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Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Meshcheriakova I., Rabich O., Chumak L., Troshyn M.

Introduction. Transformation of the content and scope of employees’ work in modern production requires a high-quality energy-efficient light environment of permanent workplaces in premises. At the same time, there is a global trend of the spread of eye diseases among the able-bodied population. Range of problems. Changing job conditions upon indicators of intensity of the labor process at production site and rising the level of responsibility for the results of activities increase the risk of erroneous actions due to the fact that the functional status of a person is getting worse. In order to ensure visual performance, the current legislation sets regulatory parameters of light environment indoors. Compliance with these standards is occasionally problematic in reconstruction of old production facilities, and maintenance of regulatory indicators at the appropriate level is virtually uncontrolled over time. The dependence of indicators of operators’ functional status on the quantitative parameters of light environment as a factor of the labor process requires further research. Purpose. Establishment of a range of the light environment parameters to ensure the optimal and high levels of an employee’s functional status at a permanent workplace in hard-working. Materials and Methods. The methodology of experimental studies is based on the general concept of lighting the workplaces indoors with the definition of factors influencing the human work capacity. The levels of employees’ functional status depending on the light environment parameters (light source, illumination of work surface and color temperature) were investigated in line with the method, at which the psycho-emotional response to stress was determined in conditions of the labor process at the operating enterprise for manufacturing and selling metal products. Results. The optimal and high levels of the functional status of employees under artificial lighting of work premises with fluorescent lamps were recorded in a range of 500-800 lux at a color temperature of 5,400-6,000 К. The better results corresponding to a range of 500-1,000 lux and a color temperature of 4,500-6,500 К were obtained under LED lighting. Conclusions. Individual features of the psycho-emotional response to stress in different lighting systems have a general tendency: - increment in activity as the degree of illumination rises with the concurrent decrease in the psycho-emotional stress. The conducted studies of changes in subjective assessments of operators’ work capacity depending on the light environment parameters (level of illumination, color temperature) confirm the significant effect of lighting indicators on the psycho-physiological condition of an employee and, consequently, on the work capacity and occupational safety of an operator.

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Мещерякова 1.В.

Державний вищий навчальний заклад "Приднтровська державна академiя будiвництва та apximeK-тури " доцент кафедри безпеки життeдiяльностi, доктор фшософи (PhD)

Рабгч О.В.

вищий навчальний заклад "Приднтровська державна академiя будiвництва та архiтек-тури " доцент кафедри безпеки життeдiяльностi, кандидат технiчних наук, доцент

Чумак Л. О.

вищий навчальний заклад "Приднтровська державна академiя будiвництва та архiтек-тури " доцент кафедри фундаментальних та природничих дисциплт,

кандидат технiчних наук, доцент Трошин М.Ю.

вищий навчальний заклад "Приднтровська державна академiя будiвництва та архiтек-

тури " старший викладач кафедри архiтектури






Meshcheriakova I.,

State Higher Education Establishment "Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture" Associate Professor of Life Safety, Doctor of Philosophy Rabich O.,

State Higher Education Establishment "Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture" Associate Professor of Life Safety, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Chumak L.,

State Higher Education Establishment "Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture" Associate Professor of Fundamental and Natural Sciences, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate

Professor Troshyn M.

State Higher Education Establishment "Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture" Senior Lecturer of Architecture DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6575894


Вступ. Трансформация змюту та обсягу роботи пращвнишв у сучасному виробнищга потребуе яшс-ного енергоефективного свилового середовища постшних робочих мюць в примщеннях. Водночас спо-стертаеться свггова тенденщя поширення зорових хвороб серед працездатного населення.

Проблематика. Змша умов пращ за показниками напруженосп трудового процесу на виробнищга та щдвищення р1вня вщповвдальносп за результати д1яльносп зб1льшують ризик помилкових дш внаслщок попршення функцюнального стану людини. Для забезпечення зорово1 працездатносп чинне законодав-ство встановлюе нормативш параметри свилового середовища в примщенш. Дотримання зазначених норм бувае проблематичним при реконструкций старих виробничих примщень, а тдтримання норматив-них показник1в на належному р1вш практично не контролюеться з часом. Залежнють показник1в функцю-нального стану оператор1в в1д к1льк1сних параметр1в свилового середовища, як фактора трудового процесу, потребуе подальших дослвджень.

Мета. Встановлення д1апазону параметр1в свилового середовища щодо забезпечення оптимального та високого р1вня функцюнального стану пращвника на постшному робочому мющ в напруженш пращ

Матерiали i методи. Методика експериментальних дослвджень обгрунтована загальною концепщею освилення робочих мюць в примщеннях 1з визначенням фактор1в впливу на працездатнють людини. Р1вш функцюнального стану пращвнишв в залежносп в1д параметр1в свилового середовища (джерело свила, освиленють робочо1 поверхщ кол1рна температура) дослвджувалися за методикою визначення психоемо-цшно1 реакцп на навантаження в умовах трудового процесу на дшчому щдприемств1 з виготовлення та продажу металевих вироб1в.

Результати. Оптимальний та високий р1вень функцюнального стану пращвнишв при штучному освь тлеш робочого примщення люмшесцентними лампами зафжсовано в д1апазош 500-800 лк при кол1рнш температур1 5400-6000 К. При освиленш свилодюдними лампами отримано кращ1 результати, як ввдпо-вщають д1апазону 500-1000 лк та кол1рнш температур1 4500-6500 К.

Висновки. 1ндиввдуальш особливосп психоемоцшно! реакцп на навантаження в р1зних системах освгглення мають загальну тенденцш - щдвищення активносп 3i зростанням освггленосп при одночас-ному зниженш психоемоцшно! напруги. Проведенi дослiдження змши суб'ективних оцiнок працездатностi операторiв в залежносп вiд параметрiв свiтлового середовища (рiвень освiтленостi, колiрна температура) щдтверджують значний вплив показник1в освiтлення на психофiзiологiчний стан працiвника, i, як насль док, на працездатнiсть та безпеку працi оператора.


Introduction. Transformation of the content and scope of employees' work in modern production requires a high-quality energy-efficient light environment of permanent workplaces in premises. At the same time, there is a global trend of the spread of eye diseases among the able-bodied population.

Range of problems. Changing job conditions upon indicators of intensity of the labor process at production site and rising the level of responsibility for the results of activities increase the risk of erroneous actions due to the fact that the functional status of a person is getting worse. In order to ensure visual performance, the current legislation sets regulatory parameters of light environment indoors. Compliance with these standards is occasionally problematic in reconstruction of old production facilities, and maintenance of regulatory indicators at the appropriate level is virtually uncontrolled over time. The dependence of indicators of operators' functional status on the quantitative parameters of light environment as a factor of the labor process requires further research.

Purpose. Establishment of a range of the light environment parameters to ensure the optimal and high levels of an employee's functional status at a permanent workplace in hard-working.

Materials and Methods. The methodology of experimental studies is based on the general concept of lighting the workplaces indoors with the definition of factors influencing the human work capacity. The levels of employees' functional status depending on the light environment parameters (light source, illumination of work surface and color temperature) were investigated in line with the method, at which the psycho-emotional response to stress was determined in conditions of the labor process at the operating enterprise for manufacturing and selling metal products.

Results. The optimal and high levels of the functional status of employees under artificial lighting of work premises with fluorescent lamps were recorded in a range of 500-800 lux at a color temperature of 5,400-6,000 К. The better results corresponding to a range of 500-1,000 lux and a color temperature of 4,500-6,500 К were obtained under LED lighting.

Conclusions. Individual features of the psycho-emotional response to stress in different lighting systems have a general tendency: - increment in activity as the degree of illumination rises with the concurrent decrease in the psycho-emotional stress. The conducted studies of changes in subjective assessments of operators' work capacity depending on the light environment parameters (level of illumination, color temperature) confirm the significant effect of lighting indicators on the psycho-physiological condition of an employee and, consequently, on the work capacity and occupational safety of an operator.

Ключовi слова: свгглове середовище, зорова працеспроможнють, функцюнальний стан пращвника, працездатшсть, безпека пращ.

Keywords: light environment, visual performance, functional status of an employee, work capacity, occupational safety.

The permanent workplaces of employees (operators, managers) in modern production are protected [13] from hazardous and harmful factors of the industrial environment, such as noise, dust, vibration, radiation, chemicals and aerosols, since their work is performed in premises remotely located or isolated from core operations. Therefore, the main factors measuring the level of job conditions are work intensity, microclimate and light environment. As a rule, microclimate inside such premises meets hygienic requirements, since it is provided with technical equipment of heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Conversely, less attention is paid to creating a comfortable and safe light environment at the permanent workplaces.

The influence of lighting conditions on health, work capacity and occupational safety of a person has been confirmed by the papers of European and domestic scientists [8, 10, 22, 15, 21, 4, 9, 20]; there has been established a downward tendency of a number of accidents with increasing levels of illumination. In Ukraine, the increase in diseases of an eye and its appendage amounted to 131.1% among the able-bodied population

over the past 10 years [2-3]. Studies by ophthalmologists and hygienists confirm the linkage between the growth of eye diseases and poor-quality artificial lighting, which leads to overstress of the visual analyzer, increased errors and, consequently, upward risk of a dangerous situation.

Range of problems. In recent years, job conditions have changed significantly both in terms of indicators of intensity of employees' labor process at production site (content of work, sensory and emotional stress) and luminaire solutions for lighting their workplaces indoors. As a result of increasing the level of responsibility for the results of activities, erroneous actions of employees entail the risk of industrial hazards, whose implementation may be an accident, injury or breakdown of service. In different types of production activities, the number of accidents related to unsatisfactory lighting is 30-50% of the total number on average.

The current regulatory documents [17, 6] contain requirements not only for the level of illumination, but also for indicators of lighting quality. However, it should be noted that compliance with these standards

can be difficult in reconstruction of old production facilities (e.g., lack of light slots) and, what is more important, maintaining the standard indicators at the appropriate level is virtually uncontrolled over time.

In modern production of various industries, the share of managers, specialists, technicians, and workers for the maintenance and operation of equipment has increased. Analysis of the content of activities being carried out by this category of employees (operators) enables to establish the following common features: perception of information by the visual analyzer on monitors of terminals and computers, processing and reproduction of information handled, and decision-making. Relevant job conditions [18, 5] are characterized by monotony and intensity; the requirements for speed of perception and processing of information, attention concentrating, critical thinking, and responsibility for decision-making, where errors can have significant negative man-triggered consequences, are raised [12].

Analysis of job conditions according to the classifier of occupational titles of employees, who manage or control the process, revealed the kindred characteristics of labor intensity: sensory, intellectual, emotional stress and decision-making, which afforded ground for studies of changes in indicators of the functional status of operators depending on the quantitative parameters of light environment as a factor of industrial space and as a factor of the labor process by its particulars.

Purpose. Establishing a range of the light environment parameters (level of illumination and color temperature) in dependence to light source in order to ensure the optimal and high levels of an operator's functional status at the permanent workplace, taking into account work intensity in the modern labor process.

Substantiation of the studied lighting systems. The content and features of operational activities involve the permanent presence of an employee at the workplace, so such kind of premises must have natural lighting, para.6.1 [17]. Combined and artificial lighting are used for production and auxiliary premises subject to shortage of natural lighting in order to ensure work capacity according to the nature of works being performed [17, 6].

Natural lighting. Creation of a safe light environment is impossible without natural light coming to the work surface, but its use is limited by light and climatic conditions of the region. Thus, when determining a daylight factor in November in experimental premises with a depth of 4.5 m and a width of 3 m and a window of 2.2x1.5 m, in a characteristic section at a distance from the light hole (point A-1 m), (point B-2 m), and (point C-3 m) respectively, the level of natural lighting in latitude 48°27'00" North was distributed over time, from 8.°° am to 03.00 pm, in a range shown in Table 1. Later, employees were forced to use artificial lighting. This confirms the need to provide a high-quality artificial lighting indoors throughout all working hours.

Table 1

Example of distribution of the natural lighting levels in experimental premises depending on the time-of-day __(November), Dnipro_

Time-of-day, 48°27'00" North External horizontal lighting E3G, lux Level of natural lighting on the work surface

Ea Eb Ec

8 am 6,300 263 141 98

9 am 7,900 265 180 132

1° am 9,500 429 226 157

11 am 11,100 503 249 182

12 pm 11,500 516 266 186

01 pm 10,700 483 250 173

02 pm 8,000 270 184 130

03 pm 5,270 186 89 56

Artificial lighting. Today, fluorescent lamps are common in Ukraine for general lighting of workplaces. Significant advances in development of compact fluorescent lamps have made it advisable to use this light source for the arrangement of local lighting at workplaces, if there is a shortage of natural light. Among the various types of lighting in the field of industry, the leader in developed countries is LED. The main advantages of CD-technologies include their environmental safety due to the absence of mercury and energy efficiency, since the introduction of modern LED solutions reduces energy consumption for lighting by up to 70%.

The studies [14, 7] analyzed the degree of observers' fatigue depending on conditions of the general level of lighting in dynamics. It was found that in the ratios of natural lighting and artificial one provided by discharge lamps, in case of artificial lighting being increased, fatigue had been growing. A number of studies

has confirmed [11, 23, 19] that the shortwave light leads to a phase shift of the circadian system and distress of melatonin secretion. This increases the feeling of vitality and activates the functional status of the body; thus, for the responsible and focused work, it is necessary to take into account this aspect. For the inactive work, it is better to use warm-white lighting, where the maximum visual sensitivity concentrates in the yellow-green area.

Substantiation of experimental studies Study Methodology. The general concept of indoor lighting [4] determines three areas of the possible influence of light environment on visual performance: time-of-day, individual features of an employee (age, functional status) and work intensity (content of work, workplace lighting). We identified a factor space for studying the functional status of employees at the permanent workplace taking into account the most significant effects.

Factor I: time-of-day. We take the influence of time-of-day based on the known studies [15, 9, 20, 16]. Physiologists take into account effects of the circadian system grounded on the rhythms of human life activities (dependence of activity on the spectrum of solar radiation and illumination on the eye retina). Vigorous human activities occur during the day hours from 8.00 am to 06.00 pm, which is a working time for the majority. Therefore, it is advisable to conduct studies exactly during this period.

Factor II: individual features of an employee. This factor is defined by psychologists as mood, expectations of the results of actions and motivation. The study involved men and women aged from 20 to 60 years old.

Factor III: work intensity. Visual and mental performance, fatigue, motor activity, cognitive performance and visual discomfort are taken into account. The main indicators of an operator's work intensity are: the continuative attention (or density of signals), degree of risk to their own lives and degree of responsibility for others' lives.

For studying the functional status of employees by the factor of light environment, the HAM (health, activity, mood) technique was chosen, which is common

Levels of the functional status o

to determine the psycho-emotional response to stress (work intensity). The studies were conducted in real production conditions. The advantage of the industrial experiment is to obtain results by establishing levels in real conditions of the operating process of existing lighting systems.

The method of the HAM operational self-assessment is to test an employee during working hours. H is health consisting of strength, soundness and fatigability. A is activity, which is determined by mobility and speed of the body functions. M is mood composed of characteristics of the emotional state. The HAM Test [1] is a table containing 30 pairs of polar features that reflect the traits of a person's psycho-emotional state. Each state is represented by 10 pairs of words, such as 'at full strength - exhausted' for health, 'sedentary -lively' for activity, and 'cheerful - sad' for mood. There is a 7-point rating scale (3 2 1 0 1 2 3) between the polar characteristics. An employee is proposed to determine the severity of any of characteristics of his state in the form of one of the scores on the scale. The score 0 corresponds to the average (neutral) state (of health or response). The levels of the functional status f were determined according to Table 2.

Table 2

Low Permissible Optimal High Very High

f < 4 4 < . f < 5 5 < . f < 5,5 5,5 < . f < 6 f > 6

The advantage of the HAM technique is the ability to study the dynamics of an employee's functional status through repeated tests, as well as to establish a correlation between the psycho-emotional response to stress and age groups or working hours.

The generality of characteristics (lack of details of individual features) makes it possible to obtain the dependence of operators' state on the parameters of light environment (light source, level of illumination, color temperature).

The influence of light environment on the functional status of an employee was studied in the systems of natural lighting, and artificial lighting with fluorescent and LED lamps. The level of illumination and color temperature were measured while testing with Chroma Lightmeter ST520 device. The parameters of light environment were recorded directly on the work surface three times during the experiment. When processing the results, the level of illumination was taken as the arithmetic mean value of three dimensions.

Approbation of the technique. The experimental studies of employees were conducted at the enterprises of metallurgical and construction industries of Dnipro Region, whose workplaces were located in separate premises. The content of work was to solve simple alternative tasks according to the instruction, perception of signals (information) and their assessment with subsequent decision-making. The job conditions involved

performing the work pursuant to the established schedule with its possible adjustment in the course of activities; attention should have been in the state of concentration for more than 75% of working hours.

The tests were conducted anonymously (only the age and content of work were recorded). The operators worked with the test 3 times for 15 minutes on average. The testing period was selected according to the work schedule (from 8.00 am to 04.30 pm with a break from 12.30 pm to 01.00 pm):

- The first test was conducted from 8.00 am to 9.00 am: - the stage of warming-up;

- The second test was conducted from 11.00 am to 12.30 pm: - the stage of high capacity for work;

- The third test was conducted from 03.30 pm to 04.00 pm: - the stage of fatigue.

The valid and most representative results were selected among the surveys: - 100 tests in total.

The results of self-assessment of an operator' s functional status at the workplace under natural lighting that range within the levels from 80 to 450 lux are presented in Figure 1. Analysis of the scattering pattern shows that the well-being of most respondents at the normalized levels of illumination corresponding to 300 lux [17] and 500 lux [6] falls within the range from the minimum permissible level to the optimal one, i.e. operators feel comfortable at the workplace.

Fig. 1. Self-assessment of the functional status of an operator at the workplace under natural lighting.

The high level (4.8-5.6) of the functional status is fixed at the values of illumination exceeding 300 lux. This self-assessment is conditioned by the physiology of visual perception, since the human eye is best adapted to natural light (brightness contrast, color difference, image quality on the retina, and illuminating intensity on the retina). At the same time, the levels of activity and mood are assessed by employees as low: -permissible for the entire range of measurements. This is probably related to the reduced circadian efficiency [15] of lighting.

Significant scattering of the results of the functional status self-assessment is observed under artificial

E, lux I0DI1 900 800

lighting (Figure 2) with the use of fluorescent lamps. The low level of activity, as under natural lighting, was found in the range of 80-450 lux, as well as from 800 lux and more. The highest activity is observed in the range of 500-800 lux, which confirms the indirect effect of light on the physiological condition of a person. The health level, from low to permissible one, was recorded at illuminations of up to 100 lux and more than 850 lux. However, the optimal and high levels of health as well as mood are expressed by the accumulation of data from 450 lux to 750 lux, so the increase in working efficiency is observed.

700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0

low 5 2 fr

< • • ° = §- ■a •e r.

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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

• O •

• o o • •

1 2 3 4 5,1 5,4 6 7

Fig.2. Self-assessment of the functional status of an operator at the workplace under artificial lighting with the

use of fluorescent lamps.

At artificial lighting with the use of light-emitting diodes, there is observed a convergence of the results of testing health, activity and mood (Figure 3). The low level of activity, mood and health was found in the range of the high levels of illumination from 800 lux

and more, while the permissible-optimal one is in the range of 250-500 lux and 700-800 lux. At the levels of illumination from 500 lux to 700 lux, there is the accumulation of data of the high level of an employee's functional status.

E, lux 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0

low a

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1 2 3 4 5 5,4 6 7

Fig.3. Self-assessment of the functional status of an operator at the workplace under artificial lighting with the

use of LEDs.

The results of studies of employees' functional status depending on the color temperature are also presented in the form of scattering patterns. When testing under artificial lighting with the use of fluorescent lamps, the color temperature varied in the range from 4.500K to 6.100K (Figure 4). The largest amount of

T,K 7000

data on the high level of operators' functional status is observed at the color temperature of 5,400-6,000 K. This is confirmed by both high work capacity of an operator and self-assessment of the functional status of an employee, except for individual features conditioned by the psychological component of labor.

6500 6000 5500 5000 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000

• o « • 0 b toi

1 r * 1 o •( •

• 0 • • „o

• t < / •

low a ■a b



2 3 4 5,1 5,4 6 7

Fig.4. Self-assessment of the functional status of an operator at the workplace under artificial lighting with fluorescent lamps depending on the color temperature.

The increased work capacity is observed at the color temperature ranging from 4,500K to 6,500K of artificial lighting with the use of LEDs (Figure 5). In the same way as at artificial lighting with fluorescent lamps, the vast majority of data of the high level of an employee's functional status was recorded at illumination from 500 lux and more with the color temperature of 5,500 ± 250 K At artificial lighting with LED

lamps of about 1,000 lux, the HAM indicator is at the low and sufficient levels, in contrast to lighting in the range of 500-700 lux, where this figure is optimal and high. Therefore, the level of illumination at the permanent workplaces of operators should be around 700 lux with a minimum of 500 lux, which is confirmed by the European Standard, but the National Standards offer a minimum level of illumination of 400 lux [17].

T, K


6500 6000 5500 5000 4500 4000 3500 3000


• ( p IL

J k. r A


< • • o * o

• to


low 1 a .1 s •fi;

1 ■5; ÏU

5 5,4

Fig.5. Self-assessment of the functional status of an operator at the workplace under artificial lighting with LED

lamps depending on the color temperature.

Results of Studies. The experimental studies were conducted in the period from January 2018 to December 2021 at the enterprise for manufacturing and selling metal products, at the permanent workplaces of operators-managers (men and women) of the production department. The permanent workplaces are located in premises with an area of 12 m2, 18 m2 and 24 m2. The microclimatic conditions are optimal (temperature: 21-240C, humidity: 40-60 %, air velocity: 0.2 m/s). The premises are equipped with heating and air conditioning appliances, and provided with natural light in sufficient amount (the area of windows is not less than 30 % of the total area). The options for lighting the workplaces are natural, combined and artificial. The work of operators-managers with elements of monotony and intensity is mostly performed on personal computers

(monitors). The characteristic of visual works corresponds to B-1, A-1.2 [17]. The studies of changes in the functional status of employees depending on the parameters of light environment were conducted according to the developed methodology.

There are three workplaces of employees in the office for accounting and delivery of products from the warehouse with a total area of 18 m2 (Figure 6). The content of their work is to solve simple alternative tasks according to the instruction, perception of signals (information) and their evaluation using a PC (Visual Work Category B-1). The further study of the functional status depending on the sources and levels of lighting was conducted directly at the workplaces. The normalized minimum level of illumination [17] is 300 lux.

Fig. 6. Indoor disposition of the workplaces of employees from the office for accounting and delivery ofproducts

from the warehouse

3 and 4 conformably to natural and artificial lighting In the period from mid-October to March 2017- with fluorescent lamps. 2021, the employees used artificial lighting throughout The results of studies of the functional status of

the whole working day. The results are given in Tables employees are the low level of activity (Table 4). We

recommended replacing fluorescent lamps with LED

ones. After the recommendations had been imple- range of 510-550 lux. Such illumination of the work-mented, the better results of the functional status were places provides the high level of the functional status of obtained (Table 5), and the proposed system of light en- employees. vironment provided the level of illumination in the

Table 3

Results of studies conducted under natural lighting at the workplaces of operators from the office for accounting __and delivery of products from the warehouse _

Working hours Workplace Level of lighting, lux Operational self-assessment Level of the functional status fcep


8.00 am-9.00 am 1 180 3.9 4.2 5.3 fcep = 4.5 - permissible

2 100 5.1 3 3.3 feep = 3.8 - low

3 92 4.9 3 5.8 fcep = 4.6 - permissible

11.00 am-12.00 pm 1 650 6.1 6.5 6 fcep = 6.2 - very high

2 600 5.8 6.3 5.3 fcep = 5.8 - high

3 530 5.5 4.9 5.2 fcep = 5.2 - optimal

03.00 pm-04.00 pm 1 210 5.2 4.8 5.1 fcep = 5 - optimal

2 170 3.9 3.1 4 fcep = 3.7 - low

3 100 5.1 3 3.3 fcep = 3.8 - low

Table 4 Results of studies conducted under artificial lighting with fluorescent lamps at the workplaces of operators from the office for accounting and delivery of products from the warehouse

Working hours Workplace Level of lighting, lux Operational self-assessment Level of the functional status fcep


03.00 pm -04.00 pm 1 225 4 3.9 5.1 fcep = 4.3 - permissible

2 230 4.4 4 3.9 fcep = 4.1 - permissible

3 180 3.9 4.2 5.3 fcep = 4.5 - permissible

Table 5

Results of studies conducted under artificial lighting with LED lamps at the workplaces of operators from the _ office for accounting and delivery of products from the warehouse_

Working hours Workplace Level of lighting, lux Operational self-assessment Level of the functional status fcep


03.00 pm-04.00 pm 1 550 6.7 6 6.8 fcep = 6.5 - very high

2 542 6.7 6 6.8 fcep = 6.5 - very high

3 510 6 6.4 6.1 fcep = 6.2 - very high

Premises of managers from the production department.

There are three workplaces in the room with a total area of 18 m2 (Figure 7). Their light environment is natural lighting, and artificial lighting with the use of fluorescent lamps.

Fig. 7. Disposition of the workplaces of managers from the production department (photo taken under artificial

lighting with fluorescent lamps)

The content of their work is to solve complex tasks by choice as per the algorithm and to work according to a series of instructions, as well as to perceive signals followed by comparison of actual values with their nominal ones; and processing, checking and monitoring the performance of a task. Their work is done in the conditions of time shortage with information falling

Results of studies conducted under natural lighting at

within the scope of enhanced responsibility for the end result. The normalized minimum level of lighting at the workplaces is Eh = 500 lux. The generalized results of studies of the functional status in the systems of natural lighting and artificial lighting with fluorescent lamps are given in Tables 6 and 7.

Table 6

: workplaces of managers from the production depart-

Working hours Workplace Level of lighting, lux Operational self-assessment Level of the functional status fcep


8.00 am -9.00 am 1 330 4.9 5.1 3.7 fcep = 4.6 - permissible

2 440 5.6 2 5.9 fcep = 4.5 - permissible

3 450 5 3.1 4.8 fcep = 4.3 - permissible

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11.00 am -12.00 pm 1 780 5.5 5.6 6 fcep = 5.7 - high

2 762 4.7 5.8 4.9 fcep = 5.1 - optimal

3 850 5.4 6 5.7 fcep = 5.7 - high

03.00 pm -04.00 pm 1 300 5 2.5 5.6 fcep = 4.4 - permissible

2 282 5.1 5.2 4 fcep = 4.8 - permissible

3 270 5 4 5.8 fcep = 4.9 - permissible

Table 7

Results of studies conducted under artificial lighting with fluorescent lamps at the workplaces of managers from ___the production department__

Working hours Workplace Level of lighting, lux Operational self-assessment Level of the functional status fcep


03.00 pm -04.00 pm 1 330 4.2 4 3.7 fcep = 4 - permissible

2 345 4 4.9 4.6 fcep = 4.5 - permissible

3 410 4.7 2.5 5.7 fcep = 4.3 - permissible

Taking into account the degree of intensity of the labor process and requirements for the high level of activity, it is proposed to replace fluorescent lamps with LED ones in lighting fixtures, and to paint the walls in the premises in a light color.

After implementing the recommendations (Figure 8), the system of artificial lighting with LED lamps ensures the level of lighting in the range of 700-770 lux, which corresponds to the high and permissible functional levels of employees.

Table 8

Results of studies conducted under artificial lighting with LED lamps at the workplaces of managers from the ___production department__

Working hours Workplace Level of lighting, lux Operational self-assessment Level of the functional status fcep


03.00 pm -04.00 pm 1 700 4.8 5 3.9 fcep = 4.6 - permissible

2 721 6 5.4 5.9 fcep = 5.8 - high

3 770 6.9 6.1 6.3 fcep = 6.5 - very high

Fig. 8. Disposition of the workplaces of managers from the production department (photo taken under artificial

lighting with LED lamps)

Conclusions based on the results of studies.

1. The experimental studies have shown a decrease in the parameters of light environment at the permanent workplaces when performing the visual works B-1, A-1.2 from the normalized minimum levels of illumination by more than 10%.

2. Recommendations were developed for the improvement of quality of the lighting system, which allowed meeting the requirements of the European Standards for workplace lighting [6].

3. The proposed recommendations for workplace lighting are based on the results of studying changes in the functional status of operators depending on the parameters of light environment.

General Conclusions.

1. Establishing a range of the light environment parameters to ensure the optimal and high levels of the functional status of an employee at his permanent workplace in hard-working is based on the general concept (4) of visual performance of an operator with the definition of impact factors.

2. To determine the psycho-emotional response to stress during the performance of functional duties at the workplace, the technique for the operational HAM self-assessment was used, which is attributed to the industrial experiment techniques in occupational psychology. The advantage of the industrial experiment is that the established levels of the functional status correspond to real conditions of the production process and parameters of lighting systems at workplaces.

3. Analysis of the results has shown that the individual features of the psycho-emotional response to stress in different lighting systems have a general tendency of increment in activity as the degree of illumination rises (above the normalized minimum level) with the concurrent decrease in the psycho-emotional stress. The conducted studies of changes in subjective assessments of operators' work capacity (health, activity, mood) depending on the parameters of light environment (level of illumination, color temperature) confirm the significant effect of lighting indicators on the psycho-physiological condition of an employee, and, consequently, on work capacity and occupational safety of an operator.

4. The expediency of using LEDs to create an effective light environment at an operator's permanent workplace has been confirmed.

5. Analysis of the obtained quantitative data as per the ratio of levels and sources of lighting against the level of an operator's functional status allows establishing a range of the parameters of light environment, which not only provide the high visual performance, but also contribute to raising the level of occupational safety. The results obtained by the technique described above do not restrict the freedom to choose a particular lighting system and use innovative equipment, but enable to select a system that is the most favorable one for solving production problems at high quality standards.


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