientific-methodological guide "Values - the basis of spiritual maturity" by M. Farmonova, it is emphasized that folk proverbs and phraseological units reflect the national cultural values of the people and its characteristics in a unique way. Proverbs and proverbs are the beauty of life, they were created by our ancestors from ancient times based on their life experiences, and they have been appreciated and reached us through folk oral

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creations (proverbs). N.M. Makhmudov, D.S. Khudoyberganova, V.V. Vorobev, V.A. Maslova, V.V. Krasnykh, S.V. Ivanova also recognized proverbs and expressions as linguistic and cultural wealth.


So, it is not an exaggeration and we can say with confidence that phrasemes are the greatest source that reveals the linguistic culture of the nation and the people in a reasonable way.

As you can see, the things that exist in the people's lifestyle or daily tasks were expressed through idioms.


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